Blind Date

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Blind Date Page 7

by Veronica Tower

“Oh, baby,” Merci said, “Brad is never going to be yesterday’s news.”

  “But…” Chris stopped sputtering and forced himself up on one arm so he could look at Merci. “I don’t know what I’m complaining about. I should just be happy it’s not someone we can really sleep with.”

  “Oh, so you don’t want to take me with another man?”

  Chris shuddered.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” Chris insisted, “I just don’t want to share you.”

  “That’s not it,” Merci said. “You shuddered. What’s wrong?”

  Chris tried to deflect the conversation. “Maybe I’m worried you’ll want to trade me in for the new guy.”

  Merci shook her head. “No, that doesn’t explain the shudder. Something skeeved you. What is it? Are you worried about getting naked with another guy?”

  Chris shuddered again.

  Merci clapped her hands together excitedly. “That’s it!” she squealed. “Oh, baby, making it with me and another man wouldn’t mean you’re gay.”

  Chris sat up. “I didn’t say it would.”

  “But you’re worried about it,” Merci said. “You don’t like the idea of rubbing up against another naked man.”

  “Would you?” Chris countered, “against another woman, I mean.”

  Merci started to laugh. “Well, I wouldn’t want to do her one on one, but if the guy was hot enough and I was drunk enough—yes, I think I could probably share.” She placed her hand on Chris’ inner thigh near his flaccid dick. “Especially if you offered me the right incentives.”

  Chris’ sleepy brain clearly couldn’t adequately follow her line of thinking. “What are you talking about?”

  Merci began to stroke his thigh. She was enjoying the conversation but couldn’t quite decide if she were serious. “We could trade,” she suggested, “two girls one night for you and two guys one night for me.”

  “That is the craziest thing I ever heard,” Chris protested. His cock appeared to disagree with him.

  Merci moved her fingers to encircle the lengthening shaft, rhythmically squeezing the engorging flesh.

  “So you don’t want to barter?” she asked. “You don’t want to explore any possible terms?”

  Chris rose to his knees on the mattress and Merci mirrored him. Her thick dark nipples grazed the smooth white flesh of his chest as her hand began to gently pump his rapidly hardening dick.

  His hands cupped her waist. “What…what do you have in mind?”

  This was fun! It never ceased to amaze Merci how easy it was to lead a man by his erection. She let her voice go all husky. “I’m suggesting that I might do another woman for you if you’d do a man with me.”

  At the words do a man Chris’ spine stiffened and he began to pull away. “No, I can’t do that,” he told her. “I don’t do guys.”

  Merci didn’t know if she was playing anymore, but she was certain she didn’t want Chris to get out of bed and leave her horny and alone. She tightened her grip on his thick erection. “I didn’t mean that the way it sounded,” she said. “You and he would be doing me! You can take me from both ends. You wouldn’t even have to touch him.”

  Chris hesitated, so Merci stroked his ego to encourage him. “I don’t know what you’re worried about. Look at the size of your dick and imagine how the other guy is going to feel by comparison.”

  Chris smiled. It was a cocky, self-assured, bad boy sort of grin. “Maybe this is worth exploring after all,” he said. “Who do you have in mind?”

  The question completely stumped Merci. “I don’t know. We’re just playing. I wasn’t thinking about an actual person—other than Brad Pitt.”

  “That’s a good answer,” Chris told her. “I don’t want you thinking about other guys like that.” His lips closed over hers and his hands swept up Merci’s body to cup her breasts.

  She loved the way he fondled her, gently teasing her nipples back to life while his erection grew ever more solid in her hand.

  She broke the kiss, still feeling playful. “So what if I was thinking of someone?” she asked. “What would you do then?”

  “After I beat the hell out of him, you mean? I’d have to give you a good reason to start thinking about me again.” He lifted one juicy nipple to his lips and began to nurse—pulling the puckered flesh taut and then sucking on it.

  The resulting wave of pleasure rolled down Merci’s spine to fuel the inferno which was reigniting between her legs.

  “That’s a…pretty good reason,” she stuttered.

  Chris stretched the nipple until it broke free of his lips with a large popping sound. Then he lunged forward, driving Merci back onto the mattress and attacked her other breast with his mouth. She lost her grip on his cock, but almost caught his hand as it slipped between her thighs and felt her moist labia.

  Chris stopped sucking. “Wet already?” he teased. “Are you sure you don’t have a specific guy in mind?”

  “No,” Merci gasped, “just you.”

  “I don’t think I believe you,” he said. He slipped rapidly down her body and stretched her thighs wider. Then he paused examining her as she quivered beneath him.

  “I’ll make a deal with you,” he said. He ducked down and licked a slow circle around her hooded clit. Her hairless pussy was particularly sensitive since he had started shaving her regularly. “I’ll let you pick a guy to fuck you with me so long as he wears a condom and I get to fuck your ass afterwards.”

  Merci’s body went rigid. “No,” she whispered. “You can’t—”

  Chris slid his hand beneath her cheeks and lightly scratched the rim of her anus with his fingernail. The tight sphincter muscle contracted hard in response.

  “Right here,” he whispered.


  He tickled her again with the sharp edge of his nail. When he spoke his mouth was almost touching her clitoris so that she could feel the hot moist breath that carried his words. “I think you want me to-”

  Chris swallowed Merci’s clit, unsheathing the ultra-sensitive flesh with his lips. At the very same instant, his forefinger penetrated Merci’s anus.

  It was a damn long time before she stopped climaxing.

  Chapter Twenty Four



  “Liv? It’s Merci.”


  The lack of enthusiasm in Liv’s voice was physically hurtful to Merci.

  “Sorry about our little spat at the party.”

  Merci wasn’t certain why she felt the need to apologize. Liv was the one who did the actual insulting and Liv was the one who’d let another half week go by without phoning.

  “I’m just sorry I didn’t get to finish telling you what I really think!”

  “Well now’s your chance.”

  Liv’s voice tripled in volume. “You were supposed to hurt him!”

  Like he hurt you? Merci wondered.

  “You know, I’ve never been very good at hurting people,” Merci reminded her. “It’s just not my style.”

  “Well did you have to make him look like a stud instead?” Liv’s exasperation might have been funny under other circumstances. “Honestly, Merci, when a drop dead gorgeous woman like you dates a guy it makes everyone think he’s something special.”

  He is something special, Merci thought. That’s part of the problem. If Chris wasn’t such a stud this wouldn’t have hurt you half as much. She wondered what she could do to give Liv some of her self esteem back.

  The silence began to stretch out longer than it should have, so Merci rushed to fill it. “I like him,” Merci said. “I didn’t expect to, but I genuinely do. Can’t you understand that?”

  “Oh, Merci,” Liv’s voice dropped in volume as she attempted to adopt a more reasonable tone. “You’re so naive. I’m just afraid you’re going to get hurt again.”

  “Well I’ve been hurt before,” Merci said. “If it happens again, I’ll get over it. But honestly, our only problem
right now is you.”

  “Can’t help you there,” Liv retorted, anger and scorn returning to her voice.

  “Yes, you can,” Merci said. “Just get together with us for one evening-”


  Liv’s tone left no room for compromise, but Merci tried anyway. “It’s just one-”


  “We’ve been friends a long-”


  An idea came to Merci out of the blue and she ran with it before she had time to consider any of its potential consequences. All that she could think was that here was a way she might intrigue Liv and simultaneously start to patch her fractured ego. “Oh come on! It’s the only way he’s going to stop talking about you all the time!”


  Liv’s surprised question told Merci that her insight had been correct, but now she had to figure out how to capitalize on her initial success. “He can’t stop talking about you,” she repeated. “He knows we were roommates all those years ago and when we’re lying in bed chatting late at night he peppers me with questions.”

  Liv took the bait, sounding interested despite herself. “What kind of questions?”

  “Oh, you know,” Merci said dismissively, wondering herself just how she should answer Liv.

  “No, I don’t know. Tell me.”

  Merci pretended to demur, buying herself time to concoct a story. “Oh this is so embarrassing. I’m sorry I brought it up.”

  “Tell me!”

  “Well sometimes when we’re lying together after sex and he’s well...spent, he starts asking me questions about you.”

  Liv was getting impatient.

  “What questions?”

  “You know. What was it like to live with you? Did you date a lot? What kind of men interested you?”

  “Is that all?” Liv definitely sounded disappointed.

  “No...” Merci made the word sound tentative while she searched for something else to say. She really didn’t know how much further she should go.


  “This is just so embarrassing.”

  “You started it! Now you have to finish!”

  “He wants to know if I ever saw you with any of your boyfriends.”

  “And did you?”

  “Of course, we were roommates, remember? We were always kissing someone or making out on our beds.”

  “I remember,” Liv said. It was the first genuinely warm expression she had made since answering the phone. “Those were the days. We had guys all over us and man did they like to play with your tits. It seems like every time I glanced over from my bed at you, some guys tongue was down your throat and his hand was under your shirt.”

  Merci laughed at the memories. Those really were the days! And it wasn’t just hands on her breasts that were so great. When she let a guy work her shirt up her chest so he could nibble at her tits through her bra...

  There was one time in particular. Liv was sucking face with some guy on her bed across the room and Merci had let this hunk work her t-shirt up to her chin and pop one of her breasts out of her bra. Most guys either licked, nursed, or chewed. But this boy had tried to work her entire breast into his mouth and suck her nipple down his throat. Merci had never felt anything like it before or since, but something about his tonsils on her nipple had felt divine.

  Of course he had ruined everything a few minutes later by straddling her waist, opening his pants and attempting to fuck her tits right there in front of Liv and her one night stand.

  “You’ve gotten all quiet,” Liv said. “What are you thinking about?”

  Now Merci felt genuinely embarrassed. “I was just thinking of our college years. You know, a lot of guys you made out with had their hands under your shirt as well.”

  Liv voiced her skepticism. “You were thinking about guys reaching up under my shirt?”

  “No,” Merci admitted. “I was remembering the night I almost died of embarrassment when my date whipped out his cock in front of you and your guy.”

  “Oh, you mean Alfred,” Liv laughed. “I remember that. He was so hot. I always wished you had let him tit fuck you.”

  “You’re not serious. You were right there with his friend.”

  “And we wanted to watch him do it!”

  “You’re not-”

  Liv kept laughing. “Really, Merci, what’s the point of having those big breasts if you don’t use them. I mean, I’ve tried it, but I’m really not built for it like you are.”

  “You really wanted me to do it?”

  “Of course we did! The question is why didn’t you want him to?”

  “I was just so embarrassed. It’s so dirty and messy...”

  “And you don’t like dirty sex?” Liv teased. “You don’t let Chris fuck those big tits of yours and shoot his cum in your face?”

  Merci gently rubbed herself through her sweat pants. She did like it when Chris squeezed her breasts against his cock and fucked her mouth, but she wasn’t sure she wanted Liv to know that.

  “You do, don’t you?”

  “I’ll tell you what,” Merci said. “You agree to come over Friday night for an old fashioned girl’s night in and I’ll tell you anything you want to know—assuming you get me drunk enough.”

  “Anything?” Liv asked, clearly giving the invitation serious consideration. “Does that include telling me everything Chris asks you about me?”

  Got you! Merci thought. “So, I’ll see you Friday night?”

  “Okay,” Liv agreed, “on one condition. We can talk about Chris but I don’t want to see him.”

  That wasn’t perfect, of course, but it was a beginning.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  “You told her what?”

  Merci really hadn’t expected her news to make Chris angry. “It was just a little white lie.”

  “I can’t believe you would do this!” he shouted. “What could you have been thinking?”

  Merci pulled away from Chris’ angry voice—not exactly frightened, but certainly disconcerted by it. “I just want her to like us again.”

  “Like us?” Chris repeated. “Merci, she hates us! Don’t you remember what she did? Liv’s a conniving, manipulative, evil bitch!”

  This last string of insults directed at her friend stiffened Merci’s spine so that she started fighting back. “She is not!” she shouted. “She’s a good friend! She’s just hurt because you were an asshole to her!”

  “An asshole? I don’t remember having sex with her! I didn’t call her because I didn’t know there was anything to call about! You think I like blacking out and not remembering fucking a woman?”

  “Well what the hell were you doing drinking so much?” Merci shouted back.

  “Look who’s talking,” Chris countered. “You get tipsy every goddamn time we go out!”

  “This isn’t about me!”

  “Of course it is! You told Liv I can’t stop talking about her. Now she probably thinks I’ve been pining away for her all of these years. What’s next? Am I supposed to fuck her for old times sake? How the hell is that suppose to get you your friend back?”

  “Fuck her?” The idea astounded Merci. “Of course not,” she sputtered. “Is that what you want?”

  “What I want?” Chris shouted. “What the hell did you do with your brains? Have you forgotten what she wanted you to do to me? I don’t want her coming within ten miles of us!”

  Chris’ face was flushed with anger—so red, in fact, that Merci suddenly began to worry about his blood pressure. She was a healer by nature, not a fighter. She took a step back from her boyfriend and lowered her voice. “I just want my friend back,” she said. “I just want you and Liv to stop fighting so I can have both of you in my life again.”

  Chris lowered his voice to match hers. “Merci, honey, I don’t want to disappoint you, but I don’t think that’s possible. She’s been angry for too long. We can’t trust her!”

  Merci felt tears welling up in
her eyes. “I just…I hate things being like this. I hate Liv being mad at me.”

  Chris hesitated for a moment, and then took her into his arms. “What do you want me to do?”

  Merci didn’t answer Chris immediately. Instead she buried her face in his chest and tried to get her emotions under control. She didn’t like getting angry and she really didn’t like crying. She wanted Chris to do this because it was the right thing to do—not because she manipulated him into helping with a few well-timed tears.

  He caressed the back of her head. “What do you want me to do?” he asked again.

  “I just…” She stopped, cleared her throat and tried again. “I promised Liv you wouldn’t be here Friday night, but I’m hoping—hoping—I can get her to change her mind. Could you just be on call? Hang out at a local bar and wait for me to phone?”

  Chris considered that for a few moments. “If you want to rekindle your friendship with Liv, why does it have to involve me? Wouldn’t it make more sense for you to just hang out with her Friday night and leave me out of it?”

  Merci shook her head. “You’re part of my life now, Chris. I want Liv to accept that. I want you and Liv to make peace.”

  “So you keep saying,” Chris reminded her, “but I’m not the problem here. Liv is the one who won’t give up her grudge.”

  “Will you do it?” Merci asked. “For me?”

  “Sit in a bar Friday night and wait for you to call?”

  “And be nice to Liv when you get here,” Merci added.

  “What exactly does that mean?” Chris asked. “Pretend I’m obsessed with her like you suggested?”

  “More fascinated than obsessed,” Merci said. “Obsessed sounds like something you need a restraining order for when we’re looking to start a conversation over a good glass of wine.”

  Chris considered this for several seconds, neither affirming nor denying his willingness to help.

  Despite her theoretical desire to see Chris decide what to do on his own, Merci decided he could use some positive motivation. She sank down to her knees in front of him and massaged the bulge in his pants. “Still not sure? Maybe I can help you make up your mind.”


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