“If I may interject, it was one of my father’s proudest moments, to donate a Sol Furnace to this city of learning. It is as if Providence herself had provided the ability to generate inconceivable amounts of energy with the construction of massive generators. Indeed, it is enough power to provide the energy requirements for a hundred universities. Now these generators power devices of remarkable design and terrifying function.
“Voltage Disruptors are being manufactured to a single basic design, in three different sizes, Fraulein Plumtartt. Each starts with a long, tubular shaft, surrounded by concentric rings of glass, descending in size and order, from large to small, a dozen in quantity. These are wrapped in electric apparatuses, with steel framing binding the components securely. These weapons are assembled atop electricity-powered boom and crane platforms, able to lift and point the devices. A fantastic combination of intricate clockwork, and advanced electric theory, these cranes allow for ease rotation, and wide range of fire. In fact, they are on pivots; the operator of this device would have a veritable umbrella of maneuverability. With sufficient electric power, this voltage cannon is able to direct a blast of electrical energy at its target.”
“The smallest version consists of a steam powered, back mounted generator, which provides power for a rifle-style, hand-held Disruptor. They appear to be used in a “from the hip” manner. These are just now being brought into production.”
“Ach, zee next one is the most frequently used. A wagon mounted Disruptor, this is fed by one of two means. Either it has access to energies supplied by the Furnace, or, as is so desperately necessary, it is self-supplied with electricity. Teams of wagon-mounted dynamo squads generate power by means of steam furnace, or by manning pump and crank powered models. These can be sent into troublesome spots that the big models cannot defend, due to the damage that happens collaterally. The Disruptors and their generators must be pulled by teams of men, since horses have proven useless in this crisis. Most of the wagon mounted Disruptors are connected by copper wire to their power source of the Sol Furnace.”
“And now we are brought to the third and largest of Disruptors being built. It is the same weapon, of the same design, but this beautiful device is twenty feet tall and forty feet long.”
“I say, these Voltage Disruptors are absolutely fascinating to behold, gentlemen. Truly, this is a device that looks as if it came from a future as yet undreamed. An other-worldly aura surrounds this spectacle; it is quite breathtaking in its deadly beauty. To see this frightening weapon discharge its disruptor blast must be an experience both blinding and shocking.”
“There are only two of the big ones in service. This one we see before us here in the university is the third gigantic Voltage Disruptor. It is on its way for placement. Its destination is North of the city. The Plabutsch Mountain dominates the plain overlooking the approach from the Alps. This weapon will enjoy miles of open operating space. The other emplacements are to the North-East, and directly East of the City. Mountaintop emplacements face outwards from the city.”
“Our troubles started with 'ghosts’,” Professor Tesla explains. “It was my own admittedly brilliant use of this cathode tube and projection reading devices that allowed us to look at what was popping up around us. But then, it also showed the approach of other things. We received distant signals of a creature displaying tremendous size. Fortunately, we trusted our instincts, and barely had a weapon of this design prepared in time to stop the beast. We now endure nightly attacks of invisible creatures that drain our citizens of their life force. These newly created creatures of ectoplasmic beasts would seem to manifest as fiendish, invisible, monsters. I sense that the huge creatures from the mountain ranges are something old, something that has slept under the mountains for untold millennia, but has now awoken.”
“Excuse me please, Professor Tesla,” Mr. Temperance injects, “if I may have access to your manufacturing facilities, I have a few ideas brewing.”
“The first idea: Among the weapons for which you should be making forms for your resin are spear and arrow heads, along with daggers and bullets. Exchange your lead and steel bullets for ectoplasmic resin.”
“The second idea involves the explosive nature of the ectoplasm when given the right amount, or frequency of electrical charge. Can the combustible nature of the material be harnessed to our purposes somehow? Have you tried it as a propellant or as an explosive? Is there a way of enhancing the explosive properties?”
“We have done a great deal of experimentation,” says eminent engineer, Dr. Chardz-eneize. “It takes a very particular frequency of generated modulation. Not a lot of power is necessary to fire the ectoplasm. It is easy enough, and portable enough, to ignite the ectoplasm with the right equipment. I am unable to convert this to a direct energy device, and send it out in blasts. Hence the Disruptors. We have the technology to use the ectoplasm as a propellant; we just have not had a reason to do so. But I am very excited about your resin bullets.”
It takes little time to prepare the molds and come up with our first batch of weaponry.
Oh! I say! Good show! The formula and process are working perfectly! The efforts towards weaponing the resin appear to be a success! Hurrah!
As I have done all my life, having grown up in and around laboratories (Father said I was his little test tube baby), I am taking copious notes. All of the experiments and technologies I have been exposed to are meticulously chronicled in my personal journal. One never knows when this information may prove useful.
Night has fallen and the attacks may start at any time. The scientists and engineers work without acknowledgment of outside conditions, though I am certain that they truly are only all too aware of the nocturnal danger. I grow anxious as night more firmly takes a hold on the landscape, and I know that we enter the operating zone of the foul creatures.
We conduct an experimental firing of the resin bullets. A heavy log is brought in as a test target.
A rifle round has been bullet exchanged, lead for resin.
The log receives a heavy impact from the durable resin. The trial is considered a success and we predict that these resin projectiles will be very effective against our enemies.
However, I sense that Mr. Temperance is not satisfied.
“Mr. Temperance, are you not pleased with our developments? You should be very proud, my American ally.”
The shy fellow blushes and traces a circle with his toe before responding.
“Gee, thanks, Miss Plumtartt, but I really gotta give credit to those English chemysts that helped us out. I do, however, have an itch. I want to try a little experiment of my own, if you think they’ll let me.”
“By all means, sir.”
Mr. Temperance loads a rifle cartridge, utilizing recovered, non-resinated ectoplasm as the propellant. The specialized frequency generated modulation device is hooked up in a makeshift laboratory firearm. Essentially, the cartridge is being held in a clamp. It uses a lead bullet with an ectoplasmic propellant. The makeshift firearm is heavily secured. It is fired successfully. The ectoplasm has an explosive, propellant charge comparable to standard gunpowder.
“Please indulge me,” Mr. Temperance requests, “for I am hoping the ectoplasm will interact with the resin to 'charge,’ one another.”
The inventor prepares another round of ecto-ammo, this one with an ectoplasmic propellant combined with a resin bullet.
The frequency modulation generator has been prepared.
The round is fired.
Everyone is sitting on the floor, having been thrown there by the unexpectedly powerful blast. The heavily secured makeshift laboratory firearm has disappeared, presumably disintegrated by the ectic-explosion.
“My word!” I exclaim.
How fortunate I am to be cushioned by bustle! The gentlemen around me were not so serendipitously fashioned.
There is a fine cloud of sawdust from the atomized log,
and behind that, a gaping hole in the fine old university stone work.
Hearing the bells of the Schlossberg Clock through the newly opened hole in the outside wall, I can tell from the reactions of those around us that they signal our enemies’ approach.
The attacks have begun.
Chapter 27 - The Battle of Graz.
“Miss Plumtartt, are those bells signaling an attack?”
“They do not herald the arrival of a frozen confection wagon, Mr. Temperance.”
The bells are still ringing, but they can barely be heard over the tumult of citizenry readying themselves for war. Fighting panic, the defenders desperately try to get the new giant Disruptor, the one we just examined, into place North of the city. Efforts at getting power to the location are still under way.
The bells stop ringing. Lots of folks start ‘shushing’ one another and then silence falls over the anxious city. Being quiet and watchful are the only means of detection other than the ‘Eye.’
Semaphore signals from the clocktower communicate that the ‘Eye’ has revealed something large to the North of the city. We then get signals of what the locals are calling ‘Daisies.’ That is, they just sort of ‘pop up’. The ‘Eye’ searches near and far. Secondary messenger teams use their flags to pass the information to ground level operators.
The university’s middle sized wagon-mounted Voltage Disruptors operate on the ends of their copper wire leashes that supply their power. More of the powerful devices adorn the roofs of the houses of learning.
Several Voltage Disruptors sit ready to defend the Sol Furnace.
I understand that the independently powered wagons, be they by hand cranked methodology or steam driven dynamos, are stationed throughout the city. I reckon there’re about seventeen, or eighteen, altogether. Our biggest obstacle, I believe, lies in our inability to see and locate the beasts. Only a few sets of “Beauties” have been created. Crews are trained to listen. Currently, ear horns and electro-dynamic listening stations are used to detect the chittering noises the unearthly beasties make. Sharp young boys and girls who have the heart for such work help to look for the fleeting shadows and listen for the disturbing sounds.
Disruptor squads are already busy throughout the city. Someone makes a comment that the attacks have not started this early before. They are popping up with more frequency. We can see a blast of Voltage Disruption! Great Jehoshaphat! I just about jumped out of my skin at the crack of that charge, and it was nearly half a mile away. Two more discharges happen where we can see them and we hear excited sounds of combat!
Spinning up my ‘Beauties’, I can see a few fluttery batlike creatures, clumsily flapping through the air. Most are way too far away for me to assist, but one darts near to our position and drops. It lands on the head of an unfortunate victim. I am at his side in a flash. With effort, I pull the thing off and kill it with P.E.R.K. before the poor man is seriously injured.
More citizen soldiers jump in to defend each other with their new resin weapons.
The Voltage Squads know their business. They have learned how to track and spot an invisible foe. Amazingly, with the combined efforts of many people, monsters are sketchily tracked. It is the operator’s decision whether to take the shot. It is always immediately apparent whether the strike hits home; either there is a terrific explosion from the demon, with the monster briefly visible in a stark silhouette before detonation, or the surrounding buildings are hit instead, and they suffer the blast.
That was a Voltage Disruptor at close range! Good grief, that was powerful!
Distantly, the big gun in the North East has fired on something. Now the emplacement to the East has fired. This Squad weapon next to me is charging up for another strike. It must have a target or it might explode. There! I climb up on the platform and put the goggles over the operator’s face. He sees the creature. The concentric glass circles begin to light up in a sequential pattern, faster and faster, until they reach an electric crescendo!
BOOOM! (Explodes the monster).
Miss Plumtartt is monitoring the semaphore. More large creatures are moving towards us from out of the Alps in the North, and from out of the Carpathians, to the East. The two giant Disruptors cast monumental bolts of destruction from the mountaintops. Apparently there has never been an onslaught like tonight’s. There is real desperation that the third emplacement will not be operational in time.
More Disruptor fire is going off all over the city now. Between the University’s and Furnace’s roof mounted guns, and those around the city of Graz, there is never a moment when the Disruptors are not firing.
One of the few prototype back-mount, handheld Voltage Disruptor operators hurries by. He has one of the few new sets of ‘Green Beauties’ that have been hastily constructed. I do not envy him as that backpack steam-dynamo looks like it gets very hot.
Oh no! There is a terrible explosion from the big North-East emplacement! Rings of electrically charged flames burst in strangely patterned circles from the vital, big gun. The gigantic battery that is so essential to this city’s defense has apparently malfunctioned. Jagged, yellow halos of lightning flash in perpendicular, sawtooth-edged orbits from the misfired battery. Surrounded by electric chaos, the Disruptor erupts in a fiery, sparking demise. There is bound to be a great loss of life with this tragedy. I hypothesize an arc was created and jumped inappropriately when a crewman made contact to discharge the weapon. This errant reach of unregulated voltage triggered the initiation process. These devices are devilishly dangerous to operate.
There are attacks all over the city. In an ominous fashion, though, they seem to be getting closer. Moreover, they appear to be heading for us.
A nearby Disruptor blast nearly knocks us off our feet.
Miss Plumtartt and I can see a green glow coming from the north of the city. The only large Disruptor is the one on the eastern range. It apparently has plenty of targets. The one gun we had in the north is destroyed, with, no doubt, tragic result. The desperation to get the new Disruptor into position is palpable. The glow of green to the north beyond the protective mountains is getting more intense.
Disruptor fire all over the city continues unabated. Miss Plumtartt and I are constantly on the move for safety.
There is a crack of Disruptor fire from the north! The new emplacement is functioning and active!
Suddenly, there is a flash of light, followed by a deafening explosion, and we are all nearly knocked from our feet. The greatest explosion the world has ever known has just occurred on the other side of the towering Plabutsch Mountain.
The Voltage squads are all in full fledged fights. The two remaining major Disruptors are unable to regenerate their charges fast enough for the demand. Something with a green glow is approaching from the north and the east. Those unbelievable Disruptors, bigger than large houses, are unable to stop whatever it is that draws near.
“I ain’t one to leave a buddy in a bad spot, Ma’am, but I think you and me ought to high tail it of town, Miss Plumtartt.”
“Quite so, Mr. Temperance. If anything, we add to their troubles by our presence.”
“Let’s hoof it for the aircraft field, Ma’am.”
“All the dirigibles have all left, Mr. Temperance! All but one and it is lifting off now!”
“Wait, please! Grab up Miss Plumtartt, y’all!”
“Ja, ja, vee have zee young lady. Farewell, young man.”
“Take me with y’all!”
“Nein, it is too late.”
“Herr Captain, the little chap is clinging to a trailing rope.”
“Cut him loose.”
“I say, captain, I do so appreciate your taking me in at the last moment, but I do so wish you would extend that courtesy to my companion, the rope clinger, eh hem?”
“You are Persephone Plumtartt, are you not?”
“Yes, Captain, indeed, I am
“In that case, we shall pull him in.”
“Thanks for letting us aboard, captain. We’re good for the fair.”
“Mr. Temperance, look there. A grotesque worm, several city blocks in length, squirms past Plabutsch Mountain. The electric gun emplacement is unable to bear on the beast.”
“Oh my Goodness, you’re right, Ma’am. Golly, that there colossal grub is turning to follow us ain’t it. Gee, I think it knows you’re up here, Miss Plumtartt.”
“That is not a comforting thought, Mr. Temperance.”
“No Ma’am, I’m sorry. I reckon we made it out of Graz in the nick of time, hunh, Ma’am?”
“That enormous worm is closing upon us faster than we are exiting. Mr. Temperance, please be so good as to share your goggles with our captain, that she may see her threat for herself, eh hem?”
“Yes, Ma’am, Miss Plumtartt, Ma’am. Here you go, Miss Captain, Ma’am.”
“I say, our captain is now fully engaged with hurrying us from this abysmal position. Do you think we will escape, Mr. Temperance?”
“I don’t know, Miss Plumtartt, even without the goggles, I can see this monster worm being lit up by many electro-strikes, momentarily displaying its grotesque form in bright green outline around a black reflection. It is fair determined to catch us.”
“I say, these Disruptor discharges slow, but do not stop, the beast so intent on catching our departing Zeppelin. The harried pace of the Alpine colossus is not deterred by dynamo bolt. If anything, the horror exudes a joyous excitement as it squirms towards us with all its energy.”
A Matter of Temperance (The Adventures of Ichabod Temperance Book 1) Page 11