Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle

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Teller of Tales: The Life of Arthur Conan Doyle Page 53

by Daniel Stashower


  Idler, The (magazine)

  Imperial Naval Office

  Importance of Being Earnest, The (Wilde)

  income from writing

  Sherlock Holmes stories


  “Inner Room, The”

  International Medical Congress of Berlin

  International Psychic Gazette

  International Spiritualistic Congress

  Invisible Man, The (Wells)

  “Ireland, Germany and the Next World War” (Casement)

  Irish Home Rule

  Irish independence movement

  Irish Republican Brotherhood

  Irish Review

  Irving, Henry

  Island of Dr. Moreau, The (Wells)

  Ismay, J. Bruce

  “J. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement”

  Jacobshorn (mountain)

  James, William

  Jane, Commander

  Jane Annie, or The Good Conduct Prize (Barrie)

  Jerome, Jerome K.

  death of

  Jesuit schools

  Jex-Blake, Sophia

  “John Barrington Cowles”

  Johnson, Samuel

  Journal for the American Society for Psychical Research

  Journal of the Society for Psychical Research

  Jungle Book, The (Kipling)

  justice, Conan Doyle’s crusades for

  Casement case

  Edalji case

  Slater case

  Kempelen Chess Player

  Kennedy, Sir William

  “Khaki Election, The”

  Kidnapped (Stevenson)

  King, Claude

  Kipling, Rudyard


  Kitchener, Lord

  Kline, Ardolph


  Koch, Robert

  Kodak (co.)

  Kruger, Paul

  Ladies’ Home Journal

  Lamb, Jack

  Lambie, Helen

  Land of Mist, The

  Landolt, Edmund

  Lang, Andrew

  Langham Hotel (London)

  Langman, Archie

  Langman, John

  Langman Hospital

  Langtry, Lillie

  Last Galley, The

  “Latest Pronouncement of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle after Thirty Years of Psychical Research”

  Leaf, Horace

  Leckie, Jean

  see Conan Doyle, Lady Jean

  Leckie, Malcolm

  lecture tours



  Australia/New Zealand

  Leonard, Mrs. Osborne

  Leopold II, king of Belgium

  Liberal Party

  Liberal Unionist party


  Light (journal)

  Lincoln, Abraham

  “Lion’s Mane”

  Lister, Baron Joseph

  literary career

  central dilemma of

  growing confidence in his own talent

  output in

  see also writing(s) (Conan Doyle)

  literary influences on Conan Doyle

  tribute to

  literary status/reputation

  denied by Sherlock Holmes

  literature, Doyle’s passion for

  Little Minister, The (Barrie)

  “Little Orphant Annie” (Riley)

  Lloyd George, David

  Loder-Symonds, Lily

  Loder-Symonds, Willie

  Lodge, Raymond

  Lodge, Sir Oliver

  Conan Doyle’s warning regarding apocalypse


  London, Jack

  London Opinion

  London Society

  London Spiritualist Alliance

  London Underground, Baker Street stop

  Longmans publishers

  Lorna Doone (Blackmore)

  “Los Amigos Fiasco, The”

  Lost World, The

  movie version of

  Louis XIV, King of France

  Lowe, Harold

  Ludwig I of Bavaria


  Lyceum Theater

  Lyttelton, May

  McCabe, Joseph

  Macaulay, Thomas Babington

  McClure’s Magazine

  MacKenzie, Compton

  McLean, Colin

  Magee, Reverend J. A.

  Magician Among the Spirits, A (Houdini)

  Malini, Max

  Mallowan, Max

  Man from Beyond, The (film)

  “Man with the Twisted Lip, The”

  Mann, Thomas

  Manual of the Operations of Surgery, A (Bell)

  Maracot Deep, The

  Marie Antoinette

  Marie Celeste (ship)

  “Marriage of the Brigadier”

  Marshall, Archibald

  Marylebone Spiritualist Association

  Masefield, John

  Maskelyne, John Nevil

  Masongill Cottage

  matter transmission

  Mayumba (ship)

  “Mazarin Stone, The”

  “Medical Document, A”

  medical stories


  and death of Conan Doyle

  fall from grace


  Houdini’s attacks on






  of Lady Jean Conan Doyle

  Mellish, Fuller


  Melville, Herman

  Memoirs of Baron de Marbot, The (De Marbot)

  Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes, The

  Memories and Adventures

  mental telepathy

  Meredith, George


  Mesmer, Franz Anton


  in fiction

  “Metamorphosis” substitution trunk mystery

  “Methods of Barbarism” (Stead)

  Micah Clarke

  military readiness

  Millesimo Castle

  Miracles and Modern Spiritualism (Wallace)

  Modern Psychic Mysteries (Bozzano)

  modern world

  Molly Maguires

  Molly Maguires and the Detectives, The (Pinkerton)

  Monet, Claude

  Montez, Lola

  Montrose Royal Lunatic Asylum

  Morel, Edmund Dene

  Moriarty, Alice


  Moore, F. Frankfort

  Morning Post

  Morris, Malcolm


  Movietone newsreel

  “Mr. Irving Takes Paregoric” (Shaw)

  Mrs. McGinty’s Dead (Christie)

  Mulholland, John

  Murder of Roger Ackroyd, The (Christie)

  “Murders in the Rue Morgue” (Poe)

  Murray, John

  Mussolini, Benito

  “My Friend the Murderer”

  My Life and Times (Jerome)

  Myers, F. W. H.

  Mysterious Affair at Styles, The (Christie)

  Mystery of Cloomber, The

  Mystery of Edwin Drood (Dickens)

  “Mystery of Sasassa Valley, The”

  Nansen, Fridjot

  Napoleonic era

  Narrative of John Smith, The

  Nation, The

  “Naval Treaty, The”

  Neele, Nancy

  Neele, Teresa

  see Christie, Agatha

  New Forest of Hampshire

  New Grub Street (Gissing)

  “New Light on Old Crimes, A”

  New Revelation, The

  New Statesman

  New York City

  New York Sun

  New York Times

  New Zealand

  Newlands Corner

  Newnes, George

  News of the World

  Nicoll, William Robertsonr />

  Nile cruise

  “Noble Bachelor, The”

  Norwood, Eille




  serialization of

  Sherlock Holmes

  see also historical novels

  O’Brien, Willis

  O’Callaghan, Dr. Robert

  Ochs, Alfred

  Oldham, Leslie

  On the Law Which Has Regulated the Introduction of New Species (Wallace)

  Ophthalmologic Society of the United Kingdom


  oppressed (the)

  Conan Doyle’s efforts for

  see also justice, Conan Doyle’s crusades for

  Orange Free State

  Ordeal of Richard Feverel, The (Meredith)

  Our American Adventure

  “Our Reply to the Cleric”

  Our Second American Adventure

  Owen, Douglas

  Paget, Sidney

  Paget, Walter

  Paladino, Eusapia


  Pall Mall Club (London)

  paranormal (the)

  Parasite, The

  Park, William

  Parker, Gilbert


  Conan Doyle standing for

  Partners in Crime (Christie)

  Patience (Gilbert and Sullivan)

  Payn, James

  Pecararo, Nino

  Pemberton, Max

  Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving (Stoker)

  Peruvian Amazon Company

  Peter Pan (Barrie)

  Phantasms of the Living (Podmore, Myers, and Gurney)

  Pheneas (spirit guide)

  Pheneas Speaks

  Phillpotts, Eden


  see also spirit photography

  Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde)

  Pike, William Royston

  Pilgrim Club

  Pinkerton, Allan J.

  pirated works


  Sherlock Holmes

  plays based on Conan Doyle works

  Conan Doyle writing and producing

  Plimmer, Jacob




  Podmore, Frank

  Poe, Edgar Allan

  Conan Doyle’s admiration for

  Conan Doyle’s borrowing from

  father of modern detective fiction

  influence on Conan Doyle

  works by


  Poison Belt, The

  political caricature


  poltergeist phenomena

  Pond, Major James

  Popular Wireless Weekly


  Portsmouth Cricket Club

  Portsmouth Evening News

  Portsmouth Eye Hospital

  Portsmouth Football Club

  Portsmouth Literary and Scientific Society

  Postlethwaite, Dorothy

  Pot of Caviare, A

  Powell, Dr. Ellis

  Powell, Evan

  Powell, Frederick Eugene



  Price, Harry

  interview with spirit of Conan Doyle

  Prince Henry Tour

  Prisoner of Zenda, The (Hope)

  Professor George Edward Challenger (character)

  Conan Doyle fondness for

  Professor Moriarty (character)


  Sherlock Holmes as instrument of


  prose style (Conan Doyle)

  Psychic Adventures of Edward Malone, The

  see Land of Mist, The

  psychic belief

  Psychic Bookshop, The

  psychic experience (Conan Doyle)

  psychic novel(s)

  psychic phenomena

  investigation of

  Psychic Press

  Psychic research

  psychic science

  Conan Doyle’s efforts in search for A. Christie

  Psychology and Development of Mediumship, The (Leaf)


  public crusades


  Pudd’nhead Wilson (Twain)


  Punch (magazine)

  “Purloined Letter, The” (Poe)

  puzzle plots

  Queen magazine

  Quiller-Couch, Arthur

  Raffles, the Amateur Cracksman (Hornung)

  “Ragtime” (poem)

  Rationalist Press Organization

  Raymond: or Life and Death … (Lodge)

  “Readings and Reminiscences” (lecture)

  “Recollections of Captain Wilkie, The”

  “Red Circle, The”

  “Red-Headed League, The”

  Redmond, John

  Reform Club (London)

  Refugees, The: A Tale of Two Continents

  Regency period

  Reichenbach Falls


  Reid, Mayne



  and spiritualism

  Renan, Ernest


  Conan Doyle’s passion for

  Conan Doyle’s writings

  “Retired Colourman, The”

  Return of Sherlock Holmes, The

  Review of Reviews


  Coming of the Fairies

  Duet, A

  Jane Annie

  Land of Mist, The

  Lost World, The

  Maracot Deep, The

  plays by Conan Doyle

  Pheneas Speaks

  Rodney Stone

  Sherlock Holmes

  Sir Nigel

  White Company, The

  Rhodes, Cecil


  Richard Savage (Barrie)

  Richards, Grant

  Richardson, Dr.

  Rignold, Henry

  Riley, James Whitcomb

  Roberts, Estelle

  Roberts, Lord

  Robertson, Sir William

  Robinson, Bertram Fletcher (“Bobbles”)

  Rodney Stone


  in Shaw-Conan Doyle exchange regarding sinking of Titanic

  romantic fiction

  Roosevelt, Theodore

  Roughhead, William

  Round the Fire Stories

  Round the Red Lamp

  Royal Albert Hall (London)

  Royal Westminster Eye Infirmary

  Russell, William Clark

  Rutherford, William

  Rutzen, Sir Albert de

  St. Ives (Stevenson)

  Saintsbury, H. A.

  Salvator, John, Archduke of Tuscany

  Sandou, Eugene

  Saturday Review

  Savoy Theater

  Sayers, Dorothy

  “Scandal in Bohemia, A”


  Scharlieb (surgeon)


  and spiritualism

  science fiction

  science of criminal investigation

  raised to art form

  science of deduction

  Scientific American magazine


  and spiritualism

  Scotland Yard

  “Black Museum”

  Criminal Investigation Department

  Scotsman, The

  Scott, Sir Walter

  Scott, Sydney

  Scottish “Border Burghs”

  Scotto, Marquis

  “séance chair”

  séance room(s)


  Conan Doyle family

  fraud, deceit in

  Houdini and

  Millesimo Castle

  spirit of Conan Doyle’s mother in

  Secret Service (Gillette)

  Selbit, P. T.

  “Selecting a

  serial rights


  Conan Doyle autobiography

  Land of Mist, The

  Seven Lectures to Young Men (Beecher)

  “Shall I Slay My Brother Boer?” (Stead)

  Sharpe, Royden

  Sharpe, Wallace

  Shaw, George Bernard

  Shaw, “Tommy”

  Sherlock, Patrick

  Sherlock Holmes (character)

  Americans’ interest in

  bust of

  calabash pipe

  Challenger opposite of

  A. Christie and

  Conan Doyle could not escape

  Conan Doyle on

  Conan Doyle using

  Conan Doyle’s attitude toward

  in Conan Doyle’s political efforts

  in/and Conan Doyle’s spiritualist writings

  creation of

  as cultural archetype

  death of

  decision to kill

  deductive talent of

  detracted from serious literary work

  in dilemma of Conan Doyle’s career

  as drug addict

  “Great Hiatus, The”

  image of

  made Conan Doyle celebrity

  mythology of

  public demand for

  public outcry at death of

  radio adaptations

  retirement of

  revival of

  statue of

  success of

  Sherlock Holmes (play)

  Sherlock Holmes films

  Sherlock Holmes novels

  Sherlock Holmes plays

  Sherlock Holmes pub (London)

  Sherlock Holmes stories/adventures

  new series of

  World War I


  short stories

  collections of



  mesmerists in

  sailing adventures in

  series of, with central character

  short story format

  Shorter, Clement

  “Shoscombe Old Place”

  Sidgwick, Henry

  Sign of the Four, The

  Silent Pool

  “Silver Blaze”

  Simpson, James Young

  Sing Sing

  Sinn Fein

  “Sir A. Conan Doyle’s Ghosts” (McCabe)

  Sir Nigel

  Sister Carrie (Dreiser)

  Sixth Royal Sussex Volunteer Regiment

  Crowborough Company


  Slade, Henry

  Slater, Oscar, case

  Smith, Al

  Smith, Captain John

  Smith, Herbert Greenhough

  and Conan Doyle’s spiritualism

  and death of Sherlock Holmes

  tribute to Conan Doyle

  Snelling, Harold

  Society for Psychical Research (S.P.R.)

  Conan Doyle and

  Conan Doyle resigned from

  Society of American Magicians

  “Some Notes on Mediaeval Commerce” (lecture)

  Songs of Action

  souls of the dead

  contact with

  see also spirit communication/contact

  South Africa

  South African Republic (Transvaal)

  South Norwood


  Southsea Bowling Club

  “Speckled Band, The”

  Speckled Band, The (play)

  Spectator, The

  spirit communication/contact

  from Conan Doyle

  with Kingsley

  spirit exposés

  spirit phenomena


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