With Hearts Aflame: Valentine's Day Box Set

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With Hearts Aflame: Valentine's Day Box Set Page 35

by Maren Smith

  “Our little conversation earlier didn’t make much of an impression, did it?”

  “What? I just—”

  “This morning, were you just taking care of business?”

  “Well…” I spluttered before defiance reared its ugly head. “Yeah, I was!”

  “I see.” He went quiet, staring at me with neither warmth nor malice, watching me as I began to squirm.

  I met his eyes without flinching. I was used to stare-downs; I could do it in my sleep. Unfortunately, the longer we went without talking, the more I began to think about his question. The more I thought of it, the guiltier I felt. Of course, I hadn’t known when I’d met him this morning that I would ever see him again, but I didn’t think that point was likely to win me any points. “Okay, fine!” I relented. “You’re right. I was a little over-zealous.”

  “Is that what they call it at Dusty Records?”

  Only when I do it, I thought, but stubbornly remained silent. I’d admitted he was right—wasn’t that enough of a concession for one day? “I will be nicer,” I said at last, begrudgingly at that.

  “Not just to me,” he added. “I want you to be nicer to everyone you meet. From the newspaper delivery to the woman at Starbucks who makes your coffee.”

  “But that woman is an idiot!” I burst out. “She always gives me extra foam when I specifically tell her—” I broke off in mid-sentence to glower at him. “Why?”

  “Karma, baby,” he said with a wink. “That, and I’m not going to date a girl while people are drawing up plans to have her assassinated.”


  “I’m wasn’t sure before, but know I can say with certainty that the barista is in on it. The extra foam thing is a clear give-away.”

  “No, I mean… are we dating?”

  Brandon eyed me thoughtfully for a minute. “I’d like to see where it goes. I do like you, Karen, but I’m going to be honest. I won’t put up with disrespect or outright cruelty.”

  I considered his words for a moment before nodding my agreement. “Okay. I mean, yes, Sir.”

  “No more cursing—”

  I vented my frustration with an agitated cry, “You are killing me here, Brandon. The next thing you’ll be saying that I can’t flip off cabbies.” Before he could answer, I leveled him with an agitated stare. “Do not take that away from me.”

  “I hate to be the one to point it out to you, honey, but that sort of falls into the being nice thing we just talked about which you already agreed to.”

  “Anything else?”

  “Just one more thing, for now. Stay safe. Your safety is my number one priority, which means it should be yours, too. I’m going to be extremely careful with anything we do. No more driving like I saw today, understand? No peeling out of parking lots and no speeding.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I replied, as sweetly as I could manage.

  “I’m very serious about this, Karen. If I find out you’re endangering yourself in any way, I’ll bring that hairbrush back out, do you understand me?”

  I nodded solemnly, my cheeks flushing at the suggestion. To my surprise, I found that my blush had less to do with embarrassment and more to do with a sudden flutter of excitement that simultaneously shocked me and made my panties dampen.

  “It’s decided then. Is there anything you want to bring to the table to talk about?”

  I was still puzzling over the strange reaction I’d had when he’d threatened to spank me again. Not trusting myself to speak, I shook my head. The paddling he’d just given me had been so painful you would have thought I would have hit the door running at the mention of another one. So why hadn’t I?

  “Do you want to be submissive to me, Karen?”

  I felt a tingle run up and down my spine at the question. “I think so.” God, looking into his expressive, warm face, at those big, broad shoulders and I was almost ready to promise him anything. “I want to try.”

  “In that case, I want you to lie back and spread your legs.”

  Chapter 6

  For the first time in my life, I didn’t hesitate to follow an order. I did exactly as he instructed, my heart pounding hard against my rib cage. I hadn’t expected sex to come so fast, but I didn’t need to think about whether or not I was willing. My body had been tense and ready since he’d first told me to apologize this morning. It was so hard to believe that had only been hours ago.

  “Close your eyes,” he told me, and I dutifully obeyed him.

  I waited, trying to breathe deeply to calm my racing pulse. The harder I tried, the more excited I became. My entire body was tingling, every inch of flesh crying out for his attention. The next thing I felt was a soft, cool piece of silk being placed over my eyes. “What?” I gasped.

  “Shh. Take it easy.” The calm in his voice reassured me and I let myself relax. As soon as I did, I felt him sit down on the bed. “You’re being such a good girl,” he murmured.

  Just as soon as the words left his mouth, I felt something tickle my skin. It was light and soft, but my body was so revved up the slightest contact with my skin made me gasp. It trailed down my bare shoulder, sweeping over my throat. I arched my back, trying to encourage some of his attention to fall on my stiffened nipples.

  Unfortunately for me, Brandon had other ideas and instead the caress traveled to my other shoulder and down my arms. “How does that feel?”

  “Mmm,” I sighed happily. “Good.”

  “Just good? Let’s see what I can do to improve that.”

  I felt his weight shift on the bed, and the next thing I knew, I could feel him lying beside me. My breath caught in my throat without him even touching me. Feeling his nearness like heat from a furnace was enough. I turned toward him, my breath coming in shallow gasps. How could he make me feel so excited without having even touched me?

  “I love your hair,” he said and the next thing I knew, I felt his fingers stroking the silky strands.

  “Take off the blindfold,” I breathed. “I want to look at you.”

  “Is that the proper way to address me?”

  His voice was more playful than stern and I had to fight back a giggle. “No, Sir.”

  “You know what this means, don’t you?” He stroked my cheek as he asked and I found that I couldn’t speak. “I have to punish you and so soon.” He tsked his tongue softly.

  I gulped before asking, “Another spanking?”

  “Hmm…” His fingers slid down my cheek and over my parted lips. “I don’t think so. I think I’m going to leave that blindfold on and have you keep your hands at your sides. No touching, no matter what. Do you understand?”

  “I understand.” I let out a loud whimper when I felt a stinging spank land on my bottom.

  “What was that?”

  “Yes, I understand, Sir,” I replied, my lip trembling. Every nerve in my body had come alive when he put that blindfold over my eyes, which led to every caress being more sensual and every spank even more painful.

  “Good girl. Remember that now.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I was rewarded for my obedience with a gentle kiss pressed against my lips that ended so quickly I wondered if I’d imagined it. Before I could protest and beg for more, I felt his big, warm hands slide down my dress until he was holding on to my hips. Then he moved a hand over my belly, letting it rest there for a minute before sliding it up, inch by inch. I was practically panting as I waited to see what he would do next. With every inch of untouched skin that his fingers claimed, I felt myself clamoring for him to take me completely.

  When a finger grazed over my nipple I thought I might orgasm on the spot. Without thinking, I raised my hands, desperate to touch him. I felt the bed shift as he maneuvered away from me, and I let out a frustrated groan.

  “We said no matter what,” he reminded me. “Be still or I’m going to stop.”

  I nodded, holding my breath until I felt the bed move with his added weight. I didn’t fully exhale until I felt his fingers on my breasts and t
hen it came rushing out in a cry of desire as I arched my back. Brandon obliged by pinching my nipple and rubbing it between his fingers until he had me purring like cat. His other hand kneaded my breast until he’d set my skin on fire. When I felt his teeth gently graze my nipple, keenly felt even through the fabric of my dress, I shuddered, holding back my desire.

  “Don’t,” he whispered and I didn’t have to ask what he meant. He had to know that I was fighting to obey him with everything I had, even though I was dying to touch him. I wanted to run my fingers through his brown hair, I wanted to tear open his shirt, sending buttons flying so that I could drag my fingernails down the smooth skin of his back. Just the thought had me salivating.

  I wasn’t a patient person by a long shot; I was used to getting what I wanted fast and if there was going to be a delay I found out why. I’d never known what torture it was to be held at the mercy of another person and part of me hated it while the other part found it deliciously thrilling.

  “What do you think so far?” Brandon asked as he stroked my collarbone with his tongue.

  “It’s kind of kinky, isn’t it?”

  When he laughed, it filled the room. “Not by a long shot, sweetheart. I could show you kinky, if you want.”

  “Do I get to take the blindfold off?”

  “Only if I get to tie you down.”

  I gasped in surprise, but the only answer I could offer was a little breathy whimper that escaped my lips.

  “Does my naughty girl like that idea?”

  “I don’t know, Bra—Sir.”

  “Have you ever been tied up before, Karen?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “I think you might like it. It’s very liberating.”

  “For whom?” I giggled nervously.

  I felt the distinctive warmth on my face as he leaned in closer. “For both of us, I would think.”

  “When do I get to touch you, Sir?”

  “We’ll see how good you do, honey. Do I have your permission?”

  I licked my lips and slowly nodded, though not without trepidation. This must be why he told me to spread my legs, I thought, realization dawning. He was hoping for this all along. I knew I should be angry, or at the very least, irritated that he’d planned this, but my quick temper seemed to have deserted me for the time being.

  “Just be still and this won’t hurt.”

  That sounded promising and when he took hold of my ankle and slipped something around it, I found it really didn’t hurt at all. I stayed very still while he moved around the bed to my other foot, and then up to the headboard for my hands.

  “You’re doing so well,” he praised and I felt myself smiling at the compliment.

  “Aren’t you going to—” I was in mid-sentence when he slipped the blindfold off my eyes. I blinked in the sudden light, even though he’d dimmed it.

  “These next few days are going to be about trust, Karen. Trust and obedience. Do you think you can do that?”

  I was still blinking, trying to make the shape of his face less fuzzy. The truth was, I wasn’t sure I could. I was used to giving orders, not following them. Was it too much to expect that I could change and in such a short amount of time? When my focus cleared and I saw his face looming above me, I felt my heart flutter. Those gorgeous blue eyes were looking at me with such intensity that I felt captivated. Something about him made me want to promise anything, even when I wasn’t sure I could deliver. I fought the urge and replied honestly. “I’m not sure, Sir.”

  He seemed pleased by my answer. “That’s all right. Just do your best and we’ll work through the kinks.”

  I laughed at him and soon he joined in. I couldn’t believe I was laughing over a joke while tied down to a four-poster bed, which made me giggle all the more. If the men at the office could see me now! God knows they’d all like to step in and take a few whacks at me with that hairbrush of his.

  I felt my pulse tapping a frantic tattoo in my throat as Brandon lowered his mouth down to it. Seeing his lips part, I leaned my head back, surrendering myself to whatever he would do. His kisses started out sweet and gentle, but as he worked his way down, pulling the straps of my dress off my shoulders, they were more fevered. He nibbled on my shoulders and bit down on my collarbone.

  "Oh!" I cried out, surprised that something I'd thought of as painful could actually be pleasurable. Spurred on by my excitement, he bit down harder, making me gasp.

  "You taste so sweet—like honey."

  "It must be the new body wash," I teased, but soon I was too distracted to offer jokes. Inch by inch, Brandon covered my skin in his caresses, licking and nibbling wherever pleased him.

  When he said, "Sit up. I'm going to unzip you," I'd never moved so fast. I bolted up, straining at the ropes and panting with excitement. I shivered when I felt his fingers on my zipper. Brandon chuckled low in his throat. "Such a good girl now, aren't you, Karen? You just needed a little taste of the hairbrush, and now look at you: a brand new woman."

  I groaned at the reminder of the dreaded implement, but soon, his lips worked on my stiff, hard nipples, giving me an altogether new reason to moan. As his cool, sweet mouth was on my nipple, his arm snaked around my waist, pulling me up. The movement made the rope strain, and it chaffed at my wrists. The amazing thing was that it only seemed to heighten my pleasure.

  He traded the right nipple for the left and gave it the same ardent attention. He flicked his tongue over my aching nipple, teasing me. When I opened my eyes to peer at him I saw that he was watching me, his blue eyes dancing devilishly.

  "Stop torturing me," I begged.

  "I'm not ready to stop," he replied easily. "Not by a long shot."

  "I need you," I whimpered. "Please, Sir."

  "Would my naughty little girl like some more? Very well." When he lowered his head to my erect peak, he took in his mouth with gusto, sucking it hard.

  I wanted desperately to grasp handfuls of the bedspread and cling to him, but my hands dangled uselessly. It was added torture. As he bit into my flesh, I arched my back, whimpering. I'd never been made love to like this. All of my earlier sexual exploits had rarely included foreplay, and I was usually on top. In control, where I belonged. Having to submit to whatever he wanted to do was a kind of delightful torture that I'd never imagined.

  "When is it my turn?" I asked, mewling as he bit down hard and sat back to lick the hurt he'd caused. It was exquisite.

  "You're not getting bored, are you? Well, I'll just have to fix that." Before I could protest, he whipped my dress off me. I shivered when the cool air kissed my skin. "Don't worry, I'm going to warm you up. That's a promise." He fell on me with renewed vigor, kissing me until I melted into a puddle and then teasing my skin with his teeth until I formed back together, into a woman who let herself be tied up and purred with pleasure at the thought.

  He kissed my thighs with such intensity that I thought I could die in that moment and be perfectly happy. I wasn't prepared for what I'd feel when he finally turned to my hot, glistening pussy. The moment he entered me with his tongue, I felt heat shoot in waves throughout my body—just as he'd promised. He lapped up my wetness in a way that made me breathless. Just when I thought I was on the brink of an orgasm, he stopped and sat up.

  My eyes snapped open and I looked at him, blinking in confusion. "Wha..."

  "You're new at this," he reminded me. "I should take those off before they hurt you." He nodded at my restraints. I was silent as he untied me, feeling so vulnerable and hot for him all at once. "Besides," he added, with a wicked grin, "I don't ever give orgasms on the first date."

  I stared at him in shock but the sparkling in his eyes made me laugh. "This is what you call a date?"


  "Have a seat," Brandon encouraged when I walked into the kitchen. I had taken a shower at his suggestion, and without any clothes with me, I just stayed in the towel. For all the notice he seemed to take. The brute just turned back to the stove, whistling as he cooked. The nerve of him!
First, he denied me an orgasm and now he pretended I was just company joining him for a meal?

  Maybe I had misread the signs, I thought suddenly. I bit down on my lip, hard, as I sat down. Had I? Was there any way I could be confused? He had taken me from ecstasy to vulnerability and back again before he suddenly stopped. Was it possible that he had changed his mind? That he didn't like me that way? Maybe my body repulsed him. I was used to feeling so confident that the doubt shook me to the core. I had never wanted someone so much and the thought that he might not feel the same way horrified me in a way I'd never experienced. It also made me very mad. What was he keeping me here for, then?

  Suddenly, I stood to my feet, determined to put an end to this. I couldn't play such a twisted game, not when I liked him so much. "I think it's time I get going, Brandon. Thank you for the wine, and—"

  He didn't even turn around to look at me. "Sit back down, Karen. I told you that you need to eat and that's what you're going to do."

  I scowled at his back. His firm, muscled back. "I'm not hungry." At that exact moment, my stomach decided to rumble, betraying me to the enemy.

  "I see. Well, while that is unfortunate, it doesn't change what I said. Now sit."

  I felt like my feet were glued to the floor and I stood there frozen with indecision. I wanted to storm out of the room and show him that he couldn't toy with me. But I didn't want to stop being with him, I certainly didn't want to stop looking at him. I don't know how long I stood there before he turned to face me. With just one raised eyebrow, he had my heart thudding hard in my chest.

  “What is it?” he asked, the spatula raised mid-air as he waited expectantly.

  “Nothing, just I—I think I should leave. I mean, I am. Leaving.”

  For a minute, I thought he would laugh and I wanted to kick myself. Once upon a time, I could have a roomful of board members hanging on my every word. Those days seemed far behind me right at that moment. What he actually did was set the spatula down, turn down the heat and walk toward me.

  “Do you want to leave?” He held up a hand even as my lips parted. “And before you can lie to me, I’ll just say that I know you don’t.”


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