A Council of Betrayal

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A Council of Betrayal Page 11

by Kim Schubert

  I nodded. “Am I hearing thoughts or speech?”

  He shrugged, not worried about either. “We can use Mark and Alec to test it out tomorrow if you want.”

  I nodded, worrying my bottom lip. “We will figure it out,” Logan reassured me, his hand slipping under the sheet to land on my ass.

  I didn’t have a choice. We were bound together, and I needed to make the best of it or I’d drive myself insane.

  “How are we going to handle the packs and my Council?”

  “I don’t know, Olie, and I’m almost insulted that you can think after all the sex.”

  I laughed, looking over to his closed-eyed, peaceful expression. My mood instantly fell. “I don’t sleep well, Logan.”

  He cracked an eye to watch me. “Do I have to sleep badly with you?”

  I shook my head.

  “Do what you need to, Olie. I’m not going anywhere.”

  I tried to hide the freakout building inside of me at the sincerity of those words. Unlike Blake, Logan had seen me at my worst, had witnessed firsthand the drunken train wreck I was after Blake, and he was still here. I think that freaked me out the most.

  Chapter 7

  Logan slept peacefully and deeply. I stared at him for a while before I decided to order room service.

  Not wanting to wake him, I slipped from the bed, throwing on my discarded clothing before heading into the main room. I found the forest green binder on the end table by my door. Heading into the living area, I stopped in my tracks at the sleeping forms piled onto the couches.

  “What the hell?” I whispered.

  No one stirred, except Jerry. He roused from his uncomfortable position to glare at me.

  “Explain to me first why you didn’t do the dirty in Logan’s room, and second, why the hell Mark knew before me?”

  Mark stirred, trying to pull Jerry into a more comfortable position. Jerry shoved his face, standing and pulling down his rumpled gray nightshirt.

  “What the fuck are you all doing here?” I screeched in a whisper.

  He narrowed his eyes at me and I could feel my heart rate accelerating as more voices pinged in my head. I shook my head, my breathing labored.

  “Olie!” Jerry yelled at full force.

  The entire room exploded into movement, shifters standing on coffee tables, fangs and claws at the ready. From behind me, Logan burst out of my room in all his naked glory, stalking toward me.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, pulling me against him as I clutched my head.

  I nuzzled into his chest, breathing in his scent to calm my erratic heart rate.

  “Everyone calm down. Olie is far more sensitive to our bonds then we are,” Logan commanded.

  Jerry scoffed, “Or she’s freaking out being forced and borderline raped to become your mate.”

  I inhaled quickly, turning to look at Jerry. I lost my footing but Logan steadied me, his low growl warning in the background.

  “That’s what you think happened?” I asked, shocked.

  Jerry’s mouth settled into a grim line and he nodded, his eyes flicking back to Logan. “I know how he felt about you, Olie. Mark himself said you’d be a perfect mate. It’s all a little coincidental.”

  “Please don’t let him be right,” Mark said. I turned my face to him.

  “We need her. Logan would never force himself. Damn witch’s establishment,” Hudson growled. I shifted quickly to look at him.

  “The packs have never felt more complete,” Alec whispered, and I turned to look at him. No one’s mouth was moving.

  “Oh shit. I can hear your thoughts,” I announced to the room.

  Awkward glances were exchanged.

  I turned back to Logan. I wanted to ask him to be certain there was no hidden deceit in him, but my instincts warned me not to in front of his pack. Our pack? Fuck.

  I need her, Logan thought. I checked, finding my guards firmly between us again. I let them down and was rewarded by his smile.

  Was any of this intentional? I thought to him, curious to see how this bond worked.

  His eyes widened at hearing me in his head. No, Olie, I would never force you into this. But I want it now that it’s here.

  I nodded, turning to Jerry. “This wasn’t prearranged, nor was it rape. I know the latter well. I’ll allow it’s weird and suffocating when I’m not feeling all mushy.” I rubbed my forehead, feeling a headache coming on.

  I sighed, holding up the food menu. “I’m hungry. Let’s move this party back to your rooms and we can order food and figure this out.”

  “We’re packing your things,” Jerry stated.

  I turned. “Why the fuck do my things need to be packed?”

  “Because I’m not going to be spending another night on the sofa,” Jerry groaned.

  I rubbed my forehead again, the vise-like pressure building.

  “We will spend the night wherever Olivia needs us,” Hudson growled.

  My vision was getting annoyingly spotty. “Jerry, load up what I need for tonight. Hudson, stay out of my underwear. Logan, you are going to have to carry me, things are getting blurry.”

  “Up, Princess,” he murmured. I huffed, uncertain if I liked the endearment or not.

  “Why does my head hurt?” I moaned.

  “Let’s get some food in you and we can figure it out,” Logan whispered as I wrapped my legs around his waist, resting my heavy head against his shoulder.

  My head throbbed in time with Logan’s steps.

  “Don’t forget my weapons!” I growled.

  God this was pathetic. I was being carried during the Conferences.

  Logan settled me down onto his sofa. I sat heavily, feeling my stomach making an appearance at the party.

  “What do you want to eat?” Mark asked me, the phone already to his ear.

  “Mac and cheese, grilled cheese, cake—lots of cake, and cookies. Actually, just order the entire dessert menu,” I grumbled.

  Logan sat next to me, drawing me down.

  “Relax, Olie, the blocks must be wearing you down. Can you try lowering them?”

  I groaned, sitting back up. “Yeah, there is no way I could kick someone’s ass like this.”

  Logan laughed, “Is fighting all you think about?”

  I smiled, leaning forward for a kiss. “Nope.”

  Logan smiled against my lips. “Point taken.”

  That mushy moment was brought to you by a powerful fucking mate mark.

  I shifted, turning toward him and pulling my legs up, resting my back against the sofa arm. Taking a deep breath, I dropped the blocks. Silence met me, and I smiled at Logan.

  Right before I passed out I thought, no one better touch my grilled cheese.


  “No one better touch my grilled cheese!” I slurred, coming back around.

  “Fucking hell, Olivia, do not do that again,” Hudson growled.

  I sat up, blinking as my sight came back and heaving massive sigh. “How long was I out?”

  “Not long. I think your natural block came back online,” Jerry observed.

  I nodded as a plate was settled into my lap.

  “We can feel you, Olie, but can’t access you,” Mark supplied.

  I took several bites, thinking.

  “I need to merge the two shields.” I looked up at Logan. “That’s the only way I won’t expend so much energy to manage both of them.”

  Letting my sight go out of focus, I focused on my shields. My succubus shield wrapped around me, protecting others from my emotions. At least that’s how I’d always thought about it. Letting that one fall, I focused on the packs. Golden threads surrounded me, voices echoing everywhere.

  Tilting my internal head, I asked, “Why doesn’t Kass have a mate mark?”

  “Darren was worried about hurting the baby,” Logan answered.

  I suppose that made sense. I couldn’t wait to tell her what was in store for her.

  Carefully, I constructed my shield again, wrapping my emotion
s inside of it along with my own essence, keeping it apart from the packs. Logan’s mate bond was the thickest rope I saw and I was unable to block it entirely.

  “I’d prefer you didn’t block it at all,” he murmured.

  I nodded, carving out a hole in my shields for him.

  I cracked an eye open wearily. “So, how does that feel?”

  “Better,” Hudson and Mark agreed.

  “Wonderful. Hand me my dessert.”


  I woke up in a pile of limbs to an annoying tingling of bells.

  “Who the ever loving fuck set an alarm?” I groaned, pushing off a leg from my midsection.

  “Make it stop,” I groaned, pushing up to all fours, lying across Logan’s broad and very sexy bare back to paw at the nightstand. I managed to find the phone and knock it off to the floor.

  I rested my head against Logan’s warm back. “I don’t wanna get up.”

  “What time is it?” Logan asked, rolling and shifting me onto the ground.

  “Mother fucking shit!” I yelled, standing up and stomping my feet. “Get up!” I screamed. “Everyone up. If I am awake, the rest of your alarm-setting asses are also!”

  “Eight a.m.,” Jerry informed me, fully dressed in the doorway.

  “You set the alarm?” I growled, stalking toward him.

  “Coffee?” he asked.

  I lunged for him, taking him down around the waist.

  “HOT!” I screamed, rolling over on the carpet to rub the burn away.

  Everyone started rising and walking over to me.

  Jerry looked down at me. “Go get dressed,” he commanded.

  I swatted at his legs before Logan picked me up.

  “Shower,” he groaned, nestling his lips against my neck. I kicked my feet at being carried like a baby, my mind not properly functioning to blare my usual warning.

  I tilted my head, checking my guards and finding them holding. Maybe things would be okay.


  Showered and dressed in jeans, a Star Wars t-shirt (Tommy’s gift to me), and my leather jacket, I sat in the back of the limo talking to Tommy.

  “That shirt is HOT Olivia! Everyone is going to adore it,” Tommy preened.

  I laughed, “Tommy, I haven’t seen Star Wars.”

  “Shh! Do not tell anyone that!” he scolded me.

  “Alright kid, give me your wish list.”

  “Oh Olie, the tech conference is so beautiful. How did I not get an invite?”

  I laughed and Logan’s hand tightened around my arm as he peered inside my mind. I saw his contentment but he saw my concern.

  I pushed both feelings away, focusing on Tommy’s list instead. “Alright Olie, look at table four for the new…” Tommy droned on and I checked out, not hearing his extensive list. He was throwing around words I couldn’t spell.

  “Tommy, you are going to need to text me that, I didn’t understand anything.”

  Tommy sighed, “Logan?”

  “Yeah Tommy, I got it,” Logan stated, patting my leg.

  I looked over at him. “You’re a techie?” I asked.

  He smiled and nodded.

  “Interesting,” I noted.

  Alec handed me a bottle of water. “Vodka?” I asked hopefully.

  He shook his head, opening the door. The swarm of people outside overwhelmed me, hitting my shields full force. I opened the bottle of water, taking a swig, my fingers clenching around the plastic.

  I took a deep breath. “I’ll call you if I have questions, Tommy.”

  “Don’t forget the—“ I handed Logan the phone.

  Fuck, was I too dependent on him already? Ugh. I am no good at this shit! I shook my head, peering out the open door as I listened to Logan and Tommy talking. I liked that he played video games with Tommy and I liked that he spoke the same language.

  I rested my head against the seat, watching the people outside laughing and talking. If I unfocused my sight, I could see who were the shifters and sense their intents. As I dropped my guards further, voices whispered at me.

  Interest and curiosity met my hesitant brush. I called on my succubus power, seeping confidence and contentment. Easy relaxation met my touches.

  Logan’s warm hand wrapped around my forearm. I wasn’t looking too closely at how I knew it was him.

  “Open your eyes, Olie,” he whispered into my ear.

  I blinked, bringing the sight before me into focus.

  “Oh, oops,” I muttered. The shifters at the tech conference had stilled, drawn towards me and my prying.

  I pushed out of the limo to the curious stares. “You are the Mate we have been feeling?” a tall man asked me.

  Logan’s hand came to rest on my shoulder. “Yes,” I said softly, suddenly nervous.

  Heads nodded and I fortified my shields around me, uncertain how to proceed.

  “Your touch is calming,” a woman in a pink shirt said.

  “Nice shirt!” someone in the back yelled.

  I smiled.

  “Let’s us all get in before all the good tech is taken.” Nods met Logan’s command.

  A few stares met mine, stony and determined. I would be facing more challenges. I wish being mated came with a few added benefits, like you know, claws or fangs.

  Nope, now I heard voices. Wonderful.

  “You got Tommy’s list?” I asked as we moved through the crowd inside.

  “Yes, he’s texted and emailed it to me.” I could hear Logan’s smile.

  Everything was sunshine and puppy dogs. This shit couldn’t last long.


  Checked in with my tote bag for purchases secured, we waited for Grams, Mercer, Ali and Grant.

  I twirled the badge around my neck, my irritation with Grams riding me hard.

  She stepped into the scene, surrounded by fierce looking shifters.

  “Wow. Is that your doing?” I asked, looking at Logan.

  He nodded. I pursed my lips, not exactly sure I liked the fact that Logan viewed my security as not enough.

  Ali saw us and relayed our position to the group. They moved through the crowd, parting the seas of people like a freight train. I was so jealous.

  Pushing off the wall I was leaning against, I crossed my arms, watching Grams closely. She didn’t meet my gaze.

  “Did Tommy send the list to you as well? Are we really buying all this stuff?” Grant asked, looking at his phone. “What is this R5 tracking device?”

  “Humor him and buy a few items,” Grams pronounced, dismissing the rest of Tommy’s list as my hackles rose. “We are primarily here to attend the seminar on the detrimental effects of technology on the social setting.”

  “Gah, well, take notes for me. Also, don’t worry about Tommy’s list, I got it. Have fun and stay safe; I’m certain to be challenged. Hopefully not around anything expensive.”

  I smiled and Grams bristled.

  “Hey Olie, can we come with you?” Ali asked.

  I smiled, “I’d love that.”

  The Compass Alphas came to join the party, and we were a big fucking party. We pushed into the first rows of electronic contraptions. I moved slowly, my eyes roving over the tables and the people around me.

  I felt fairly safe, realizing I had forgotten the humans also came to this event, being that it did dominate the entire Convention Center. I saw them ogling the different contraptions. I probably should have paid closer attention the guide map; maybe there was a Supernaturals only section.

  “How are you feeling?” Sage asked me, picking up night vision goggles. No way she would actually need those.

  I shrugged, looking at a concealed carry purse for sale. “Fine, it’s an adjustment.”

  She nodded, careful not to keep my gaze long. “It must be a big adjustment.”

  “Yeah.” I was careful not to mention that I could now hear thoughts. If I wanted to.

  “How’s Logan handling it?” she asked me, leaning closer, trying to force a sense of intimacy between us.

  My guards were up and I didn’t like her questions. So I met them with a winning, full teeth smile. “Wonderful, he couldn’t—I mean we couldn’t be happier.”

  She took the hint and shut up, giving me the cold shoulder.

  A ping hit my shields and I looked up to see Logan watching me closely. Shit, I checked my internal guards and found I was locking him out as well.

  I rolled my eyes and adjusted the feed of our bond.

  “Happy?” I asked him, coming to stand next to him at the booth.

  “Overjoyed,” he deadpanned. “What do you think of these tracking devices?”

  I looked at the table before looking up at Logan. “That’s the tracker?” I asked, impressed, looking at the salesman behind the counter.

  “Yep, it’s our smallest and thinnest model yet,“ he beamed.

  “What’s the radius? How reliable?” I peppered him with questions.

  He smiled. “We have a 98% tracking rate and have yet to have a unit go down.”

  “How long does it work?” Logan asked.

  The tech paused. “Only for a half hour.”

  I sighed. “It’s so pretty, but so fleeting,” I lamented before moving on.

  Logan stayed by my side as we moved farther down the rows.

  We managed to sort through the first two rows, collecting an impressive stash.

  “Tommy is going to freak over those ear buds,” I told Logan, excited.

  “Do you think I should find something for Lorraine?” Logan asked me while looking at a laptop bag.

  I shrugged. “It would be a nice gesture, and considering you may have to tell her about us, it wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

  His eyes shot to mine, like he hadn’t even considered he’d have to tell Lorraine, and he might not have. It wasn’t like we were soliciting her advice or needed her to like us. She was a pregnant pain the ass.

  I squirmed under his gaze, moving on to look at a tablet with impressive capabilities.

  We made our way to the far wall with an imposing-looking doorman.

  “So this is where they keep the good stuff,” I smiled. A girl could never have too many weapons.

  Logan smiled. “So, you weren’t paying attention when we checked in?”

  “Nope.“ I wanted to add a smartass reply, but as a Mate and an Alpha’s partner—real partner, no longer temporary—I had to keep my mouth shut in public. I doubted I’d be able to keep up that pretense for long.


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