Aunt Daisy's Secret

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Aunt Daisy's Secret Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  "I didn't really expect a reply. It was kind of a joke. But..."

  "It was a stupid, foolish dangerous stunt!" Tony glared at her angrily.

  "Maybe," she conceded.

  Tony's fury ignited again, he pulled her up and over his lap once more. This time her pink naked behind had to withstand a bevy of smacks, the leather flying fast and furiously across her already punished cheeks. Though she wailed and cried, the spanking continued until she was exhausted, he was exhausted, Tony's anger was finally spent.

  "Stand up," he ordered as he finally dropped the paddle to the floor. She'd collapsed against his lap, but he was hardly finished admonishing her. "Stand up!" he repeated, as he shoved her away.

  Melanie struggled to rise. Her pants were bunched at her ankles, and it was difficult to get her balance. She looked a frightful mess. Her hair once tied back neatly was completely undone, and her eyes were swollen and red from the tears.

  "I can't believe how totally irresponsible you were. Do you have any idea what you're playing with?"

  "I understand why you're angry, but I don't think it was as foolish as you think." She made a desperate try to defend herself.

  "Well, we can debate safety all day, my love, but what really pisses me off, is that you bark at me like a shrew for mentioning the "unmentionable" again, and then you turn around and contact a man to do the very deed you knew I'd be more than happy to do for you! Why?"

  His words stung as much as the spanking had. She almost wished he'd just spank her again. It might be easier than trying to find a way to explain this last odd development in the strange mix of desire, fantasy and real life.

  "I couldn't bring myself to talk to you about it, after the move and all, and well, you were gone that weekend two weeks ago, and . . ." Her voice trailed off.

  "Yeah. Go on, you do better when you don't hold anything back."

  "I got horny?" She winced as she said it.

  With his anger nearly vented, Tony could almost look on the confession with some amusement. "You got horny," he shook his head in amazement. "Of course you got horny, that's because spanking makes you horny. It always has, and it always will. You're probably creaming in your pants right now!"

  "I don't have on any pants right now," she said. There was a twinkle of light in her eyes. All the sharpness was gone from them now; they looked softly muted and peaceful.

  Tony reached out and pulled her to him, his hand going immediately between her legs to see if she was as aroused as he thought she would be. She moved on him, his touch so very soft and stimulating it wasn't seconds before he pulled her down to the couch. Throwing off his own clothes, he descended on her; and with his arms wrapped around her he entered her, and the two moved softly together, as the lust climbed in them both.

  He explored her mouth, ran tiny kisses down her neck, played with her rear end, that was sore and hot and the center of her sexual heat. She bucked against him wildly, every single touch, fuel to send her to the edge.

  Melanie was almost as vocal in her climax as she was while she was being spanked. It had been so long since they'd combined their two favorite passions at one time. It was bliss to remember.

  "I do love this," she purred to him in the heat of the moment.

  He heard her vow, but he was too wrapped up in his own release to acknowledge the admission.

  The quick climax passing, the two tried remaining on the couch together, relishing the moment of peace in each other's arms, though Melanie tumbled on to the thick shaggy rug on the floor.

  "Ooops!" she said laughing, as she lay back and looked up at her husband. "Should have brought you down with me."

  Tony turned on his side and looked down at her with a smile. "You weren't looking for another man, were you?" he wondered aloud.

  "No, no, no, no," Melanie cried. "Please don't think that."

  "Good," he smirked. "Let's just be sure you remember who owns this ass of yours." He reached down and grabbed it, giving it a hearty squeeze.

  "Ouch, that hurts!" she shot back, though she wasn't angry at all, it was feeling far too good.

  "Now, you'd better go rescue that dinner of yours, I'm hungry."

  "You don't want to eat that," Melanie assured him, thinking of the ruined sauce, and half-baked meat.

  "Then make me a ham sandwich, I'm starved. If get don't get something to eat soon, I just might have to take a bite out of your ass!"

  "Coming right up," Melanie said, with a little salute. She jumped up, grabbed her clothes and scampered to the kitchen.

  "Hey," Tony yelled to her from the living room. "I'm still not done with you, by the way."

  Melanie popped her head up over the counter. "What's that suppose to mean?" she called out to him.

  "You'll just have to wait and see." It was all the explanation she was going to get.

  Chapter Fourteen

  A day later, Tony came home to find Melanie again in the kitchen, no doubt working on another recipe.

  "What's up?" she said brightly. She looked up to see an odd look on his face, when she was expecting something much more peaceful. "Something wrong?" she asked.

  "Not at all," he said, maintaining the inscrutable cool. "I want you to call Glen and arrange for him to meet us at my office. Any night this week, next week if that's not convenient."

  "What ever for?" Melanie blurted out flabbergasted by the request. She watched her husband pull out the envelope and lay it on the counter. It was the first she'd seen of it since Tony had thrown it at her when he was spitting fire the day before.

  "You know exactly what for," Tony countered her.

  "But . . . "

  "Do it." His eyes narrowed darkly.

  Melanie couldn't argue with his intentions. He was serious and detached, as if he wanted to make certain that she heard his message and took it seriously. Then settling himself in a chair by the window, he read the paper until dinner. They didn't say anymore about the direct order that night, though it had certainly had a distinct effect on Melanie's attitude.

  This must have something to do with his charge the night before that he wasn't "done" with her. She winced to herself, knowing pretty much what he had in mind.

  The next afternoon, after a long period of agonizing over Glen's letter, Melanie finally picked up the phone and dialed the man's number. She was shaking like a leaf the whole time, though there was a certain thrill to the bold move that she could hardly deny. She supposed that it was time to quit denying any of her passions.

  "How about Thursday night?" Glen offered, when she finally got around to suggesting the meeting that Tony wanted.

  Just two days away. That was far sooner than she planned. She'd hoped to have the whole weekend to prepare herself, but then again, maybe it would be better to get it over with quickly.

  "Sure, that would be great," she agreed.

  "You said in your letter that you like good hearty paddlings, you can count on me to provide that, Melanie." He was already sounding so stern! She shivered again.

  "Well then, I'll see you at Tony's office, eight o'clock."

  "I'll be there," he answered. His deep voice was almost gruff, but it was pleasant enough. She had no idea what she was getting into, but with Tony there, she felt safe enough to go through with it. Of course, she didn't seem to have much choice, since she was on direct orders from her husband.

  Tony was surprisingly brief with her about the arrangement. When she announced the plans to him that night, he nodded, almost as if he was disinterested. Then late on Thursday afternoon, he called her and said he'd be staying at the office until the eight o'clock appointment. She could meet him there.

  "Tony, why are you doing this?" Melanie asked.

  There was silence on the other end that almost scared her.

  "Tony?" she prompted.

  "Why don't you figure it out?" he suggested. "I'll see you at eight, and be there on time."

  The phone clicked, and Melanie was left in an anxious stew, wondering just what it w
ould be like to have another man spank her bottom. She assumed that it would be bare bottomed, and that made it even more amazing. Still, she couldn't figure why her husband was insisting on this, unless it was simply revenge, and that was hardly like him.

  Melanie dressed for the occasion, wearing a black lace garter belt, stockings and a pair of plain black cotton panties. She wore a slip and wool skirt and a sweater that didn't look too demure. She thought her attire was casual and sensuous, hoping both men would appreciate her efforts. In his letter, Glen had talked about her being submissive, and she tried hard to present him with that picture. She knew intuitively that this was what Tony expected of her.

  When she arrived at the University, she parked in a spot next to her husband's, and walked toward the familiar building where she could see a light burning in Tony's window. The drapes were drawn, which she was glad to see. It could be quite a sight if they hadn't been closed. The office on the first floor was a good deal higher than the sidewalk, but it was easy to see inside from the street.

  The trip up the steps, and down the hallway was one of the longest Melanie had ever taken. She was very glad that they hadn't waited a week to meet, the fear would have probably driven her crazy.

  She knocked on the old wood door, and opened it when she heard Tony's "Come in."

  To her surprise, Glen was already there, chatting easily with her husband as if they were old friends. Glen looked as if he was in his late thirties. He had short neatly trimmed blonde hair and clear blue eyes. Quite a contrast to her husband, especially when he stood to shake her hand. He towered well over six feet tall.

  She gulped.

  "I was surprised by your call," he said with a smile. She wondered what he and Tony had been talking about, there seemed to be a lot in their expressions that she couldn't explain. It was rather curious to her that they seemed like fast friends, not two men who had just met. "Tony and I have been talking about you," he informed her.


  Glen sat down, while Melanie remained standing.

  "He told me all about your fall from grace."

  She offered him a smile, thinking about the turn of his words, fall from grace. Melanie took a seat in a chair opposite both men. Tony was behind his desk, Glen to his left beside him. The arrangement made her feel as if she was on trial.

  "Are you ready for this?" Tony asked her.

  "Am I ready or willing?" Melanie tried to clarify.

  "Willing or not, it's going to happen. And it'll happen if you're ready or not."

  "I see."

  "Sounds to me, after what Tony has told me, that you really deserve a good going over," Glen interjected. By the sound of his voice, it seemed that Glen was as experienced as his ad claimed.

  "Well, I had thought we'd already taken care of that," she said, as she stared directly at her husband.

  Tony shook his head, a wicked gleam lighting his eyes, a firm sure expression on his lips. But he didn't speak.

  She looked back at Glen.

  "I think over the knee would work, don't you?"

  "Whatever you say." Melanie had trouble saying anything. This heart pounding experience was really making her so excited and nervous that she didn't know how she'd hold herself together.

  "Suppose you come here," Glen suggested. "I don't see any reason to wait."

  "Now, right now?" she stalled.

  "Now." There was a tenor in his voice that was quite commanding. Taking a good long look at the man, she wondered if he'd been a Marine, with the clean cut straight as an arrow look to him. Her heart was pounding even more, thinking of that severe authoritarian image.

  "Now," Glen repeated the command. "You won't want to know how rough I'll be on you, if I have to come get you."

  Melanie rose from her chair, and took a few awkward steps forward.

  "You were very deceitful with both Tony and me. Do you suppose that we can let that go unpunished?" he said.

  She bit her lip.

  "I expect answers," he informed her.

  "I suppose I do deserve it."

  "And this punishment will serve notice for the future?" he suggested.

  "Oh, yes, definitely."

  She was still several feet from the man, still feeling too nervous to take the final steps. The whole episode was having a very strange effect on her. It was not the same as with Tony; though it held her fascination nonetheless, maybe because she didn't really know Glen, and had no idea how this session would play out. Tony was a little predictable. This man was certainly not!

  "You're much too shy for a woman who's as experienced as you are with spanking. "Come here now," he ordered sternly. "I'm tired of waiting." Glen reached out and pulled her to his side, her body quickly going over his large firm lap. She was surprised to note that his felt much harder than Tony's. He was clearly a much different man than her husband, in many respects.

  Glen wasted no time, carefully, but deliberately pulling her wool skirt up over her bottom.

  For an instant, Melanie almost regretted her impetuous move, wearing the stockings and garter belt instead of tights. It seemed so risqué, as if she was deliberately flaunting herself for the man. Would Tony think her choice scandalous? And yet, she didn't have long to think about it, as Glen's large hand slipped under the elastic of her panties, and was lifting them up, pulling them down off her bottom. He didn't let them rest at her thighs, but pulled them all the way off her legs.

  Melanie trembled, a jumble of thoughts careening through her mind. What did Tony think? What did Glen think? What did she think of this amazing turn of events?

  Glen had his own paddle, a wooden implement made for smacking naughty bottoms. It had a large round punishment end and a handle which was made for Glen's large hands. He gripped it tightly and brought it down with a firm sharp smack on one waiting cheek. A second strike landed and Glen began the spanking. He started out slowly going back and forth from cheek to cheek. Melanie wiggled and groaned, though there was hardly a full scale protest, Glen was so calm and deliberate with her punishment.

  However, the longer he went on, the more her bottom stung, the more difficult it was not to cry out.

  "Ah, oooh, no." She was beginning to really feel the sting rising on her rear. "Please, please." She pushed against his controlling hand, though she was going no where. Glen ignored her pleas, and the paddle continued to land to her increasing discomfort.

  Tony looked on pleased as he could be. It was quite a rush seeing another man spank his wife's rear end. He knew she was holding back her distress, her spanking etiquette much improved with a guest spanker wielding the paddle. He'd have to remember that when they were together.

  Once Melanie's bottom was a bright rosy red top to bottom, Glen began to lay a spirited brisk round of cracks right in the center of each cheek. Melanie howled loudly, even though she was afraid she might be heard down the hallway. It was burning hot, and she'd just about reached her limit. But just when she thought she couldn't take another crack of the paddle, Glen stopped.

  For a moment she remained on his lap too exhausted to move, though moments later, he gently helped her stand. Melanie was thankful she had a skirt which instantly fell and covered her rosy behind, though to her dismay, Glen ordered her to turn around.

  "Let me see it," he said.

  "You mean my bottom?"

  "Of course your bottom," Glen said sternly.

  Lifting her skirt, both men eyed the rosy cheeks one last time. When she was allowed to turn back around, she dropped the skirt and found herself rubbing the sore cheeks, as she waited for someone to say something.

  "Well," Glen said, "I think it's time I left. I do hope you two enjoyed the treat?" he said.

  "I certainly did," Tony replied. He shook the man's hand, and the couple watched their "spanker for hire" walk from the room.

  When Glen had disappeared, Melanie eyed her husband who still sat rather passively behind his university desk, looking rather professorial.

  "I suppose you r
eally enjoyed it?" Melanie finally suggested.

  "Didn't you? It was your erotic fantasy."

  She gave Tony a tiny trace of a smile. "Maybe," she replied.

  "Be honest," he insisted.

  "Oh, okay, it was kind of exciting but . . ."

  "But what?"

  "I like you better."

  "Oh, you do?" Tony said smugly. "That's good, because I planned to keep spanking you whenever I can. It seems that when we get out of practice, you get into all kinds of trouble. Right?" He had a twinkle in his eye, but he was nonetheless serious.

  "Just one thing," Melanie said. She was as sincere as he was. "Why? Why did you have me call him?"

  "You still don't know?" he said.

  "No." She shook her head.

  "I knew you wouldn't do it yourself. And I'm not going to let your desires go unrequited. I don't want you pining away for another man, thinking that there's someone out there better for you than me."

  "That's quite an explanation."

  "You have a problem with it?"

  "No, not really. It makes you look very generous."

  "Frankly, I know you wouldn't like him as much as me anyway?"

  "And why's that."

  "You love me, that's why?" There was a sweet delectable smirk on his face. "Anyway, it made me hot. I mean really hot." There was a familiar look of lust in his eyes.

  "You're still hot?" Melanie asked.

  He nodded, and moved away from behind the desk. Approaching his wife and drawing her to him, he sat back down with her in his lap, and felt for her hot rear cheeks. He squeezed them until she moaned a soft protest.

  "So, is your infidelity satisfied?" he asked.

  "My curiosity is satisfied," she said. "It was hardly infidelity."

  "And you're not going into another massive denial of your spanking desires?"

  "No, not anymore."

  "And you're going to tell me when you're itching to get spanked?"

  "Every time," she vowed, even though neither one of them believed it. She snuggled against him, and they kissed one wet hot sloppy kiss. Her hands began to run down his chest, opening buttons, leaning in to kiss him.

  All of a sudden, he pushed her away. "Nope, not yet," Tony said, reading her mind. "We're going out to dinner first."


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