The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series)

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The Wielder: Sworn Vengeance (The Wielder Series) Page 18

by Gosnell, David

  “This is very good,” Znuul proclaims. “Arix, you are welcome in my house, for now.”

  “I presume you will give me warning when I am not,” Arix asks back.

  That gets Znuul’s patented faux smile, “You may presume all you wish.”

  The three of them conference for a while. When they are done, Znuul pats me on the shoulder. “Good going, you pulled us from the void.”

  Pffif and Arix head back inside. Arix to find a room, Pffif I am guessing to head back to his.

  The quiet of the porch is nice. I review events. My succubus lost her mind. I was almost raped. My fairy thinks I did something I didn’t. Arix is back among us. We can probably find Maldgorath. I sit here and take the night in. Looking down at my empty coffee mug, I figure it’s time to go to bed.

  I get up and walk over to the sliding glass door and step inside. The first thing I see is Sheyliene, sitting on one of the huge leather sofas looking at me with daggers coming out of her eyes.

  “Arthur MacInerny I have a bone to pick with you,” Shey says with seriousness. “Sit your butt down – we’re going to talk, now.”


  Chapter 46

  The smell of coffee awakens me. My head cranes up and my sleepy eyes open to see Pffiferil sitting on the sofa across from me with a steaming cup in his hands. My neck is stiff from having fallen asleep at the corner of the sofa. Sheyliene’s head is laying in my lap.

  “Morning Pffif,” I mumble which cause Shey to stir.

  “You two are so cute” comes the deep voice from Znuul sitting in the huge chair over to the side.

  “They are ain’t they?” Pffif replies.

  “So how long have you guys been sitting here?”

  “Not long.” Znuul replies. “You still look like crap, go get some proper rest.”

  I say something witty back to him like, “hmmph”.

  We are joined by Sil in human form now, wearing a silky blue robe; probably one of kitten’s given that’s what she considers to be her house uniform. My succubus regards Shey and me, then looks about the room to Pffif and Znuul. “Good morning,” she says in a demure fashion then heads to the kitchen.

  I watch her walk to the kitchen and Shey pushes me. Message clear – don’t stare.

  But sometimes it’s hard not to, and in my current frame of mind even the walls are good to stare at.

  “Thinkin’ that the sorcerer ana I gots a good plan fer the findin’ machine. Mr. Destroyer here says he’ll be helpin’ with the gatherin’ of stuff we need.”

  I wipe some sleepy from my eye, “Where is our sorcerer?”

  “In his room” says Znuul. “And best away from me.”

  “Bah!” shouts Pffif. “Ye be callin’ him yer brother if’n he delivers the collector.”

  “You are a pain in my ass,” Znuul says punctuated with a raise of the eyebrow to my leprechaun.

  Sil returns carrying two mugs. She hands one to me and the other to Shey. “Coffee the way you like it and tea for you Sheyliene.” Then she rounds the table and plops down on the sofa next to Pffif across from us.

  “She poisoned mine. Didn’t you?” Shey says with an accusing look at Sil.

  Sil just smiles and nods “no”. “Just happy not to be sent away forever and trying to say sorry for a terrible joke on you Sheyliene,” she replies.

  “Do tell” says an energized Pffiferil. He does love a terrible joke.

  “Arthur get some rest, then come find me.” Znuul injects, standing. “There’s a mission I need your help with… but it can wait until you’re better rested.” He looks over at Pffiferil “A little rest wouldn’t hurt you either.”

  Pffif toasts him with his coffee, then taps his coat where he keeps his flask.

  I’m thinking that despite this nice coffee, some extra rest would be good. I get up and excuse myself to my room. My bed is there, still made. I flop on top of it and drift off.

  Chapter 47

  I wake up and realize immediately that I’m not alone. Sil is sitting on the corner of my bed, still in human form, still in the silky tied down robe.

  After I am through jumping out of my skin, I figure I’d start the conversation… “What?”

  “Nothing much really,” she says “I just wanted to say thanks for not sending me away and for caring. That, and you’re cute when you’re asleep.”

  The whole flirt thing is lost on me, given she just showed me she can basically hijack my libido. Maybe my whole non-plussed, dead-eyed thing gave that away.

  “Sorry, but things still seem like they turned out OK,” she says quietly, but still directly.

  That they did. We have a real potential for finding Maldgorath now. All the same, I’m in no mood for Sil’s never ending desire.

  “Really not in the mood for your needy crap Sil.”

  That gets a smile. “I know. I’m not here for that.”

  I run my fingers through my hair and swing myself out to the side of the bed. “What then?”

  “First, to say thank you. I lost my mind a bit and you came to help. Second to let you know, I think I get it now. You need to know me. So no more half-truths, no more evasions. When we get back home, I’m opening my diaries to you. They’ll tell you everything you need to know about me. Last, I promise, no more throwing myself at you. I will remind you, gently and occasionally you’re wanted, but no more intruding on your showers, no more surprise masturbation shows. No more unwanted neuromantic attacks.”

  “No more showing up half naked on the edge of my bed?”

  That gets a deep breath and a sigh. “Half naked is not all naked. And I am not asking for your morning erection.” She looks away. “I understand I deserve that sarcasm. Don’t doubt my conviction to our family… or you. That has nothing to do with pleasure, nothing to do with feeding my hungers. There’s a whole Silithes you don’t know – and you will. Like it or not.”

  She stands and turns to the door to leave stopping with her hand on the knob, back to me. “You and I are together forever or until death at least. I’ll try to earn your trust and we’ll see what follows. I concede that just because I want, doesn’t mean you do. Your needs do come before mine – you are my wielder after all.”

  With that she leaves, which makes me slightly relieved. That is until I consider what she just said – she’s throwing the one true law out the window again – the one that dictates self before all. I take a deep breath. No telling if it’s another manipulation.

  I shower up, throw on some fresh clothes and figure it’s time to find Z about his mission. I head over to his office and swing open the door.

  Not there.

  That means porch. I make my way outside and he’s there taking in the afternoon sun, sitting on the patio cross legged looking out into the nothing. “There he is!” comes his deep bubbly sounding voice. “Come sit.”

  I come over and sit down in the chair next to him. “What’s the mystery mission?”

  He looks over at me. “Karen. It’s time she joined us.”

  “You have a plan?”

  He takes a deep breath, “Send you. That’s all. That’s all I got.”

  Chapter 48

  Apparently they have Karen holed up in Magerium headquarters, which is near the village of Strelly in the Oldmoor Woods in the UK. As Znuul shared with me, it doesn’t make much sense for him to crash into a wizard stronghold warded against his kind.

  I must agree.

  Znuul offers me his services in creating a false ID for travel and I pass. I figure being “on the grid,” would work to grease the skids for my entry into the Magerium. In this case it may be best if they see me coming.

  “I’ve got nothing Arthur and that worries me,” Znuul confides. “They have her buried deep and I don’t trust Alistair not to harm her. Besides, we’re on the verge of finding Maldy. If we kill him and don’t include her – we’ll both pay for it dearly – over and over.”

  That I feel is a bit of bluster. Though maybe not far from the truth
as Karen is formidable. But still, I think this mission is more out of his concern for Karen than worries for our well being. At least that’s how I choose to view it.

  We scope out the best flights to merry old England. The best flight is direct from Dubai to Heathrow. Kitten will drive me to the airport and I’ll buy the tickets at a counter so I can’t be tracked to Znuul’s bunker.

  I part ways with Znuul so I can bring my team of summonlings together to share the plan.

  After everyone is together in the large living room area, I share the plan – Arix and Pffif stay to work on the spell and mechanisms to find Maldy. Everyone else will be with me.

  That met with a little friendly difference of opinion from Pffif.

  “Naa, I’ll be escortin’ ye through the airport and givin’ ye company and protection while invisibles. Ye’ know ye donna wants to be alone there. Ana more so – I knows ye don’t. The kitten be takin’ me back after ye lift off safely.”

  What do you say to that?

  “Okay Pffif, thanks.”

  That gets me a nod from the little man and a look from my succubus. Her look is not so much “I’ve got you’re back,” as much as it was “don’t send me away.”

  I get it.

  “The rest of you, I’ll call for you when I need you. No sense in spending time in that limbo place. When I need you, I’ll summon you. So just take your time here until I need you in the U.K. then.”

  Vets gives me a nod and a bow. Hjuul doesn’t even change posture – that tells me he’s Okay with it. Shey just has that smiley look. Sil breathes a sigh of relief.

  Pffif asks "When will we be going?" I let him know that will be as soon possible.

  Luckily Znuul had someone ransack my place. So, my passports are here. Nice to have friends that are willing to break into your home and take your things on your behalf…

  We leave for the airport and upon arrival I close my eyes tight and tell Kitten to do the same – Pffiferil can’t go invisible with our eyes upon him. I open my eyes and incant the true sight spell that Karen showed me that reveals Pffif and other magical irregularities in the world. I look over and see the translucent visage of Pffif limed in green glowing framing. I give him a wink so he knows I see him.

  That gets a thumbs up from the little guy – after all if he said something that would break the spell.

  I say my good byes to Kitten along with the obligatory hug and her emphatic “I want to meet Karen so bad, please bring her back to us!”

  I exit the van with invisible Pffif in tow, which I have to admit does make me feel a little more secure. I make my way to the ticket counter and go about making my purchase of fare. I try not to giggle as Pffiferil is mocking the people around me silently. After a successful transaction, I head towards my gate with an invisible, sometimes dancing Pffiferil in tow.

  Passing the corner, I stop. Because something isn’t right. There is what probably appears to be a small woman, but she in my true sight spell she is glowing green and around her appears to be wings and tail. I divert my eyes.

  This is daytime – meaning that is not a summoned demon. That has to be one of the Dzemond that actually walk amongst us as flesh and blood – like Znuul. She has two people in her company and they are talking. I recognize both of them – Clyde Smith and Yugoth. I turn away, towards the concourse and try to make eye contact with Pffif, who is dancing around supposedly for my amusement.

  I shoot a look over to Pffif, saying “come on.” I start to round the corner, when I see the thing pretending to be a woman take bead on Pffiferil. She says something to Clyde and Yugoth that I presume is, “get him!”


  I round the corner out of their sight toward my departure gate and make a face at Pffif to let him know to come on. He follows diligently and I let him know he’s been seen. His face is one of shock, then he collects himself and points to his arm.

  I get it. My arm. Send him away. So I do.

  I take refuge in one of the shops and place my back against a wall, grabbing a copy of “GQ” magazine for cover.

  All is good.

  That is until the familiar voice of Clyde Smith breaks my solitude. “Is that you, Arthur MacInerny?” He steps in uncomfortably close and whispers, “Was that your Leprechaun? The lady Jxsiga wishes us to bring him to her.”

  Chapter 49

  This is not good. Jxsiga is well up there on the Protectorate’s most wanted list. She and her twin brother Fxsigim have accounted for an extreme body count of Protectorate heroes over the course of their 3,000 plus year history on our fair world. Fxsigim has been off the grid for close to on4e hundred plus years and is presumed dead. Jxsiga has been off the grid for the last some fifteen years or so and the Protectorate, while not presuming her dead yet, has her in a “questionable” status.

  There’s no question about her status now.

  I turn around to Clyde and note the wooden wand he is palming discreetly. He is ready for battle. So I turn my gaze from his foci to his eyes. “Yea that would have been Pffif, how are you doing Clyde?”

  “I’d be doing better if I could bring her a leprechaun” he says whispering back to me.

  I nod back to him in acknowledgement of that need. “He’s my summonling, you know I can’t do that. Besides, you know she’d figure that out anyway. What else can I do for you Mr. Smith?”

  “Nice of you to offer, Mr. MacInerny.”

  We stand there for a few moments in silence regarding one another. Then Clyde slides his foci into a pocket inside his jacket.

  At least we won’t be throwing down in public.

  “Well, Mr. MacInerny here we are again,” he says quietly. “I think I can handle this matter with the lady. We’ll just have to hope that Yugoth doesn’t see you. I think he’s still holding a grudge after what your succubus did to him. Good fun, I thought… but he sees it differently.”

  "Yea.” I consider my next words. It seems Clyde isn’t looking to drag me to Jxsiga. But still, he is Grace and she is upper echelon of Grace. “So what now, Clyde?”

  “Keep yourself away from Yugoth and keep me out of the drama. It’s difficult enough to have to deal with the lady herself. Having to deal with airport security, local officials and possibly United States foreign affairs holds no appeal to me.”

  It must be tough being Clyde Smith.

  I give him a wink. “Tell you what, I’d hate to have to deal with all of that too. Why don’t I disappear into the background, sneak onto my flight and not bother anyone.”

  That gets me a grin and a slap on the shoulder. “That is a plan I like. I’ll find Yugoth and lead him away from you. Now, what gate are you leaving from?”


  That apparently isn’t a good answer. I can tell by the grim turn of a look on Clyde’s face. He takes a step back and leans against the bookcase. “We have a problem Arthur, you and the lady appear to be sharing a flight.”

  “Well, don’t tell her that” is my answer.

  Clyde is not comfortable with my simple solution. “Arthur, if you don’t mind me using your first name, I have had dealings with all whom the Protectorate call the flesh and blood, with the exception of Ahtsag Znuul. The Lady in particular is one that always unnerves me. Maybe it’s because she’s Cubati, more than likely it’s because of her history of no mercy to those that do not perform to her expectations. She can sniff a lie like nobody’s business. I will not be caught in one and have to deal with her – assuming I even could. You know how many Protectorate and Grace have fallen before her and her psychotic brother, right?”

  I do, somewhat. I’ve read the files. Hundreds have fallen – wizard and warrior alike. They’ve even felled one of the earlier Swords of Balance – no little thing. So I give Clyde a nod that I understand the danger of the creature. “So, Clyde, why not just tell her the truth then, I’m here just by freak circumstance.”

  He takes a shallow breath and regards me. “Hard to beat the truth, we’ll try that. You’ll need to wait t
o board your gate until the last second. If you find yourself near her, avoid eye contact and don’t let her touch you unless you are versed in defense of neuromancy, which I assume you are.”

  Well, he can assume that…

  He tells me to follow him and we head back out into the concourse. Almost as soon as we are there, there he grabs my arm strongly. “Let me deal with this.”

  Far down the concourse, Yugoth has spotted us. He begins to make his way towards me with purpose.

  “If he doesn’t listen to me Arthur, do what you need to defend yourself, preferably not in the public eye. And preferably not resulting in his end.” With that Clyde strides forward to meet Yugoth down the concourse.

  I watch as Clyde approachesYugoth in the concourse and I take in my surroundings for places to hide and call forth my helpers. Clyde and Yugoth appear to talk for a moment. Yugoth suddenly brushes Clyde aside with great disregard and makes a direct line for me with nothing less than hate in his eyes.


  Chapter 50

  My quick eyeball canvass of the area shows the men’s room as the best place off the beaten path. So I run there. That’s right, just turn and run.

  Once inside I head to the very back and find a stall. I recall Shey to holding and then call her forth. The air ripples and there she is in the stall with me.

  “Big tainted Yugoth coming. Get human, get tiny.” I tell her quietly.

  “Get Vets” she tells me before reaching up to her hair, shrinking into a tiny version of herself and buzzing upward.

  I take her advice and bring my warrior forward. Vets appears, donned in her armor and death’s head mask, looking ready to bring woe to any that stand before her.

  “Tainted incoming – Yugoth,” I tell her. “Be ready.”

  She tells me “Get the succubus, she dealt with him well last time.”


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