The Pink Rose of the Prairie

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The Pink Rose of the Prairie Page 5

by Ginger Ring

  It was good to hear that she wasn’t opposed to getting hitched but he’d already told her one lie. He wasn’t really a sheriff or even a deputy. Not because he didn’t want to be but because no one wanted a half breed protecting them or their town. For pretty much his entire life, Seth had been a wanderer. Living both sides of his heritage, sometimes with his mother’s people and sometimes with the whites.

  Never had he really cared about putting down roots until he came to Harvest. He’d worked hard, saved his money, and had a nice piece of land and a substantial amount saved up for a few head of cattle. One day it might be large enough that he would need a few hands to keep it running. Bringing a woman onto his homestead had never seemed a possibility until now. With every hour he spent with Rose, he fell more and more under her spell.

  She kept talking about her love for teaching and children. It was hard not to picture the two of them walking hand in hand with a few little ones following behind. Seth shook his head to clear the cobwebs. This wasn’t like him at all. He was acting like some love sick bull that had been blocked off from the rest of the herd. His mother had died a few years after he’d been born. For most of his life his path had been a lonely journey, he just hadn’t realized how much until now.

  So deep in his thoughts he failed to notice she’d stop talking. Her head had bobbed once and now rested on his shoulder. His fingers swept her soft hair away from her face. The poor woman had to be exhausted. There was still no clue as to where she came from but she was here now and he would take care of her for as long as Rose would let him. Sliding away gently, he tried to ease her down on the bed.

  “No, don’t leave.” It was mumbled but he knew what it meant. She hadn’t awakened but Rose’s arms wrapped around his neck and wouldn’t let go. As if it was the most normal thing in the world to do, he enveloped her in his arms and pulled her down beside him. Like a cat she curled up beside him and continued to sleep. Again he had to sweep aside her pretty hair so that he could see her face. How peaceful and young she appeared. He’d never even asked how old she was but he guessed early to mid-twenties. Not too much younger than him.

  He stretched out and crossed one boot over the other. Sure he’d done well but never did he feel richer than with her by his side. This is what he’d been missing. Even though he still wasn’t sure what was going on or even if she was who she said she was, he was determined to find out and protect her with his life. Rose snuggled closer and he took deep breaths to calm the desire she seemed to stir more and more with every hour. The scent of flowers that always surrounded her tickled his nose.

  His eyes grew heavy. It had indeed been a long day and tomorrow would come soon enough. What that day would hold, only the great spirits knew. If his heart had any say in the matter, it would be for the woman lying next him to wake up no longer speaking of lost horses and stories of what was to come. All he wanted was for her to want to be his woman and to become the sheriff of the town. It wasn’t too much to ask but sometimes those were the hardest things to get.

  Rose yawned and rubbed the slumber from her eyes. It had become nippy and she nuzzled closer to the warm body next to her. Her eyes popped open as memories of yesterday swept back in. Before dropping off to sleep, she’d crossed her fingers in the hope that in the morning she’d be back in the time she began. A steady heart beat rhythmically beneath her ear.

  Never in her life had she woken up next to someone she’d just met. They had only slept and nothing else but it was a sure bet that in this time it would be frowned on for sure. Right now he was the only person she could trust. Seth had briefly warned about the dangers that lurked nearby. Even in this time there were bad people and with no DNA testing or sophisticated ways of gathering evidence. It was nearly impossible to catch the guilty party in a crime unless they were caught in the act.

  Thank God Seth had come to her rescue and not the man, or men, that had killed those girls. After all the crime shows she watched, it was a good bet the perpetrator was a serial killer. She’d shared the information with Seth but it was a good chance he would have no idea what she was talking about. He stirred and Rose sat up faster than she should. The room swayed a bit and as he had so often done in their short time together, Seth was by her side to lend her a hand.

  He jumped up and pumped some water for her to drink. “Here you go.” His hand gently cradled the back of her head as she sipped. “Why are you not married?” her inside voice asked out loud.

  “No one wants me.” His back was to her as he strolled back to the pump and stared out the window.

  “What are you talking about?” Who wouldn’t want this handsome man by their side?

  “It’s because of who I am. My mother’s people don’t like that I’m half white and my father’s people don’t like that I’m half Indian. I’m not good enough for either one.” He tried to shrug it off. “It’s like I wander the earth wondering where I belong. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. Get your things ready so we can go.”

  “I think you’re a good man and any woman would be honored to have you.” Sure there were concerns about his background with the tensions on both sides but his lack of self-worth probably had more to do with being abandoned at an early age than anything else.

  “I’ll believe it when it happens.” All the while they talked, he didn’t look her way. He may not have noticed all the shy, and in the case of the whorehouse ladies, not so shy glances from the women in town. Any one of them would gladly change places with her right now.

  The man was handsome as could be and so far a total gentleman. For some reason, it seemed like he was just as out of place in the time period as she was. Wise beyond his years, yet unable to change the way things were. He’d even made coffee over a fire in the yard and offered her jerky. Neither had ever tasted so good before.

  “Are you ready to go? I have to check on things at the ranch and then take you back to town.”

  “Yes, I will just need a moment.” He walked outside while she changed into the new clothing that he’d purchased for her yesterday. It was a long sleeve, full-length dress and a bonnet. Oh joy, she imagined she looked like something off of Little House on the Prairie. The debt she owed him grew. How was she ever going to pay him back for all he’d done? From what he said they didn’t have a school in town. What did women do here who didn’t have a man to look after them? Flopping the ugly hat over her hair, she left the cozy cabin. The morning sun was already pushing the chill to the side.

  Seth eyed her from head to toe.

  “Do I look any better?”

  He chuckled. “No, but at least you don’t stand out and it covers the color of your hair.”

  At least that was something. It would take some getting used to be so covered but it would keep her skin from burning.

  “I’ll take Kadoka down for a drink. Take your time.” He motioned toward the outhouse. It was the second time he hadn’t looked at her while talking that morning. How sweet he was. Regretfully she made the trek around the back of the cabin and toward the trees where the outhouse was. As fun as people may think it was to travel back in time, there were many things she never would want to be without. Having a working bathroom was one of them.

  Her skirt dragged on the ground and something rattled nearby in the tall weeds. Rose froze and screamed.


  “Don’t move.” In a flash he was by her side. It had to be a rattler and sounded like a big one. The snake could be heard but not seen. At least she couldn’t see it in all the tall grass. Each rattle sent a chill down her back. Even her teeth ached. It was one of the most common fears, ophidiophobia, but when you were paralyzed with fright there was nothing common about it.

  Faster than she thought possible, the snake came out of nowhere and struck. Its head popped up to attack only to explode in fragments from the impact of Seth’s gun. The reptile now lay limp and headless at her feet. Rose hadn’t realized her hero held her tight to his side, the snake had scared her so. Finally able to m
ove, she hugged him tight. Holstering the gun, he embraced her in both arms. His hand gently rubbed her back.

  “It’s all right,” he whispered that and other comforting words some in English and others in an unknown language.

  She sniffled and lifted her head from his strong chest. “You’re like a hero out of some book.” The words sounded silly even to her but it was true.

  He shook his head and gazed off to the side. “I’m no hero. Anyone can kill a snake.”

  Reaching up she touched his whiskered chin with her hand. Her fingers lingered on his neck and her eyes dropped to his mouth. “You are to me.”

  Standing on tip toes, she touched her lips to his. Her eyes closed and her heart opened. His arms tightened around her waist. The kiss was sweet at first but then caught like wildfire. It was as if neither cared where the other came from or where they were going. They were together for the now. Seth’s tongue dipped between her lips and deepened the kiss. He tasted of coffee and sugar. A loud moan rumbled from her throat and all too quickly the intimate moment was over.

  Seth stared down at her seemingly as shocked as she was by what had just occurred.

  “You should be fine now. The sound probably scared anything else in the area.” He stepped out of her arms. “I’ll be around front.” He took off in a rush.

  She automatically stepped one foot out to follow and then halted. As much as she dreaded it she really needed to use the outdoor john. Holding her skirt and her nose, she made fast work of the only available facilities and then washed her hands in the river.

  The man who just gave her the best kiss of her life stood under a tree enjoying the shade. Something had changed. He avoided meeting her eyes and was busy packing her things in one side of his saddle bag.

  At the sound of her footsteps, he briefly glanced her way before mounting his horse. “Get on,” was all he said before reaching for her hand to help hoist her up.

  As soon as she was seated, he kicked the horse into a run. It was several minutes of trying to stay on the rocking horse before she realized they were headed back to town. “Why aren’t we going to the ranch?”

  “I changed my mind. We’re going back to town.”

  “Why?” She had to shout for him to hear with the increasing wind. It was blustery today.

  “To see if they found your people or your horse,” he grumbled. That was no excuse, they’d already gone over this.

  “What’s wrong?” Rose argued. “Suddenly you act like I’m worse than that rattler you just killed.”

  His horse slowed to a walk. The dust and wind continued to whip and she struggled to keep her prairie-style bonnet on.

  “This can’t go any farther.”

  “What?” Was it the kiss? Did she come across as too forward in this time period?

  “You know what.” He twisted and she could see the frustration on his face. “We live in two different worlds both here and wherever you think you came from. No sense starting something that has no hope of finishing.”

  The statement hurt just as much as if the snake had bitten her. For the first time in a long time, she felt something. Felt something for someone in a very strong way. She trusted him and that was more important than anything. Her mouth shut, she rested her head on the back of his shoulder hoping to memorize the feel of his body against hers. It was no sense arguing with him. If she knew why she was here and even where she was, that might make a difference but right now, she’d never felt so lost in more ways than one.

  Fatigue set in. Her limbs felt heavy with worry. Never did Rose think she’d have to be concerned about her future when she was living in the past. The easy sway of the horse was a comfort but a tear slipped from her eye. Sniffling, she brushed it away. When Seth placed his hand over the one she had resting around his waist she lost it. The waterworks began with no stoppage in sight.

  Seth brought the back of her hand to his lips. “I’ll never abandon you Rose but you’re too much of a temptation to me. You can stay with the Brinks until you’re better.”

  Better? Her eyebrow crinkled and she dabbed at her eyes with the edge of her skirt.

  “You still think I’m crazy don’t you?” It was probably just as hard for him to think she’d been brought back in time as it was for her. Heck she still didn’t totally believe she was here.

  “I want to believe you but it doesn’t seem possible. You might have hurt yourself and just need more time to rest up. I would be honored to court you then.”

  “Court me?” Okay, now she was just mad. Tugging her hand from his, she placed both on her hips. She should be grateful that the man was doing the honorable thing but the fact that he didn’t believe her hurt like hell. Ever since her boyfriend had betrayed her, she was the one that didn’t trust others and now she was the one that wasn’t being believed.

  “Yes, if you’ll still have me.” Seth hadn’t turned around but she’d heard the strain in his voice. Unable to help it, she laid her head back on his shoulder and remained quiet. They did have things to figure out. Maybe it was for the best. What if she fell in love with him and then fast forwarded back to her time? Her heart would be broken.

  Harvest was not too far away. The sounds of the place could already be heard. Horses, wagons, cows, and townspeople echoed in the distance. And a woman’s scream. Rose’s head popped up. There were people running to the whorehouse on the edge of town.

  The sheriff kicked his horse into a gallop and she hung on for dear life. She spied Butler, the man that had bothered her in front of the general store leaving out the back. A couple seconds later, Kadoka dug in his heels when they reached the front of the cathouse.

  “What happened?” Seth threw his leg over the saddle horn and leaped to the ground.

  One of the working girls that approached them had tears running down her eyes. “It’s Alice. She’s dead.” Her cries chilled Rose to the bone.

  “What?” Seth helped her down off the horse and wouldn’t let go of her hand as he led her through the front door. Being the sheriff, it was natural that he would have to investigate what happened.

  “Stay with me and don’t leave my sight,” he instructed.

  “What’s going on?” Never having been inside a house of prostitution before, she couldn’t help but look around. The building had three floors. The first was a type of parlor and the second and third had rooms.

  They followed a couple of the other girls as they led the way upstairs to what she assumed was Alice’s bedroom. He drew her closer and whispered in her ear as they walked. “Those other girls that were found dead.” Seth didn’t elaborate but there had to be a connection.

  She looked him in the eye and nodded.

  “They looked a lot like you. Slender, young, and long blonde hair.” Her legs locked and she stumbled.

  “Don’t worry. As long as you are with me, I won’t let anything happen to you.” He squeezed her hand and her limbs began to move again.

  By the looks of the other girls standing outside the bedroom, this must be where Alice lived and died. A few men comforted the girls in the hallway while some girls just hugged each other. At the doorway Seth stopped and told her to stay. As if she wanted to witness a murder scene.

  “Don’t go anywhere,” he reiterated.

  “I won’t.” Where would she go? The craziness of her situation hit hard. There was no more pretending that this was a dream and she’d wake up safe in her bed. As the saying goes, shit just got real. No more romanticizing about her fantasy man. Someone was dead. A young woman, who was already leading a hard existence, had been cut down in the prime of her life.

  It was warm upstairs and sweat started to trickle down between her breasts. She’d rather be wearing the lighter garment that the other women had on instead of the matronly dress she’d gotten at the dry goods store. Someone put a fan in her hand and she waved it vigorously. The air was stagnant and the metallic smell of blood lingered in the air.

  A man placed a chair beside her and Rose gratef
ully took a seat. It was obvious that she was not cut out for this life.

  From where she sat, words from the other room trickled out. Seth asked questions such as who the last person to see Alice alive was and who her customers were last night. Apparently the poor woman was still alive when they’d closed the door for business in the middle of the night.

  A commotion sounded from below and Rose sat up straighter. Heavy boots sounded on the wooden stairs and they creaked and moaned with each step. More people were coming to see what was going on.

  “All right everyone get back.” A tall man in a large cowboy hat stormed down the hall. He had on a bright red shirt with a shiny gold badge on his chest. Had they called in for reinforcements?

  The stranger glanced at her before concentrating on the room that people had stepped away from.

  “Hey Hank,” Marie, a dark haired woman, that lived in the house spoke.

  He just nodded and headed into the room.

  “Thank the Lord the sheriff is here,” Marie spoke up and a few people nodded.

  A sense of pride spiked in Rose’s heart. Seth really was a good man. If she had to be stuck in this time, at least she had Seth with her and looking after her. He may not be by her side but she knew in her heart he would see she would be looked after. Too bad Alice didn’t have anyone to protect her. It took too much energy to remain siting stiff as a board and she slouched back in the chair again.

  Her ears perked up when loud voices echoed from the room.

  “What are you doing here?” It was a deep voice she hadn’t heard before.

  “Trying to figure out what happened here.”

  “Let the sheriff work,” someone else interrupted. The new guy was not welcome it seemed.

  “As if I don’t have enough to do with those damn rustlers all over the place and now this.” The newcomer went on to ask the same questions that Seth just did. He must be a lawman from a nearby town sent to help. Perhaps he was a Pinkerton. Her history buff imagination kicked in again. They were the ones that tracked down the James Younger gang weren’t they?


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