Scarred Mate

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Scarred Mate Page 3

by Maggie Mundy

  Chapter Five

  The sun came up as Connor ran down to the lake. He stripped off, dived into the water, and swam out to the pontoon. Pulling himself up out of the cold waters, he sat on the old wooden deck. He had done this a thousand times, but today was different. Everything was different since he’d met Rosie. At least the chilly water helped with his raging erection. He was still trying to come to terms with what had happened a few nights ago.

  If he hadn’t walked away from Rosie the other night he would have scooped her up and carried her to the bedroom. He believed in consent and she was sending out vibes she would not say no. He didn’t know how much the energy of the imprinting was affecting her and would never forgive himself if he took advantage.

  It had caused a battle with his inner wolf, who screamed, she’s our mate. He went to his job to keep his mind off her. It didn’t work. It didn’t explain his dream either. Like any man over the years, he’d his fair share of hot dreams, but the one the other night after he left her felt so real. If he closed his eyes he could almost feel what it had been like to be buried inside Rosie.

  His cock got hard again. It reinforced the fact he didn’t want any of the other wolf pack members to find her. He just had to work out some way to convince a woman he hardly knew to take him as her mate. He dove back in the water and swam back to shore. He would go to work and see if cleaning and restocking the bar would keep his mind off Rosie. He doubted it. The past four days hadn’t.

  The afternoon rolled on as he served people he’d known for years. One of them was Rocco. He came in each evening on his way home from work. His wife passed away six months ago and Rocco was lonely. Connor had always been lonely. He didn’t even join in with the pack much. It hurt to see the other guys mated when he thought it would never happen for him.

  Would Rosie change that? He poured another drink for Rocco. As he walked down the bar, his ankle gave out. He didn’t get sick. He hadn’t been hurt since the last fight with the other members of the pack. The wolves liked to bate each other for fun. Werewolves healed quickly so it didn’t matter. The truth was he couldn’t be bothered with their games anymore. He was getting too alpha, and the only way the pack leader would stand him being around was for Conner to be in the background. The truth was, Conner just wanted a woman and didn’t care about the hierarchy of the pack anymore.

  He had been so many years on the road thinking he would fit in somewhere else. All he seemed to do was rile up the local males. Too many didn’t treat their women right. He gave up trying to fit in.

  His ankle still hurt like hell. He pulled up his jean leg and examined his foot. It looked normal, but the pain got worse, shooting like an arrow up to his knee. Then a sharp pain resonated from the left side of his head. What the hell was happening to him?

  Rocco peered at him. “You all right, friend? You look pale, like you’re gonna throw up. I know what that’s like.”

  Connor grabbed the counter and leaned forward, closing his eyes and hoping he would not pass out. It was as if a film was playing before his eyes. He saw Rosie beside the waterfall near her cabin. She slid down the slope to land by a fallen tree at the bottom. He opened his eyes. His woman was hurt. It was getting dark and she would be out there alone. He would never forgive himself if she died. He already knew he would want to die himself. Fuck this imprinting, but he wouldn’t change a thing.

  Knowing what he had to do, Connor turned and marched directly to the back of the building, to an area meant only for employees.

  The bar manager, Patricia, sat in her office doing paperwork. She glanced up as he knocked on the door.

  “I have to go. Can you take over the bar from me? A family member is hurt.”

  “That’s fine, but you only get paid for what you work.” Patricia frowned as he left. She along with everyone else didn’t think he had family. In a way it was true, until he’d met Rosie.

  He dialed Rosie’s cell phone number as he made his way out of the bar. Her phone went to voice mail. He closed his eyes again and tried to connect. This time she looked unconscious. His protective instincts kicked in as his gut clenched, thinking he might lose her. He needed to save Rosie, even if she didn’t realize she was his woman.

  He jumped on his motorbike and headed up to the cottage. The corners blurred as he sped past. He needed to find her before dark.

  Twenty minutes later, Connor pulled his bike up away from the house near the path for the waterfall. He’d make quicker time if he shifted. He shucked off his shoes and clothes, then tied his shirt and pants around his neck. He closed his eyes for a split second and was in his wolf form. As a cub it hurt to change, but now the transformation was a good pain he welcomed, especially if it got him to his woman quicker. One thing he knew for sure—the desperation he felt separated from her meant she was his.

  Everything appeared heightened in wolf form. The trees smelled stronger, and his eyes focused and saw any little movement. He headed off in the direction of the waterfall as the sun went down. When he reached the top of the hill where he’d seen Rosie fall, he peered down and saw her at the bottom. She was no longer unconscious and for a second he thought she might have seen him. Damn, he needed to be more careful. Moving back into the trees, he changed back into human form, dressed, and called down from the top of the waterfall. “Rosie, are you okay?”

  She looked up and squinted at where he stood. “I’ve twisted my ankle and bumped my head,” she called out.

  “I’m coming down.” Connor descended the slope with ease and jumped the last six feet to land beside her.

  “I’m so glad to see you. I thought I was going to be here all night. I’m sure I saw a wolf as well,” she said as she gazed about the undergrowth. “I thought I’d hobble back to the shack if I could find a stick to lean on. My phone’s over there if you can grab it for me.”

  Connor helped her up.

  Rosie wobbled, unable to put any weight on her ankle.

  “I think the best solution is if I give you a piggy back.” Being close to her again, he sensed her smell, a mixture of lemon and musk. It drew him in like a fine wine he could become addicted to. He helped her up so her arms were around his neck, and he supported under her legs. He could feel her breasts pressed against his back and tried to control his raging dick. “Hold on tight.”

  It was a longer way back to the cabin from the bottom of the fall, but mostly flat. Rosie didn’t speak and he worried she had passed out again.

  “You, okay?”

  “Yes. Sorry I’m a bit exhausted. Can I ask? How did you find me? And do you always walk barefoot. I can’t keep upright with hiking boots on.”

  This would be interesting to explain.

  “I finished work early and went up to your cabin to see if you wanted to go for a walk. When you weren’t there, I went for a jog. When I got to the waterfall, I saw you at the bottom.” He hoped she believed him and would ignore the shoe comment for now. He turned out of the forest and onto the road. It wouldn’t be far now, but he would carry her forever if needed. He wanted her close.

  “I thought this place would bring me solitude, not injuries. Thanks for coming to my rescue yet again. I’m sorry; I’m not like this normally. I’m usually the one doing the rescuing.”

  “My pleasure. I promise to call you when I need rescuing.” The sun had slipped below the horizon by the time they got to the front of the cabin. He let her down.

  She reached in her pocket and pulled out a small remote. “It’s for my security system, in case anyone tried to get in while I was gone.” She pressed the button.

  “You’ve been busy. We don’t get much call for systems like that out here. Can I say you don’t come over as the paranoid type.”

  She hobbled up the steps with his help.

  Then he scooped her up in his arms and carried her over to the couch. “Let me get some ice for your ankle.” He glanced across at the security system. She wasn’t kidding; the camera’s showed his bike down the road, the front deck,
and the back of the house. What was going on here?

  He placed the ice in a bag and wrapped it in a t-towel. He decided no matter what, he wasn’t leaving her. In fact, he would never leave her again unless she sent him away. If his woman was in some kind of trouble, then this was where he needed to be. He got the fire going. Then he sat at the end of the couch and undid her hiking boot. He removed it slowly as she bit her lower lip. Her foot didn’t appear broken, but it was swollen.

  “You sit there. I’ll check your fridge and make us something to eat.”

  “You really don’t need to. I’ve been enough of a pest.”

  He waved off her protests and made his way to the kitchen. He found some cheese, fruit, and bread.

  “There’s another bottle of red in the cupboard. I reckon it will help with the pain. There are also some pain killers in the first aid kit in on the shelf,” Rosie called out.

  He brought the food over and poured two glasses of wine. He had to admit he was starving after carrying her all the way back.

  “You must think I’m a complete klutz. I swear I’m not usually like this.”

  “We all have accidents. If you don’t mind me asking, I’d like to know more about you. The security system, your scars. I feel like I’m missing something here. If you want me to mind my own business that’s okay, don’t worry.” Her smile went and she took a large gulp of wine and two tablets. He didn’t want to scare her, but he needed to know about her past if she became his. If he needed to go and deal with the prick who had done this to her, he would.

  “You’ve saved me twice, so I suppose that entitles you to hear a bit about my sordid past. You may not want to talk to me afterward.”

  “Trust me, everyone has something in their past.” He removed the ice from her ankle and bandaged her foot and lower leg for support.

  She watched him as he worked but didn’t say anything. It was only once he’d finished—as if she’d been building up her nerve—that she spoke. “I used to be a cop a while back. My ex suggested a trip to South America. I thought he was going to propose, as we’d been together for three years. I didn’t know he was into drugs, which was crazy as I thought I knew the signs. Must have been blinded by the romance.” Rosie took a deep breath as if remembering the events was taking a toll on her.

  “Jaimie, my ex, said we were going to visit a friend of his and I’d get a surprise. Engagement ring maybe? We drove into a less than salubrious part of town. My stomach was turning over, but he said not to worry. We stopped in a traffic jam and things didn’t seem right. I told him I was leaving and I would get a taxi back to the hotel. He said to stay where I was. I opened the car door and was getting out and there was an explosion.”

  Rosie put down her glass, and he took her hand in his and squeezed it. She took a deep breath and went on.

  “I remember being on the sidewalk and staring at the night sky. People were bending over me and I could smell smoke. I’d been thrown from the car, so maybe I was lucky. I couldn’t hear anything because of the blast. I turned my head and saw nothing much was left of the car. Then the pain hit and I blacked out.”

  “You don’t have to go on.”

  “It’s okay. I need to face it. When I awoke, I was in the hospital. The doctor told me Jamie was dead. I was glad. Days went by in a haze of drugs and pain, and eventually I was flown back to the states. The doctors did what they could, but my wounds were infected and wouldn’t take the grafts. I went back to work, but the looks of pity got to me. So I became a loner.”

  “Why the security system?”

  Her hand shook as she took another drink.

  “About three weeks ago, I started getting texts saying a drug lord called Heraldo was coming for me. The guys in work checked it out and said as far as they could tell he was dead. This week the texts said I should give them what they wanted or someone close to me would die. I decided to get away and think things through. This stuff was extra protection. Plus I have my gun and I can fight when I’m not crippled. I’m sorry to dump this on you. You can leave if you want.”

  He moved over and put his arms around her. He shouldn’t have pushed her but was glad he knew about the drugs. If Jaimie hadn’t died in the accident, he would be a dead man now for putting her in harm’s way.

  The trembling stopped as she placed her head on his shoulder. Conner took a deep breath. She might be scared, but he could also smell she was aroused. It was all he needed to know as he moved away and peered into her eyes. Her breathing sped up as she bit her lower lip. He wanted her so much.

  “I think you've had a rough day and a rough past. I don’t think I should leave you on your own tonight.” He just had to convince her that didn’t mean him on the couch.

  “I don’t want to be on my own.”

  “You understand if I stay, I’ll be in the same bed as you. I want to touch you. Are you okay with that?”

  Rosie glanced toward the bedroom, then back at him. She nodded.

  In her mind she probably thought this would be just a night with a stranger, but he wanted more if she was willing. He would spend this one night easing some of the torment she had suffered.

  “Today was not the first time you experienced anguish, and I want to ease it a little. First, I think you need a hot bath to ease away all your ache and pains.” He patted her hand comfortingly before climbing to his feet and heading into the bathroom. He ran the bath, filling the tub with hot water. There was a bottle of bubble bath on the side and he tipped some in so the smell of roses filled the room. He wasn’t the romantic sort, but he almost wished he had some rose petals to strew around. In the cupboard he found two large towels and placed them beside the bath for them. Once the bath was full enough he headed back to the main room. His heart pounded, knowing so much was at stake. She struggled to get up when he came back and he picked Rosie up in his arms.

  She giggled. “Nobody has picked me up and carried me around like you do. It’s fun and incredibly silly at the same time, and I’m not one for silly.”

  His woman was stubborn as well as tough, but he would melt that protective side if he could.

  Conner sat her down on a chair in the bathroom. He knelt at her feet and took her other boot and the bandage off. Then he pushed her knees apart and moved between them. It would be hard on him to take it slow, but he had waited all his life for a mate, and he was going to enjoy this and make sure she did too.

  “I’m going to strip you, massage you, and then I want to fuck you. I think you should know I’ve wanted to fuck you since the first moment I saw you. Are you okay with that?” She needed to know what she was in for.

  “Yes.” Her pupils dilated as she answered in a breathy voice. Hell, she turned him on. Could his cock get any harder? There would be only one thing that would satisfy him now.

  From that one word she was his. This wonderful woman has suffered so much, and he wanted to bring some joy into her life. After tonight, he would convince her she would never want anyone else.

  He unbuttoned her blouse and pushed it from her shoulders. Leaning forward, he placed kisses across each shoulder as she moved her head from side to side and sighed. When he moved back, Conner couldn’t keep the smile from his face at her lacy bra. It was having difficulty hiding her erect nipples. He wanted his mouth on them. He didn’t wait to remove the bra, but bent down and sucked one of her taut nipples through the material.

  Rosie gave a little groan and he pulled the material back so her breast was free. That way, he could nip and suck. His tongue made tiny circles around the erect bud and then he sucked as Rosie ran her fingers over his scalp. His hands went around her back and unclipped her bra. He sat back and admired her breasts as the bra slipped away. He was so pleased with himself for imprinting on a woman with big breasts, as if the Goddess had heard his plea.

  He massaged one breast as he pulled her other nipple into his mouth. His cock pushed against his jeans to get closer to her as she moved her hips forward on the chair. Connor needed to get s
ome control back. He moved away and helped her stand up so she could hold onto the towel rail.

  As she balanced on one leg, he undid her jeans and pulled them down over her hips. The mud from the fall had dried on them, but he didn’t want her wearing them. He wanted her naked. Bruises from the fall were coming out on her hip and kissed them as if his caresses could take the marks away. When he looked at her face, he could see tears in her eyes. He stood and cupped her face in his hands.

  “What’s wrong?” He didn’t want to make this lovely woman cry.

  “No one has ever cared if I was hurt. After Dad died, Mum was hardly holding it together and on the force you tended to hide your pain.”

  “I want to get to know you much better. If you let me I would like to be someone in your life who cares if you are hurt.” He didn’t want her to ask why for now. She didn’t say anything but smiled as she wiped her tears away. Connor bent down and removed her panties, then picked her up and lowered her into the tub.

  She peeked up and silently mouthed ‘thank you’. He’d do anything for this woman, and yet she was grateful for something as simple as caring she was hurt. She watched him undress and two things would be instantly obvious to her. He was aroused and he wasn’t small.

  Rosie sat forward and he slipped in behind her. She leaned back against him and his dick fitted perfectly in the crack of her ass. The two of them had been created for each other.

  Connor massaged her shoulders as she let her head flop forward.

  “Thank you for telling me your story. I think when you deal with pain as we have it changes you. Makes you less trusting, and I appreciate your trust. I have an extended family nearby, but I left for a while. I didn’t fit in. I did any job I could get and traveled to Canada and back. I realized this was where I belonged.”

  “We used to come here when I was small, before Dad died. Mum wouldn’t come back afterward. I’m surprised she didn’t sell the place, but she rented it out instead. I think she couldn’t face it being here without him. She loved him and seemed angry that he had left her.”


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