The Brass Ring

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The Brass Ring Page 7

by Mavis Applewater

  "Losing you hurt so much." Jamie sniffed. "I never really trusted anyone after that," Jamie said as she snuggled closer.

  "Neither did I," CC confessed as she allowed her body to relax and enjoy the warmth of Jamie’s body. "It’s over," CC offered tenderly as she rubbed Jamie’s back. Her stomach clenched as Jamie’s hand slipped under her T-shirt. "Maybe now we can save our friendship," CC said hopefully. Her skin tingled as Jamie rubbed her abdomen.

  "I would like to try," Jamie responded honestly.

  CC wondered why she had suggested friendship. The smell of Jamie’s shampoo was invading her senses. The feel of Jamie’s hand was causing her stomach to flutter. Not to mention they were lying so close together that CC could feel Jamie’s breath on her skin. At that moment, friendship was the last thing on her mind.

  Her body tensed as she fought against the sudden awakening of her libido. Jamie lifted her head and looked at her questioningly. CC watched as the blonde opened her mouth to speak. Their eyes locked. Before she could think or stop herself, she kissed Jamie.

  Their lips and bodies instantly melted together. CC could feel the years of anger and mistrust fading as their tongues met. The kiss deepened slowly as their bodies pressed together. There was nothing hurried in their movements. They explored the warmth of each other’s mouth as their hands slowly and softly caressed each other’s body.

  Shyly they ended the kiss. Jamie traced CC’s jaw line with her fingers. CC leaned into the touch. Suddenly old fears and demons emerged. "We can’t do this," she said softly as her heart disagreed.

  "I know." Jamie sighed deeply. "That was the past. Too many years and too much pain for both of us," Jamie said as she smiled sweetly. "I should go."

  "No," CC responded tenderly as she pulled Jamie into her arms. "If your body feels as rotten as mine does, the walk back to your place will kill you." Jamie groaned in response. "Let’s get some rest and then we can figure out just how we’re going to get our cars back."

  "Okay," Jamie agreed as she snuggled against CC’s body. "I’m glad that you’re back in my life. I would like to try becoming friends."

  "Me too," CC concurred as she felt Jamie’s breathing deepen. She did want Jamie back as a friend. Now if she could just stop her lower anatomy from pulsating, everything would be all right. She felt Jamie clutch her T-shirt. Looking down, she realized that the doctor had drifted off to sleep. CC brushed her hair back. Holding the blonde a little tighter, she quickly fell asleep.


  CC USHERED THE irate man towards the holding cell. He wasn’t really a man. He was nothing more than a boy. His misfortune was that he was just old enough to be tried as an adult. He may look young and innocent but the youth had blood on his hands. He had been aiming for a member of a rival gang when he shot down a little girl on her way home from Sunday School. It saddened the policewoman that two young lives were now ruined because of something so senseless. The only thing that eased the pain for her was that the case was finally wrapped up and the little girl’s family could rest easy knowing that the idiot responsible was going to jail.

  When she and Max cornered him, the little bugger was so frightened that he wet himself. She was a little miffed at the way Max was taunting him about it as they escorted him down to Central Lockup. "Give it a rest, Max," she growled as she looked towards the guard. The guard was about to open a cell. "No way," CC protested as she pointed down the narrow hallway. "He needs to be isolated."

  "What did this little pip squeak do?" the older man asked as he towered over the boy.

  "Never mind," CC snapped, her blue eyes flashing with anger.

  "He killed a kid," Max announced loudly as CC cringed.

  There were certain things that didn’t sit well with other inmates. You might be a lowlife drug dealer or a thief but even this group had their standards. And anyone who hurt a child was a marked man. Most people didn’t seem to understand that most of them had children themselves.

  "The gang shooting?" the guard grumbled as he stared down at the youngster. CC nodded in confirmation. "Follow me. I have a dark corner for the little weasel."

  As they followed the guard, the jeers from the other inmates started. CC could feel her prisoner tense up through her grip. CC tightened her grasp as they approached the cell and the taunting increased. She could see Max loosen his hold as he snapped his head back. "Shut up!" he screamed at the rowdy inmates.

  "Shit," she muttered as her prisoner began to squirm. Max had loosened his hold just enough for the youngster to free himself. CC was slammed against the wall. The scuffle was short lived. She was a lot bigger than the boy and he was handcuffed. They locked him in his cell but not before CC had been slammed into the iron bars when they undid his restraints.

  She watched as the youngster scrambled around his cell like a caged animal. CC felt slightly woozy from her head making contact with the cement wall. "Nice going," she growled at her partner.

  "I’m sorry," Max apologized quickly.

  "No you’re not," CC spat out as she walked back down the corridor. "Keep an eye on him," she instructed the guard. Despite the fact that they had already taken his shoes and anything else that he might use to harm himself, she knew that he was about to face an endless night of taunting.

  Finally they stepped outside to find that the sun had set. CC swayed slightly and fought back the bile that was rising in her throat. "Calloway?" Max asked, his voice trembling slightly. "Are you all right?"

  CC nodded her head only to reach out so she could hold onto the wall of the building. "No," she managed to choke out. Max steadied her as he led her to their vehicle.

  "I’m taking you to the hospital," he stated firmly as he lowered her into the car.

  "Fine," she conceded. "But you can do the paperwork, jackass."

  A short while later CC found herself sitting in the emergency room waiting area with an ice pack on her head and one hell of a headache. She let Max call it in to the precinct and handle everything. She thought it was only fitting since he had been the cause of her pain. It gave her a small sense of pleasure that he would be getting home very late after dealing with the paperwork and their lieutenant.

  Finally a nurse escorted her into a curtained exam area. Max tried to follow but retreated when she glared at him and said, "Sit!" The nurse instructed her to put on the ugly paper Johnny and have a seat on the exam table.

  CC held up the flimsy sheet of paper in disgust. "It’s my head," she protested. The gray-haired woman just stared at her and then scowled as she crossed her arms, daring CC to argue. "That didn’t work for my mother" CC said in defiance.

  "Are you going to be trouble?" a familiar voice questioned her as Jamie stepped into the room.

  "Officer, you wouldn’t be giving my nurse a hard time now, would you?" Jamie mocked her.

  "Howdy, neighbor," CC jested as her stomach clenched. After that night and disastrous morning, the two women had been getting along. It was all very friendly although CC couldn’t stop feeling something more for the blonde doctor. She was becoming very good at convincing herself that it was just old emotions. That is until she would see Jamie. It was always that first glance that would make her heart skip a beat. So far she had successfully managed to hide her feelings from everyone except herself.

  "What?" she asked, realizing that Jamie had been speaking to her.

  "I said, are you going to be a good girl?" Jamie repeated. Despite her teasing tone, CC didn’t miss the look of concern on the smaller woman’s face.

  "I’m always good," CC jested in response as she winked playfully, hoping to lighten the mood.

  "Humph," Jamie scoffed as she blushed slightly. "Behave," she cautioned CC as she ran her fingers through her short blonde hair.

  "Okay, you win." CC sighed as she rolled her eyes. "I’ll put on the paper napkin." She watched as the two women stood their ground. "I don’t need an audience." She shooed them away.

  "Oh, she’s shy," Jamie joked to the nurse befo
re they departed the room.

  Later CC was tugging on the paper Johnny, trying to cover some part of her body as Jamie flashed a pen light in her eyes. "Stay still and follow the light," Jamie scolded her.

  "I can’t help it." CC groaned as she tried to close the gap in the back of the gown. "I feel so exposed."

  Jamie sighed as she lowered the light. "CC, I’m a professional," she explained gently. Then she glanced over her shoulder at her nurse who was carefully recording CC’s vitals onto a chart. Jamie leaned in. "Besides, I’ve seen it before," she whispered in CC’s ear. CC blushed as the inside of her thighs quivered slightly. "You’re adorable when you blush," Jamie whispered teasingly.

  "Stop it," CC cautioned her as she gritted her teeth.

  "Behave and I will," Jamie instructed her as she pulled away. "Now let’s try this again. Follow the light with just your eyes."

  CC decided to cooperate just so she could get out of there. Jamie seemed to be placated as she continued her exam. "You’re not going to ask me who the President is again?" CC teased as Jamie examined her shoulder.

  "No, although Howdy Doody was an interesting answer," Jamie said flatly. "Quite a nasty bruise you’re sporting back here."

  "What about those?" the nurse inquired.

  CC bit back a laugh, knowing that the nurse had spotted the fading hickeys that Jamie had left there. "Those seem to be old," Jamie squeaked out.

  "Oh, those?" CC began, knowing that Jamie was blushing behind her. She jumped slightly as a cold metal stethoscope was placed on her back. "Good Lord! Don’t you warm those things?"

  "Take a deep breath," Jamie instructed her in a flat tone.

  The exam continued as Jamie poked and prodded every inch of her body and then shipped her off for x-rays.

  Later CC was sitting on the exam table swinging her legs, bored out her mind. Her head had stopped hurting and she just wanted to go home. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Jamie reappeared. "So did you find anything interesting?" CC questioned her.

  "No," Jamie responded as she sipped her coffee. "Just as I suspected, your head is completely empty."

  "Cute," CC scoffed as she looked around to ensure that they were alone.

  "You can get dressed now," Jamie offered with a smile.

  "Thank you." CC sighed with relief.

  "As I was saying, you’re fine but just a little beat up." Jamie continued. "What happened?"

  "Difference of opinion," CC lied as she began to get dressed. "Uh, Jamie . . . there’s something I would like to talk to you about," she began hesitantly. CC knew she had to ask and it had been bothering her since they’d woke up together that morning. "That night." She paused for a moment as her mind searched for the correct words. "We weren’t careful," she finally spat out, unable to look at Jamie.

  "I understand," Jamie said gently, CC could feel the small blonde approaching her. "CC, look at me," Jamie requested softly. CC swallowed hard before turning to face her. Jamie gave her a reassuring smile. "I had the same concerns myself. It wasn’t a very smart thing to do. In fact, I had myself tested a couple of days later. I’m fine. If you want I can set up a blood test for you."

  "Thanks." CC sighed with relief as she finished putting on her clothes. "I would like a test. I’ll see my own doctor though. Thanks for not being offended."

  "Why would I be offended?" Jamie responded. "We had unsafe sex, not knowing one another’s sexual history. So how are you getting home? Even though you checked out, I would feel better if you didn’t drive."

  "I’ll have Max take me home. It’ll be his penance." She chuckled as Jamie gave her a curious look.

  Later that night, CC indulged in her favorite activity. She sat on the sofa cradling her niece in her arms. "So Emma, what am I going to do?" she asked the cooing infant. "Don’t tell anyone, but I think I’m falling for her all over again."

  A soft knock on the front door interrupted her thoughts. "Now what?" She sighed as she stood, carrying Emma to the door. The scowl she was sporting quickly vanished when she opened the door and found Jamie standing on the other side.


  JAMIE STARED UP at CC who was cradling Emma in her arms. A rush of emotions assaulted the blonde as she drank in the sight. ‘I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful,’ she thought blissfully as her heart began to pound in her chest. Her emotions had been on overload ever since CC had unceremoniously reentered her life. She blinked in confusion as she suddenly became aware that CC was talking to her.

  "Sorry," she apologized as she shook her head in an effort to clear her thoughts. "It’s been a long day," she added, hoping that the tall policewoman would accept the feeble excuse. "I just stopped by to see how you’re doing."

  "Come in," CC offered in a friendly manner as she stepped aside.

  Jamie accepted the offer and stepped into the condo. She tried to calm her racing heart as CC closed the door behind her. Jamie’s mouth went suddenly dry as CC moved towards her. "Have a seat," CC said as she sat down onto the sofa.

  Jamie shrugged out of her jacket and took her place next to CC. "So, " she began slowly, trying to sound as normal as possible. "How are you feeling?"

  "Much better," CC replied. "Although the doctor who tended to me did seem to enjoy giving me a hard time."

  "Nasty wench," Jamie teased as she reached out and allowed Emma to capture one of her fingers in her chubby little hand. "And how are you feeling, little one?"

  "She’s doing great." CC beamed as she tickled her niece. "I want to thank you for taking care of her that day. "

  "You don’t have to thank me," Jamie said, brushing aside the compliment.

  "Well, I think that I should," CC continued in gentle tone. "Given everything that was going on that day, it was very thoughtful of you to put everything aside and look after my little peanut."

  "I’m just glad that she’s feeling better," Jamie said as she finally forced herself to look into CC’s eyes.

  Time came to a halt as she fell into the electric blue gaze. ‘Will I ever stop wanting you?’ she asked herself in desperation. Even when she had convinced herself that she hated this woman, her heart and body still ached for her touch. Emma gurgled, breaking the trance the two women found themselves locked in. Jamie watched as CC turned her attention back to her niece. She couldn’t help noticing that CC’s breathing was erratic. Of course she was only aware of this since her gaze had drifted down to CC’s breasts.

  "I should put her down," CC commented quickly as she stood, cradling the tired infant in her arms. Jamie simply nodded in response, thankful for the reprieve. She used the time alone to collect herself. Lusting after CC was understandable and very dangerous. ‘Well, dangerous might be a little extreme. It’s simply unwise. Although when she looks at me, I’m not certain why that is. What would be so wrong about rekindling what we once had?’ Jamie’s mind rationalized as CC reentered the room.

  "Can I get you something to drink?" CC offered.

  "No, thank you," Jamie answered as she tried to bury her lustful thoughts.

  CC smiled as she sat down next to Jamie. Emma’s absence seemed to create an electrifying energy between them. CC reclined slightly and winced as her shoulder pressed into the sofa. "Still hurts?" Jamie inquired, thinking how lame the question sounded. ‘Of course it still hurts, you moron. She has a bruise the size of Nebraska on that shoulder,’ she mentally kicked herself.

  "A little," CC lied as Jamie rolled her eyes in response.

  "So, what happened today?" Jamie inquired, desperately seeking a topic of conversation that would lead her mind away from CC’s body. Internally, Jamie was fighting back the urge to reexamine the injury and kiss it to make it better.

  "We were escorting a prisoner and he didn’t want to go to jail," CC explained flatly as she shifted her position. The movement caused their thighs to brush against one another slightly.

  Jamie’s body trembled from the contact. "So why were you so upset with Max?" she asked
as she pretended that she was unaffected by the touch.

  "He was baiting the guy," CC explained, once again adopting a flat dry tone. "He turned his attention away briefly." Unaware of what she was doing, Jamie gripped CC’s thigh as her eyes widened in anger. "The thing is, I think he was pushing this kid’s buttons on purpose," CC concluded.

  "Why would he put you in jeopardy like that?" Jamie growled as her grip tightened.

  "I don’t think he wanted to put me in danger." CC explained quickly. "I think he was trying to push the guy into doing something stupid so he’d have an excuse to beat the crap out of him."

  "What an asshole," Jamie blurted out.

  "Not really," CC reassured her as she laid her hand on top of Jamie’s hand. It wasn’t until CC’s hand touched hers that Jamie realized she was holding on to her. Not only had she gripped the taller woman’s firm thigh tightly, she seemed to be hovering over the slightly reclined woman.

  Jamie’s heart beat wildly as her breathing became erratic. She was so close to CC that she could feel her former lover’s breath on her skin. Jamie swallowed hard as CC reached up and cupped her face in her hand. Jamie fought back a moan as she leaned into the touch. CC’s legs parted slightly as Jamie unconsciously leaned her body closer. CC’s lips looked so inviting and they were so close. All she had to do was lean in a little closer.

  From behind them came the sound of someone clearing her throat. The couple bolted up quickly. Stevie stood there looking very embarrassed. Jamie stood up quickly, weaving slightly.

  "Sorry," Stevie apologized shyly. "I didn’t mean to interrupt."

  "Oh no, you didn’t," Jamie lied as she blushed furiously. "I was just checking out . . . I mean, checking on your sister."

  "I see." Stevie chuckled in amusement. "And how is my sister fairing this evening?" Stevie teased as CC glared at her.

  "I’m fine," CC growled at her younger sibling.

  "Well, it’s late and I should be going," Jamie stammered, feeling very disoriented by the entire situation. "Glad to see you’re feeling better," she offered to the smirking policewoman. Jamie snatched up her jacket and tripped as she made her way to the doorway.


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