Aunt Daisy's Secret

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Aunt Daisy's Secret Page 8

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  "You're scared, aren't you?" I asked him. I moved out on the porch and pulled him with me to a bench where we sat down. He held my hand in his and spoke from his heart.

  "Maybe I'm scared. But it's more than that. We have to live for now sometimes, because the future is so very unsure."

  "You're worrying me, Joseph," I told him. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

  He shook his head. "I have times, darling, when I'm not too sleepy, and I lay there in my bunk at night and dream about you. There are already men going overseas and dying. Not coming back. I'm going eventually, we both know that. I can't imagine leaving you, and never returning. And what's worse, I can't imagine shipping out, and my never having known you completely."

  "Please don't say that," I said. My heart was beating so rapidly, I could hardly contain myself.

  "Usually, you're the one's that impulsive, my dear, but tonight I am. Will you marry me now?"

  I think I was already crying from happiness. Happiness and trepidation. This was a big step, one I'd contemplated endlessly for weeks. But so suddenly!

  "Of course", I finally gasped through my tears. Joseph's face brightened when I agreed, as if he thought I might just say no.

  "That's great! There's a Justice of the Peace just south of here. I know it's not the fancy wedding you wanted, but we'll be together and that's what really counts."

  "It doesn't matter, Joseph," I assured him. "I want you." He hugged me so tight, I thought I might pass out.

  An hour later, Joseph and I were in his borrowed car, racing down the highway to our wedding. He never did tell me how he'd arranged all this, and I wasn't asking. I thought we would have plenty of time to talk about such things later . . . like a whole lifetime.

  The small house where we found ourselves was quaint and homey. They'd even made the ceremony room look like a chapel, with lovely windows and a small pulpit. The Justice's wife had placed fresh cut roses on a table nearby, so the fragrance of roses will always remind me of that night. I almost felt as if I was in church, but it wouldn't have mattered, I knew this was the most right thing I'd ever done, even though we seemed to be doing it in secret. Just Joseph, me and these two strange people that made it all legal.

  Joseph was so strong, standing there next to me. Everything I loved about him seemed right on the surface, vibrantly emanating from his commanding form. There was nothing subdued, nothing hidden away, nothing held back. He was taking control of our lives in a time that seems so often out of control, and I will always relish that moment of decision.

  When we walked out into the night again as husband and wife, it seemed that I breathed differently than I had before. The air smelled different, the night looked more robust, the world seemed more in order, like this was the way things should be. I had something at last that I could count on. I've never felt quite like that, and it was glorious.

  Mrs. Darnell would likely say that this was the first flushes of that amorous "husband- wife" feeling, but I know that it was more than that.

  I have to admit that I had terrible jitters as we made our way further down the highway, toward the small motel where Joseph arranged for us to stay. It was an absolutely perfect place tucked away in a lovely forest. We had a little cabin all to ourselves, so I could almost imagine it our first home. I'll never forget it.

  The tension was mounting in me, raging like some out of control beast. Every time Joseph touched me, I tingled everywhere. He carried me across the threshold and we landed on the bouncy big bed, laughing and kissing all the way.

  Married! I couldn't believe that it had just happened, and we could breach that final gap in our lives.

  And oh, what a racy moment it was!

  Joseph was gentle but firm, slowly removing my clothes, my dress first so that he held me while I was just wearing my silky slip. His hands were places they had never been before, against my breasts and hips and upper thighs. The flood of energy that filled me sent me to some place I've never been, some place so out of my mind, all I could think of was going farther still.

  I caressed my husband back, relishing the strength of his muscles, his firm hard chest, and arms. There were still places that I was too tentative to explore. Such a novice I am at making love. I felt a little foolish not knowing what to do, though that didn't seem to matter, following the pleasurable impulses was all that Joseph could ask.

  Removing my slip, I watched my husband's eyes. He backed away for a minute, and looked down at me. Slowly, with deft fingers he removed my bra. My nakedness was new to us both. I shouldn't have been so shy, since he'd already had such an intimate knowledge of my bottom, but I still was. All this was for different purposes, a new kind of intimacy that we were sharing.

  He loved my breasts as if they were some special treasure; and he fondled them very carefully, almost as if they might break. And then, removing my panties, Joseph didn't wait to see what was underneath in the dim light that surrounded us. Instead, he parted my thighs, and I found him seeking entrance to the soft juicy place between them.

  I hurt, and that surprised me, though he was very gentle, easing off and being careful. We rocked tightly together for a long time, until I was more comfortable, and my own body was moving to some end it craved. I cannot write everything that happened; there was so much, so much to share all at once, I was overwhelmed.

  We slept for a while after the first time, then stirred all through the night, picking up where we'd left off, and beginning again. I couldn't get enough of his flesh, nor he of mine.

  When we woke the last time, there was a stripe of sun across the bed, its hot fire burning my naked thigh. I jerked for a moment realizing where I was and what I was doing, sleeping with this man I loved, my husband. Married! I could hardly believe it. This was the first morning of a very new life.

  Melanie looked up from the book realizing that she was playing with herself, the erotic tale had so inspired her, she was fingering herself so she was nearly orgasmic. There was a hot lust in that love of her Aunt Daisy and Joseph, something she'd known many times with Tony, even though her love seemed a little clouded at the moment.

  Unable to stop reading, Melanie continued on, letting the words of the journal continue to arouse her.

  I should have guessed that before this honeymoon was over that Joseph and I would have some spanking altercation. After all, we never went too many days together that I didn't do something that would infuriate my love, and send me swiftly over his lap. Being married wouldn't be any different.

  It was just so unexpected, after all the robust love making and tenderness we were sharing.

  Toward the end of the second day of our marriage, I knew that this time together was fast approaching an end. The following day, Joseph had be back at the base by five o'clock, which meant that he'd have to have me home by mid-afternoon to make it back on time. The thoughts of leaving him were making me edgy.

  Joseph had returned to our room from the diner with our evening meal; we didn't want to leave our lovenest, it was much too sweet there to ever leave.

  "You want the turkey or the ham?" he asked when he spread the sandwiches out on the table.

  "I wanted roast beef," I told him.

  "Darling, they didn't have roast beef," he answered kindly. I think he already knew that I was on edge about parting, but he remained patient with me.

  "Of course they had roast beef, you just forgot to ask."

  "Daisy, I'm sorry, but this is what we have. You want me to go out again?"

  I was pouting nastily.

  "I don't think I'll eat anything. I'm not really hungry."

  He looked at me a little disgusted, and opened the turkey sandwich and began to eat.

  "That's the one I wanted," I suddenly shouted, seeing his choice.

  "I thought you weren't going to eat," he charged.

  "Later maybe." I was exasperating him, and I saw his jaw go tight. He pulled out the ham sandwich and began to eat that one.

  "Here, how about
the coleslaw?" he said handing a container to me.

  "Eeeew!" I turned up my nose. "You know I don't like that."

  "I know nothing of the sort my bratty wife, but I do know one thing."

  "What's that?"

  "As soon as I'm finished eating, you're getting dessert."

  "Dessert, what did you bring?" My eyes lit up curiously.

  He turned around in his chair, where his overnight bag was resting on the floor, and reached inside. "This," he said, and he pulled out a leather thing, and laid it on the table. "I was hoping that I wouldn't have to use this on our honeymoon, but I had a sneaking suspicion that I would need it."

  I picked up the implement and stared in awe of it. It was obvious this was for spanking me, the broad firm leather piece was fashioned as a paddle, with a handle and a generous punishment end. At the base of the handle my initials "DM" were carved into the leather. It was an awesome thing, and I trembled and put it back down.

  "Did you have it made?" I asked.

  "Just for you," he said between bites of his sandwich. "The only thing I forgot was to add my initial after yours. I'll have to take care of that as soon as I have the chance." Joseph seemed much calmer since showing me the paddle, obviously making the decision to spank me had worked wonders on his disposition. His expression was almost amused.

  I remained silent, watching him finish his meal while I was sitting there famished, too proud to eat what remained of the turkey salad sandwich I'd claimed, and the coleslaw that looked just like the kind I make.

  When he was done, Joseph rose from his chair, and pulled it to the center of the room.

  "My wife, I suppose we'd better get this over now, might as well inaugurate the paddle, and our marriage with this maiden spanking."

  "You're making too much of a little thing," I pouted.

  "That may be true," he admitted. "But ever since I started spanking your lovely bottom, I've wanted to really finish the job, and our relationship has prevented that. Now is my chance, and I'm not going to miss it."

  He was perfectly charming, his broad smile filling his face. I should have been smiling too, except that I was going to have to face the paddle first.

  I was over his lap a few seconds later, and this time, we had a much different spanking experience, since there was no need to hide anything anymore. I was wearing just a sundress so it was very easy for him to push it to my hips; but to my surprise Joseph pushed it all the way up over my head, so that it dropped to the floor. I wasn't wearing my bra, only the panties remaining on my scantily clothed body. They too were quickly dispensed with, and for the first time, there I was completely naked over Joseph's lap, about to get one hell of a spanking with a paddle he'd made just for me. It was all so amazing. Though I was scared to death, and I knew that the spanking would likely hurt like hell, I had to admit that my body was going through the same wild gymnastics that had been constant since we'd been wed the day before. I was anxious to begin, anxious to end it, and anxious to be rolling around the bed again with my husband.

  This time, Joseph didn't start the spanking right away, instead, he began to massage my bottom, kneading my flesh in the most delightful way. I'm sure he realized the effect it was having on me, and that was a little joke in itself.

  "I just want you to know my love, that I'm still going to punish you when you act like a brat. You're still expected to behave yourself, and no nonsense or silliness. You understand?"

  "Yes, sir," I replied in a hushed throaty voice. Oh, I wished he'd begin, I could hardly stand anymore waiting. "Joseph, please spank me!" I finally blurted out.

  He laughed at my predicament, but he accommodated me, beginning with the paddle, smacking my bottom with the firm broad leather business end.

  At first it was wonderful, the leather so much more yielding than a wooden hairbrush, but not so intimate has his hand. It seemed to just accentuate the savage feelings that I was already having. After a few moments of earnest smacking however, the sensations changed, and my bottom was burning nastily, the feel of the leather not so much different than anything else he'd used to punish me.

  "Oooo, ouch, ouch!" I was peppering my moans with little protests.

  I wiggled against him, sometimes very rudely, though Joseph had me firmly in hand. I was not going anywhere, and I knew it.

  He was most definite that this was going to be a long thorough going over. He'd stop every few minutes, just so we both could rest and then begin again. My bottom must have been a flaming scarlet, the more he laid on, the more it burned, the more I cried, the more he just kept up the well measured pace.

  "Now that you're my wife," Joseph told me, during one of his brief pauses, "I have all the more reason to keep you in line." He started again with the paddle.

  Each time he resumed it seemed that the sting was more fierce, but then, so were the sensuous fires inside me. I didn't know whether to cry or rejoice. It was the strangest thing in the world to me, to feel such love from such fierce treatment, to feel such ecstatic arousing feelings at the same time I was hurting so badly.

  At last, when the smacks finally softened, so that I could tell that he was beginning to stop, all my desire just burst in me, and I could feel that Joseph was bursting as well. I could sense his manhood rising beneath my lap, and that only made me more excited.

  I don't know why he stopped at the particular moment he did; but by some common agreement, we both fell into each other's arms moving so swiftly to the bed, that I don't remember how we got there. I only know that we melted together, Joseph exploring me in ways I never dreamed it was possible to feel. My body simply roared, and Joseph only roared back . . . .


  Melanie, sitting in the soft light that came through the window had her hand between her legs, a surge of sexual energy taking her away as she read of her Aunt's wild erotic moment. She saw herself in Daisy's place, the exuberance she'd described seemed so like her own, so like it was with Tony.

  She felt prickly all over, but then suddenly self conscious, she looked up to see Tony standing in the attic doorway. In the dim dusty light, she almost had to blink to be certain that he was really there. His expression was at once quizzical, affectionate and aroused. Seeing him watching made her jolt with sexual electricity all the more.

  "Did she finally bed her sailor?" he asked, almost in a whisper.

  The question startled her. Melanie almost expected him to be angry with her, as he always seemed to be when she was in the attic. He would think she was avoiding her life, though apparently not this time.

  "Why yes," she replied, only just realizing that her dress was parted, and he could see her playing with herself. She quickly moved her hand away from her tingling sex.

  "Let me know how the story ends," he said, with a touch of amusement.

  "I will," she replied, still wary of his mood. She thought the comment was a signal that he would leave, but he remained fixed in his spot, watching her with the most amazing expression. For a instant she thought Tony might come to her, but instead, with his energy alone, he seemed to reach out and grab her. She was mesmerized by him. Something outside themselves, but very carnal was in charge.

  For Tony, the view was priceless, his dear Melanie reclining so seductively, he'd never quite seen her this way, in the light with such a lusty aura surrounding her.

  "So did Joseph spank her too?" Tony asked.

  "On their honeymoon," Melanie replied.

  "Maybe I should have done that to you five years ago; maybe it would have avoided all this other nonsense."

  "Maybe," she agreed. She wondered where this was leading.

  He stared at her for a few more minutes. "Get up," he said. His voice was erotically mellow, like the way he looked at her. She was glad he was making a move, thinking she couldn't contain the feelings any more.

  Melanie rose, as instructed, but still stayed in her place in front of the chair and could do nothing until he gave her further instructions.

  "Take off your
sundress," the instruction came.

  Melanie reached low and pulled the dress up over her head. She thought of Daisy removing her sundress, how poetic . . .

  Melanie was naked underneath, as Tony suspected she would be. Her body seemed to shimmer in the warm sunlight that was casting window pane shapes on her body. Tony admired his wife as if he was seeing her for the first time all over again. Their earlier spanking had aroused him as much as it did Melanie, and he didn't see any sense in containing the feelings any more. They'd waited long enough.

  He eyed her breasts, the full pert handfuls of flesh that jiggled just slightly because she was swaying just a little. The nipples were already scrunched into tight buds he wanted to tease with his tongue. The lovely swell of her belly led to the soft triangle of neat silky hair between her legs. It was already glistening from her play.

  "Turn around," he told her. "And bend over."

  Melanie complied again, presenting her bottom for his view. All the signs of the spanking were gone, not a mark, not even a little red, though the sight of his wife's fair derriere still created a savage excitement that hit him square in the groin.

  He moved forward and stood behind her, his hands moving on her soft skin. "Does it still hurt?" he asked, taking a handful of flesh in his hand, and giving it a firm squeeze.

  "It's a little sore," she admitted, though she was not in the least protesting; her bottom gyrated to his gentle massage.

  When he smacked her, she jerked, but hardly lost a lusty beat; she almost cried out for another, though she didn't need to. Tony accommodated her need, knowing that she wanted this as much as he did. He began a long slow spanking, finding with each deliberate smack, that Melanie was becoming more and more aroused.

  "Ah, Tony, take me, please!" she murmured, moving back against her husband's hands.

  The more lustily she swayed, the more aroused Tony got; and finally holding back no more, he opened his trousers and let his cock penetrate her deeply. His arms encircled her torso, his hands finding her breasts, eagerly fondling them, as he moved in and out of her willing body in long slow pulsing thrusts.


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