The God of Battles

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The God of Battles Page 24

by David Menefee

  She turned, preparing to go back to the Root Hexagon to finish her meditation, but stopped, her head tilted. She felt a tremor within her depths, the beginnings of a division deep within her. The attack had apparently succeeded after all. “So clever. What a fine weapon you’ve found, Dark Eyes.”

  She turned to the sergeant again. “Sergeant, do not report for debriefing. Instead, remain here to guard the Root Hexagon. I must return to my throne room to await the arrival of prisoners from Gray Suit. There are bindings upon my person that must be cut before I may go into battle again.”

  The sergeant saluted again.

  Realm of Dark Eyes

  Amidst towering trees, in the center of a great clearing, a huge bonfire crackled. Seated around that bonfire was a host of angels, all of whom resembled the Roma, for whom they were the cultural messengers. Seated on a taller chair was Dark Eyes. Another being stood before him, an exotically beautiful, androgynous figure. All of the angels muttered and looked askance at this one. It was Serpent Lion, the Egregore of the desire of men for men and women for women and a mighty servant of Love.

  “It appears that we have a common problem.” Serpent Lion’s voice had an ironic note. “There is one who is divided against herself, and she has become our greatest threat.”

  Dark Eyes studied his enemy, now ally, looking for any hint of duplicity. Seeing that the Egregore bore no enmity toward him at the moment, he smiled grimly. “That division within Diamond Angel was the result of hard work on our part as well as the work of secret allies. Ekh, dui, trin, indeed.” His heart swelled with pride. “Now that she serves Bald Eagle, her incarnated self Angela must become our ally.”

  Serpent Lion inclined his head. “You know that I have a strong interest in Diamond Angel, too. If it weren’t for Bald Eagle’s interference, she would belong to no one but herself. However, she has assimilated many of our angels as well as yours into her army. I propose that we secretly infiltrate her.”

  Dark Eyes nodded curtly. “As you say. But I do not trust you, Serpent Lion. You have been one of my bitterest foes.”

  Serpent Lion spread his arms. “It is our nature as Egregores. We can no more fight our own desire for growth and conquest than we can fight those of the Underworld who support us.”

  Dark Eyes smacked his fist into his palm. “Speak not that heresy! The Underworld is subject to our power. We are not subject to them!”

  Serpent Lion lowered his eyes coquettishly. “As you say, Dark Eyes.” He smiled, and Dark Eyes scowled.

  War on Earth

  “Old, rich white men sending our boys and girls to fight their dirty…”


  “They can go fuck themselves. I ain’t goin’ to Iraq again.”


  “What if they hit one of our cities? How about that?”


  “Those’re the same terrorists who planned 9/11. Now it’s…”


  “Really? Gay gypsies? About time.”


  “He came out. Finally…”




  Nadia’s House

  Nadia hung up the phone. She had tried calling Angela three times already. There was no answer and, oddly, no way to leave a message. The phone just rang. Time to use the Sight. Nadia reached over to the lamp, switched off the light, and settled back in her chair. She closed her eyes.

  In the darkness, Nadia’s mind quested. She had first tried visualizing Angela to prepare for a clairvoyant vision, but the image of her great-niece had been shredded as if torn by claws. Then she sought direct contact with her oversoul, the source of her visions, but there had been no help from that quarter either.

  She waited in the dark for any clue. Something violent was happening just beyond the darkness, and it required all of her discipline not to abort the vision and open her eyes. If she ended things too suddenly, the best she could hope for was a splitting headache. There were stories of seers who, having ended a vision too soon, lost their physical eyesight.

  No vision came that night.


  You Can’t Fight, City Hall

  Exacting justice on the twain

  She terminates the bitter chain

  That binds her fast against her will,

  And guarantees her endless reign.

  But Dark Eyes has a stealthy scheme

  To end the Angel’s dark regime

  So mighty weapons does he steal

  For Angel’s sake, her soul redeem.

  “Angela, can you do me a huge favor? There’s a City Council meeting today, but I’ve got a needy client who can’t postpone. Can you go in my stead? Please?”

  Angela slid the fried egg onto her plate, cradling the phone against her shoulder. “Sure, Eric. I’ve got no appointments today. Thanks again for looking after Cassie.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. It was the least I could do.”

  He hung up, and Angela stared thoughtfully at the phone. She could swear that he had sounded mildly offended that she had thanked him for his help. There was no good reason for that; she was just tired and misheard the tone in his voice.

  Angela finished breakfast and left for the hospital to check up on Cassandra. On the way, her phone rang. She activated the hands-free. “Cassie!”

  “Hi, Angela.” Her voice sounded tired, her words somewhat slurred.

  “Hey, love. How’re you doing? I’m on my way over—”

  Cassandra interrupted. “I’m fine. Hey, Angela? I need to get my beauty sleep. Can you come over tomorrow instead?”

  Angela’s heart sank for a moment. Was Cassandra offended that Angela had not gone directly to the hospital to check on her? “Well, okay. I was just going to take a moment to say hi and see how you’re doing after the—”

  “I know. I can’t stay awake.”

  Angela sighed. “Of course. I’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep tight.”


  Angela hung up. She signaled a turn to go directly to the City Council meeting.


  War in Heaven: Extradition

  Diamond Angel’s Throne Room

  Diamond Angel surveyed the realm of Gray Suit, spread out in a vision as she sat in her throne room. It was a warren of marble and slate, oak and granite, resembling a vast array of government buildings. The memories of such places from the ancient world helped her understand that this was an archetypal realm of Government itself.

  She turned to her commander. “As a servant of Bald Eagle, you have the right to enter that realm and demand the extradition of the angels who keep me isolated. If they refuse, you may engage them in a limited fashion with sufficient force to retrieve the traitors and bring them to me.”

  The angel nodded, saluted, and vanished.

  War on Earth

  “Government interference has to stop. They can’t serve the one percent…”


  “Who do they think they are? Elitist bastards need to stay out of…”


  “Sittin’ by their swimming pools while we get beat on by…”


  “If our community wanted that, we’d have said so…”


  “Stay out of our business.”


  “Stay out.”

  Oakland City Hall

  The Oakland City Hall building, an impressive stone structure whose architecture Angela had always admired, loomed over her as she walked between the massive pillars flanking the entrance. She climbed the marble staircase and made her way to the public meeting room.

  As soon as she entered the room, she located an usher.

  “Excuse me.” Angela smiled.

  “Yes, ma’am?”

  “I’ve got business on the agenda. Where do I—?”

  He directed her to a seat. She craned her neck to take in the tall, domed ceiling and towering pillars, which reminde
d her of the Council chamber from her other lifetime as the Lady of Light in the world of the Progenitors.

  City Council members were seated behind the semicircular table on the other side of the seating barrier. The meeting had already begun, and Angela waited as they discussed several agenda items.

  The hall echoed with muttering from the audience, making it difficult to hear the council members speak. The president of the council had to rap his gavel several times to call for order. Angela’s caffeine buzz had kicked in, and she found herself glancing at the exits and then at the wall clock.

  “The next item concerns Brooklyn Basin Mental Health.” The councilwoman peered at her notes. “Consider petition by Brooklyn Basin area residents to deny charter for the clinic. Discussion?”

  Angela took a breath and tried to relax. This was something that she and Eric knew might come up. No one wanted a mental health clinic in the neighborhood.

  One of the other members raised a hand. “I’d like to hear from Dr. Angela Cooper. Is Dr. Cooper present?”

  Before Angela could stand, someone in the audience shouted. She jumped, her head whipping around. Several people were struggling. Security converged on the scuffle while those nearby grew restless. Suddenly there was another shout, much closer, and a fistfight broke out near her between two men.

  “Dammit, Ron,” one of the councilmen said. “Why do you keep bringing these items to the public meeting?” The council member glanced around, startled to hear his own voice echoing in the chamber, and covered his microphone. But it was too late. The accused councilman—Ron—got to his feet and began shouting. The president of the council banged the gavel. The sound was drowned in the roar of fights breaking out all around the room, echoing from the stone walls and ceiling. The president gave a gesture, and the security team started clearing out the chamber. Angela was hustled out along with the rest of the audience.


  War in Heaven; Execution

  Diamond Angel’s Palace, Bald Eagle

  Diamond Angel was holding court. Before her cowered two angels bearing the characteristic drab livery of Gray Suit but overlaid with the insignia of Iron Star.

  She lifted her staff. “For crimes of sedition and terrorism, you have been sentenced to destruction. The forces that have brought you forth shall do so no more, now or in the future.”

  The two angels were mute and bound and had long since ceased to struggle. Diamond Angel signaled to one of her assistants.

  He brought a large ceremonial axe to her and presented it with a bow.

  Diamond Angel rose and took the weapon. Stepping down to the floor, she hefted the axe. Then, in one smooth motion, she swung it at neck height, decapitating both angels. With a dual flash of light, they fell into heaps of disrupted matter, decaying immediately. The air crackled, and small electrical discharges scattered away from Diamond Angel’s feet as the isolation trap dissipated.

  She gave the axe back to the guard. “Clean this up.”

  Several others came forward and extended their hands, palms down. The detritus was systematically dissolved.

  She ignored the cleanup crew and gestured. “Prepare my chariot. I shall commune with Bald Eagle and, afterward, address the troops.”

  The assistant nodded and hurried away.


  War in Heaven: Weapons Lost

  Battlefield outside Bald Eagle

  Diamond Angel was in her chariot, having returned to the battlefront. The enemy forces had repeatedly beaten back her somewhat anemic frontal assault. Despite that, she had managed to inflict heavy casualties. Diamond Angel’s new weapons, gleaned from the recent fight with Iron Star, had enabled her to strike directly at the heart of Silver Scimitar on one battlefront and Serpent Lion on another, with terrible results. Soon she would use the weapons against Dark Eyes, possibly ridding her of that foe once and for all.

  During a brief lull in the fight, Diamond Angel drove the chariot to one of her command and control centers, stripped off her armor and weapons, and prepared to renew herself. All Egregores drew their strength from the lower worlds, and she was tired.

  Her adjutants had placed the power station nearby. She strode to it, clouds of steam from the heat of battle curling around her body. A pair of upright pillars flanked an inky, vertically oriented oval “doorway.” She breathed deeply then stepped forward into the void. There was a crackle of energy along with a babble of voices, many of which were raised in passionate shouts. The warlike fervor of the underworld was a heady draught, and soon she was replenished.

  She returned to her chariot and drew up in shock. Several guards lay on the ground, their bodies rapidly decomposing.

  “No!” She rushed to peer into her vehicle. The powerful new weapons were missing.

  She clenched her fists. “Guards! To me!”

  Another group of angels appeared.

  She pointed. “Clean this up, and find whoever did this. Bring me intelligence if you cannot bring me the perpetrators.”

  War on Earth

  “You’re scared of the wrong stuff, man. The real conspiracies…”


  “It’s all out in the open. Don’t be ignorant. That’s what…”


  “The plutocrats want us confused. Look, just talk to…”


  “Talk to them. They are just like us. They want…”


  “We all want peace.”


  “Peace, man.”


  Friends, Enemies

  Retaliation is her goal

  For Diamond Angel’s fearsome role

  Is threatened by the weapons’ loss,

  So army fair does she enroll.

  Angela drove home, her mind blurred with exhaustion. Though the fracas at City Hall had upset her, it could not explain her tiredness. Maybe it was all the lost sleep of the last week or two, or the fact that she was ravenously hungry. The best remedy, she decided, was to go home, eat a late lunch of leftovers, take a quick nap, then visit Cassandra later in the afternoon despite her objections. Even if her girlfriend was asleep, it would do Angela some good to see her.

  Eric would want to know what had happened at the council meeting. She spoke to her hands-free unit. “Phone. Call Eric at work.”

  The phone rang. “Hey, Angela.”

  “Hi, Eric. Bad news. They never even got to my agenda item.”

  “What? Why?”

  “A fight broke out, believe it or not. Someone in the audience started it, and then it spread to the City Council members and even over to where I was sitting. It was like a war.” She swerved to avoid someone changing lanes without a turn signal. Asshole.

  “That’s incredible. Are you okay?”

  Angela’s pulse pounded in her ears. “What do you mean by ‘incredible’? Don’t you believe me?”

  “What? I was just saying that it was incredible, that’s all. As long as you’re—”

  “Are you calling me a liar?” she said. Eric knew she would never make up a story like that.

  “I—no! I’m not calling you a…”

  The irony in Eric’s voice pushed her over the edge. “I can’t believe this. Here I am, covering for a job you were supposed to do, and you’re calling me a liar. Bullshit, pal.”

  “But I’m not! Angela, what’s going on?”

  She had always thought that the phrase “seeing red” was metaphorical, but now her vision was edged with the color. Eric had never taken her seriously, and his lackadaisical approach to the work of starting the clinic sometimes set her teeth on edge. But he had pushed her too far this time. “Nothing’s going on anymore. We’re through, Eric. Go find work somewhere else. I’m closing the clinic.”

  She punched the off button. At that moment, another driver swerved to change lanes. Angela slammed on her brakes, honking the horn and swearing at the top of her lungs. Tires screeched behind her, and the driver of
a large pickup accompanied her horn with his own in an angry symphony.


  War in Heaven: Unsupported Action

  Diamond Angel’s Palace, Bald Eagle

  Weaponless, Diamond Angel retreated from the front, dogged by Shaken Fist, until she was safely behind Bald Eagle’s borders. From her throne room, she continued to direct the war, albeit at a severe strategic and tactical disadvantage.

  “Dark Eyes and Serpent Lion colluded in the weapons theft,” said her adjutant.

  Diamond Angel nodded. “They will pay for that. However, Bald Eagle requires all of his forces to be deployed on the front.”

  She mused silently while the adjutant stood by her side. Finally, she gestured for him to stand aside. Climbing down from her high seat, she took a wide-legged stance facing the entryway, her arms raised. Her eyes closed, she grimaced. A mist billowed forth from her solar plexus, forming a pillar in front of her. The pillar collapsed and then reformed in the shape of a humanoid creature, armed and wearing armor. Diamond Angel reached out and touched it on the forehead. It flushed with color and life and moved aside.

  Soon there were a dozen warrior angels, which she’d created using her own substance. Diamond Angel lowered her arms and examined the new phalanx.

  “My angels. You are created to go forth and deal devastating blows to my enemies Dark Eyes and Serpent Lion. You will carry the weapons I gave you, and you will fight without question unto death.”

  The angels stared back impassively. Diamond Angel studied for a moment longer. “Follow my adjutant, who will lead you to the armory. You will then be given the necessary plans by my second-in-command and sent on your mission. Make no alliances. This is an unsupported action.”


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