Aunt Daisy's Secret

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Aunt Daisy's Secret Page 6

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  She couldn't respond. Certainly the idea had crossed her mind that he'd spank her, after all she had been obsessing on the idea for weeks. But never did she believe that it would actually happen. Assuming that he'd leave her shorts at her knees, Melanie was again surprised when her husband pulled them all the way off, leaving the lower part of her body naked. Not that Tony hadn't seen her naked, she was hardly a modest wife, right now she was totally humiliated, realizing that this wasn't just a game they were playing. Tony was very serious. This was punishment, no different than that punishment applied to her Aunt's youthful rear end many years before.


  The first smack of the paddle shocked her, and she gasped some unrecognizable cry. The smack stung to high heaven. This was nothing like the earlier admonishment he'd given her with his hand, through the protection of her shorts.


  One stroke after another the paddle came down hard, stinging immediately on impact.

  "Oh, my god," she cried after he'd spanked her a good dozen times. She groaned lustily, her body gyrating under his grasp.

  From Tony's point of view, it was difficult to tell if she was still enjoying the treatment or if it was really beginning to hurt. In any event, he ignored her comments, and continued on, letting the butter paddle do the talking. He was realizing for himself that this was a sweet and well deserved justice. Why hadn't he thought of it himself a long time ago?

  "Tony, please," Melanie pleaded more. Her body was still wiggling, her voice hardly distressed. Though she seemed to be protesting, she was certainly not in agony, not yet.

  Wanting the message he was giving his wife to be very clear, Tony increased both the tempo and the force, so that the spanking was turning into nothing but a spirited punishment, not something either of them would consider a sexual turn on.

  "Oh, my god, Tony, please, isn't that enough?" she finally wailed. The pain was becoming almost more than she could bear. She struggled against him, even though she was going no where.

  "Hurts, doesn't it?" he said, pausing briefly. "It's suppose to."

  Melanie supposed he was right, a spanking was suppose to hurt, but all of a sudden, she realized that real punishment didn't bear any resemblance to the fantasies she had in her head. What had started out as a vibrant erotic moment had become very painful. And with Tony showing no signs of letting up, her only choice was to endure the painful reality of the paddle on her fair skin.

  When Tony was finally finished, he put the paddle down on his desk, and laid his hand on Melanie's burning bottom. It amazed him how warm her skin had become, and how lovely that warmth felt.

  Melanie continued to sob for several moments, but as she became aware that the punishment was over, she too began to appreciate the fine feelings that were beginning to rise in her. Her husband caressed her very gently, the feelings very soothing to her sore bottom.

  "I'm not sure I'm finished for tonight, but I think we both need a break," he told her. He continued to run his hand along her bottom ever so carefully.

  "You'd start again?" Melanie asked.

  "Maybe," he said.

  Melanie flinched at the thought, but she wasn't sure she could take another round of smacks, even though the warmth that followed was quite a thrill.

  Rather than being able to bask in the excitement of the gentle massage however, Tony had a purpose for this extended moment across his lap. He had quite a few things to say to his wife, and this was as good a place as any. "There's not going to be any more fights, Melanie," he started.

  "I agree," she replied.

  "And there's not going to be anymore running off to your sister's house in a fit of tears." He gave her bottom a little pat for good measure. "You understand that?"

  "Yes," she snuffed.

  "You're going to behave like the woman you are, and we're going to take care of this house in a mature and responsible manner. Is that understood." His voice was very stern.

  "Yes," she snuffed again.

  "And if there's anymore lying, avoiding, running off, or bitchy nasty attitudes about the house, my work or anything else, you're going over my lap again. I'm not going to put up with your foolishness any more. We love each other and we're going to get along. If this is what it takes for us to make our marriage work, then so be it. Are you hearing me?" he said.

  "Yes, sir," Melanie replied. She couldn't help herself, using the term of respect.

  He was massaging her bottom more eagerly all the time. Feeling his hand on her, Melanie was reassured. She felt a quality of love from Tony that she'd never felt before. It was sweet justice done, exactly as she wanted it. Why it was right for him to paddle her for behaving so badly, she didn't now. She simply knew that it was.

  "We're going to leave the butter paddle in my office where I'll have it handy for another time." Tony seemed very pleased with himself. "But for now, I'll put it away, and we'll have our next session upstairs."

  "What?" Melanie gasped. He gave her rear several good squeezes, which made her gasp even more, half from pain, and half from the arousal which was all too apparent. "Now, stand up and let me see you," he said.

  Melanie rose and stood in front of her husband," her head submissively bowed. She was feeling flustered, a little ashamed of herself, and most definitely excited, unsure where this whole scene would be leading. But another punishment on top of this one, she wasn't sure she could take it.

  "I want to see your bottom," Tony said, making her turn around.

  Melanie felt strange showing off for him.

  "You're really going to spank me again?" she ventured meekly.

  After you've taken the time to think about you and me and what this means. While you're at it you might take a look at your bottom yourself, and appreciate the red blush you earned so well. I'll be up later to finish it off."

  She turned back around. His eyes were still fiercely lit, though the dark angry glimmer that had been there earlier was much more subdued. His firmly set jaw was exactly what she expected, and it gave her a whole new thrill inside just looking at his handsome but very stern face.

  He didn't say another word, expecting her to comply with his request. And once realizing this, Melanie turned and left, her red bottom slipping quietly from the room, as Tony admired the lovely glow.

  Inspecting her rear end in the bathroom mirror, Melanie felt a wild rush race through her looking at the blotchy red surface of her rear cheeks. As much as the punishment had hurt, now the feeling was amazing. So warm and tingly. She could think of nothing better than to have Tony race upstairs after her, the two of them falling into bed, restoring the magic of their sex lives with a rousing sexual romp.

  To her dismay, that was apparently not in Tony's plans. There was another punishment awaiting her; and she was afraid that her husband had something even more severe in mind. She waited a least a half hour, taking time every few minutes to look again at her bottom, seeing the once bright blush fade to pink, and then disappear altogether. Except for a little soreness, it seemed the effect of the punishment was fading all too fast. With the immediate rush of excitement vanishing as well, all she could wonder about was what would happened next.

  She stewed in her own juices for sometime, finally pulling off her T-shirt and donning her blue satin robe.

  And beginning to think that he never would return, Melanie was pleased and anxious when Tony at last walked in the door. Looking up at him expectantly, she wasn't sure whether she looked forward to another spanking right off, or if she hoped he'd changed his mind. One thing that hadn't changed was his look. Still so stern and dominant, it immediately made her feel submissive, giving her a pleasant little jolt right between her legs.

  "As much as I was enjoying the paddling down stairs, I remembered something I found upstairs."

  "Oh?" Melanie asked curiously, wondering what he meant.

  From behind his back Tony pulled out a leather spanking paddle, at least that was what it looked like. "I suspect that this was your
Aunt's?" he asked.

  "I really don't know." Melanie had never seen it before, but from what he was suggesting, it was clear that Tony knew at least as much about Aunt Daisy as she did, maybe more.

  "I found it in one of the trunks, not the one with the book. The other one, with the blue dress?"

  Melanie knew the one.

  "It was wrapped very carefully, as if your Aunt had saved it for some particular reason. I found it hidden in a secret compartment, much like the compartment in the other trunk."

  "You really think this was hers?" Melanie said staring at it.

  "What do you think?"

  "I don't now, it's a likely explanation, but I haven't read anything in the journal that talked about it. You did read the journal?" Melanie said.

  "At least half," he said. "Of course the initials might also suggest that this was especially made for her." He turned the spanker over and showed her the DM very distinctly carved into the thick piece of leather, right where the hand met the business end.

  Melanie nodded her agreement as she stared at the leather instrument.

  "I think we should try it, what do you think?" Tony asked.

  He was giving her a choice?

  Strangely, she had no idea how to reply to his question. Did she want it or not? The fascination with Aunt Daisy aside, she still wasn't certain if she could physically or mentally take more punishment in one night, though she was afraid Tony wouldn't give her a choice.

  Not surprisingly however, the decision was withdraw as quickly as it was given.

  "Come here," Tony told her. He was already sitting down on the bed.

  Walking gingerly to his side, Melanie was pulled over his lap, her robe pulled away to reveal her naked pink bottom. Raising the spanker, he brought the implement down for a first fierce smack.

  "Ah," she groaned, feeling a sensuous warmth everywhere on her backside.

  The spanker landed again.

  "Oh, yes." The leather felt nothing like the harder wooden paddle. An even dozen smacks on her rear and her bottom burned, but nothing like it had before. "Oh, my god," she cried. Tony continued, though it was becoming clear to her that her husband had other things in mind than just punishment, just as she did.

  Finally putting down the spanker moments later, he was massaging her bottom in earnest, his hand readily slipping between her thighs, to where her sex was simply clawing with need. Falling into bed together, they had their hands all over each other. Tony for good measure smacked her bottom as they made love, though these smacks were for arousal only.

  The two couldn't get enough of each other's bodies, relishing the sudden surge of pent-up need roaring its way through them both.

  He was sweet and harsh at the same time. He touched her with a delicate hand until she tingled all over, then he spank her bottom with a playful slap, and her sexual arousal would climb higher still, charging through her wildly. The mix of tenderness and command, Melanie was in love with him all over again, thinking that there was nothing now to ever separate them the way they had been before.

  She could go on all night long making love, and she wouldn't have minded.

  After they finally exhausted each other, they lay together sometime in a peaceful silence. There seemed to be lots to say, yet there was no good place to begin.

  "You really surprised me," Melanie said at last.

  "I did?" Tony answered. He'd been drifting along in the calm that filled him. For the first time in months, he really felt some sense of peace inside.

  "I know you read Aunt Daisy's Journal, but it still surprises me that you'd spank me," Melanie said. It was a moment of boldness. She found it difficult to talk about the punishment. But in the dark, where he couldn't see her face, and she couldn't see his, maybe she could venture this much.

  "I'm not going to question this any more than you should. If it works Melanie, then we'll continue. If it doesn't, then...well..."

  "Well what?" she asked.

  "Let's not even consider the other possibility," he suggested.

  That sounded like reasonable advice, Melanie thought. She didn't want to know what he was thinking.

  "Just expect another spanking if you misbehave," Tony added. He was sounding almost like a father in a way, or perhaps just a very stern lover, and that pleased her. She smiled to herself realizing that she was getting exactly what she longed for so much. It had to work.

  "I liked what you said about our loving each other," Melanie added, as she found herself drifting off, sleepily.

  "I think we forget what really matters sometimes," he said. "We have so much going for us to end a marriage over a stupid thing like this house."

  The comment about the house wasn't particularly appreciated, but Melanie was willing to forget it, for the terrific peace that was pleasantly surrounding her as she fell asleep.

  Chapter Seven

  The next morning Tony was already out of bed when Melanie woke up. Thinking about the night before she smiled to herself happily. Nothing in the world could have happened that pleased her more. She felt her bottom, realizing that as hard as Tony had spanked her, she couldn't feel a thing. Maybe a little soreness, then again, maybe it was her imagination.

  She played the confrontation and spanking scene through her head a couple of times, each time finding herself getting more excited, wondering what would happen next to ignite the same fireworks. She wasn't prepared for it yet, but surely last night's escapade would be something to think about that would generate a host of welcome feelings in her. Just the thought of Tony taking charge of her sent new shivers through her system.

  Bolting from the bed, Melanie donned a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and was about to go down to see her husband when she thought of Aunt Daisy again. She'd read nearly half of her Aunt's journal, and was thinking how much she wanted to return to the book to see the outcome of that amazing story.

  "Just a few minutes, won't matter," she thought to herself. And she snuck off to the attic to take a peak into the beloved book.

  Once in the attic it seemed as if she'd never been away. The feeling and thoughts she'd nurtured so dearly were all coming back, with the one addition of her own spanking story to tell, one that was even more special than her Aunt's for the erotic twist that it had taken. She blushed, wondering if her Aunt would ever confess to the kind of arousal that she'd experienced.

  Opening the journal in her lap, Melanie turned to that place where she had left off reading, that place just after Joseph had punished Daisy for running off to find him at the naval base.

  I have the most exciting thing to write about . . . I want to sing from the rooftop, but alas, I can't. We have to keep our marriage a secret. Yes, I did say marriage! What a perfectly wonderful word that is.

  It all began last Thursday night . . . .

  Melanie's heart was racing fast reading this entry. Aunt Daisy married Joseph! To her knowledge, no one in their family knew of this. Could it really be true?

  Shaken by the shocking discovery and desperate to continue reading, Melanie was suddenly jolted away by strange sounds coming from downstairs. She listened attentively, wondering what in heaven's name could possibly be happening in her house. Gazing from the window, she looked down to see three trucks sitting in the driveway and several workman, complete with all their workmen paraphernalia going to and from the back door.

  My god! What's going on? she wondered.

  Throwing the journal back into the truck, she pushed the old thing out of her way with one strong shove, and raced down the stairs going light speed all the way.

  In the downstairs hallway there were two men carrying a ladder through the back of the house into the living room. One quick perusal showed that all her furniture had been pushed into one corner and was now covered in sheets, while a wallpaper steamer was plugged into the wall, and a workman was steaming off the faded blue paper. In the kitchen she heard the sound of the plumber doing god knows what to her sink. One look outside, she saw a landscaper tearin
g up the old brick path that Tony said was too dangerous to even walk on anymore.

  None of these projects had been authorized by her. What the hell was happening!

  Storming into Tony's office, her husband whirled around in his chair and gave her a pleasant good morning grin.

  "What the fuck's going on?" she demanded to know.

  "Hadn't you better watch your tongue, my love, you don't use that kind of language."

  "I do now!" she shouted.

  "What's your problem?" he asked as if there was nothing wrong with a dozen strangers traipsing everywhere about her cherished house.

  "These men, these people," she gestured outside and behind her, where they could both hear the sound of hammering, noisy machines and the banging of pipes. "Who brought them here?"

  "I did."

  "You?" She could hardly believe what she was hearing.

  "I thought you said you had a problem with the bay window in the kitchen, you didn't tell me about this."

  "Last night wasn't the time to talk," Tony replied.

  "So is this all termites?"

  "No, not at all. I decided if I was going to be inconvenienced by these renovations and all the noise involved, I was going to get it all done at once."

  "You were going to get it all done at once?" she questioned him.

  "That's right."

  "But it's my job," Melanie protested.

  "It was your job. I've taken over the project." He seemed thoroughly pleased with himself.

  "You can't mean that?" Melanie protested, she was nearly in tears.

  "You've had ten months to take care of things. That's plenty of time, and now your time is up."

  "Well, I'll just take it back, now that I'm home."

  "No, you won't," he said without a trace of anger, though he was completely firm in his statement. "You'll just have to find something else to keep you busy, because I'm managing this. I have things well under control and I expect that the entire job will be done in less than six weeks."

  "Six weeks! That's impossible."

  Tony said nothing, just stared at his wife pleasantly, then went back to his writing.


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