Gray Wolf's Woman

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by Peggy Webb

  “Remove your hand this instant!”

  Pippa commanded.

  “Nah, they’d suspect something. It’s more convincing if I just tighten it around your shoulder,” Luke replied.

  “I’m warning you—”

  “And then draw you closer to me—like this….”

  “You let me go this instant—Luke!”

  He mustn’t kiss her, because if he did, her heart would melt and she would forget why she was mad at him. And she wanted to stay mad. That was always safest with Luke.

  “You can’t kiss me in the middle of an amusement park.”

  “Why not?” Luke asked plaintively.

  She gave up arguing. The feeling that was spreading through her was taking over, silencing her. It was sheer happiness, of a kind she’d almost forgotten: the happiness of being with this one man, in his arms, with nothing else to worry about.

  At least for a brief time.

  Dear Reader,

  Fall is upon us, and there’s no better way to treat yourself to hours of autumn pleasure than by reading your way through these riveting romances in September’s Special Edition books!

  The lives and loves of the Bravo family continue with The M.D. She Had To Marry, in Christine Rimmer’s popular CONVENIENTLY YOURS miniseries. In the page-turner Father Most Wanted, beloved writer Marie Ferrarella combines a witness protection program, a single dad with three daughters and an unsuspecting heroine to tell a love story you won’t be able to put down. Bestselling author Peggy Webb deals with family matters of a different kind with yet another compelling Native American hero story. In Gray Wolf’s Woman a loner finds the hearth and home he’d never realized he’d yearned for.

  Lucy Gordon’s poignant reunion romance, For His Little Girl, will sweep you away as an unexpected turn of events promises to reunite a family that was always meant to be. Janis Reams Hudson continues her Western family saga miniseries, WILDERS OF WYATT COUNTY, with A Child on the Way, a compelling amnesia story about a pregnant woman who ends up in the arms of another irresistible Wilder man. And Patricia McLinn’s Wyoming miniseries, A PLACE CALLED HOME, continues with At the Heart’s Command, a tale of a military hero who finally marches to the beat of his own heart as he woos his secret love.

  We hope this month brings you many treasured moments of promise, hope and happy endings as Special Edition continues to celebrate Silhouette’s yearlong 20th Anniversary!

  All the best,

  Karen Taylor Richman

  Senior Editor



  Books by Lucy Gordon

  Silhouette Special Edition

  Legacy of Fire #148

  Enchantment in Venice #185

  Bought Woman #547

  Outcast Woman #749

  Seduced by Innocence #902

  Forgotten Fiancée #1112

  Anything, Any Time, Any Place #1227

  For His Little Girl #1348

  Silhouette Romance

  The Carrister Pride #306

  Island of Dreams #353

  Virtue and Vice #390

  Once Upon a Time #420

  A Pearl Beyond Price #503

  Golden Boy #524

  A Night of Passion #596

  A Woman of Spirit #611

  A True Marriage #639

  Song of the Lorelei #754

  Heaven and Earth #904

  Instant Father #952

  This Man and This Woman #1079

  Silhouette Desire

  Take All Myself #164

  The Judgement of Paris #179

  A Coldhearted Man #245

  My Only Love, My Only Hate #317

  A Fragile Beauty #333

  Just Good Friends #363

  Eagle’s Prey #380

  For Love Alone #416

  Vengeance Is Mine #493

  Convicted of Love #544

  The Sicilian #627

  On His Honor #669

  Married in Haste #777

  Uncaged #864

  Two Faced Woman #953

  This Is My Child #982

  Blood Brothers #1307


  met her husband-to-be in Venice, fell in love the first evening and got engaged two days later. They’re still happily married and now live in England with their three dogs. For twelve years Lucy was a writer for an English women’s magazine. She interviewed many of the world’s most interesting men, including Warren Beatty, Richard Chamberlain, Sir Roger Moore, Sir Alec Guiness and Sir John Gielgud.

  In 1985 she won the Romantic Times Reviewers’ Choice Award for Outstanding Series Romance Author. She has also won a Golden Leaf Award from the New Jersey Chapter of RWA, was a finalist in the RWA Golden Medallion contest in 1988 and won the 1990 RITA Award in the Best Traditional Romance category for Song of the Lorelei.


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter One

  Luke had chosen his bedroom because it overlooked the golden California coast, glittering water and Manhattan Beach pier. In fact he’d bought his house on the Strand because it had this glorious view, and his first sight of it each morning was precious.

  Today, as on every day, he slipped naked out of bed and went to the window. He was about to pull up the blinds when he stopped and cast a fond glance behind him to where he could see a riot of blond curls spilling across the pillow.

  Dominique was a darling, but never at her best in the morning. And after the crazy night they’d had together, she deserved her sleep. Her “beauty sleep” she called it, though why the most incredible face and body in the whole of Los Angeles—no, make that the world, he thought generously—should need beauty sleep was beyond him.

  He left the blind in place, pulled on some swimming shorts and went downstairs to his oversize kitchen. From his refrigerator he took out the glass of orange juice he’d squeezed the night before as he always did. He drank it slowly, savoring each mouthful of the cold, tangy liquid. He never insulted good food by hurrying it.

  When he’d finished it he raced across the Strand, just as he was, and down the beach. The sting of the fresh water drove away the last of his sleep, making him ready for the new day in a life that was good in every way.

  Luke Danton, thirty-four, popular, handsome, successful. For as long as he could remember, whenever he’d held out his hands, life’s pleasures had fallen into them. Not without effort on his part, for he was a man who worked as hard as he played, which was very hard. But his efforts almost always brought their just rewards.

  For an hour he bodysurfed, challenging the waves and enjoying the sense that they were challenging him back. At last he turned and stood, looking back at the panorama of the beach and the houses beyond, fixing his eyes lovingly on his own home, his pride and joy. The price had made him gulp, but it was worth every cent.

  As a child he’d played on this beach. As a youth he would bum around it until his mother screamed at him. But in the intervals between screaming she’d taught him to cook, and he’d found his true vocation. As a man he’d returned to buy a house just a couple of blocks away from the Manhattan Pier.

  He hurried home to take a shower. Dominique was still asleep, so he closed the bathroom door before bursting into tuneless song under the stream of water.

  There wasn’t an ounce of fat on his lean, hard body, but he never bothered with workouts. His crazy energy, demon-hard work and hours in the sea kept him in sha
pe. His legs were long and muscular, his hips taut, his shoulders broad.

  His face looked younger than his thirty-four years, with a permanent touch of mischief. The dark eyes and black hair might have come from a remote Spanish ancestor, but the generous, laughing mouth echoed his father. Max Danton had been a ne’er-do-well in his youth and wasn’t much better now, according to the woman who loved him and had borne his children.

  “And you’re just as bad,” she often reproved Luke. “It’s time you got a proper job.”

  Owning two restaurants and having his own spot on cable television didn’t count as a proper job in her book. Luke simply grinned at her criticisms. He loved his mother, while seldom heeding a word she said.

  When he’d finished showering, he pulled on a pair of slacks and went back down to the kitchen. Dominique was already there, padding about, dressed in his best silk robe, and Luke moved to forestall her. He hated anyone else in his kitchen, just as an artist would dislike anyone tampering with his brushes.

  “What time is it?” she yawned.

  “Nearly midday! Hell, how did we sleep so late?”

  “We didn’t leave that nightclub until four,” she said, leaning against his chest, her eyes closed. “Then, when we got back—”

  He grinned. “Yes,” he said slowly, and they both laughed.

  “Where do you keep the coffee?” she asked. “I can never remember.”

  “I’ll make it,” he said hastily, guiding her to a chair. “You sit down and let me wait on you.”

  She gave him a sleepy smile. “Not too much cream, please.”

  “As though I didn’t know how to care for your figure by now,” he said, starting to grind coffee.

  She opened the robe wide, giving him a grandstand view of her perfect shape. “It takes work to keep it like this,” she observed.

  He grinned. “Cover yourself up. I’m still wornout after last night.”

  “No, you’re not. You’re never worn-out, Luke.” She came up behind him and put her arms about him, pressing close in a way that nearly made him drop a spoon. “And I’m not worn-out, either—at least, not with you.”

  “I noticed that,” he said, smiling, as some of the riper moments of the night came back to him.

  “We go so well together—in every way.” When he didn’t answer she gave him a squeeze and persisted, “Don’t you think so?”

  Luke was glad she couldn’t see his face right then. A life spent avoiding commitment had left him with antennae on permanent red alert. They were yelling now, warning him where this conversation was leading, telling him that the next few moments would be crucial if his pleasant life was to remain pleasant.

  “I know we go perfectly together in one way,” he said lightly. Turning, he kissed the tip of her nose. “And who needs more?”

  She pouted. “Sooner or later, everyone needs more.”

  Oh, Lord, she’s going to take it right down to the line!

  “Not this baby,” he said, still keeping his tone friendly. He kissed her again, this time on the lips. “Let’s not spoil a beautiful friendship.”

  She let it drop, but he didn’t think it would be for long. He knew Dominique’s awesome willpower. It had gotten her onto the books of the best modeling agency in Los Angeles. It had gotten her the plum jobs by methods that, Luke suspected, wouldn’t bear scrutiny. What Dominique wanted, Dominique got. And now, it seemed, she wanted to tie him down.

  His heart quailed at the thought of the coming battle. He wasn’t afraid he would lose, because where his survival was concerned he had reserves of stubbornness that surprised people who’d seen only his laughter and cheerful kindness. But it seemed such a waste to be fighting when they could be doing other things.

  Fight? Hell, no! He never fought with women. There were other ways to let them know where he stood. Subtle ways that left them still feeling friendly enough for a night of pleasure.

  Luke both liked and adored women, not merely their bodies but the way their minds worked. He was enchanted by their oddities, their strange little secrets, and the way one of them would unconsciously teach him lessons that he could apply to others.

  There wasn’t one of his lovers who wouldn’t welcome him back to her bed with glee. He wasn’t conceited about this; he was profoundly, humbly grateful for their generosity. He wanted to go on being grateful. And no man was grateful for a ball and chain.

  Subtlety. That was it!

  “You poor darling,” he said, kissing her tenderly. “Take this coffee and go back to bed while I make you something very special to eat.”

  “What do you mean, ‘poor darling’? I don’t need to go back to bed.”

  “Don’t you? You look a little sleepy still.”

  “You mean I look tired?” she squealed in horror.

  “No, no, just sleepy,” he soothed. “And it’s no wonder, after last night. You were just great.”

  “Well, I know what you like,” she cooed, moving her hands over his skin.

  “Don’t do that,” he begged, giving a skillful performance of a man afraid of being physically roused. Actually the reverse was true. Now that he knew what was on her mind, his senses seemed to have shut down, as they always did when he heard wedding bells. But it wouldn’t be kind to let her suspect this. And Luke always tried to be kind.

  Gently but firmly he led her back up the stairs, murmuring, “Go and snuggle up, baby, and let me pamper you.”

  He knew that was the offer no woman could refuse. And it would buy him a little time.

  Maybe an hour. If he was lucky.

  After he’d coaxed Dominique under the covers he returned to the balcony, looking up into the sky, silently imploring the angel who protected fun-loving bachelors to fly low over his nest.

  From far off he could hear the faint sound of a plane preparing to land at LAX. But somehow, he doubted if his good angel was aboard.

  Ladies and gentlemen, British Airways flight 279 from London to Los Angeles will be landing in twenty minutes. It is 12:10 p.m. local time, and the temperature is seventy-five degrees….

  Ten-year-old Josie looked back from where she was glued to the window. “Mummy, we took off at half past nine in the morning, and we flew for eleven hours. How can we land at half past twelve?”

  Pippa yawned and stretched as far as conditions allowed. “Los Angeles is eight hours behind London, darling. I explained it all with the map.”

  “Yes, but it’s different when it’s real.”

  “That’s true.” Inwardly Pippa was working out how long it would be until she could have a good cup of tea.

  Josie was doing calculations. At last she sorted it out to her own satisfaction. “We’ve been flying backward,” she said triumphantly.

  “I suppose we have.”

  “You see, you can time travel.”

  Flying backward, not eight hours but eleven years. Flying backward to revisit the naive girl of eighteen whose heart ruled her head, who’d loved one man totally, knowing that he only loved her casually.

  Turn time back to the moment before she’d met Luke Danton. There she was, standing in the basement corridor of the Ritz Hotel, lost, wondering which way to go, trying the first door she saw, finding herself in the kitchen, where she had no right to be. And there was the handsome, laughing young man grabbing her arm, scooting her out, practically ordering her to meet him later.

  Hurry past that door, quickly, while you still can. Run to the end of the passage and there’s a flight of stairs. Now you’ll never know he exists. Turn time back and be safe.

  Safe. No Luke. No blazing, ecstatic four months. No anguished loneliness. No glorious memories. No darling, wonderful Josie.

  She pushed open the door. And there he was….

  It was crisis time.

  Of course, he could always say bluntly, “No wedding! No way! And goodbye!” But Luke hated to hurt people, and he was fond of Dominique. He just didn’t want to marry her.

  He suspected a connection between t
his and a recent crisis in her life. After being a top model for six years, Dominique had been stunned to lose out on a job she really wanted.

  To someone younger.

  She was staggeringly beautiful, but she was an old lady of twenty-six, and the writing was on the wall.

  She hadn’t told Luke about the job, but he’d heard via the grapevine, and now he had a wry, goodnatured awareness that his personal charm was not the only issue here. He didn’t blame her. It was a tough world. Even the lovely face on your pillow could be working an angle, and Luke, who’d worked a few angles in his time, was relaxed about it.

  But yielding to it was another matter.

  His mind drifted to the one person, apart from his parents, who hadn’t been trying to get something out of him: who had even refused his consciencestricken offer of marriage, bless her heart!

  Funny, kooky little Pippa, as crazy as he was himself, who’d made his months in London an enchanted time and seen him on his way with a smile and a wave.

  He knew he’d been her first lover, and it still made him smile to remember how she’d enjoyed sex as though it were a box of chocolates. She’d jumped into bed with a whoop, unrestrained in her delight, warm and generous, as eager to give pleasure as to receive it. He hoped—yes, he really hoped—that she’d since found a man who could satisfy her as much as he had himself.

  Who did he think he was kidding?

  She’d even been cool about the discovery that she was pregnant. He was back home in Los Angeles by that time, but she’d dropped him a line. He’d telephoned her and dutifully suggested marriage, as he was an old-fashioned boy at heart. Pippa had thought that was very funny, he remembered. People didn’t have to get married these days. Of course she wanted to keep the baby, but who needed Luke?

  He hadn’t been thrilled by her way of putting it, but it left him free and with a clear conscience. He’d thought of going over to see her, but flying was expensive, and it would be more sensible to send her the money. So he did that, and had done so ever since.

  She still lived in his mind as the crazy kid with the wicked sense of humor that he’d known then. There were photographs to tell him what she looked like now, but they were somehow unreal beside the vividness of his memories.


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