The Brass Ring

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The Brass Ring Page 25

by Mavis Applewater

  "Eww!" Kendra blanched.

  "Then the murder. And your stalker," CC supplied.

  "Ringing telephones, doorbells, pagers, broken windows, you kissing the pathologist, ice cream, handcuffs, and somewhere along the line we realized that we're still in love with one another," Jamie concluded with a flurry. "Did I leave anything out?" she asked the giggling detective.

  "No, honey; that's just about everything," CC managed to choke out.

  "Sounds very romantic," Kendra responded sarcastically. "Now I need to get back to work and try to figure out what you just told me. Are you sure you don't want any champagne?"

  "Sorry, I'm still on duty," CC apologized. "And I have an early day tomorrow. Thank you for everything."

  "My pleasure," Kendra responded with a smile. "I'll just leave the two of you alone," she said as she handed CC the card key. "I'd tell you to behave but apparently you don't understand the meaning of the word. Handcuffs and ice cream? I don't even want to know about that." She laughed as she departed.

  "Should we call room service and order some ice cream just to mess with her?" Jamie suggested playfully. CC didn't respond to her lover's joke. Instead she wrapped Jamie up in her arms and clung tightly to the small blonde. "I need to be close to you," she said with a whimper. "I can't lose you," CC sobbed as the fear finally took complete control.

  Jamie stepped back from CC's embrace, her emerald eyes burning into the brunette's soul. "You're not going to lose me," the small doctor vowed.

  "I can't." CC trembled.

  "You won't," Jamie promised her once again as she reached up and claimed the taller woman's lips.

  CC knew that she was trembling; she couldn't stop her body from shaking. For the first time in a very long time she was afraid. Her mind started to shut down as the fear gripped her rapidly beating heart. She was unaware that the kiss had ended or that Jamie was removing her clothing, until she felt herself being lowered onto the bed. She looked up in confusion at her lover who was leaning over her.

  Jamie's eyes bore into her soul. The look of reassurance and love cast down upon her was the only answer Caitlin Calloway needed. She lay naked on the bed as Jamie slowly removed her clothing, only breaking her gaze or contact with CC's body when she needed to discard an article of clothing. CC felt her fears melt away as her lover's naked body lay down beside her own.

  Jamie cupped her face with both of her hands; CC sighed as she melted into her lover's touch. This wasn't about their overactive libidos. This moment was about the love they shared for each other. "I belong to you," Jamie promised before she tenderly brushed CC's lips. "And you belong to me," she added before reclaiming the brunette's lips. "No one is going to take us away from each other. There isn't a force strong enough to break us apart again," Jamie promised as CC wrapped her arms around the smaller woman's slender waist.

  CC gasped sharply as their breasts lightly brushed. "I love your body," Jamie confessed in a breathy tone as her small hands began to caress CC's broad shoulders. Jamie guided the tall policewoman onto her back and CC allowed her lover to take control, needing Jamie's touch to remind her of their deep unbreakable connection.

  Jamie's body rested halfway on hers and halfway on the mattress as her nimble fingers began to trace every curve of CC's long smooth body. CC could feel her fears ebbing as Jamie watched her fingers elicit a trail of goose bumps along CC's body. As Jamie's fingers ran along the swell of her breasts, the blonde leaned in and placed a tender promising kiss on the brunette's lips.

  Missing from Jamie's kiss was the urgent probing that would drive CC to the brink of insanity. In its place was the love they shared. This was what CC needed, not the overwhelming need to be sated. Tonight she needed to feel and be shown the love that Jamie felt for her. "Still with me?" Jamie inquired softly.

  "Yes," CC responded firmly as her hand came to rest on the curve of Jamie's hip. Her fingers danced along Jamie's quivering flesh. Jamie flashed her an endearing smile as her fingers continued their gentle exploration.

  Jamie's fingers trailed along her full breast, circling and caressing but never quite touching her nipple. CC's fingers began caressing Jamie's flesh, drifting from the curve of her hip to the blonde's firm backside. CC allowed the tips of her fingers to simply glide along Jamie's flesh. Absent was the panting and groping until they both collapsed in exhaustion. Jamie sighed contentedly, mirroring CC's own inner feelings as she gently brushed her fingers across CC's nipple.

  CC lifted her other arm and began to run her fingers through Jamie's short blonde locks. She gently massaged the blonde's scalp as Jamie's tongue peeked out and began to circle her nipple. She could feel Jamie relax into her touch, purring like a kitten as the blonde's tongue began to flicker slowly across her nipple.

  Both of CC's nipples became erect and still she felt no desire to rush the moment they were sharing. Jamie's slow tender suckling reflected her own desire to take things slowly. Jamie's curls brushed against her thigh as she pressed it slightly into Jamie's center. CC moaned as Jamie's teeth grazed her now aching nipple. Jamie's body shifted slightly, nestling herself firmly against CC's thigh while pressing her own firm thigh against CC's center.

  Their hips began to sway in a gentle sensual rhythm as CC continued to caress Jamie's back while still running her fingers through her hair. The soft scent of the blonde's shampoo filled her senses as she felt her lover's desire painting her thigh. "I love you." The honest words escaped from CC's lips as Jamie lifted her head and stared deeply into her eyes.

  They continued to stare deeply into one another's eyes as their hips continued to dance slowly against each other. Their clits met, beating steadily with a soft loving desire as they melted into one another's touch. "I love you, Caitlin," Jamie whispered sincerely as they continued to thrust slowly against one another. Jamie supported herself on her arms, leaning above CC's body as her breasts swayed against the brunette's skin. CC clasped her lover's hips, gently guiding her to meet her growing desire.

  CC lost herself in the feel of their wetness painting each other's bodies. The look of love in Jamie's eyes melted her heart and inflamed her passion as they began to thrust wildly. CC could feel the need for release growing between them. "I love you," CC choked out as she felt the climax steadily building. She fought against the tears that threatened to escape as they lost themselves in the beauty of the moment.

  They climaxed together as soft cries escaped tight throats. Jamie curled up in CC's arms as their hearts beat in unison. CC clung to her lover, knowing that this was where she belonged. Holding Jamie in her arms was the only thing in the world that really mattered at that moment in time.


  CC'S AZURE EYES blinked opened as she heard the chirping sound of her cell phone. She untangled her body from Jamie's that was resting comfortably on top of her. The doctor grumbled sleepily in protest. CC kissed her lover's brow and tucked Jamie back under the covers. CC already missed feeling her lover next to her. The policewoman's body was slightly sore from the evening's activities.

  After the sweet gentle affirmation of their lovemaking, the couple had climbed under the covers to cuddle. A simple touch and tender kiss and soon their bodies had complete control. "That girl is going to be the death of me." She yawned as she searched the darkened room for her cell phone.

  "Are you complaining?" came the muffled query from her lover who still snuggled deeply into her pillow.

  "Never," CC responded boldly as she tripped over her pants. Looking down she could see the glint of her cell phone. She picked it up and punched in her code to retrieve the message from the call she'd just missed. Not surprisingly it was from Max.

  Her partner had called to fill her in on what was happening with the investigation. They had found the car, and before they could have it impounded for being parked illegally, the doctor had shown up. Max remained in the cruiser just out of the doctor's sight, listening to his explanation. He would have believed that the young doctor was just going t
o surprise his girlfriend if he didn't already know the truth. Max further explained that when he emerged from the cruiser, Dr. Fisher had paled. Max added that he had spoken with her neighbors and someone matching Dr. Fisher's description had been seen lurking around Jamie's townhouse. Max concluded that he put a rush on the forensics from the Murdock crime scene and he felt that they had enough to bring the good doctor in for another interview.

  CC quickly dialed Max's cell phone. "Hey, buddy," she greeted him, hoping that the roughness of her voice wouldn't reveal her earlier activities. Max's chuckle quickly dashed that hope. "Did you make it home yet?"

  "Yeah, I'm home and the wife is steamed," Max grunted.

  "So you think we can bring him in for another round?" she pressed, eager to climb back into bed and hold her lover in her arms.

  "He was in the area," Max explained. "I bet your neighbors can ID him. He's still lying about his relationship with Jamie," he pointed out. "And she's already filed a complaint with us."

  "And her supervisor at the hospital," CC informed him.

  "Good," Max responded eagerly. "It's not enough for a restraining order but it's getting us closer to where we need to be."

  "He's on the day shift now," CC continued. "Why don't we have him come in right after his shift? I know I can't be present but I really want to watch. Besides, if he's at the station I know Jamie will be safe at work. We need to do a follow-up with Terrell and the Romeo who was on duty the night Sandra disappeared."

  "Sounds like a plan," Max confirmed. "Get in as soon as you can; we need to speak to the boss about all of this."

  "I will," she promised before ending her conversation with Max.

  Wearily she climbed back into bed with her lover. Jamie instantly nestled her body against CC's. "Now will you tell me what's going on?" Jamie inquired softly as she rested her head on CC's chest.

  "Yes," CC agreed, feeling that her control had returned and her fears had been properly reigned in. "Ellen Murdock was a pediatric nurse and her car was parked next to Sandra Bernstein's the night she disappeared. She was on vacation so no one knew that she was dead in her own apartment. She was murdered in the same fashion that Sandra was as well as two other girls in San Diego. The only difference is that Ellen's body wasn't dumped. Two killings in one night - the killer probably didn't have the time to dump the body." CC looked down at Jamie who was still nestled against her chest and twirling a strand of CC's hair between her fingers.

  CC didn't miss the pensive look on the doctor's face. She began to rub reassuring circles down her lover's back as she waited for some sign from Jamie that it was all right to continue with her story. "What does this have to do with me?" Jamie inquired in a disturbingly flat voice.

  "All of these women had two things in common," CC continued slowly. "They were all blondes with green eyes, similar builds and features, and they all had some kind of contact with Simon Fisher. His car was parked near Ellen Murdock's and he left the garage immediately after she did."

  "Wait, that still doesn't mean that I'm in some kind of danger," Jamie reasoned.

  "Sandra Bernstein's blood was found on the glass shards from your front window," CC concluded as her hands stilled their soothing motion. A sharp gasp was the only response the blonde offered and CC understood that the discussion was over. She wrapped her arms tightly around Jamie's body and held her close to her. Their hearts beat in unison as sleep evaded them.

  The following day was a flurry of activity. They returned home to find workmen awaiting Jamie's arrival so they could replace her front window. Jamie handled the situation while CC showered although Jamie didn't want to let her lover out of her sight. Once the workmen had finished and Stevie returned home, CC rushed to the bank to pick up the cashier's check she needed to deliver to the car dealership. When she returned home nothing looked amiss. Jamie and Stevie were playing with Emma, but a shadow hovered over them.

  As they drove to the dealership CC found that she and Jamie were snapping at one another. She knew it was her fault but she couldn't stop herself from harping on what Jamie should do each time she entered her own home. She kept reminding her to check the alarm system and exit through the back door and enter CC's home in the same way. "I get it," Jamie finally screamed at her.

  Jamie pulled her car off to the side of the highway; they sat there in silence as Jamie's knuckles turned white from gripping the steering wheel far too tightly. "I'm sorry, James," CC grumbled as she rubbed her aching brow.

  "I can't live like this," Jamie uttered in a soft determined tone. "I love you, Caitlin, but you need to stop treating me like I'm a child."

  "I know," CC groaned. "I know," she repeated in the same heavy tone, knowing that she was incapable of promising Jamie that she wouldn't fall into the same trap again. The stakes were far too high. "Jamie . . ."

  "Caitlin, promise me that you'll at least try," Jamie cut her off in a softer tone as she finally released her grip on the steering wheel.

  "Sometimes I feel like you can read my mind," CC commented wryly as she took Jamie's small delicate hands in her own.

  "That's because I can and you should be ashamed of yourself," Jamie teased her.

  For the first time that day CC actually smiled. The off color remark crept through the tension and got to her. "Let's go and pick up my new car," CC said. Jamie winked at her playfully while she put her car in drive and carefully reentered the insane flow of traffic along Rte. 128.

  After they finished all the paperwork at the dealership CC found herself driving her new SUV while muttering to herself. She had asked Jamie to stick around and follow her to the station. The blonde doctor had adamantly refused, claiming that spending her time off hanging around the police station just wasn't her idea of a good time. CC insisted and Jamie told her to bite her. That's when CC realized that there was no way she was going to get her lover to comply with her wishes. She understood that Jamie was feeling like she was suddenly imprisoned and removed from living her life. It was a common reaction. And Jamie was right; CC couldn't be with her twenty-four hours a day. Of course that didn't stop her from calling in a favor to have a couple of plainclothes men follow the blonde around in her absence.

  "Okay, Max; make me a happy woman," CC demanded as she planted herself on the corner of her partner's desk.

  "Marry me?" her partner quipped. "No? In that case I'll just need to fill you in on the lab results."

  "That was quick," CC said in relief. "Do I want to know how you managed to pull off this small miracle?"

  "You can kiss your season tickets to the Sox's goodbye," Max responded flatly.

  CC was about to explode when the thought of Jamie's safety overrode her anger. "Not a problem," CC confirmed confidently.

  "You must be in love," Max pried.

  "I am," CC answered the older man honestly. "How badly is that going to screw up this investigation?"

  "So far it hasn't," Max reassured her. "Okay, first we have Sandra Bernstein's blood in Ellen Murdock's apartment, mostly in the bedroom but small traces in the living room and down the back stairwell. Nothing from her car. But the lock on the building's back door was jimmied as was the back door to her apartment."

  "So he followed them and broke in and . . . How did he know which apartment?" CC threw out as an officer handed her a large FedEx package and a manila folder. She nodded her thanks as Max contemplated her question.

  "The mailbox," Max concluded. "All he had to do was go in the back way."

  "Thanks to the law in the Commonwealth that you must have front and rear exits to all dwellings, all he had to do was count," CC filled in as she tore open the package from San Diego.

  "Her apartment number was marked on the trash barrels and recycling bin; she left them just outside her back door," Max supplied. "All he had to do was check the mailboxes and go in the back way. The locks on the front are really good but the ones in back look like someone was trying to save a couple of bucks."

  CC set the case files aside for a mo
ment and began to peruse the folder that the hospital had sent over. "No semen at the scene," Max continued.

  "Our boy suffers from equipment failure," CC supplied.

  "But vaginal secretions," Max continued.

  "Ellen's?" CC inquired.

  "And someone else," Max added. "The lab is working on that. Two wine glasses were found in the bedroom - one with Ellen's prints and one with Sandra's."

  CC's head jerked up in surprise. "Damn, I'm an idiot," she snapped. "Remember how the landlady went on and on about Sandra not having a boyfriend or dating at all?"

  "She just hung around with a few girlfriends from the hospital," Max finished as CC reached for the telephone on his desk. She quickly dialed her home number. "Stevie, let me talk to Jamie," she demanded before her sister could say anything.

  'Yes?' Jamie greeted her gruffly.

  "I'm not checking up on you," CC blurted out guiltily.

  "It's okay if you are," Jamie responded softly.

  "I'm not," CC reasserted adamantly. "I need to ask you a question."


  "Was Sandra Bernstein gay?" the policewoman inquired carefully.

  "Why?" Jamie inquired curiously. "Sorry," the doctor quickly apologized as CC groaned. "I never asked but I did get the baby dyke vibe from her."

  "Thank you," CC said.

  "What are you wearing?" Jamie taunted her in a sultry tone.

  "Don't," CC blurted out as she felt her face flush. She said her goodbyes as Jamie cackled into the receiver.

  "That's an interesting shade you're sporting, partner," Max teased her as she buried her face in the file she'd been studying. "So was Sandra playing for your team?"

  "Jamie thinks so," CC confirmed as something on the page she'd been scanning caught her attention.

  "How does that work - that whole gaydar thing?" Max threw out quizzically.

  "Just a gut instinct," CC responded with a shrug. "Guess where Simon Fisher did his last rotation before the ER?"


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