Queen of Hearts (Gambling on Love Series Book 4)

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Queen of Hearts (Gambling on Love Series Book 4) Page 6

by M Andrews

  Chapter Thirteen


  My dress falls to my feet right along with my ability to say no. Hunter’s lips crash into mine in a deep soul shaking kiss. Both of our needs and desires explode into a heat that could rival the sun. His hands are fisted in my hair, and his massive frame has me trapped against the wall. There is no escaping even if I wanted to.

  “Hunter, we can’t,” I say between kisses, but my words only seem to make him kiss me deeper and harder. It’s like he’s trying to kiss away all of my hesitations and it might be working. With each touch, I fall further under his spell.

  His lips leave a hot trail down my neck and along my chest. He stops long enough to lavish the tops of my breasts with his tongue. He starts to lower himself down to his knees, lips moving further down my body. My head snaps back into reality and I realize all the lights are still on. “Hunter, can we turn off the lights, please?” I move my hands over my stomach to cover the stretch marks.

  “No, I want to see all of you.” The dark tone in his voice sends a chill through my body. He takes my wrists in his strong hands and moves them behind my back, leaving me fully exposed. The look in his eyes darkens as he looks up at me. “Don’t move these hands again, or I will tie you up.” A deep growl emanates from his chest, making goose bumps spread across my body.

  I do as I’m told and keep my hands right where he left them. My heart is pounding in my chest as I watch his fingers trace along the faint marks across my skin.

  “These marks are beautiful, because they tell the story of how you brought the most amazing little girl into this world. Every scare, freckle, and dimple are a piece of who you are, the life you have lived, and to me, that is what makes you beautiful.” His words bring tears to my eyes. It’s been a very long time since anyone has made me feel so beautiful. I almost wonder if this is a dream that I’m at home in bed passed out next to Lucky while she binge watches Santa Clarita Diet on Netflix. Any minute she is going to elbow me in the side and wake me up, letting me know I was snoring. No, this isn’t a dream, and Hunter is really on his knees in front of me, kissing my stomach, and telling me how much he wants me.

  I slide my hand under his chin and bring him up to my lips. His arms envelop me, lips tasting mine. “Take me to your bed,” I command. He lifts my feet off the ground and carries me across the loft to his room while keeping his lips on mine the whole way. There is no turning back now, this is happening, and we will have to deal with the consequences later. All I want is us in that bed devouring each other until there is nothing left.

  Before he lays me out on the bed, Hunter sets me down on my feet and slowly slides down my panties and takes off my bra. He takes his time to explore every inch of my body with his hands and his lips. His nose slides up between my thighs, his mouth ignoring where I want it the most.

  “So perfect.” The warmth of his breath against my skin makes my body hum with anticipation. Hunter rises and tucks my hair behind my shoulders with one hand while the other caresses my cheek. “You are even more perfect than I imagined.” This time as he says the words, I believe him.

  He loops his arm around my waist and gently lays me back on the bed. Reaching behind his head, he pulls his shirt off, revealing his broad muscular chest. My hands trail up chiseled abs, fingers playing in the hair peppered across his chest. He takes my hands and places a kiss on each of my palms, then guides them down his chest to the front of his pants. I can feel his hard length beneath his jeans.

  “This is what you do to me Lucy. Every fucking time I hear your voice, your laugh, see that beautiful smile, I’m hard as steel.” He releases my hands, and I go straight to work opening the button then the zipper. My pussy pulses with need as I pull his thick, hard length from the confines of his boxers. He’s heavy in my hand and so mouth-wateringly big. I slowly stroke him with both hands. Pre-cum drips down the back of my hand. I tilt my hips up and glide his cock along my clit. Just that movement alone has me ready to come.

  He leans down and rests his forehead against mine. “I fucking need you Lucy,” he groans with desperation.

  “You can have all of me,” I whisper and let him sink deep inside me. Hunter collapses on top of me. I forgot how good it feels to have a man on top of me. He slowly starts to move in and out of me. Each thrust is mind blowing. My legs wrap around his waist, forcing him deeper. His mouth is on my neck, kissing, sucking, licking. I’ve fantasized about this night a million times and nothing compares to this moment. It’s everything I wanted and more, but it’s also the biggest mistake of my life.

  Chapter Fourteen


  It would be a lie if I said I didn’t expect this night to end with Lucy writhing beneath me. When she said she wanted to have dinner at the studio, so we could work while we ate, I saw it as my opportunity to finally get what I have been wanting since the moment I laid eyes on sweet Lucy Bishop. My sister stupidly told me to keep my hands off her best friend, but that was a huge mistake. She, of all people, knows I never follow the rules. Her telling me to keep my distance only made me want to pursue Lucy all the more. Whether Brooke gave me her permission or not, I was going to make Lucy mine. Now I’ve got her and I’m never letting her go, not without a fight.

  Lucy’s body glistens with sweat, her lips are red and swollen from my hungry mouth. The sheets drenched beneath us. Lucy clenches around me, her body begging for release. With every orgasm she begs for more. She can’t get enough of me and I can’t get enough of her.

  I roll over onto my back bringing Lucy with me. She kisses a trail down my neck and chest before she sits up. Hips rolling and grinding as she rides me. She takes my hand and guides it up her perfect body, between her full plump tits. She brings my fingers to her mouth and sucks on each finger. My dick twitches inside her at the sensation. She looks down at me and asks, “Is this a dream?”

  I sit up, wrap an arm around her waist, and bury my other hand in her hair. “This is too good to be a dream,” I whisper against her lips. “This is very real, and we can be like this forever. You are mine, Lucy. You are the queen of my heart.” I locked away my heart thinking I was doing it to protect myself, but in reality, I was saving it for her.

  “You are too good to be true,” she murmurs. Her head drops back, body trembling in my arms as she finds her release.


  Lucy is sleeping peacefully in my arms while I am wide awake. She passed out around three in morning when her body couldn’t take another orgasm. I, on the other hand, can’t find sleep. This night has been a long time coming, and I don’t want to miss a single moment. I’m taking everything in, like the way Lucy sleeps with her hands under her cheek like a Disney princess and the cute little snore she has. Lucy shifts in her sleep and her hair fans out over the pillow. She looks so damn beautiful when she sleeps. So much so I need a picture of it to remember this night forever.

  I quietly sneak out of bed and slip on my boxers then walk out to the living room to grab my camera. Thankfully, when I return, Lucy is still in the same position. The camera focuses on her beautiful sleeping face, a quick click of the shutter, the moment is forever captured and will soon grace my bedside table.

  “What is it with you and that camera?” Lucy’s eyes flutter open, and a soft smile appears on her face.

  “When I see something beautiful I have to take a picture of it. I just can’t help myself,” I reply, snapping another picture.

  Lucy rolls onto her stomach and props up on her elbows. The sheet falls down her back and comes to a rest just below the top curve of her ass. Her hair falls down her back like a water fall. She gazes over her shoulder in my direction. “Then you better snap away before my sex high wares off,” she says with a sultry grin.

  I don’t waste a second and lift my camera up and start snapping away. For someone who was afraid to be in front of the camera a few hours ago, Lucy is completely relaxed and posing for me now. I reach a hand out and sweep her hair over her shoulder then pull the sheet fur
ther down, exposing a little more of her curvy gorgeous ass. Before I take the picture, I lean in and whisper, “You are so fucking sexy.” Then kiss her shoulder.

  A mix of confidence and mischief washes over her face. I watch wide eyed as she kicks the sheet completely off. Her naked body on full display. Whatever has gotten into her has got me in complete awe.

  “Are you sure?” I ask, before taking anymore pictures.

  “I trust you,” she says confidently.

  Her image comes into focus, taking my breath away. This is the most beautiful picture I have ever taken. Her confidence and natural sexiness radiates through the photo. Lucy is absolutely stunning. She rolls back over on her back then raises her arm, beckoning me to join her on the bed.

  I set the camera on the nightstand then slip off my boxers and climb over her. This time she reaches over and takes my camera and snaps a picture of me. It’s a strange feeling being on the other side of the lens. I kind of like it.

  “Come here, I want a picture of us,” she says, patting the pillow next to her. I take the camera and nestle in close to Lucy. Flipping the screen out, I center us in the frame. Just before I push the shutter Lucy turns her head and kisses my cheek, making me laugh. I turn and meet her lips and click again. We take a few more of us making goofy faces and kissing. The final picture is of Lucy laying her head on my chest over my heart and me kissing the top of her head. It’s the perfect picture of us. This is how I want to be with her every night for the rest of our lives.

  Chapter Fifteen


  The sun is starting to creep up in the sky when I make it home. I sneak through the house feeling a mix of exhilaration and shame. In the moment, sleeping with Hunter was magical. I felt like the girl I was before Colton. The girl I thought was long gone. But then I woke up, the high was gone, and the realization that I had just broken the promise I made hit me like a ton of bricks. So, I bolted while Hunter still slept.

  I slip off my shoes and slide under the covers next to Lucky, who is snoring away in my bed. My head hits the pillow and the guilt hits me. What the fuck was I thinking? I can’t even blame the wine, because I was barely feeling tipsy. It has been so long since anyone has made me feel the way Hunter did last night. For the first time in years I felt alive, but that is no excuse for what I did. I don’t know how I am ever going to be able to look Brooke in the eye again.

  Just as my eyes close, I hear Lucky sniffing the air. Oh fuck, I was hoping I would be able to get a little sleep before I got the I told you so talk. “I smell sex.” She sniffs the air again and I roll my eyes. “Someone in this house had sex last night. It sure as hell wasn’t Bailey, and unless Ryder snuck by after his shift,” she pauses and lifts up the blanket, “my clothes are on, so it wasn’t me.” She rolls over to face me, and there is a huge shit-eating grin on her face and a twinkle of “I was right” glimmers in her eyes.

  “It wasn’t me,” I lie. “I just fell asleep on Hunter’s couch.” Another lie.

  “Bullshit,” she calls me out. “The sex glow coming off of you is giving me a tan. You fucked Hunter and don’t even try to lie because I can smell him all over you.” Damn bitch has a nose like a drug dog.

  “Yes, we had sex,” I admit and grab the pillow from under my head and cover my face. “We had lots and lots of dirty nasty sex,” I say confessing my truth.

  “That’s my favorite kind of sex. Hunter looks like the kind of guy that likes it dirty. I’m so glad nasty Lucy came out to play and finally got some.” She shakes me excitedly.

  I pull the pillow away from my face and prop up on my elbow. “There is nothing about this situation that should be celebrated.” I huff and fall back down on the bed. “I promised Brooke that I wouldn’t get involved with her brother, and I blew up that promise, because I am a weak, sex crazed animal. Awwww, I freaking hate myself.”

  “Slow your roll there crazy lady. Let’s take Brooke out of the equation. If you had met Hunter in a different scenario and he wasn’t Brooke’s brother and you slept with him, would you still be feeling this way?” she asks.

  I don’t even have to think about it. “No, I wouldn’t. I would still be in his bed right now wrapped in his arms and feeling high on life. Last night I felt like my old self. I didn’t think that was even possible. He called me his and, God help me, that made me feel so good.”

  “That doesn’t sound like the man that Brooke described. Sounds like to me he has done some changing. It’s been my experience that a womanizing man whore never calls any of his conquests his, and he sure as hell doesn’t take the time to get to know her kid. Believe me, I am an expert in this area. Something has made him want to change and obviously it’s you. I think if you both talk to Brooke and she sees how crazy you two are for each other, I think she will be happy for you.” A lot of what she is saying is true. From what Brooke has told me, Hunter’s one nighters have been just that, one night. He’s never made any effort in getting to know any of the women he has slept with in the past. I just don’t know if that would make any difference in Brooke’s eyes.

  “What if she doesn’t care if her brother has changed and we are happy together?” I ask.

  “That doesn’t sound like the Brooke I know. Brooke has a big heart, this is another area I am an expert in. She forgave me for all the shit I pulled when I left with Jackson. All Brooke wants for any of us is to be happy, and if Hunter makes you happy, and I already you make him happy, because he looks at you like a love sick puppy, Brooke is going to be grateful that you and Hunter found each other.” She snuggles up next to me and drapes her arm over me.

  “I just don’t know.” I sigh.

  “Don’t let this chance at happiness slip through your fingers because you are afraid of what Brooke will think. You will regret it, and eventually you will resent Brooke for it.”

  “Why does this have to be so complicated?” I say with a heavy sigh.

  “Maybe if you weren’t such a people pleaser, you wouldn’t be having this dilemma. You’d be in Hunter’s bed right now while he goes to town on you, instead you are in bed with me, all I can offer you are cuddles with some mild boob groping.” She shifts closer to my side and rests her chin on my shoulder and says. “Just talk to Brooke, she might surprise you.”


  Just talk to Brooke, it sounds easy enough. “Hey Brooke, remember how you told me to keep my distance from your brother, so about that, I may have ignored that piece of advice and slept with him, repeatedly. He gave me so many orgasms I blacked out. And to top it all off, I let him take naked pictures of me.” Yeah, I’m sure she will be totally cool with that. Just talk to Brooke, thanks for the advice Lucky.

  “Hey boss lady.” Connie’s voice pulls me out of my trance. “Are you okay, you seem out of it today,” she asks, plopping down on the stool next to me behind the coffee bar.

  “I’m fine, I didn’t sleep very well last night.” Because I was up all night ruining my life. I keep that part to myself. Lucky offered to take Bailey to school for me, so I could get some sleep, but my head was too busy spinning like an out of control top for me to get any sleep. Plus, I knew my house would be the first place Hunter would go when he wakes up to find me missing. I can’t face him right now, at least not until I figure out what I’m going to say to Brooke.

  “Why don’t you go home and get some sleep. I can take care of things around here,” she offers.

  “No, it’s…” I pause when I see a familiar figure appear through the door out of the corner of my eye. I’m a fucking idiot, of course the coffee shop would be the next place he would go. Both Connie and I’s heads turn toward the door and there is Hunter looking delicious as hell in a muscle hugging white t-shirt and dark jeans. The scruff along his jaw makes my thighs pinch together. I want to feel the burn of that scruff over every inch of my body. Stop it Lucy, thinking like that is what got you in this mess.

  “There’s my girl.” He smiles and strides over to the coffee bar.

s head slowly turns in my direction, her eyes wide as dinner plates, and her mouth gaping open in shock. “His what?” She mouths. I’m too focused on the man walking toward me to care.

  “Good morning, Connie,” he says, keeping his eyes locked on me. Connie stumbles out a good morning back.

  “Good morning, beautiful girl.” Hunter leans over the counter and captures my lips in a warm sweet kiss.

  “I think I have some inventory to do.” Connie carefully gets down from her stool and slowly hobbles back to the storage room.

  “I missed you this morning,” he says then kisses me again.

  “Hunter, we have to talk,” I interrupt his kissing before he pulls me under his spell again.

  “That doesn’t sound good.” He rises back up with a worried look on his face.

  “Last night was a mistake.” My heart aches as the words come out of my mouth.

  Hunter steps around the counter and turns me around on my stool so we are face to face. “Last night was not a mistake. The only mistake was me not tying you to the bed, so you couldn’t leave and overthink what happened.” He cups my cheek in his hand. “You can’t tell me that last night didn’t feel right.”

  “It was perfect,” I admit. My eyes shift down to the floor. “But.”

  “Don’t even say Brooke’s name,” he interrupts, already knowing what I am about to say. “My sister doesn’t have the right to tell either one of us who we can be with. The only opinion that matters to me is yours.” I start to open my mouth to protest, but he stops me with his lips.

  I pull away. “Her opinion might not matter to you, but it matters to me. She’s my best friend and I don’t want to hurt her, and she is the only family you have. I won’t let you throw that away because of me. It would be better for all of us if we just pretend last night never happened.” My heart is shattering inside my chest.

  Hunter takes my face in both his hands. “You don’t get to make me fall for you then leave me. You are my girl, Lucy Bishop, and I am not letting you push me away. If it’s Brooke’s blessing you want, then I’m going to go and get it.” He kisses me again, then turns and heads for the door.


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