Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3

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Hard Justice: The Asylum Fight Club Book 3 Page 22

by Bianca Sommerland

  Lifting his gaze from a jacket label, Jamie beamed like Ez had the first year at Tracey’s, his eyes getting that crazed Christmas morning glow. “Yeah?”

  “Yup. Just wait, Tracey will have all kinds of cool stuff for you. Exactly what she thinks you need, so she’ll probably buy you a dozen handmade scarves and mittens and hats from some local place.” And Reed would have every single comic book or manga he’d ever mentioned in the presence of anyone with ears. He moved closer to Jamie, reading over the label he’d been struggling with to make sure it could manage the harshest weather. “That one’s perfect, if you like the style. Wanna try it on?”

  “Sure. Then we should go to the candy store.” Drawing the coat off the rack, Jamie shrugged it on. The long, dark-navy wool had loops instead of buttonholes to catch the toothy buttons, and a hood that would come off to create a more streamlined look. Flipping up the hood, Jamie tucked his hands in the pockets and modeled the coat, turning side to side. “Do I look like a Yankee yet?”

  Snorting, Reed stood back to take in the whole outfit. “Not bad at all. Some boots and you might survive the winter. And you should get some nice gloves. Maybe leather ones. I would, but I always lose small shit like that. Waste of money.”

  “Cool. You are now my stylist. I won’t hire any other.” Jamie eyes danced as he shrugged off the coat and started toward the register. “Oh.” He turned back to Reed. “This is the part where it usually gets real.”

  Brow furrowed, Reed followed him, grabbing a pair of leather gloves from a display that looked like they’d fit the smaller man and tossed them to him before choosing some plain ones for himself. The two ladies at the register didn’t seem the types to mob a guy, but he’d never been around anyone famous.

  At least there hadn’t been any photographers lurking.

  Jamie plunked the coat and gloves on the counter along with his credit card and driver’s license.

  Halfway through ringing up Jamie’s purchase, one of the women’s eyes glazed over. Her cheeks went bright red, mouth working like she couldn’t get enough air. “I’m…you’re...he’s…” She pointed as she slid down behind the register, phone already in hand.

  “Seriously?” Reed rubbed a hand over his face. “Lady, you’re lucky my foster mom’s not here. This is embarrassing. She’d so kick your ass.” He glanced over at Jamie. “Let’s go. I need a lollipop before I start being rude...er.”

  Giggling, Jamie started for the door, walking fast. “We have five minutes until every friend she has in this mall knows we’re here.”

  Reed wrinkled his nose. “Man, how do you do anything? That would drive me nuts.”

  “I don’t really go anywhere. Or, when I do, it's to places with a good rep where I know I won’t get mobbed.” Jamie tore the jacket out of the bag with the gloves so they could drop the plastic and tags into a bin. He dressed, pulling up the hood, disappearing beneath. Then began quickly walking away from the store. “Places lose money when I visit if they have to shut down to control the crowds. So I try not to do it.”

  “Yeah, I guess it’s hard if people are gonna be all extra about you existing in the same space as them.” Reed pulled on his gloves. “Put yours on, we’ll go to the candy store closer to Blain’s. It’s a smaller place and the old man there always gives me a bag of samples when he gets new stuff since I’m one of his best customers.”

  Jamie kept up with him as they crossed the parking lot. “I didn’t get boots. Is there a shoe store?”

  Slowing as they reached the lights, Reed groaned. “Damn it, I forgot Matt’s jeans. There’s a men’s wear store, though. They have shoes. All the places near Blain’s have been there longer, so it’s locals who are mostly chill. We might be better off there. I shoulda thought of that earlier, but we’ve still got a couple hours.”

  “That’s nice of you, getting him jeans. Are you four like a thing? Or just friends? Does it work that way? Like around The Asylum?” Jamie’s coat swung with his steps, looking more put-together, not hunching against the cold, all sleek and stylish. A good choice for him but fucking pricey. And dude hadn’t even looked at the price tag. “Or is that a rude question?”

  Back on the sidewalk, Reed motioned Jamie to the closest shop, the wind already harsh enough to make his eyes water. “Might be but doesn’t bother me. Matt’s my best friend and I got in shit for making out with him, so we’re careful. And Lawson is...well Lawson. Him and Curtis are a lot closer now, which is nice. Except when I get in trouble with both of them. But when I make both happy?” He wiggled his eyebrows. “Life’s good.”

  Jamie gave a happy sigh. “Yeah. Totally get that… But when you kiss Matt, if you’re not supposed to, is that cheating?”

  “Nope. We all have an understanding. We’re supposed to ask permission, but it’s hot knowing you might get caught.” Reed’s lips curved, thinking of the last time he’d made out with Matt in his and Lawson’s bed, then rolled off and right underneath when he heard the Dom come in. “No marks. No fucking. But other stuff...I mean a caning for a sneak blowjob is not a bad price to pay.”

  The concept still seemed to confuse Jamie a bit, but he nodded slowly, as though shelving the information to go over later. They finished in the store leaving with jeans, several gifts, and no issues. But, when they walked out, he could see a few dozen people braving the cold outside the mall, surrounding some news vans. Shoulders bowed, Jamie disappeared into the candy store, which made Reed feel shitty about keeping him out with the threat of a nasty crowd so close. And reporters ready to pick his life apart because he made good music and some asshole had made his sexuality into a headline.

  At the register, Reed handed his bags to the sweet old shopkeep, Phil, so he could shop without lugging them around, then waved Jamie over to do the same. They really should’ve gone to the dojo, Curtis would know what to do. Or maybe Noah…

  Blinking fast, Reed almost choked on the urge to laugh and cry all at once when the shopkeep handed him a big, round root-beer-flavored lollipop along with a small bag of assorted gummies. Phil had been around since he’d first come to Anniston Falls with Ezran at fourteen, Noah collecting them from a truck stop, then bringing them to Tracey’s. Reed wouldn’t eat sweets back then, because they reminded him too much of his own mother, but after a year he’d finally been able to enjoy them again. Mostly because of Tracey, but Noah teasing him helped too. Fuck, he’d been such a little brat sometimes—all in fun—sticking his tongue out at the man behind Tracey’s back when he’d warned about his teeth rotting. Noah being all worried at the dentist sobered him up for a bit, until they’d talked after on the way to Reed’s karate lessons.

  “You’re the only kid I’ve ever seen who’s not terrified of the dentist.” Noah’s lips slanted as Reed sucked on one of the sugar-free lollipops the dentist had given him, making a face. “Why is that?”

  Reed shrugged. “My mom always brought me when she got back from leave. She’ll do it again when she gets back from wherever they sent her. She said if I took care of my teeth the way she taught me, I’d have nothing to worry about.” He stared straight ahead, telling himself over and over that she was coming home and she’d love Tracey and Noah. And she wouldn’t want him all sad. “She was right.”

  “She really was. Maybe you should teach your brother.” Noah rubbed Reed’s shoulder, slowing the car way before they got to the dojo and pulling in front of the candy shop. “Who isn’t getting much candy for a while, but me and you both passed with flying colors. How about you pick something out for me?”

  Reed had spent almost fifteen minutes trying to figure out what flavor Noah would like before it hit him that when the man wasn’t drinking coffee, or having a beer with his mom, he drank rootbeer.

  He managed a smile at Jamie’s concerned look. “Noah’s favorite flavor. Sorry, I’m being all emo. That’s totally Ezran’s job.”

  “Hey. Have you seen me? I write love songs for a living.” Jamie nudged him, taking a gummy bear from Reed’s stash. His exp
ression sobered again. “And I’m worried about him too. Didn’t know he had a favorite anything. Tell me more about him? What’s your fave thing to do together?”

  The man had a habit of asking a lot of things all at once, which was funny, because he forgot questions so fast. The looks Doms got on their faces when he gazed up at them, honestly having no clue what they’d wanted, were priceless.

  Reed nodded to the back of the store after grabbing a paper bag to start loading up. “Noah’s gonna be fine. Hell, he made it through prison. He’s fucking tough and...he’s a fighter. But you knew that already.”

  “Yeah.” Jamie was quiet for a bit, taking a few scoops of some random candy from one of the bins, then another bag of root-beer-flavored everything he came across. “Hey, Reed? Are you pissed about what happened? With Lawson and him? Was that, like, normal?”

  Reed winced, shaking his head. “Not really. Hey, you wanna go back to talking about Noah’s favorite things? He always acts like he’s not big on sweets, but when Tracey makes stuff? Hell, I can’t tell you how many times she swatted his hand with a spoon for trying to take an extra brownie. And he would sit watching football, eating cookie dough with Ez. One of the few times when he was really little that Ez wouldn’t be all grumpy.”

  A smile curved Jamie’s lips, his gaze going distant. “That must’ve been super cute.”

  “It was. Ez had it rough, you know? But Tracey and Noah did really good with him. He might be a pain in the ass sometimes, but he’s a good kid.” Reed grabbed a scoop for some jawbreakers, which his brother loved, but were like lollipops without a stick. Pretty much a crime. “The other store we’re going to, Tracey showed me and it’s where I find most of my clothes. Her and Noah got me comfortable with all the sparkly, colorful stuff I love. Nothing Noah would wear, and he doesn’t love shopping, but he gets a kick out of shirts with funny stuff on them on other people.”

  Jamie looked down at his coat, like he could x-ray vision his shirt through it. “I have a coupla Vans hoodies, but that’s about it.” Hands loaded down with bags, he listed to one side as he walked. “Noah looks good in sweaters, but I think they’re too warm for him. So I’m just going to get him a Dom cuff at Blain’s and some massage oil. I do a mean massage.” Jamie followed him, turning in a circle. “And he doesn’t seem like a presents person. Sometimes I forget I don’t really know a ton about him. Because it feels like forever.”

  Finished getting way more candy than he usually would in one go, Reed brought all his stuff to the cash register, handing over Curtis’s credit card and hoping his Dom really was cool with him getting all this stuff. He winced a bit at the price but tried not to let it show. “You know you make him happy. The rest will come. Like, hell, I’ve known Curtis for years and I’m always learning new stuff.”

  “Yeah. It’s all good.” Jamie quieted while the shopkeeper totaled his purchases. “Thank you, sir. I appreciate your help. Merry Christmas.” Jamie looked at Reed, then back to the man. “I’ll come here again.”

  Reed grinned, laughing as the old man came around to give both him and Jamie hugs. He was a cool guy except when little punks came in and tried to steal stuff. Then watch out. “Happy Holidays, Phil. Thanks for the samples.”

  “You just make sure to share with your brother. He hasn’t had a cavity in three years.” Phil ruffled his hair. “And tell him not to be a stranger.”

  “I will.” Reed grabbed all the bags, including the ones Phil had held on to for them. Led Jamie to the glitter store, both of them coming out about an hour later smelling like they’d rolled around in the candy.

  “So, tell me if this is, like, being nosy, but you’ve known Curtis for a long time.” They headed toward Blain’s. “Do you think there’s really stuff you don’t know about him that’s for real? Not like...just ‘hey, I tried taking a girl to prom and we fooled around and I hated it’ kind of stuff?”

  Reed cocked his head, tongue pressed to his bottom lip. “Like, you mean really serious stuff?” His pace slowed at Jamie’s nod, and he rolled his shoulders to loosen up some of the tension there. “Some. Lot’s that I learned when shit went sideways. Stuff about his family, which was...yeah. Then there’s the stuff with him and Noah that’s always been, kinda there, you know? But I found out more and...this can not be repeated.”

  “I swear on my Grammy.” Jamie slid him a serious look. “I don’t know my actual Grammy, or I’d swear on her.”

  Nodding slowly, Reed rubbed his hands together. They were right outside Blain’s now, but despite the cold, he didn’t want to go in. Not yet. Not where anyone else might hear and there was no one hanging around outside. “Curtis...had some really intense...I mean, you can call it training, but it’s more. Not sure what, but it got him away from going down a really bad path. I can’t give you too many details, but what Noah did kinda helped him and fucked with him all at once. Which probably makes no fucking sense.” He rolled his eyes at himself. “Jesus, I’m supposed to be setting a good example. Sorry, man.”

  Face shadowed by his hood, Jamie bent his head. “That must be kind of weird for you. Curtis being...whatever they were. I see the edge there sometimes, like he’s almost still his Dom but not.”

  “Just a little bit.” Reed held his gloved fingers together. “And the influence Noah has over him is kinda...scary. But he promised he’d never use it—well, never try to take Curtis away. So...there’s that. But it’ll always be there I guess. In a way.”

  Jamie scoffed, standing back as a boisterous family walked by, arguing about where to have hot chocolate, before he said anything. “Dude. Curtis loves you like crazy. It’s all over his face whenever he looks at you. Same with Lawson and Matt. You’re both super important to them. No hold Noah could possibly have on Curtis would ever top that.”

  Brow raised, Reed stared at Jamie for a minute. “You’re really into that true love can conquer all thing, huh. Love songs might be all pretty. Real life ain’t. Noah’s crazy about you, but there are parts of him you can’t get through to. And not because he won’t let you.”

  “I don’t have any clue how he could have that kind of power over Curtis. I mean, Noah is my Dom and I’d do just about anything for him, but I wouldn’t break you and Curtis up or do anything I knew was wrong.” Shoving back the hood, a troubled look crossed Jamie’s face. “I know there’s lots I don’t know about him or this whole lifestyle, but… Nobody has that kind of power over another human being. Curtis wouldn’t do that to you. I have to believe that. So yeah. Love songs, maybe. But Noah’s not magic.”

  Yeah, this conversation isn’t gonna get us anywhere.

  Still, Reed held Jamie’s gaze for a moment. “People can be conditioned in a lot of ways. So yeah, they can be controlled. The military uses shit like that. Hell, even some schools. Religious groups.” He reached for the door, opening, then holding it for Jamie, his bags in his other hand. “It’s not magic. Brains are weird things. You mess with the wiring and you might not like what you get.”

  “I don’t know.” Stepping past Reed, Jamie stood to one side, setting down his bags to rub his hands together. “Maybe you’re right, but I promise you, Reed. I’d challenge him to a fight myself even though I know I’d lose. Because that shit wouldn’t fly. With me or a lot of people, and he can’t take everyone on.” Jamie shook his head hard, as if clearing away the image. “But he won’t. He wouldn’t.”

  “Probably not. I mean, was hard not to wonder before. But Rhodey’s got him now.” Reed blew on his hands. “He won’t let Noah do anything he’ll regret. He’s gonna fix him.”

  Moving to a glass case full of higher-end nipple clamps and cuffs, Jamie went quiet for a bit before speaking again. “I hope I’m not one of the things he has to fix about him. Everyone keeps telling me how different I am from his other subs and how he’ll get tired of me. I know they’re trying to be nice and warn me, but I can’t give that shit the time of day or I’d lose my fucking mind.”

  Yeah, no. Jamie definitely shouldn’t
be listening to them. At all.

  “Careful of those guys. Some nasty cliques with the subs.” Reed gave Jamie a pointed look. “We don’t talk to the Doms about them, but you ever have issues with them, tell me or Matt. Cool?”

  Jamie met Reed’s gaze. “Totally. Thanks.”

  “No problem. They like trying to get newbie-subs in trouble just for the fun of it. With Doc training you, that’s the last thing you want.” Reed rested his hip against the counter. “But one good thing is they’re gonna think you’ve got balls of fu—”

  “Swear in my store, Reed. I dare you.” The tall, muscular Dom, with dark brown skin, Blain, came out from behind the curtain. A regular at the club, he'd been there when Curtis had collared Reed in his shop last summer. His tone held a slight edge, but his gaze was warm as he looked from him to Jamie. “How can I help you boys?”

  “I was wondering if I could look at a few of these cuffs for Noah, sir?” Jamie’s respectfully worded request had Reed slipping off to do his own shopping at the back of the store, as he gave the man some privacy.

  After finishing up at Blaine’s, they headed toward the dojo, stopping halfway to pull on their gloves. Thick white snowflakes swirled through the light breeze, nice to look at, but his ears were numb by the time they got inside. He put down his bags near the back door, leaning close to the heater.

  “Curtis should be ready to go any minute.” He reached out to dust some snow off Jamie’s hair, though it was hard to see in all that white. “Get everything you needed?”

  Jamie nodded, looking around curiously at the high white ceilings and dark beams. “Thanks for helping me figure out what to get everyone. Once I wrap the presents, will you take them with you to Tracey’s? And before you say I’m gonna be invited, I know, but I’d feel weird going. I’m usually just writing music on Christmas, and I like having a quiet day.”

  “Uh-huh.” Reed gave Jamie a crooked grin. “You tell Tracey that, because I’m not.”

  “Dude.” Jamie kept his voice low. “I don’t want to bust in on someone else’s family’s holiday.”


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