Hunters of the Gods 5: The Countdown (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting)

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Hunters of the Gods 5: The Countdown (Siren Publishing Menage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “But were they fighting against it, or were they reinforcing their plan, and allowing the innocent to take the fall? We don’t know, and since their mates have powers, are connected to other empowered packs, and it seems as if armies are being formed for a great battle, why not investigate them all fully? Starting immediately?” Libertin said to him.

  “I think it would be wise, Claspen. If something comes to our attention, then we can bring them all in and get to the bottom of things,” Vibes said.

  Claspen exhaled. “Do it, Libertin, and keep us informed. Whatever you need access to we shall discuss and then determine the next moves.”

  Libertin nodded his head. “Trust me, Claspen, my sources are good ones, and we can prove or disprove the Saint and Keuric pack Alphas disloyalty quickly.”

  * * * *

  Libertin walked out of the meeting, his guards immediately by his sides, escorting him to the exit and into the SUV. When he got into the vehicle, Roovio Gaines was waiting for him. “Well?” Roovio asked, glad that the wolf finally emerged from the meeting with Claspen and Vibes. They were weak and easily manipulated, having gotten soft over the years when there was little for them to do and rule over.

  “As we planned. They bought it and they gave the approval,” Libertin said to him. Roovio smiled, but Libertin pointed at him as the SUV began to move.

  “You do this right, and you keep my name, and connection out of it.”

  “Understood, Libertin. When the end result is achieved, you will be exactly where I promised you to be.” Well, the master would have the final say, but Roovio would be king over all packs. Nothing else really mattered to him but respect and authority as he ruled the world.

  “Head of the Circle, a leader of the new regime,” Libertin said to him.

  Roovio nodded. “Allow me to handle everything.” He leaned back and couldn’t help but smile. Saint and Keuric packs were going down. He could taste the power. His next plan of action needed to be initiated very soon. It would all fall into place, and once in power, he would allow the master to do his thing and achieve his goals. The Alphas’ mates wouldn’t know what hit them.

  Chapter One

  “Dead ends, and misinformation. That’s all we keep getting,” Corporal said to his brothers and cousins.

  “Why can’t we get the information we want? What makes Knoll pack so damn special?” Rule asked.

  “I don’t know, but the men we sent there to investigate have not responded. Now were they taken as prisoners, killed, or did they not even make it there? If we only get more information and know who this leader is, then perhaps we can bring it to the Circle and investigate through them,” Heracio said.

  “Not going to happen,” Cable’t stated, and then glanced at Buschool.

  “What do you mean it isn’t going to happen? The Circle is the authority on all procedures and the laws of were. There is a protocol to follow and once we have evidence of just cause for an investigation then they will approve it,” Corporal stated.

  “The same Circle who sent their guards to take the only form of information we have into custody? It’s been a few days and still no word of that interrogation or the results. No offense, but it seems your Circle of Elders are dragging their feet,” Buschool stated.

  “Unfortunately, it seems that there are wolves and others against your packs prevailing from this invasion of sorts. Both Buschool and I have received requests to meet with a concerned party,” Cable’t told them.

  “Concerned party? Who?” Viper asked.

  He looked at Buschool who was straight faced and angry, angrier looking than usual, Corporal thought.

  “Vignola,” Cab said to them.

  They all were immediately on edge. “Fuck,” Corporal stated.

  “The Vampire council? Seriously? What the hell would they have to do with any of this? Why call for the meeting?” Preston asked.

  “Well, for one, Buschool and I are mated to wolves with powers, and share our mate with wolf Alphas. They will attempt to…well, discredit our power and the ways of the vampire.”

  “Like shun you or something?” Bider asked.

  “In a way. Not that we care. We are independent and always have been, but like your Circle of Elders, The Vignola hold powers a lot higher, ancient beyond your understanding. The bloodline is pure and rules unbreakable. We broke many,” Buschool said to them.

  “Will they try to kill you?” Viper asked.

  Buschool smirked. “Worried about me, Viper?”

  Viper exhaled. “No. I am more so worried about Avi if something were to happen to you, that’s all,” Viper said and turned away.

  Preston cleared his throat. “If you both don’t show up, then what?” Preston asked.

  “That’s not an option. We go shortly. We hear what they have to say and then go from there,” Cab replied to them.

  “So there is nothing we can do to help secure your safety?” Saunder asked.

  They both looked at him in annoyance. “Wolf, you have never seen the full wrath of a vampire, and I hope you never do,” Buschool stated.

  “Just a reminder, Buschool and I are very powerful. Our bloodlines superior to most. The last thing Vignola would want to do or actually do, would be to attack us or our loyalty. It isn’t like it was centuries ago. The hatred isn’t so deep between vampires and weres. Each circumstance is handled accordingly and when respect is shown and proven on both sides, then a neutral acceptance is achieved. As long as they don’t offend us or our mates, things should run smoothly,” Cab said.

  Buschool chuckled. “That will be the first thing they do.”

  “They are coming after you because of your mating to women like Alexandra and Avi. They have powers and abilities, so of course they will question your loyalty,” Preston said to them.

  “Almost correct, however you forget, most vampires are narcissistic, vein, egotistical beings. They never want to feel like another vamp has one up on them, yet they know some are stronger than others. We stand at the top, but with the powers of our mates, we stand above Vignola, but they don’t know that, and we aren’t sharing that with them. We will keep our calm demeanors and remain straight faced with our mind on constant mental block from their tactics,” Cable’t said to them.

  “You have a calm demeanor, Cab. Buschool? Not at all,” Viper said, and looked at Buschool.

  “Perhaps it is just certain wolves that bring out an angry side in me,” he said to Viper, and Viper shook his head and chuckled. These two continuously went at one another, but more so in a joking way now that they were mated to the same woman. Viper was showing face, to secure his reputation among his family. It was funny, but the situation was not.

  “In regards to Knoll pack, how do you want to proceed?” Rule asked Preston.

  “Assuming that the first wolves we sent in to do recon haven’t corresponded in any way, seems we may need to think out of the box here. Send more capable wolves in, or ones we really don’t know too well, but seem loyal,” Preston said.

  “Kurtis recommended three men, wolves he thinks could be more successful infiltrating Knoll pack territory. The thing is, the three men have ties to them,” Saunder said to everyone.

  “Ties? What kind of ties?” Toby asked.

  “Well, they were once part Koll pack when their Alpha, Vocarious, had an accident and died. They were on a mission in New Orleans at the time, fighting with a smaller pack who had taken some women and children against their will, and killed those women’s mates. They couldn’t return because rules were issued by the new Alpha, and Vocarious’s mate, Gazelle accepted the new Alpha as her mate. Anyone not present on the land at the time would need to be processed back in. That’s when things got bad for these three men. They were on a list of Alpha wolves banned from the pack for treason,” Saunder told them.

  “Treason? How?” Corporal asked.

  “They were blamed for the death of their Alpha and for not being where they were supposed to be at the time of Vocarious’s deat
h,” Saunder explained.

  “Were they to blame?” Buschool asked.

  “I don’t believe so, and these three men are determined to find out who the new Alpha is and what he is up to.”

  “Send them in. Something isn’t right, and the simple fact that we don’t know who this Alpha is, simply because the pack is small with little authority, doesn’t mean we should ignore this. Considering we have no idea where these rogues are coming from, nor the violence, we have to figure it out. Plus, the Circle isn’t being much help. My calls to Claspen have gone without a response. I left messages asking who the Alpha of Knoll pack is but got nothing,” Preston said.

  “I agree. Considering our recent conflict with Shay and Merker packs, and the information we got about a master from Collink and Mosek, I’d say a bigger power source is at work here. Perhaps whoever is organizing this takeover, is doing so through these smaller packs and forcing them to unite under them,” Puello said.

  “What if it’s the Alpha of Knoll pack?” Ross added.

  “Let’s do it. Send those men in and be sure that they aren’t getting permission to be vigilantes and cause chaos and alert to their presence. It’s an intel operation. We need answers and names,” Preston said, and Saunder pulled out his phone and made the call.

  “Now, about you two and this meeting with Vignola. Are you sure that we can’t assist in any way?” Preston asked.

  “I can assure you, Alpha, individually we have it covered,” Buschool said and glanced at Cable’t, who nodded at Preston in agreement with his arms crossed and a determined look on his face that was all Cable’t.

  “The last question. Have you told your mates?” Puello asked.

  “Oh boy, this is going to be interesting to watch,” Stark said, and the others chuckled before they dispersed from the room.

  * * * *

  “I don’t like it, Buschool. I don’t,” Avi said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he lifted her up against him. She straddled his waist and hugged him tight, inhaled his scent as concern filled her heart. Since her abduction and near forced mating to Collink and Mosek, she was super protective of her mates. To learn that Buschool and Cable’t were summoned to some meeting with Vignola, the vampire version of the weres’ Circle of Elders, but much more powerful in their own ways, she was extremely worried. She kissed his neck and he caressed her back and her ass.

  “No need to worry, pet. My reputation precedes me. There is nothing to fear.”

  “I do fear though,” she said, squeezing him tight before pulling back to look into his eyes.

  She held his gaze.

  “I’m a vampire, a well-known one. Part of this mating is accepting all of our cultures, rituals, rules and regulations. I accept your rules and your need to abide by those, just as your Alphas do. As my mate, a mate to a bloodletter, you too must accept my rules and regulations. When the Vignola summon the head vamps, we must go.”

  She swallowed hard as he gave her ass a squeeze then tapped it to lower her down.

  “Now, Cable’t and I must leave. When I return, you be ready for me, mate. In the interim, I leave you with your wolves, who I am certain can keep you occupied in my absence,” he said, then looked at Bider, Viper, and Scor, and winked.

  “Be safe,” Viper said to him. Scor and Bider wished him good luck. He kissed Avi one more time and then left the room.

  Avi felt the tears in her eyes, then Bider pulled her close. He kissed her neck and whispered to her.

  “He will be fine.”

  “I know he will be. I’m still on edge I guess. Maybe a little uneasy when you all aren’t by my side or close by.”

  “That’s understandable, mate. You were abducted and nearly forced into mating. With time, with our love surrounding you, and our arms, our strength protecting you, you’ll feel back to normal in no time at all,” Scor said, joining them and hugging her from behind.

  “He’s a vampire, what kind of trouble could he possibly get into?” Viper said, and she looked at him and he winked. She shook her head.

  “You know you’re concerned, too, Viper. You don’t fool me. As much as it shocked you and you resisted this bonding with him as part of it, you soon realized it was meant to be, and have grown fond of Buschool.”

  “Fond of him? I wouldn’t exactly say that,” he replied, and she squinted and pressed from Bider and Scor’s hold to go to Viper. He was sitting on the edge of the bed.

  She shoved him down and straddled his waist. “You are so full of it, wolf. You care, and I love you for that.” She lowered down to kiss him, and then snuggled close as Scor and Bider joined them on the bed and made love to her together.

  * * * *

  “You’re taking this so well, pet. Could it be you’ve foreseen my little visit with the Vignola?” Cable’t asked Alexandra. He had his arm around her waist and his mouth against her neck. He trailed his teeth against her skin and felt her blood flowing. He couldn’t resist the need to taste her but waited a moment.

  “I know enough about the Vignola, and your capabilities to know that it is law and protocol when they summon. I just don’t like that it is now, after the series of events that have occurred, and with Alusia still missing.”

  He eased back, his mind thinking of Buschool and the information they had exchanged over the last several days.

  “I was there listening, too. You allowed me, Cable’t. This could get awfully serious quickly.”

  “It will be fine. Eventually the truth will reveal itself. As you keep saying, the gods have a plan and we must obey and follow.”

  He licked her neck, then slid his palm up along her hip bone to her breast and cupped the mound.

  “Cable’t.” She moaned softly.

  “I love you, pet. I would follow you to the ends of the earth, to any realm, to any place at all. You are my everything,” he said, and used his powers to numb her skin so she would feel no pain as he bit into her neck, fed from her blood, and pinched her nipple. She rocked her hips and as he pulled his mouth from her neck and sealed her skin, she turned in his arms and hugged him tight.

  “Be safe, Cable’t. Be safe,” she said to him, and he inhaled rapidly, still feeling the aftereffects of biting her and tasting her blood. She was exceptional in so many ways, and somehow seemed to give him more power, more capabilities than he understood. He just felt it and couldn’t explain how. It was like she just gave him something else, something more and his blood still tingled. He didn’t question her, he trusted her, and the powers she held and the decisions she made.

  “You’ll be there in my head, in my heart, pet. It will be fine,” he said to her.

  She pulled back, then gripped him tight. She closed her eyes and Preston, Heracio, and Saunder joined them.

  “What is it?” Saunder asked, placing his hand on her shoulder.

  “Be on alert. Buschool and you need to remain close.”

  “I can assure you, pet, we are both capable of handling the Vignola alone.”

  “But together, you are a force they will not be able to ignore or minimize. Mark my words, Cable’t. They will challenge both of you.”

  Chapter Two

  Rule, Temerec, and Law Saint were talking to Kurtis and his brothers, Miller and Konan. They just set the three wolves off to investigate Knoll pack and infiltrate the pack land. Rule didn’t know Kurtis and his brothers too well. They were distant cousins of the Saint family pack, but lived in a different territory when their parents took positions down south to aid in legal issues for various packs.

  Their parents, all Omegas, were lawyers who helped aid mixed human and were blood members who were more fully involved in the human world than in their were ancestry. Kurtis and his brothers followed their own callings as Enforcers, which eventually led them on a mission to protect Alexandra as the gods were made aware of her abilities and existence. Everything seemed to happen for a reason, and that’s what he wondered right now. Their own mate was out there somewhere, hunting a powerful witch, and Alus
ia obviously had powers of her own. So what did this mean for them, as Hunters of the Gods, as Alphas to Saint pack as they navigated through the bullshit and identified the evil trying to destroy all were packs, or at minimum, weaken them? Where was Alusia now? Was she dead or alive? Would they ever see her again?

  “So do you think these men will be successful? We need more than just this Alpha’s name,” Temerec asked Kurtis.

  “They’re good men, and capable. They have done several jobs like this over the years, including infiltrating a facility guarded by a sorcerer,” Kurtis said to them.

  “Wonderful. Like it wasn’t bad enough being zapped by that witch, Delia?” Law said.

  Kurtis chuckled.

  “You survived,” Kurtis said.

  “Just barely,” Temerec added.

  “Alusia is an amazing woman and wolf,” Kurtis said, and then looked over toward the building where other men were preparing for an additional hunt. They were all still trying to close down the holding facilities, and any transition locations they came across. All while Avi and her men, plus other weres, weaned through and processed the incoming wolves from Shay and Merker packs as well as others.

  “You have known her long, Kurtis?” Rule asked him.

  “Yes, Alpha. Many years we fought side by side, but I must say that the powers you describe her having, and using, were unknown to me, and my brothers. Although I believe that Buschool was aware,” he said to them.

  “Why is that?” Law asked.

  “Buschool and Alusia have a special bond just as him and Luna have. Alusia, Loki, and Avi were guards over Alexandra. They are all very strong, capable wolves. This magic, her abilities, will help her to achieve her missions.”

  “Alusia said she needed to leave us, to go hunt down and kill the witch, Delia. Do you know why?” Rule asked him.


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