SWING! Adventures in Swinging by Today's Top Erotica Writers

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SWING! Adventures in Swinging by Today's Top Erotica Writers Page 15

by Jacqueline Applebee

  Paul and Eileen were fun and friendly people, and they all hit it off. Little by little Ron grew into the role of “friend of the family.” They would go cruising in the evening, they played poker together, went to movies, and Ron was a regular at all their parties.

  When Paul and Eileen bought a house, they moved to a new neighborhood way out on the outskirts of town. By then Ron was busier with work and school. And though he wasn't able to hang out with his friends as much as they had before, whenever possible they still tried to find time to get together.

  Time flies, and before Ron knew it, his five-year high school reunion was behind him, and they were all now well into their twenties. Paul began to travel frequently as part of a new job, and Eileen was busy with her own career and raising their son. But as a friend of the family, Ron still came around whenever they could find the time.

  With Paul traveling so often, it really didn't come as too much of a surprise when one evening he called and asked if Ron would take Eileen and their son to the beach on Saturday. An unexpected trip had come up, Paul explained, and he had promised their son he could go before it got cold. Though Ron and Eileen had never interacted without Paul rounding out the threesome, their friendship was such that it didn't seem strange at all when Paul asked Ron to do him a favor and step in.

  After all, Ron and Eileen had become great friends on their own. She was so much fun, especially with that infectious, hilarious, giggling laugh of hers. Playing cards, and with more than a few drinks under their belts, sometimes they would hit on something funny and just laugh and laugh. And of course, by now they both knew full well about having been in that Biology class together. And it was during one of these late night card sessions that Ron learned an interesting revelation. Eileen confessed that she had indeed noticed him, after all . . . but in a negative way.

  She'd been on the drill team and involved in other mainstream campus activities. But Ron had been a hippie, with long hair and a wild reputation . . . even if it was mostly undeserved . . . mostly. And so it was testament that life truly can move in mysterious ways that these two past classmates found themselves now spending a day at the beach together.

  For Ron, that day was a milestone in his life; one of those unplanned for twists and turns that changes one's perspective as much as one's path. On more than one occasion it had been the lyrics of a song which spoke to him, drawing him towards a different horizon. But in this case it was that trip to the beach. Though he had been close with Paul's family for years, Ron had never before actually envisioned having a family of his own. But that day with Eileen and her son the entire experience was all so easy and entirely cool.

  Unlike being on a date, being with Eileen was so comfortable, as they were already such good friends. They'd taken Paul's car and driven down to the coast. It was a gorgeous day. The summer's heat was gone, and the September sun was warm but not hot. Eileen had looked so full, and feminine, and sexy in the blue, one-piece swimsuit she'd chosen to wear. Time and again, Ron noticed he was noticing her, especially in one particular instance when she'd just returned from the water and was drying her hair.

  With the sun behind her, Eileen had her arms up as she worked vigorously with the towel. Standing before him but a few feet away her legs were slightly spread and her head was thrown back, a truly alluring site. When she'd looked back down and caught him staring up at her she'd simply smiled. What a day. They'd all had so much fun; picnicking on the sand and playing in the surf. Driving back that evening, Ron truly felt contented and at ease.

  Time, though, continues to fly. A couple of months had quickly passed since the trip to the beach when Ron was invited over for a party. That night the house was packed. There was so much booze, and it got so crazy they all even played Twister. But with people now having kids and responsibilities, around midnight the party began to wane.

  With only the three of them left, they were sitting in the living room. Paul and Eileen were on the love seat, and Ron was sprawled out on the couch. They were pretty drunk, and this was definitely going to be another night when Ron would stay in the guest room. And so Ron didn't think anything about it when Paul suggested they play a little poker. After all, they'd played poker hundreds of time, penny ante, nickel limit. No big deal.

  But Paul didn't break out the change. He just began dealing out the cards, with them playing only to see who had the better hand.

  After a few rounds, out of the blue Paul asked, “You ever played strip poker, Ron?”

  Ron stared back at Paul, who only grinned, waiting. Next, Ron glanced to Eileen, who made eye contact for a moment, then quickly looked away. Then came one of those pulse-pounding moments.

  People love to blame things on alcohol. It's only human. But a famous man once countered with, “When people claim to be only human, it's usually because they've been making beasts out of themselves.”

  With Eileen not protesting, the call was entirely up to Ron. And though his mouth had gone dry, and his palms had begun to sweat, there was no way he was going to say no. Ron looked back to Paul, who was still grinning broadly. “Sure,” he shrugged. “Okay. I'm game if everyone else is. Go ahead, Paul. Deal 'em.”

  In the background The Eagles were on the stereo as Paul shuffled the cards: “Life in the Fast Lane.” While they waited, again, Ron looked to Eileen. And this time she didn't look away, giving him a “why not” shrug.

  Sitting across from each other on the shag carpet, they were pretty much toe-to-toe as Paul dealt the cards. Betting wasn't necessary as the stakes were fixed; all you could do was draw once, then lay.

  Paul lost on the first hand, giving up his shirt. But it was Eileen who lost on the second.

  With Ron looking on in intense anticipation, and after a brief hesitation, the events of the evening took a giant leap forward as quite matter-of-factly Eileen began to unbutton her blouse. Button by button, Ron watched in breathless anticipation as her fingers worked their way down.

  With his eyes on her, Eileen didn't look up, instead keeping her own gaze fixed upon her fingers. And in peeling the blouse off her shoulders she appeared so entirely voluptuous and feminine in how she so amply filled out her bra. Of course, Ron had seen Eileen in her bathing suit. But this was something entirely different.

  Amazingly, though obviously blushing, Eileen didn't seem the least put-off. For a moment, she appeared as if she was going to fold it up, but then she casually tossed her blouse over onto the couch. And if anything, now that the ice was broken, she appeared to have noticeably perked up.

  With the next deal, Ron lost. And like Paul and Eileen before him, he removed his shirt. The next two hands Paul lost. And he had such bad luck, seemingly in no time he was reduced to only his briefs.

  Of course, this wasn't what Ron was looking for. Having already experienced his first taste of forbidden fruit with Eileen having removed her blouse, Ron was eager for Eileen to lose. And strangely, it seemed as if she was, too.

  On the next hand, Eileen dealt herself a loser. For Ron there was such a palpable thrill of anticipation; not just for what she'd decide to take off, but to be able to watch as she did it. And as Ron looked on, Eileen stood, and then tugged down her shorts. Tossing them with her blouse she then sat back down, now dressed in nothing more than her panties and bra.

  As Ron shuffled, he couldn't help but keep stealing glances at Eileen. Being a mother now, she wasn't the same size she'd been in high school. But she was a real woman, voluptuous, invoking a mature feminine flavor, fully filled out, and appearing not the least bit uncomfortable about her lack of clothing.

  The next hand Ron lost, so he, too, removed his pants. And as the clothes began to dwindle, the excitement kept building. Soon, the evening was going to change drastically for someone.

  With Eileen's next deal, again she lost. This was another moment of truth. Having played strip poker before, Ron had seen people chicken out. But Eileen wasn't one of those. She reached behind her back, unhooked her bra, and slid it off her bre
asts. Then she tossed it atop her other clothes, her rosy flush matched only by her smile.

  It was Ron's deal again, and he was finding it difficult to shuffle. It wasn't simply that Eileen was sitting across from him with her breasts exposed. It was that he was as nervous as he was excited. This was completely new territory. These were his best friends. As close to anything approaching intimacy he'd ever experienced with Eileen was a few friendly hugs. But everyone seemed cool with what was going on; and after all this was their house, their game.

  With the next hand, Paul lost. And there wasn't even the slightest trace of bashfulness as he stood and stripped off his shorts to stand there naked.

  With this, Ron thought the game was probably over; time to put back on their clothes and make his feverish way to the guest bedroom.

  But, the game didn't end here. Paul announced he was going to the bar and asked if anyone wanted anything else to drink while they finished the game.

  Ron was definitely ready for another drink as over the past twenty minutes he'd seemed to have sobered up entirely. And when Paul walked out of the den to the bar it was just the two of them, Eileen clad only in her panties and Ron in his briefs.

  Eileen unabashedly gathered up the cards and began to shuffle. To Ron, watching closely, she was so sexy; one of those full-figured women, her breasts big and plump, yet her nipples were tight, rosy buttons. And after she dealt the cards, for a moment they peered across at each other, and all Ron could hope for was that his face and ears didn't appear as heated as they felt.

  Ron looked at his cards. He had nothing, save for the stirrings of a royal erection. Drawing the maximum of three, he still had zilch. Just as Paul returned, they laid down their cards, proving that tonight lady luck was with Eileen. Ron didn't know what to do. Technically the game was over, and Eileen had won. He wasn't sure if he was going to be required to pay off the debt, but Paul made that clear. He handed Ron a drink, also offering his grin and an entirely amused, “I guess it's off with your underwear, Dude?”

  Ron looked to Eileen who was unsuccessfully attempting to hide her smile. So, there was nothing else to do. Ron got to his feet and stripped off his briefs, standing entirely naked before Eileen. It was all such a rush, so unnerving, yet so exciting, too. He'd been in their living room hundreds of times. Yet, now, tonight, here he was naked.

  What happened next was even more amazing. Paul asked, “Have you ever had a Vaseline job?”

  Technically he'd never had a Vaseline job. KY? Yes. But not Vaseline. Ron's response was cautious, “No . . . I don't think so.”

  Immediately Paul came back. “Would you like one?”

  Assuming Paul wasn't talking about administered by him, Ron offered a hesitant, “Yeah . . . Okay . . . Sure.”

  Paul reached down to Eileen, giving her his hand. And when she was on her feet, she slipped her panties down her legs.

  From there everything began happening so fast, with Ron following them into their bedroom. All these years and he had never seen inside their bedroom before. They had a king-sized bed, and the only light in the room came from a red lava lamp on a corner table beside an overstuffed chair. Following Paul's lead, Ron lay down atop the comforter, and Eileen settled in between them. From somewhere she produced a jar of Vaseline, and pending her first touch, Ron was already as stiff as he could possibly remember.

  It was all as unreal as any dream. He was so intensely aware of being naked, the feel of the air on his skin and the texture of the bedspread beneath him.

  Ron was lying on his back, looking up in awed anticipation as Eileen dipped her fingers into the jar. Looking down, his erection was standing up rigidly, offering itself to her. Looking on in excitement, he watched as lightly, even teasingly, she dabbed him all about. Once properly lubricated, she wrapped her fingers about him, squeezing lightly and causing the Vaseline to ooze out. Gripping him firmly, she played her thumb over the tip, rubbing it around and around. Then slowly, she slid her hand down the entire length of his erection. She repeated this twice more, going ever so slowly and keeping her fingers tight, experiencing him, feeling every bit of his length, his thickness.

  Reacting to her touch, Ron had become stiff, so achingly, bone-hard, hard-as-rock, stiff. And Eileen seemed ravenous, as though she was consuming him through her touch. Her eyes deep and intense, her mouth was slightly open as she looked down, watching her hand as she squeezed and kneaded and stroked. In a deliciously surprising move, she flipped her hand over, changing her grip so that her thumb and forefinger were down, gripping him tightly at the base. Then very deliberately she drew her hand all the way up until with a smacking release of the vacuum that had built up she slid the top of her off over the tip.

  Ron gasped, looking up, his eyes wide. Eileen smiled, giving him such a knowing, and pleased-with-herself grin. Then she placed the top of her fist down over him, and causing a sensation as if he was penetrating her, she kept her thumb and forefinger pressed tightly together and let the lubrication of the Vaseline do its job as she slid all the way back down. Each time as she repeated this, Ron began to lift his hips as it felt so exquisite when she would come to the end of the stroke and her thumb and forefinger would catch at the rim of his head and squeeze him just before sliding off.

  Eileen had just completed another such pass, and with his hips up off the covers the squeeze she gave him at the end had sent shivers all the way down through his spine. She then reversed her hand, purposely re-gripped him firmly in her fingers, and looked up. They made eye contact, which was, in itself, so luscious. She had him. He was as hard and as excited as he'd ever been, and this was Eileen who had her fingers wrapped about him. There was such excitement in her eyes, and seeing how aroused she was really turned him on.

  It was one of those supreme first moments. Sex in itself had always been so exciting, but by its nature first sex is thrilling on an entirely different scale. And, too, this wasn't just any woman who had her fingers wrapped around him. This was Eileen. Even if he hadn't just seen it in her eyes, he was intimately aware of it through the touch of her fingers. There was no escaping how much she was enjoying everything about what she was doing. From the moment they made eye contact, with every touch and caress, Ron lay back and soaked it in as her fingers felt entirely exquisite. She eagerly began to work him up and down.

  The experience was thrilling on so many different levels. Their bedroom was dark with only the ruddy glow from the lava lamp supplying any illumination. Eileen was naked, and Ron could see her clearly as she stroked and played. It was all so supremely erotic.

  As she concentrated on pleasuring herself through pleasuring him, sometimes Ron would close his eyes, but mostly he kept them open. Every now and then he would catch a glimpse of Eileen stroking on Paul's erection with her right hand as she kept at him with her left. Time and again he and Eileen made eye contact, and it was in those moments that his excitement grew that much stronger. There was such a fire to her; she wanted this; she did. Ron could feel it through her fingers as much as see it in her eyes. Touching him, having him lay out naked and offer his erection to her was every bit as exciting for her as it was for him.

  Some of his thrill might have been because it all seemed to have happened spontaneously. But if he'd been inclined to think about it, Ron could have easily deduced that Paul and Eileen had most surely planned this. And later, afterwards, when he did spend time thinking about it all, the idea that they had planned this was as flattering as it was exciting, in that Ron surmised Eileen would have to have been thinking of him, possibly hoping for some time to have this night happen.

  The only downside was that he didn't know what to do. This was so unlike any experience he'd ever had one-on-one with a girl. These were his best friends: husband and wife. He was a guest in their bedroom; the last thing he wanted was to do anything that might be considered out of bounds or inappropriate. And the truth was, he desperately wanted to touch Eileen, but didn't know if that was permissible. He had no idea what was allowed
. But what was going on was extremely pleasurable. So Ron left well enough alone and just lay back and enjoyed.

  The way in which her fingers were sliding up and down was so hypnotically erotic. And it wasn't simply her stroking; at times she would toy with him, playfully swirling a finger tip ’round and ’round anywhere she pleased. Then a few moments later she might slide her fingers deliciously all the way down to caress and fondle his balls, little by little pushing him towards ecstasy.

  Ron had closed his eyes and was nearing the edge of losing control when Eileen's hand stopped. One or two more stokes, and that would have been it. But she stopped. Opening his eyes, Ron saw that Paul had sat up and pulled Eileen down to kiss him. Eileen let go of Ron, and moments later Paul rolled over on top of her. If Ron didn't know what to do before, now he was even more lost. But, obviously, Paul and Eileen knew exactly what they were up to. Eileen parted her legs and pulled up her knees while Paul settled in on top of her. And with Ron watching only inches away, Paul began to thrust into her.

  Maybe it was that everyone was so close on the bed, but Ron felt extremely awkward. He didn't know if his part in the evening was now over, and from here on out he was to be a spectator only. They were really getting into each other; Paul and Eileen didn't seem even to be aware he was there. Eileen had latched her arms around Paul, and her initial gasps were now becoming moans. Paul was becoming more excited, too; beginning to arch with his back while thrusting into her with a deeper passion.

  Seeing them fucking up close was a sight to behold. Ron had visited Boy's Town in Mexico and had seen live sex acts. There, it had been raunchy and raucous, with a woman on stage chained to a pole and getting her brains fucked out by a guy wearing a bull mask, yet he was hung like a horse. But this was something entirely different. This was Paul and Eileen, and seeing them was so immediate, so close, so real.


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