Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin

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Thug Paradise 3: Forever Thuggin Page 13

by Mz. Lady P

  “What’s not necessary is you acting like my mother and not woman. I ain’t never had a mother or father and I’m not looking for one now.” Hearing him say that made me see why he was acting all crazy on me. He was feeling some type of way about Python coming into his life after all of these years. Now that I think about it, maybe I did act motherly to him but that was just me. Regardless, he didn’t have to act all ugly towards me.

  “Well forgive me for giving a fuck.” I took the baby out of his arms and laid both of the babies inside of their cribs. After making sure they were okay, I climbed in bed and tried to get a couple of hours of sleep. The babies only woke up once a night and slept the rest. I was so happy for that. Despite always helping out with my grandbabies, it was totally different having my own babies. It felt all new to me. It had been twenty-eight years since I had a baby of my own, so this shit was a learning experience.

  “I apologize for snapping at you bae. I’m just trying to deal with all this shit that’s going on. This thing with Python has me all fucked up. I haven’t seen him since I was like five and that was because my grandmother took me to the jailhouse because he wanted a DNA test. My mother was somewhere sucking on a glass pipe. She never gave a fuck about me. When she died I didn’t even cry. I never had any love for Python because I didn’t know him. Over the years he had written letters and sent birthday cards, but I never opened them. That nigga was in jail for life, so there was no need for me to be reading that shit. My mother had been selling me dreams all of my life, and I didn’t need him doing that too. About two months ago, I went to visit my grandmother and he was over there visiting her. I kicked it with him for a little bit and I bounced. I felt nothing kicking it with him. He’s been trying his best to kick it with me but I’m not ready for all that. When I look at him I just see something that doesn’t sit right with me. I don’t trust that motherfucker, period. I don’t want him around you or our kids. Do you understand me Peaches?”

  “Yes Quanie. I understand you, but there’s something I need to tell you.”

  “I already talked to Thug about everything. That was before us and before my time. He can chop that shit up as a loss. I know that you’re use to running things. All you need to do is sit back and raise our babies. I might work for your son but I’m head of our little family. I will die at all costs protecting you and my seeds. Now come give Daddy a kiss.” I leaned over and kissed Quanie passionately. Had I not just given birth and had my tubes tied, I would be riding that nigga to sleep. I put my hand in his boxers and I began to massage his dick. I pulled his dick out and began to suck it nice and slow for him. As soon as I was getting into it, my phone began to go off back to back. I let it rang until I finished what I was doing. My baby was stressed the fuck out and needed to relieve some of that stress. As soon as he came, his phone started going off and he answered it. I knew he was talking to Thug. For a minute I became worried until he started laughing after he hung up.

  “What the hell so funny?”

  “That was Thug; he needs you to come and bond everybody out.”

  “What the hell he mean everybody?”

  “All their asses got locked up fighting at the strip club.” I was livid after hearing what the hell they were locked up for and just to teach their ass a lesson, I was going to wait until morning to bond them out. All of this drama that was going on in their marriages was getting on my last nerve. I was about to get on all of their asses. This shit was bad for business and they were fucking up big time.


  It took damn near five hours to get all of their stupid asses bonded out. After going home, showering and checking on Quanie, I had my new nanny and housekeeper named Maria, come and look after them. At first I was skeptical but she came highly recommended by Marta. You already know Marta was the motherfucking truth, so I knew she was legit. It had been so long since I got suited and booted to sit at the head of the table. I haven’t even been to the meetings anymore because I gave all that up. Thug is the head of the family now but he’s wearing his heart on his sleeve and it’s fucking him up in head. Don’t get it twisted Tahari is my heart. I love her. She is more than my daughter-in-law. She is like a real daughter to me, but most importantly she’s a friend. It’s just that all of this drama between the two of them is knocking Thug off of his square. I’m about to get to the bottom of this shit. All this shit is about to get settled. I’m sick and tired of all of this shit that’s going on. They’re either gone get this shit together or get the fuck away from each other. I had everyone meet me at Thug’s warehouse. I shook my head as they all walked in looking tore up from the floor up. I was still in shock looking and Tahari and Thug with black eyes, Khia with her arm in a damn sling, and Dro with stitches in his head. The rest of their ass just had minor scrapes, cuts, and bruises. It was crazy how the Boss Ladies were on one side of the table and Thug Inc. were on the other side. Usually they can’t keep their hands off of each other, so this shit was worse than I thought it was.

  “I’m just gone get straight to the motherfucking point. The shit that’s going on between y’all is unacceptable. I can’t believe I had to get out of my bed to come and bond you dummies out of jail. If y’all locked up who in the fuck was making sure money was being made. We are running a multi-million dollar drug operation, ain’t no fucking room for the bullshit that’s going on. In case y’all forgot, there’s a motherfucker out there lurking, doing shit to hurt my family. My granddaughter is dead. Quanie was shot the fuck up. We still don’t know who is behind those acts against our family. One thing for sure and two for certain, a motherfucker got to die for trespassing against us. We ain’t never been the type of crew that let motherfuckers breathe for too long, that fucked with this family.

  I started this shit and passed the torch on because I knew my kids could handle it. Each and every last one of you are my children and I trust you with my life. You all have made me so proud the way you go hard for this family and at one point, each other. Don’t y’all know Thug Inc. and Boss Lady Inc. ain’t nothing without each other? United we stand and divided we fall. Back in the day I never let my personal issues fuck with my business. I was getting my ass whooped for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Every day I was sexually violated by a man who claimed to love me. Despite that, I got up every day and went hard in the paint to make sure my kids had it all. This shit that’s going on with y’all is bad for business. This shit ends today. My baby shower is coming and I don’t want no motherfucking drama. Now I’m gone go around this room and ask each couple what the fuck is going on. I think it’s only right to address Thug and Tahari first. Before you start, let me just say this. To see you two hurting each other like this really hurts me. Y’all just lost a child. One would think that you would be leaning on each other for support. Let’s not forget you were just reunited. You should be making up for lost time. Instead y’all are coming to blows with one another. Everybody loves the love that you have for each other. If you two can’t make it then no one can. Now let’s put this shit out there. You go first Tahari.”

  “I’m pregnant with Nico’s baby and I want to keep it. Thug doesn’t agree so he decided he no longer wants to be with me.” Tahari wiped the tears from her face. I felt bad for her because she just lost her baby and to be blessed with another and it’s by another man, is hard.

  “Fuck I look like being with your ass and you carrying that nigga’s baby. Fuck outta here. Either you dead that shit or I’m divorcing your ass. I mean that. By the way, did she tell you she called the police on me and had me arrested in front of my kids? Bitch got me thinking she a snake or some shit. Answer me Tahari! Are you a motherfucking snake?” Thug was banging his fists on the table and I could tell that he was hurting behind her keeping the baby. I looked over at Tahari and I knew she was hurting even more. I hated that he had her crying. I mean, that real ugly cry. Instead of her answering, she just stood up and walked out of the warehouse.

  “You know damn well she ain’t no snake. I think yo
u’re being too hard on her bro,” Barbie said as she tried to go after her, but I gestured for her to have seat.

  “Where the fuck you think you going? So you fucked that nigga Darro, huh? Don’t look all shocked. I heard y’all talking on my voicemail. After everything you say he did to you, you turn around and give that nigga some pussy. I got one question for your hoe ass. Did you suck that nigga’s dick? Cat got your motherfucking tongue? Did you suck that nigga’s dick?” Malik was talking through gritted teeth and Barbie looked scared as hell, not to mention embarrassed. I think this is turning out to be bad idea.

  “No Malik! I didn’t suck his dick!”

  “For some reason I find that hard to believe with your hoe ass.”

  “Well I guess that makes two of us. You have a lot of nerve judging me. Just a minute ago you was passing that dick out and bringing me home diseases. Shut the fuck up talking to me, you community dick ass nigga.”

  “Make me beat your ass up in here.” He jumped and so did Barbie.

  “Stop all that shit. Malik, you’re not about to put your hands on her. You have cheated on her plenty of times. It’s not fair that you judge her over one mistake. Y’all need to go home and talk about this without fighting one another.

  “I’m willing to do that Momma Peaches, but what I won’t do is allow him to disrespect me during the conversation.”

  “Shut the fuck up! You disrespected yourself when you fucked that nigga.”

  “I ain’t got time for this shit.” Barbie stuck her middle finger up and walked out of the warehouse with Malik hot on her heels. All I could do is rub my temples in frustration. At this point, I didn’t even want to hear anything else. I gathered my shit and went home to my babies. All of them were grown. It’s up to them to fix the problems in their marriage. I’ve been mediating shit for years. I’m officially done. I sent a text to everyone and basically told them tend to their business and leave the personal issues alone. I’m all about my fucking bread and keeping this organization afloat. Hopefully, before it’s too late, they get it together. Since I was still out and about, I needed to go check on Gail. Her ass has been catching hell since Mike left her. To make matters worse, Markese hasn’t been talking to her and that’s breaking her heart.

  Chapter 24- Malik

  Got Me Fucked Up

  When I listened to my voicemails and overheard Barbie’s entire conversation about fucking that nigga, I had murder in my mind. The only thing that has kept me from putting a bullet in her head, was the fact that she is the mother of my children. True I’ve cheated on her in the past. I’ve been a dog ass nigga, but if she was going to get me back by fucking a nigga that hurt her, she should have left my ass. Not to say I would have went quietly, but I would have left. I think the thing that pisses me off the most is that she has never wanted me to go with her to pick up Zaria. Now I know why. She was over there giving that nigga my pussy. I promised her that I would never put my hands on her but I swear my hand is itching to slap slob from her ass. I made sure to the send the kids over to my sister’s house. Barbie was trying her best to avoid me, but I had something for her sneaky ass. I’m a certified motherfucking nut and Barbie out of all people knows that. We were in the basement of our house. I was sitting at the bar and she was sitting on the sectional, looking stupid as hell. I could care less that she was crying. That shit meant absolutely nothing to me at the moment. The Patrón I was drinking had me feeling real nice and I was on good bullshit. Barbie needed to be reminded of who the fuck she was married to.

  “Is that nigga’s dick bigger than mine?”

  “Really Malik? I’m not about to do this with you.” Barbie stood up to walk out of the basement but I jumped up and slung her ass back on the couch.

  “If you don’t want your ass beat you’re going to answer the question.”

  “No Malik. His dick is not bigger than yours.”

  “Did he eat that pussy better than me?”

  “No Malik.”

  “So his dick ain’t bigger than mine and he ain’t made that motherfucker squirt.” I started laughing to the point that I almost fell off of the barstool.

  “Why you have to be so damn stupid Malik? Like for real. Let me out of this basement. Yes, I cheated on you. Did I enjoy it? No. I’m not about to play this game with you.”

  “Your ass gone play any game I want your sneaky, lying ass to play. This my last time telling you to sit the fuck down.” I had grabbed her around the throat and pushed her ass back on the couch. She started that crying shit again. That made me even madder.

  “Wipe your motherfucking face. Was you crying when you was fucking that nigga behind my back! I was now standing over here with my gun out.

  “You say it like I’ve been having an affair with him. I only had sex with him once. It was a mistake Malik. If memory serves me right, you made a mistake each and every time you cheated on me. Now you standing here judging me. Get the fuck out of here Malik. I’m so done with you. Now you know how it feels to be cheated on. We’re even.” I rubbed my hand over my goatee taking in all the shit she had just said. At the same time, I was trying to calm down because she had me heated.

  “So, you were on some revenge type shit? Why not leave”

  “No, you’re blowing this all out proportion. Do you see yourself Malik? You’re standing over me with a gun in your hand. I’m sorry that I had sex with him. I don’t love him. I love you and only you. All I can do is apologize and hope that you forgive me. Just like I’ve forgiven you so many times for your numerous indiscretions.” She got up and walked towards the door and this time I let her leave out of the basement. I sat back down and knocked back a couple of shots, and contemplated on how I was going to handle this situation. Obviously, Barbie and this nigga, Darro, had me fucked up like I’m some chump ass nigga. It’s been a minute since I had to make an example out of a motherfucker for fucking with what the fuck belonged to me. I thought Barbie knew me but it’s obvious she forgot. She got me fucked up!

  Chapter 25- Barbie

  Crazy In Luv

  If Malik thought that he was going to scare my with his psycho tactics, he had another thing coming. I admit I was wrong for having sex Darro. The shit just happened out of the blue. Once it was over I regretted doing it. I only told Malik that we were even so that he could see the way I felt each and every time he cheated on me. Of course he’s not seeing it that way. I’m not going to cry over this any longer. I did it and the shit is over. I love Malik with all of my heart but I will not allow him to guilt trip me. I’m honestly disappointed in myself for allowing Darro to even touch me. I was so vulnerable after the last incident with Malik. Each and every time I went over to pick up my daughter, Darro would go out of his way to be nice. I don’t know what came over my dumb ass. He asked me could he eat my pussy and I told him yeah. That shit felt so good that I let him fuck me. That shit was so fucking whack. I was mad as hell for wasting my time. It wasn’t even worth it. Now my ass has to walk around eggshells and tread lightly around Malik. He is itching to tag my ass. I’m just waiting for it to happen and I’m going to be ready for whatever. In a way I’m scared because he was too damn calm for me. When I walked out of the basement, I was glad when I heard him leave the house. I had been in jail for two days and I was sore as hell from fighting with Malik at the club. All I wanted to do was get some sleep before Ta’Jay brought my kids home. With Malik being gone, I didn’t have to sleep with one eye open.

  As soon as I drifted off to sleep, I was awakened by the sound of a chainsaw. I jumped up because I thought I was dreaming. For a brief moment the sound stopped, but then it started up again. I looked out of my bedroom window and Malik’s car was parked in the driveway. If this motherfucker was out here drunk fucking up my rose garden again, I’m going to fuck him up. I rushed downstairs and looked out of the back window, but there was no sign of Malik in the backyard. The sound of the chainsaw started up again and I realized it was coming from the basement. I went downstairs ready to confront
Malik about making all that noise. I stopped in my tracks when I saw body parts lying on the floor in a thick piece of blue tarp. Malik was smoking on a blunt watching as two of his workers wrapped the body up. They all stopped in their tracks when they realized I had come in the basement. Malik had stood up to his feet and walked in my direction.

  “What’s up baby? Come here let Daddy show you something.” Malik grabbed me around my waist and slowly walked me over to the body parts that remained on the floor. He placed soft kisses on my neck that sent chills down my spine. As I got a closer look, I noticed the Rolex on one of the dismembered arms. I immediately became sick to my stomach as I looked over at Darro’s head sitting up on the bar. I almost collapsed but Malik held me in a bear hug.

  “Why would you do this Malik?” I said as my voice trembled in fear.

  “Take a good look at your bitch ass baby daddy. The next time you get the urge to give a nigga my pussy this will be the outcome. Just in case you were wondering, his bitch ass died squirming. Now go upstairs and get that pussy ready for Daddy. Make sure you wash that pussy good. Your ass done pissed everywhere.” I ran up the basement stairs and almost busted my shit from being wet. I didn’t even realize that I had pissed on myself. As soon as I made it to the bathroom that was inside of my bedroom, I vomited everywhere. I’ve killed people with my crew numerous times so it wasn’t just seeing all the body parts that made me sick. It was the fear inside of me that made me sick as well. I couldn’t believe Malik had killed Darro. I felt bad for Zaria. He is her father and she loves them. How am I going to explain to my daughter that the person that she adores and admires is dead? I felt like it was all my fault. I shed some tears for my daughter because I knew she was going to be hurt. I hurried up and wiped my tears and jumped in the shower. Once I was finished, I walked out of the bathroom and Malik was sitting up in bed, asshole naked. His dick was standing up so tall I could see it from a distance. He begin to make it move on its own. He knows that shit makes me wet. I hurried up and looked away. I sat on the chaise and I began to rub Japanese Cherry Blossom lotion all over my body. The entire time, Malik stared at me through glossy eyes. His ass must have popped a Molly or something. Despite being scared of his psychotic ass, I was actually turned on at the sight of his naked body. Most women would have hauled ass running out of the house instead of upstairs to their bedroom, but not me. I know Malik better than anybody in this world. He likes to be in control and when he feels like he’s losing control, he lashes out. This is just one of the many incidents where he went to the extreme. When we first started dating, I witnessed the demon that lives inside of him. If he so much as caught a nigga looking at me, he would pull his gun out and shoot him. Malik suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder from being molested when he was younger. This shit is still affecting him that’s why he does the things he do. Malik puts on a brave front for his family and friends. In reality, he suffers on a daily basis with his inner demons. As I sit here and think about my next move, I think back to all those times when we were younger and he would lash out at me for the littlest things, but at the same time his love was so intoxicating. I didn’t have anyone to love me and no one understood him but me, so we were perfect for one another. It’s like he’s done so much to me but I can’t walk away because I know he needs me. To others, Malik is crazy and has no chill. I actually wouldn’t even want to fuck with him if he was a square ass nigga. There are nights when I lie in bed and watch him sleep, wondering why I’m still here. I know that it’s love but sometimes I wonder if love is enough to continue to deal with his demons. Then I realize it’s more than love. It’s the idea of being needed. He needs me, plain and simple. In all honesty, I want and I need him too. Some might not understand my logic but it’s not for anyone else to understand. We fight hard but we love even harder. Malik has a good heart and he means well. He’s just misunderstood.


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