With Hearts Aflame: Valentine's Day Box Set

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With Hearts Aflame: Valentine's Day Box Set Page 27

by Maren Smith

  Upstairs, he ran into the same delays, and at one point, he lost Val as a pair of Doms, arguing over the punishment of their sub, asked him to weigh in. After a few suggestions, he excused himself to look for her. Finding her nearby, at the railing overlooking the main floor, he noticed that she'd become fixated on something in the dungeon below. Stepping up behind her, he caged her body with his, clasping the rail on either side of her hands. She was caught and he leaned forward to whisper in her ear. "Don't wander off, little subbie. I didn't bring your leash." Unfazed by his teasing comment, she continued to stare at something below. "What has caught your attention?"

  "The group on the center stage."

  His eyes shifted and he watched as a triad played, the submissive stood in the center, legs wide apart, held in position by a spreader bar. In the center was another bar that ran upward, perpendicular to the floor and appeared to disappear between the woman's spread thighs, a dildo or vibe obviously planted deep inside her. Her hands were fastened above her head and attached to a chain suspended from the ceiling. On a swivel hook, it turned as she did while the stage slowly rotated. She was immobilized and held open for the twin floggers that assailed her body under the skilled hands of her two Doms.

  "Ah yes, Josie seems to be enjoying herself." Just as he said that, a scream echoed through the chamber below, apparently emitted by Josie. Nuzzling her neck with his chin, he whispered in her ear, "Does that turn you on, baby?"

  "It is very erotic, but I don't think it's for me." She gasped suddenly. Josie's Doms didn't stop after the first orgasm; actually, they seemed to redouble their efforts. They concentrated their floggers on her ass and bringing the flails up between her thighs. Alternating from front to back, they fell faster and didn't stop until she came, screaming once more with pleasure. Eric and Val watched from their bird's-eye view as the two Doms converged on their woman, releasing her restraints and removing a huge double hung dildo from her gushing core. She went willingly down on all fours before her men and eagerly accepted them into her body. Pleasuring them both at once, she moaned greedily as she took one deep inside her mouth while the other fucked her from behind. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a flushed and obviously excited Valerie watching with eager eyes.

  "You're aroused, my sweet. Which part isn't for you: the double penetration, flogging, multiple orgasms, or is it the exhibitionism?"

  "All of it is very uh…" she paused to swallow and he could tell her throat had gone dry. Her tongue peaked out to moisten her dry lips before she continued. "It's all very stimulating. Do you often participate in ménages, Master?"

  "I have in the past. Does that frighten you? It shouldn't; all pleasure as long as it is consensual is welcomed here. I am fine with just the two of us, though. I am not so eager to share you. As a very selfish and demanding Master, I have been known not to always play nice with others, which includes sharing my toys." He chuckled as she blushed and tensed against him. "That's what you are, my sweet Valerie, my toy and my plaything, mine to partake of at my leisure. But then, so am I yours. I'm sorry we haven't gotten to sit down and come to an agreement. There have been too many conflicts this week. You shouldn't be playing without one."

  "Please don't tell me we have to stop and do that tonight, Master."

  "No," he chuckled, amused by the sheer desperation in her voice. His little novice wanted to play; business could wait. "We'll get to that first thing tomorrow."

  He felt the force of her sigh as the tension left her body. "So, was it only the ménage that bothered you about that scene?" His eyes flicked back to center stage where he noticed the triad was still engaged. Chris, the Dom in back, paused for a moment and readjusted, slowly re-entering. His blissful groan and Josie's brief pause in her duties up front revealed that he had found something new and tight to concentrate on for the moment. He waited to see if Val had an objection to the rear entry.

  "I didn't mind any of it—for them, and watching it was hot."

  He chuckled, "Spoken like a true voyeur. Are you done with your peeping? I'd like to have you all to myself on that plush bed, now."

  "I am past ready, Master." He tugged her along, keeping his strides short out of courtesy for her shorter legs. "Does that make me twisted to just like to watch? I'm not sure I want to be known as a peeping Tom."

  "If not for the voyeurs, the exhibitionists wouldn't have an audience." Stopping at the entrance to room #10, he pulled her against him, angling her head back to look into her eyes. "You'll find little judgment here. Everyone is different in what excites them and what turns them off. That's why we have negotiations and contracts and limit lists. Should I test you on the sane, safe, consensual philosophy again?

  "No! Please, that's hardly necessary. Master Thomas made us repeat it every ten minutes during class.

  "Good for him. So, are you all right with being a voyeur? It doesn't change how I think of you or lessen my opinion of you."

  "Yes, Master."

  "Good, because I'm tired of watching everyone else play, it's our turn." He opened the door to the room that was as beautiful as she remembered. "Welcome to what we like to call 'Sinful Decadence,' my sweet. You are going to love it."

  He then guided her inside, closing the door behind them. As it shut, a red light came on signaling to others that the room was about to be used to its fullest potential.

  * * * * *

  Val lay motionless as her labored breathing and pulse rate returned to normal. She couldn't move, and it wasn't because her hands were cuffed and secured to the posts at the top of the bed. No, it was because Eric had literally fucked her into a state of oblivion, just as he'd promised.

  Mercy, the man was talented. His hands created sensations she hadn't imagined possible. His warm lips and wicked tongue had left her squealing with delight and begging for more. And his cock, that magnificent implement of pleasure, what he could do with that! All her experiences since losing her virginity at seventeen were poor imitations of what Eric had made her feel today. Even the brief fling she'd had after Kent's death didn't come close.

  Male voices spoke in hushed tones… she lay there, replete. After loving her into this state, Eric had pulled the covers over them and cuddled up against her for a "brief respite," when a knock came at the door. He'd muttered a curse and considerately covered her naked body, before stalking across the room calling out, "This had better be damn important."

  Turning her head languidly, she admired Eric, who stood naked in all his muscular glory, quietly discussing something with Master Thomas. He abruptly nodded and shut the door, pausing for a moment with his hand flattened against the heavy oak panel. Finally, he turned and made his way back to her. This view was as glorious as his backside and her eyes swept down his massive chest and over his ripped abs to his semi-hard cock. His half aroused state was more than impressive, but as she watched, he began to lengthen and thicken into readiness. Her eyes flew to his; she didn't think she could bear another round. She hadn't even regained her composure from the last orgasm, her third.

  "What do you expect, baby? When you look at me like I'm a sweet piece of chocolate you want to gobble up whole, I tend to react this way." Climbing up beside her, he reached for the straps and released her cuffs. "Unfortunately, duty calls."

  "Oh! I thought you'd wrapped up your case."

  "No such luck, there are annoying loose ends."

  "Is it always like this? If so, you need to hire more men."

  "I know it's disappointing, Valerie, but getting sassy isn't going to help. Believe me if it did, I'd be having a temper tantrum right now." He grinned down at her, looking cute and mussed while she pouted in her snit. He couldn't resist kissing the end of her upturned nose. "As it is, this has been the busiest month we've had at Rossi since we opened. Business is booming and until we get extra men on board, it might be rough for a while. Can you hang in there with me? Am I worth it?"

  Unable to resist his sexy grin, she nodded. "Any man that can make me feel like you did in
this bed is definitely worth it."

  "Any man, huh? I don't like the sound of that. Should I call Thomas back, since any man will do? Are you ready for another round?"

  Although he said it in a teasing manner, Val was afraid she had actually hurt the big Dom's feelings. "It didn't come out the way I meant it. I meant no one has made me feel like you did, ever. So you are worth the wait and then some, Eric."

  "It's Master Eric to you, little one. Don't let the satin and downy soft pillows fool you. You're still in my dungeon." Cupping his hand around her neck, he pulled her toward him and kissed her passionately. "I really have to go. That means you do as well."

  "Can't I stay and wait for you? I would just watch everyone else, or I could go to the lounge."

  "No, I don't want you in The Club without me here to keep an eye on you."

  Flipping back the covers, he drew her to her feet and handed her the slinky white dress. She pulled it over her head and then began looking around for her panties. He was dressed and pulling on his boots when he noticed her searching in the linens heaped on the floor.

  "What are you looking for?"

  "My panties."

  Bending down, he pulled a miniscule scrap of lace from under the bed and held them up. "You mean this little bit of nothing? Sorry, baby. They're torn." He balled them up and made a three-point shot into the small wastebasket beside the armoire on the far side of the room.

  "They only get in my way. New dungeon rule for you—no panties."


  "No arguments. I don't have time to spank you right now." Leaning in, he kissed her, and said, "When the Master says no panties in the dungeon, you say… "

  "Yes, Master."

  "Good girl."

  "I've got to go. You can sleep here tonight, but from the sound of things, I'm going to be gone overnight."

  "I'll just clean up and head home. I have a client in the morning."

  "I'm sorry about this. I wanted to make our first night together special. Look at the bright side; you get a reprieve on the demonstration."

  "Will you tell me what it is?"

  "I don't have time to explain. Besides, you'll get to experience it eventually."

  Sliding her hands up his chest, she reached his shoulders and tugged. He bent enough for her to wrap her arms around his neck and kiss him. She giggled into his mouth when he straightened and her feet left the ground. Wrapping her legs around his hips, she snuggled against his chest. He was such a deliciously big, strong man.

  A resounding smack landed on her bare ass, her short dress having ridden up during their embrace. His hands cupped and squeezed both cheeks as he broke the kiss. "You are pure temptation, woman."

  His fingers migrated to her slit, still swollen and hot from their play. After a few strokes, he growled in frustration and set her back on her feet. "Come on."

  Eric pulled her along a back hallway that connected the second floor with a long corridor leading to several apartments. Eric explained that he and several of the Rossi men lived there, allowing them quick access to The Club and headquarters. He showed her around his place quickly, leaving her with a goodbye kiss and a final playful swat that sent her along to the bathroom and out of his reach.

  By the time Val showered and fixed her hair and makeup, it was near midnight. Looking down at her bare feet, she frowned. Her only pair of shoes and her purse were in her cubby in the women's locker room. She'd had to leave them there when she entered the dungeon. Turning off the lights, she headed back.

  When she reached the stairwell, she knew she should take the stairs to the lounge as Eric had directed, but the back hallway beckoned. Temptation lured her toward the dungeon and curiosity about the carousel won out. Just a quick peek, she told herself, and took the hallway coming out by the private rooms. As she was making her way to the stairs, she noticed a strobe light flickering up from the main floor. Pushing her way through the crowd that stood three deep at the rail wasn't easy. Carefully dodging elbows and protecting her bare toes, she finally stood at the rail overlooking the main club floor. What she saw made her jaw drop in shock.

  Under a spotlight, center stage, was what she could only describe as a controlled orgy. A dozen men and women were mounted on a weird contraption that was revolving slowly like a merry-go-round—no, a carousel!

  She stared in horrified fascination at the spectacle before her. On the revolving contraption, she counted six bottoms, five women and one man. They were restrained on their hands and knees and every one of them was stark naked. Each faced the center of the circle where several men were standing and being serviced by the subs—orally.

  On the other end, between their spread legs was a seated man or woman who was employing some type of implement. Her eyes swept the circle; it looked like they were all using the same implement—a Hitachi vibrator.

  Unable to control her shock, she verbalized it with a "holy crap!" of considerable volume. No wonder Eric had wanted to keep her away from this.

  The man beside her looked down at her and frowned. "You're Master Eric's new sub aren't you?" he asked, looking around. "What are you doing here unattended?"

  She stared at him speechless having lost the use of her tongue.

  Thankfully, he didn't wait for an answer and quickly moved away. A woman soon took his place.

  "You're new aren't you? What do you think? Pretty hot, huh?"

  "Uh…" Val didn't know what to say. As she watched, there was a chime just before the carousel turned. Like a cog in a wheel, the subs now had a different top between their legs.

  Finally regaining her wits, Val looked at the woman beside her. She appeared to be a sub so maybe she could get some answers. "What is this?"

  "It's the punishment carousel. Once every few weeks, the Masters set it up to discipline the naughtiest subs. Oh look," she cried, nudging Val in her excitement. "This station is for paddling. I love to watch all six of them getting swatted at the same time."

  True to her word, the outer ring of men and women began paddling the upraised ass of the submissive before them

  "What could they have done to deserve such a punishment?"

  "Most have violated club rules like interrupting a scene, being disrespectful of the Doms or disobeying the DM's. Those are all big no-no's, but it is up to the master and the subs limits, of course."

  "How does it work?"

  "Well, under the watchful eye of their master—the ones in the middle—each naughty sub visits each of six stations for ten minutes. They must endure one full revolution, which is a total of 60 minutes of sensual punishment, without having an orgasm. If they fail a station and come, they will have to stay in place for an additional station until they have mastered a total of six or they cry their safeword. One girl was up there for 90 minutes one time. She was the only one left, but just couldn't stop coming."

  "So she enjoyed it?"

  "Of course, honey. Who wouldn't?"

  "Do the club members ever, uh, you know—fuck them?"

  "Oh no, there is no intercourse allowed, just toys and spankings. So it's safe and fun."

  Val felt the crowd around her shift and the woman beside her exclaimed, "You're Master Eric's sub, aren't you?" At Val's nod she whispered, "Bless you honey, but he's headed this way and looks pissed."

  With that warning, she bolted away to safety.

  Val turned and saw an enraged Eric standing a few feet away, his arms crossed over his massive chest. His face was stern; his lips compressed in a ferocious frown, his brows nearly touching.

  "Come here. Now."

  Without hesitation, she moved. "I had to get my shoes, Master."

  Glancing down at her bare feet for corroboration, he pulled her further back from the rail, then signaled the other members to carry on. None did; obviously the show upstairs was far more interesting than anything going on in the dungeon.

  "Are you telling me you didn't come this way on purpose, hoping to catch a peek at something forbidden?"

-oh. She had never seen Eric this mad.

  "Answer me."

  "No Master, it wasn't an accident. I took this route on purpose to see what the carousel was all about."

  "So you were deliberately defiant?"

  "I'm sorry, S—Master." She'd caught herself, thankfully. This was not the time to tick him off further by forgetting the rules.

  "Dammit, Valerie, I didn't think you were ready for this yet."

  His deep emotion-filled voice sent a shiver of excitement through her. Good gracious, woman, she chided herself, how can you find this sexy? Still, she did, and he was—sexy that is. He also looked like he was ready to string her up in the medieval torture chamber and take a whip to her. Instead, he stepped aside and pointed, "Go back to my apartment and wait for me."

  "I'm sorry, Master. I just—"

  "Don't make it worse with additional defiance. Now, go."

  She hurried by him, noticing for the first time the man who'd spoken to her earlier at the rail. He must have found Eric and told him what she was up to. What did she expect? It was a Dom's world at Decadence LA

  She made it back to the apartment in no time. Pacing in the living room, she waited for what seemed like an eternity. Only five minutes had actually passed when she heard him enter. Putting on her best look of contrition, she waited silently for him to begin his lecture.

  He stared at her for a moment from just inside the doorway, a look of intense displeasure on his face. "I'm very disappointed in you, Valerie. I know we haven't sat down to hammer out a contract yet, but we've talked all around it. I expect a measure of respect from you regardless. Although this is a place for fun and play, there is a hierarchy in The Club as well as the lifestyle. I need to know you can commit to that and to me."

  "I can and will, Sir. I'm ashamed of myself for going against your wishes."

  "If we had a formal agreement, I'd punish you. I'm tempted to anyway, but I'm already late and Keiran is holding a chopper for me. We'll discuss this further when I get back. I've told Thomas not to allow you back in The Club until we get things settled. Understand?"


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