November Rain

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November Rain Page 4

by daisy harris

  Joe looked down, blinking at Elias’s hand over his own. Elias’s fingers were darker and slimmer. Joe’s were pale, hairy in small patches. Strong.

  Slowly, Joe eased his hand out from under Elias’s.

  “Didn’t mean to unload on you about my ex.” Joe shrugged. “It’s not a big deal. I’m over it. Just annoyed I have to go watch him get married while I’m limping like an idiot.”

  “Hmmm. That’s too bad.” Elias wasn’t sure there was anything to say to help the situation, so he settled into eating. Even with Joe’s grumpy mood, his apartment was comfortable and warm. Elias would be sad when he had to go in to work.

  “You wouldn’t happen to want to come along, would you?”

  Elias pressed his lips together. To the wedding? With gay men all around? It was bound to be uncomfortable. If Elias didn’t understand Joe half the time, he was sure to be confused by Joe’s friends.

  And yet…

  He smiled, turning back to his food to hide his excitement. “When is it?”

  “Next Sunday at three. I owe you a free meal, since I’m too laid up to do anything else right now.”

  Something about that statement made Elias feel sad even though he wasn’t sure why. “I’d love to go.” He wished he could say Joe didn’t owe him anything. Elias just enjoyed being around Joe. But there was no way Elias could be so honest to a man he’d only met yesterday.

  “Mmmm… This is so good.” Joe’s eyes closed as he popped another bite in his mouth. With his face relaxed, he looked years younger. And very handsome.

  Elias wanted to kiss him again and wondered if Joe would object.

  “So…” Joe’s eyes were still closed, and his voice had taken on a cheeky tone. “When do I get my sponge bath?”

  The images those words called to mind were so vivid and arousing that Elias struggled to form words.

  “Heh, I’m just kidding.” Joe opened his eyes, but only to a sleepy gaze. “Maybe tomorrow. By then I’ll really need it.”

  Elias licked his lips and forced himself to speak. “Um, yes. I can…” He looked at his watch. “I have to be at work in an hour, but if you need…” Please say yes.

  “Aw. You’re too sweet. But even that’d be too much today. Wouldn’t want to tear my stitches.” He gave Elias a wink so full of promise Elias felt like Joe had reached right inside his chest and stolen Elias’s breath.

  Joe hooked the back of Elias’s neck, drawing him in close. As Elias closed his eyes, “Magic” played in his head—the Selena Gomez version, then sliding into the older and more sultry Olivia Newton John one.

  “I could get you, though.” Joe rubbed Elias’s shoulder. “Think I could handle that.”

  Elias wanted to put his arms around Joe’s shoulders but worried about hurting him, so Elias held still, perched forward. He opened when he felt the brush of Joe’s tongue.

  Joe’s hand roamed to Elias’s chest, feeling—for what, Elias didn’t know. But it was good, so good to have a warm palm there, over his shirt and over his sternum, like Joe could touch his heart.

  Then Joe’s hand was on Elias’s belly, and he only had a second to tense before Joe reached lower.

  “Oh.” Elias pulled away before he was aware of having done so. Where before he’d been barely breathing, now he sucked air in gulps.

  “Oh.” Joe’s hands dropped to his sides. “I thought you were up for it.” He frowned. “Didn’t mean to presume…”

  Elias would have opened his skin to show Joe what was inside if he could have. His groin ached and his throat was dry. He wished so badly he could give Joe what he wanted, but he couldn’t let Joe touch him like that. Not yet. “You didn’t do anything wrong.” Elias stood, because he couldn’t bear for Joe to see him shaking. “But I need to go to work.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  Elias hoped that Joe wasn’t mad at him. “Do you need me to get you anything else? Medicine?”

  “No, thanks.” Joe’s voice was little more than a grumble, spoken while grabbing the remote control. “If I think of something, I’ll text.”

  Elias eyed their breakfast plates, thinking he should take them into the kitchen. Something told him not to. Elias had lost that privilege.

  “I…” He wanted to say I’m sorry, but the words wouldn’t come. “Goodbye.”

  “Yeah.” Joe’s attention was on some news program on television. “Bye.”

  Elias refolded a sweater a customer had shaken open. The basement level was empty except for employees, emptier than a normal Wednesday morning. Maybe the shooting had been on the news and customers had decided to avoid downtown.

  Other than a quick conversation with the security guard when he started his shift, Elias had been alone most of the morning. Ash had called in sick—either shaken by the shooting or simply using it as an excuse to get off work.

  The sweater in his hands would look nice on Joe. Paired with a dark dress shirt, the hints of gold would bring out Joe’s eyes.

  Elias wondered what Joe was planning to wear to the wedding. That was easier than thinking about whether he and Joe would still be attending.

  Someone came down the steps, and Elias turned, hoping for a customer to distract him. It was Henri from the Shoe Department, smartly dressed in slacks that would have been too tight on a straight man but must draw every female eye around him. In Women’s Shoes that probably served Henri well, though Elias suspected Henri dressed that way regardless of whether he was working.

  “Hey.” Henri waved. “It’s time for your break. I’ll take over down here since Ash is out.”

  Elias nodded, but he had a hard time returning Henri’s smile. “Yes. Thank you.”

  “You okay?”

  “I suppose.” Elias wished he knew Henri better. Henri would know how to handle a man like Joe.

  “Is it about the shooting? You know, you could have taken another personal day. You still can if you need to.”

  Elias shook his head, wondering if he had the bravery to ask Henri’s advice.

  “You sure? Is it man trouble then? Tell your boyfriend to chill, you went through a trauma yesterday.”

  “No.” Elias raised a hand in protest. “I don’t have a… I mean, it’s not…” Elias had never shared his sexuality with Henri or anyone else on staff. After what had happened that morning, Elias wasn’t ready to make any admissions.

  “Well, anyway.” Henri carried on as if he was oblivious to Elias’s discomfort. “Tell whoever it is you have at home to go easy on you. You’ve been through a lot, and he can just wait patiently, fetching you cookies and milk until you’re feeling better.”

  Elias pressed his lips together so as not to laugh. “I don’t have anyone waiting at home.” Joe wasn’t waiting. Truly, they hardly knew each other. Elias was probably imagining some connection that wasn’t there.

  “Ah, new guy not calling?” Henri’s sympathetic expression said he’d experienced that several times himself.

  For some reason, knowing he wasn’t the only one who wished for a text or phone call made Elias feel better. He shrugged and nodded.

  “Well, he’s crazy then. You’re beautiful and very nice. There are plenty more where he came from.”

  “We were supposed to go somewhere this weekend, and now I don’t know…” Elias trailed off. He shouldn’t have said that much. Even to Elias’s untrained ears, he sounded pathetic.

  “Ah…” Henri lifted an eyebrow. “The prearranged date that you aren’t sure is still happening. I know that scene.” He leaned in closer, as if the security guard sitting by the entrance would steal Henri’s dating secrets. “Here’s what you do: Wait until it’s a couple of days before you were supposed to hang out. Not the day of, mind you…”

  “Okay.” Elias listened so intently he might have taken notes if he had some paper.

  “So, you text—don’t ca
ll or you’ll start talking and fuck it up—‘Hey, are we still on for that thing? I’ve got to tell some people whether I’ll be around that day.’ Don’t specifically say you were invited to do something else. That gives the guy too much of an out. Just let him know that you could have other plans. He’s your priority, but not your only one.”

  Elias didn’t realize his mouth was open until he closed it. Henri was a genius. Of course, to follow Henri’s advice, Elias would have to wait until the day after tomorrow to text. But perhaps doing so would make Elias feel more in control.

  His hand had been in his pocket, subtly stroking his phone. Elias let it go and crossed his arms. A man as strong as Joe wouldn’t want to be with someone who couldn’t wait two days to send a text message. “I think you’re right.”

  Henri tipped his chin up. “I know I’m right. Now take a break. Go for lunch somewhere nice.”

  “Thank you.” Elias wanted to give Henri a hug or a kiss or even a handshake to thank him, but he wasn’t sure which gesture Henri would find most acceptable.

  Luckily, Henri went on tiptoe to give Elias a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry about it.”

  By the next morning, Elias still hadn’t texted, and Joe was surprised. His phone sat next to the sink, empty of messages other than the ones from work. Everyone from newbie beat cops to an assistant to the mayor had emailed get-well-soon wishes.

  Joe spat out his toothpaste and stared at the wild-haired, scrabbly-jawed man in the mirror. He stank. Even he was starting to get annoyed by his funk. Wetting his washcloth, he scraped at the soap one-handed and then endeavored to scrub under his arms.

  Water dripped on the crutch’s rubber armrest and down to the handhold.

  Fuck. He grimaced in frustration as he picked up his phone. Holding it in his teeth, he hobbled into the living room.

  He dropped onto his unmade bed and poked at his screen to find Elias’s number. Much as he hated to admit it, he missed the kid. What’s more, Joe felt guilty for grabbing at him. Joe’d acted like a dirty old man and had probably taken Elias by surprise. It wasn’t Elias’s fault Joe felt so shitty about his life. Normally Joe handled things with men much better.

  Whatever happened to my sponge bath?

  Joe sent it before he could second-guess himself. Elias was sweet and helpful. He obviously liked Joe well enough. If Joe was only using the kid to run errands or cook for him, Joe might have felt bad, but he was ready to pay the kid back. With sexual favors, or maybe… Well, he didn’t really know what else Elias wanted.

  A text buzzed in his hand.

  You wanted that? Okay. I can come over after work.

  Joe imagined how Elias would say those words, nervous but eager to please. The thought went straight to Joe’s dick, made him achy and got him wondering if he could get himself off without straining the torn muscles of his leg. Nah, it would be more fun to wait for Elias. Joe’d be rock hard the whole time Elias was washing him. There was little room for vanity in Joe’s current situation, but he’d rather be washed by a limber young man while sporting a magnificent erection.

  Yeah, come over. He grinned wolfishly as he hit send.

  Chapter Six

  Joe straightened the apartment as best he could. Sweeping would have been too difficult, but he made sure to wipe down the bathroom.

  Sweat spread across his brow, and his leg ached, but at least his bathroom was marginally free of stubble and hairs. Joe left the used rags in the corner, since it would hurt too much to bend to pick them up, and went into his dresser.

  He’d started pulling his shirt off when a knock sounded at the door. Frozen, Joe wondered if he’d stink too badly when he undressed. Shame washed over him, hot and thick. He tightened his jaw so he wouldn’t shout at Elias to go away.

  “Joe?” Elias’s voice was as smooth as a balm over Joe’s ragged emotions. Elias wouldn’t judge him for the state of his house or how badly he limped. Elias looked at him with wide eyes, and damn, Joe needed that admiration right now.

  “Yeah.” Joe tossed his shirt in the overflowing laundry basket. At least he wouldn’t be fumbling when Elias helped him undress. “I’m coming.”

  When Joe opened the door, Elias stood on the threshold. He wore a dress shirt and slacks, buttons open at the collar to show he didn’t have any chest hair. He was deliciously pretty with his angled cheekbones and wide, dark eyes. But it was his mouth that did Joe in—made him wish he’d gone ahead and jerked off like he’d been thinking so things didn’t end too quickly.

  “Hello.” Elias smiled shyly. He held up a Nordstrom bag, silver and filled with puffy white paper. “I brought some things I thought you would like. I can take them back if you don’t want them.”

  Joe couldn’t help but chuckle. Elias absolutely didn’t know him well enough to buy him clothes, but Joe suspected Elias simply enjoyed shopping. “I’ll take a look. But if I decide to keep the stuff, I’m paying you back.” Joe reached for the bag. Using crutches with a shopping bag wasn’t easy, but he only needed to get a few steps to his bed where he dropped the bag on top of his straightened sheets.

  He felt Elias’s presence behind him and tension building in the air. For the life of him, Joe had no idea what to say. Seduction, he’d practiced hundreds of times. But other than initiating a kiss, nothing Joe had done had moved things forward with Elias.

  “You said you needed…” Elias stepped up behind him. His attention was like warm hands.

  Joe couldn’t turn to look at him, because he’d move too fast again. “Yeah, I can’t really wash up too well on my own.” He spoke gruffly, hiding the way his breath had picked up speed. “I’ve only got a shower in the tub.”

  “I can help.” Elias stepped closer.

  God, Joe hoped Elias couldn’t smell him from where he stood.

  “Is it okay if I take off my shirt too?” Elias asked. “I don’t want to—”

  “Yeah. Of course.” Joe reached for his belt. Desire to keep his injury hidden battled with the bone-deep need to wash off his layer of stale sweat. In the end, practicality won over modesty, and Joe unfastened his pants. He maneuvered enough to get them off his hips.

  “Can I?” Elias’s hands landed on Joe’s thighs.

  “Yeah.” There was no hiding the roughness in his voice, or the way his chest rose and fell.

  Elias crouched behind Joe, working his pants off his ankles. Elias’s face was so close to Joe’s ass that Joe kept praying Elias would rub his nose against a butt cheek. A bad idea, maybe, given Joe’s need to wash, but lust was lust, and Joe wanted this kid at his feet.

  He’d never been worried about overpowering a guy before. Sure, Joe was big, but he never drank so much he got out of control. He was always aware—even in the roughest hook-ups—of the other guy’s limits.

  Not now. Not with this one kid.

  His cock rose in his briefs, forming a tent and threatening to push out the top.

  Elias crouched at Joe’s front. He was shirtless and so slim his collarbone cut to his shoulder in a fine, graceful line. Hairless, and with only a whisper of stubble on his top lip, he seemed so young. But it was the eyes that did Joe in. He’d looked down on a lot of guys in his day. Plenty of twinks and party boys dropping to their knees and gazing up at him flirtatiously. Their expressions were always full of teasing, feigning innocence when Joe knew better.

  There was none of that in Elias’s eyes. Lust, yeah. Expectation. But a tiny crease on his forehead told Joe something he’d been puzzling over since they’d met—Elias was a virgin. Or at the very least, a guy who’d only done this once or twice before.

  “Can I?” Elias darted his gaze to Joe’s underwear.

  “Yeah.” Carefully, so he wouldn’t fall, Joe put a hand on Elias’s shoulder. He didn’t pull Elias any closer. “Just take ’em off. I need a wash before anything else.”

  Elias nodded, his eyes goin
g wider when he lifted Joe’s waistband over his erection. It bounced forward, pointing to Elias’s face.

  Joe would have reached to cover himself, but he didn’t want to lose balance. Anyway, he had nothing to be ashamed of in the size department. “I normally smell a whole lot better.”

  “It’s okay.” Elias didn’t meet his gaze because he was too busy licking his lips. His hands were near frantic as he got Joe’s underwear off his ankles.

  “We should do this in the bathroom.” Joe touched Elias again, this time a swipe across his forehead. “C’mon. Maybe lose the pants too. You don’t want to get those wet.”

  Elias’s clothes were obviously pressed and well cared for. They must have been expensive on his retail job salary.

  “Yes. Of course.” Elias rose gracefully to his feet. He didn’t seem capable of breaking eye contact as he unfastened his belt and undid his slacks. While he folded them neatly on Joe’s bed, Joe took a moment to check out the lines of Elias’s body, the curve of his ass—small but firm—under briefs. Then Elias turned, and Joe got an eyeful of his bulge. It was giant compared to his waifish body, but probably smaller than Joe’s if they compared side to side.

  “Come over here.” Joe reached out. With no words, he kissed Elias, taking it deeper than he had before, learning Elias’s mouth. Elias sighed when Joe pressed his tongue inside, but didn’t move to reciprocate. Only when Joe made slow, smooth passes along Elias’s tongue did Elias really kiss back.

  Elias rested his hands on Joe’s ribs, his touch soft like his handshake. Joe had the sense that once Elias grabbed him, his strength would be like steel bands—narrow but impossible to break. Especially since Joe was in no condition to fight off anyone.

  Joe ended the kiss before Elias could take that step. “Let’s go. I want to get clean.”

  “Yes. Okay.” Elias stepped back, a damp spot on his briefs.

  Elias crowded into the tiny bathroom. The presence of Joe in that small area was overwhelming. His size, his scent, the force of his masculinity… Elias was dizzy from it. Joe was right, he smelled like a man who hadn’t bathed in days. As far as Elias was concerned, that only added to Joe’s appeal. “Do you want to sit? I can bring the chair from the kitchen.”


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