The Wolfs Maine

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The Wolfs Maine Page 5

by Jinni James

  I stepped out of the shower and quickly slipped my t-shirt on and went over to my computer. The minute I turned it on there was two messages from John. Immediately a smile tugged at my lips. I hadn't realized how much I missed him until I saw those messages. I opened the first one and read.

  "Ava my love. I miss you terribly. I hope everything was fine after I left. I hated leaving you. Did Nicholas say anything? I'm a little nervous since I haven't heard anything else from you. I hope everything is okay. Until I hear from you again. Love always, John."

  I was about to respond then figured I better check the second message.

  "I hope you enjoyed your night out my love and everything is okay. I'm sure you’re going to be exhausted when you get home but would you please call me so I know you’re okay? Please? Until then. Love always, John."

  How did he know I was out last night? I don't think I even told him. Oh well, I will give him a call and make sure he knows I'm okay then I'll get some sleep. I picked up the phone and it started ringing, I had to laugh because it was John. How weird was that?


  "Ava sweetheart. How are you? Are you Okay?" He sounded worried.

  "I'm fine John. Really. It's okay. How are you?"

  "Been worried about you. I'm glad everything is okay." Well, he sounded a bit better.

  "I'm sorry you've been worried. I had to talk to Nicholas and then he went to bed and I went out. Oh by the way, how did you know I went out last night?"

  There was a long pause like he was thinking about something or thinking of what to say then finally he responded.

  "I just assumed when I hadn't heard from you." I didn't buy it.

  "Oh Okay. Well, it was nice being out with the girls and much needed. They wanted to pick my brain about you of course. But the weirdest thing happened when we were leaving. We got caught by these guys in black. They were awful."

  "Oh my God Ava! Are you alright?" He didn’t seem as surprised as I would have thought.

  "I'm fine. We're all fine. Lucky for us this wolf came out of nowhere and attacked the men. It was downright weird. But once the wolf got rid of those men we were fine. In fact the wolf seemed familiar. It's hard to explain."

  "Ava. Don't say another word. Come over here."

  "What? Now?"

  "Yes now. I'm worried about you and I'm sure you would get more rest over here than there. Well, somewhat more if I leave you alone." He was kidding with me but I could still sense the worry in his voice.

  "John, I can't just leave. I'm on thin ice with Nicholas already and if dinner isn't ready when he gets home..."

  "So put something in the crock pot and come on." It was awfully tempting and I doubt Nicholas would even care. He seemed to love the fact that I was going out last night and he won't be home all day. As long as he has dinner ready when he gets home it should be fine. Why not?

  "Okay. I'll be there in about an hour." He hesitated.

  "Seriously?" He acted surprised.

  "Yes seriously. Didn't you just tell me to?"

  "Yes! Absolutely! Please come and be careful love."

  Men, I'll never understand them.

  Chapter Six

  I quickly picked up the house and put something in the crock pot for Nicholas then left a note next to it.

  "If you happen to get home before I do which I'm sure you won't, I'll be out for a while. I forgot to go pay a few bills and they need to be taken care of today. Dinner is in the crock pot and I will see you soon."

  I'll be home before he gets home surely but I just never can tell when Nicholas will decide to surprise me by coming home at 5pm like a normal husband instead of 8 or 9pm. I get dressed and jump in the car thinking I remember how to get to Johns house. Thank goodness I already took a shower.

  What seemed like a few minutes I was pulling into John’s very long driveway. I still couldn't get over how beautiful his house was. It reminded me of some log cabin from a country painting, although a very large log cabin though. John had the door open before I even saw the house apparently because he was standing on the front porch just waiting for me. The minute I saw him I definitely was not tired anymore. He came running up to the car and practically yanked me out of it and wrapped his arms around me in a big bear hug. Man, did he smell good. I will never get used to his smell. He leaned back and looked me in the eyes.

  "Ava. I have missed you so much." I couldn't help but giggle.

  "It wasn't that long."

  "Any amount of time away from you is long my love." He bent to kiss me then lead me into the house. I thought he smelled fantastic but when I walked into the house I was overwhelmed with all the aromas of eggs, bacon, biscuits, and of course coffee. He had made me breakfast! No one has ever cooked anything for me...ever. He led me over to the very oversized kitchen which was so dark but yet had a welcoming feel to it. The counters were all dark granite tops and the drawers and cabinets were a dark mahogany wood. There was a bar that wrapped around the kitchen, and an island in the middle. All the appliances on the other side, all stainless steel of course a man would have nothing else I'm sure.

  "I hope you like breakfast. I know many people don't eat breakfast, including me but I thought since you had been up all night this could actually be more like dinner than breakfast for you." You could tell he was very pleased with himself and awfully cute in the process.

  "I rarely eat breakfast but that's because I don't feel like cooking just for myself and then cleaning it up as well but I always have coffee." He got the message, sent me a wink and walked over to the coffee pot and poured a cup. He fixed it with the perfect amount of cream and sugar then set the cup in front of me.

  “How did you know how I like my coffee?”

  “Lucky guess is all.” That was the best explanation I was going to get apparently because he proceded to fix me a plate.

  I watched him walk and work around the kitchen in amazement. Never in my life have I seen a man work in the kitchen, well unless he was fixing something, this was a nice change. I quickly came to the conclusion that men could be really great cooks if they want to be.

  I have never tasted a breakfast so good in my life. John actually joined me which was new but lovely. It was nice spending time with someone who actually wanted to spend time with you as well. Once we were both finished he led me into the bedroom.

  "Here you go Ava dear. Lie down and rest. I know you must need it right about now." The last thing on my mind was sleep. The longer I was around John the more I just wanted to rip his clothes off. It was next to impossible not to want him. I put my hands on his chest and reached up and kissed him. I could tell he thought it was just going to be a quick peck but there was no way I could stop with that. I kissed him long and deep before he pulled back and looked at me. He always looked me right in the eyes, not at my nose or my forehead and something about that just always made me feel safe.

  "We will have plenty of time for that sweetie. But right now you need to sleep. You have been awake for far too long and had quite an exciting early morning. Get some sleep and I will be here when you wake up. I promise I won't be going anywhere. Sleep sweet and no worries."

  So I gave in. I could always jump him later. I crawled into bed as he lied next to me and started playing with my hair and before I knew it I was asleep dreaming of him of course.


  I still couldn't believe how much has happened over the course of a few days. It seems as though my dreams are coming true, finally. Although not without obstacles and questions. Nicholas was still very much in the picture and I have no idea what to do about that. Then there is the question of who those guys were that tried to attack Ava and her friends. Although they were not just guys they were vamps. Only vampires can control people like that. Why was Ava not controlled though? That I do not understand. But why them? Was it just a coincidence or deliberate? It seemed awfully weird for them to pick Ava and her friends out of everyone else, but Ava and her friends are very beautiful, so that could ha
ve played a part in it.

  Ava with her beautiful Indian features like her long black hair and hazel eyes, Lena was a little on the more conservative side with blonde hair and green eyes and didn't show her body much but she was still very attractive and only about 5' tall, and Jaci with her almost flawless features, her face always looked airbrushed and she had long very wavy blonde hair and she wasn't tall just around 5'6" I would guess and blue eyes.

  In a way they were all very much alike but there was something about Lena that I couldn't quite put my finger on yet. So maybe it was their looks that got them caught. Something is telling me I'm wrong though which is making me very uncomfortable and one reason why I asked Ava to come here for the day.

  Hell, if I had my way she would be here every single day and night. I will find a way to make that happen but right now I'm going to enjoy having her in my arms whenever I can.

  I have so many things running through my head and it is becoming hard to keep up. How will Ava react when I tell her about my special abilities? Will she end up having the same abilities as I do and how will I help her when or if she does? What will Nicholas do when he finds out? Right now all I can think of is keeping Ava safe and what that might entail.

  Nicolas doesn't give a shit about her and he couldn't care less if she lived or died so having his help isn't going to happen. This incident with Ava and her friends and those guys just seems like too much of a coincidence for me. I need to investigate this further but I can't leave her alone. I'll just have to call Michael and see if he can help me. Given how long we've been friends he may be my best option.

  I picked up my phone and gave Michael a call. I told him how I couldn't explain everything over the phone and he said he would be right over. I gently lift Ava's head off of my chest and laid her back down on the pillows. She made one tiny moan of a sound and was back out again. I knew she must have been exhausted from the last couple days. I went to the kitchen to clean the mess I made this morning from breakfast and fixed some coffee. Lord knows we will all need it. Within thirty minutes I hear someone at the door. Michael must have run here because that was fast. I opened the door to a wolf panting. He definitely ran.

  "Michael could you shift back please? I cannot talk to you like this." The wolf bowed his head ran around the house and within a few minutes Michael came walking back. Thank God I keep clothes for him stored in the cabinet outside.

  "So John, what have you gotten yourself into this time?"

  Michael and I were working on our third cup of coffee each by the time I was through spilling my guts about everything that had been happening in the past few days. It seemed like such a long story for something that has been going on for just a little while but then again it's been a story in the making for some time now.

  "Wow John. This is crazy. So let me see if I have this straight. You are in love with Avalon?" I just nodded in agreement.


  "You've only just met her a couple days ago?"


  "But you've been talking to each other online for a year now?"


  "Avalon is married to a jackass."


  "You've known her since she was a little girl because you knew and cared for her parents."


  "Her husband has no idea about any of this."

  "We think not, yes." Michael looked at me for a minute and then continued.

  "Vampires attacked Avalon and her friends earlier this morning when they were on their way home and you interceded as a wolf so they have no idea it was you."


  "Avalon is now asleep in your bedroom because you’re worried that vamps may be after her."


  "Am I missing anything John?" I had to think for a second and then added;

  "And she may also become a shape shifter like us." "What?!" Michael was stunned.

  "Well, both of her parents were shape shifters, they are the ones that taught me how to control it and how to live basically. I know that doesn't mean she for a fact will inherit the trait but that doesn't rule it out either. There is a real possibility she could become a shape shifter and one reason why her mother wanted me to look after her."

  Michael stopped and shook his head like he was trying to get everything in his head to line up.

  "So it's possible she might change at some point?"

  "Yes. She also doesn't know that either or that I am a shape shifter. I doubt she even knows they exist." Michael was pacing at this point.

  "But usually the change happens at an earlier age doesn't it? Shouldn't she have already changed if she was going to? I mean we both did."

  "Not necessarily. From what I have been told and can figure out it can happen at any age but it typically happens sometime between the ages of ten and thirty which gives her plenty of time since she's only twenty-five." Michael shakes his head in agreement. "Okay. So you've gotten yourself in deep this time my friend."

  "Yes I have. See why I called you? I need to figure out if those vamps were just a weird coincidence or if they were after Ava and I have no idea where to start."

  "Don't worry John. I'm on it. Give me some time and I will find out whatever I can."

  I knew I could always count on Michael. Just then we heard someone coming down the stairs and I turned to Michael and whispered

  "Remember she doesn't know anything." I could tell from his nod that he knew what I was talking about. So I breathed a little easier once Ava was down the stairs and in my sight.

  I would never get used to seeing her or her beauty. She was just so beyond beautiful and she always took my breath away, especially when she was wearing my shirt and jeans.

  "Sorry. I didn't mean to interrupt you." I jumped up out of my chair.

  "You didn't interrupt us at all. Ava, this is my friend Michael. He came by to see me for a little while." Michael stood up and shook her hand.

  "Hello Michael."

  "Hello Avalon is it?"


  "Well John, I won't keep you. I will let you know anything I find out as soon as I can." Michael winked at me as I lead him towards the door.

  "Thank you for all your help man."

  "Until next time Avalon." Ava nodded as I shut the door.

  "We didn't wake you did we?" Ava stepped towards John with a little smile on her face.

  "You two did not wake me but you sort of did.” I know she could tell I looked confused until she stepped closer and placed her hands on my chest.

  "I was having a wonderful dream with you in it and it woke me up." She leaned up and kissed me and then I got it!


  Chapter Seven

  I could tell already that kissing her would never get boring. I could kiss her forever and if I have my way I definitely plan on doing just that. Her lips parted to deepen the kiss so I was happy to as well. Everything about this woman is intoxicating. Everything, from her lips to the sounds she makes, even her smell. I was intoxicated by this woman. It breaks my heart every time I think about her having to go home to Nicholas. This should be her home. She deserves a man who will love her, not treat her like a maid. Oh crap! Nicholas! I had to pull Ava to a stop which she did not care for.

  "Ava. When do you need to be home? When is Nicholas going to be home?" Ava stopped and looked down at her wrist where her watch should be but she must have left it upstairs.

  "It's near 3pm."

  "I slept that long?" Ava looked shocked.

  "You were tired love." Ava stopped for a second obviously collecting her thoughts before she looked up at me again.

  "I'm never really sure if he will be home around Five o'clock like a normal person or come creeping in at nine."

  "Why does he make you worry about dinner then?"

  "He doesn't like the thought of me sitting around doing nothing or being out and about doing only God knows what." A small smile crept on her lips as she leaned up to kiss me again.

time her kiss had much more passion. I was getting lost in her but I knew we needed to stop. I needed to talk to her. I need to try and explain who and what I am and what she may possibly be if she will even listen to me after that. But God it feels so good to have her in my arms, holding her, kissing her, feeling her need for me, it makes me feel like I could explode. The electricity that goes through us is unlike anything I have ever felt before.

  "John, I want you." I pulled back and looked at her. She was absolutely beautiful. How could any man not want her? Suddenly my cell started ringing, of course.


  "John! It’s Michael. Get Avalon home now. I decided to start with her husband and apparently he is on his way home. From what you've mentioned she may want to beat him there."

  "Thanks Michael." Damn, just my luck. I will seriously have to figure out a way to get Nicholas out of the picture and soon.

  "Ava dear we need to get you home."

  "What? Why? I want to stay with you." I could just see the disappointment in her eyes. How I wanted to keep her here with me and not just for tonight. But tonight is just not going to happen.

  "Sweetie, Nicholas is on his way home. You don't need to give him any more reason to doubt or question you." She looked down at her shoes and sighed.

  "Okay. You’re right. I don't like it but your right. Walk me to the car?"

  "Of course."

  I watched Ava run upstairs to change out of my shirt and back into her clothes. Watching her do so was painful. I had to hold myself back from running up those stairs after her. As she jogged up the stairs her thong was peeking out from under the shirt, it was driving me mad.


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