Chasing Him

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Chasing Him Page 32

by Kennedy Fox

  We barely make it inside the house before John’s mouth is back on mine, and he’s tearing at my leather jumpsuit. “How the fuck do you get this thing off?”

  I laugh, loving how eager he is to undress me. Turning around, I push my hair to the side and expose the zipper that goes down my back. He pulls it and helps get the fabric and my bra straps down my arms. Once I step out of the jumpsuit, I’m left in only my panties and heels. John grabs under my ass and lifts me up until my legs wrap around his waist. He starts carrying us down the hall to his room, his mouth latching to my neck and collarbone.

  “I missed you so damn much,” he says, setting me on the bed and lying over my body. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I hated being away from you every day. I couldn’t do it anymore,” I admit.

  His body towers over me, and when I cup his face in my hands, I bring his lips to mine and kiss him like I’ve been desperately wanting to for the past four months.

  “I’m glad you came,” he says, leaning back to undo the rest of the buttons on his shirt. Once he takes it off, along with his tie, he pulls off the Superman T-shirt, and I chew on my bottom lip admiring the view.

  “How is it you got even more ripped?”

  “Maize and I have been working out.” He winks, undoing his slacks next.

  “You mean you’ve been chasing after her now that she’s crawling everywhere.” I chuckle.

  “And pulling herself up on the furniture, giving me mini heart attacks. Girl’s on a mission to kill me before I’m forty.”

  I snort at his dramatics and help him remove his slacks and boxers.

  “I can’t wait to see her. I’ve missed her so much too.”

  “She’s with a sitter tonight,” he tells me. “So you’ll have to play with me instead.”

  My head falls back with laughter, and I can’t believe how easy it is to fall back into our ways as if I hadn’t ever left. It was part of my concern when I started planning my trip back, but all I knew was that I had to come and see for myself.

  “It’ll be my pleasure, Mr. Kent.” I pull him down, so I can kiss him again and wrap my legs around his waist, my heels digging into his ass. “I was going to come as Lois Lane once I found out what you and Jackson were going as, but I knew Jackson would’ve made a comment about it since he was the ‘real’ Superman.”

  “No shit.” He laughs. “Smart choice since I prefer your naughty side anyway.” He kisses down my body, making his way down my stomach and my panties before helping me out of them.

  “I have something to tell you first,” I say, biting down on my lower lip. His mouth is between my legs, kissing my thigh as my hands thread in his hair.

  “Can it wait?” He raises his head, popping a brow. “There’s a reunion about to happen down here.”

  “Oh my God, John.” I chuckle, wanting so desperately to tell him the truth, but knowing I can tell him later, I agree. “Fine.”

  “Actually, call me Clark. It’s kinda hot.”

  “So are those glasses,” I say, licking my bottom lip. “Mr. Clark Kent…”

  “At your service, ma’am.” He spreads my legs open, and the moment my back arches, his mouth is on my clit, and I see stars as he brings me to the edge over and over.

  Once he’s fully worked me into a frenzy, he brings his mouth back to mine and effortlessly slides inside. The moment our bodies connect, I lose it. Tears stream down my cheeks as I think how hard these past four months away from him have been. This was a true test of our love, and the way I feel with him right now only proves we belong together.

  “So…when were you gonna tell me about your little addition down there?” John asks, arching his brow.

  “Well, you didn’t really give me much of a chance.” I chuckle. “I got it a few weeks after I left.”

  John grabs my leg, raising it up high to get a better look. “I think it’s perfect.”

  “Texas will always be a part of me, and you’ll always have my heart. So I decided to do the outline of the state with a heart inside where Eldorado is located. The tattoo artist looked at me a little funny, but once I explained my story he said it was ‘dope,’” I say, giggling.

  “It’s totally dope!” John mocks. He lowers his mouth to press a kiss over the ink that’s on the inside of my thigh; the same spot John has his Scorpion.

  “Baby, why are you crying?” He stills, worry written all over his face.

  “Because I’m happy,” I tell him. “You make me so happy, and I just love you so much.”

  “I love you, too, sweetheart. We’re gonna get through the rest of this, okay? I promise.”

  I bring his lips back to mine and hold him so tightly, I’m sure he’ll have marks from my nails digging into his skin. “I’m not leaving, John.”

  “Mila…” he says in a warning tone, but I’m quick to stop him before he can continue.

  “I’m not letting you get away,” I say matter-of-factly. “I can chase my dreams here without sacrificing my life with you, and that’s what I want to do. It’s already planned and done.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Yes,” I say just above a whisper.

  “You’re staying? For good?” His eyes widen as if he’s trying to read my face for any joking.

  “For good, babe. I never want to be away from you or Maize again.”

  His face lights up, and it makes me laugh how excited and happy he is to hear me say that. “I don’t know what I did to deserve you, Mila Carmichael, but I’m so damn grateful you’re mine. Maize and I are the lucky ones.”

  John kisses me with a fervor I’ve never felt before and makes love to me until we’re both screaming in ecstasy. Covered in sweat and panting, we lie in bed, and as John holds me, I know without a doubt I never want to be with anyone else.

  John wakes me the next morning with his face between my legs again, and before we even get to breakfast, he’s carrying me to the shower and devouring every inch of my body with his tongue.

  “You need to feed me,” I whine as he dries me off with a towel. “I’m completely out of fuel.”

  “Don’t worry, baby. Mama’s making a big brunch spread for everyone.”

  “Oh, that won’t be awkward.” I groan.

  “Why? It’s not like she thinks we were playing board games all night.” He chuckles.

  “Because I want to stay on her good side!” I explain.

  “If she helped you plan all this, I can assure you you’re on her best side. So stop worrying.”

  “Okay, you’re probably right. But still.”

  “Go get dressed,” he says, smacking my ass.

  “Oh crap,” I say, pausing at the door. “My suitcase isn’t here, and I’m not wearing that jumpsuit to breakfast.”

  “Already here for you.” He winks and kisses my cheek. “Jackson brought it over early this morning before feeding the horses.”

  “Oh, that was nice of him. Now I’ll be able to walk in with some dignity left.”

  “I told him all about last night, which means everyone will know before breakfast.”

  “John Bishop! You did not!” I smack his arm though he barely flinches.

  He starts laughing, shaking his head at me. “Yep. You’re still so easy to rile up.”

  “You suck.” I wrinkle my nose and end up cracking up right along with him.

  “You always look so beautiful,” John whispers, standing behind me as I look at my reflection in the mirror. He drags a hand along my shoulders, pushing my hair to one side. “And fuck, you smell so good too. To hell with breakfast…” John’s mouth latches to my neck, making me laugh at how eager he is.

  “Before you make us extremely late, I have to ask you something.”

  “Sure, what is it?” He drags his nose along my neck, then presses a kiss just under my ear.

  I spin around, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. “We never got the chance to really talk about the Kensingtons’ first visit with Maize or visiting Bailey
’s gravesite.” His face falls, and I know it’s a hard topic for him. I’d been so busy these past few weeks that we’ve only been able to chat for short moments at a time, and he hadn’t had the chance to go into depth about what had happened.

  “You sure you want to talk about this now?” he asks.

  “Yes. I know it was a hard thing to go through, and I feel so guilty I wasn’t here for it.”

  “Don’t feel guilty, babe.” He wraps my hair around my ear and kisses my forehead. Before he continues, he grabs my hand and leads me to the bed where we both sit.

  “Well, first was the visitation. I told them they could come to see Maize here since it’s a familiar place for her and she’d feel safe. The three of us sat in the living room while Maize played on the floor. After a while, she started bringing them toys and warming up to their company. Soon, they were both on the floor with her and seeing that made it finally feel like I had made the right choice. I’d been so torn over it knowing Bailey had warned me, but as long as the visits are on our terms, I don’t worry as much.”

  “They sound like they want to make things right at least,” I offer, remembering what they told John during their mediation.

  “I really hope so because I don’t want them coming in and out of Maize’s life and confusing her.”

  “Did they ask to see her again?”

  “Yeah, before they left. I told them they could come to her birthday party, and we’d go from there.”

  “That’s good. If you’re uncomfortable around them, Maize will pick up on it, and that could confuse her too. So maybe going slow will help ease your worries.”

  “I think so too.”

  “Did they go with you to Bailey’s gravesite?” I ask, knowing this isn’t easy for him to talk about but I want to be involved in all aspects of their lives, even the sad ones.

  “No, I asked them not to, so they just gave me the location.”

  “So just you and Maize went?”

  “Yeah, I wanted to do it with just us two first. But I hope to bring you someday too.” He clasps my hand and squeezes. I smile with a nod in return. “I figure if Maize wants to keep going as she gets older, then it can be something we do together.”

  “Well until she understands, you can keep bringing her there, so it doesn’t feel so scary for her. I’m sure she’ll appreciate that with age.”

  “It was the first time I allowed myself to cry about her death. Standing there just made it more real and knowing she was missing out on Maize’s life just really hit me. I felt like such an idiot.”

  “Don’t say that. Crying is good for you. It’s part of the closure and grieving process.”

  “I figured you’d say that,” he says, chuckling softly. “I told Bailey how big Maize’s getting and how I’m so grateful for her each day that I get to be her dad. I thanked her for giving her a chance and for bringing her into my life. I felt like an idiot talking to myself.”

  “I’m proud of you,” I tell him, smiling up at him as his eyes gloss over. “Being vulnerable isn’t easy, but I’m glad you were able to finally say goodbye. I know she’d be very grateful for how well you’ve been taking care of Maize. Never doubt that, babe.”

  “I love you.” He turns, bringing our foreheads together. “Thank you.”

  “I love you, too, baby.”

  Once we finish getting ready, we drive to his parents’ and are greeted by everyone. Since I didn’t get to say hello to them last night, I give them all hugs. I flew in a couple of days ago but was hiding out at Gigi’s house.

  “Maize!” I grab her as soon as I see her and am so relieved when she doesn’t shy away from me. “Look how big you are! I can’t believe how much she grew.”

  “She’s a tank,” John says, leaning in to kiss her chubby cheek.

  “Eats like one too,” Mrs. Bishop adds.

  “Well, look at who her dad and uncles are.” I snort.

  Riley comes up to me and gives me a big hug, too, and I couldn’t be happier to be back, surrounded by all the Bishops.

  “Where’s Elizabeth?” I ask Emily.

  “She’s still napping but should be getting up in about a half hour or so.”

  “I bet she’s gotten so big too.”

  “She really has. Seven months and already crawling,” Emily responds.

  “And ready for a little sister or brother,” Mrs. Bishop blurts out.

  “I think it’s Jackson’s turn,” Evan chimes in, putting the spotlight on Jackson instead and smacking his shoulder. “You aren’t getting any younger.”

  “Nah, you guys keep having the babies, so I can spoil them and then send them back home,” he retorts. “Best part of being an uncle.”

  “He needs to settle down first,” Mr. Bishop comes in and adds. “By the time that happens, he’ll be fifty.”

  “Why y’all ridin’ my ass? I’m the only brother who didn’t knock up a girl before marriage. I deserve a medal,” he states matter-of-factly, and Mrs. Bishop rolls her eyes.

  “When you can start acting your age, you’ll get a damn medal,” Evan shoots back at him.

  “Forever young, baby!” Jackson shouts.

  “So, John,” Mrs. Bishop knowingly changes the subject as we all find our seats at the table. “Has Mila told you what we’re doing after this?”

  “No, not really.” John looks at me for answers, but I keep my lips sealed. “Haven’t had much of a chance to talk about it,” I say, hiding a smirk.

  “Their mouths were otherwise occupied,” Jackson blurts out.

  My cheeks heat with embarrassment as everyone laughs.

  “Don’t make me kick your ass again before lunch,” John threatens.

  “Again?” My brows raise in curiosity.

  “Don’t worry, Mila. I let him get a couple of good hits in before I fought back.” Jackson winks.

  John grunts. “Yeah, you really let me. Okay.”

  “Anyway…” Mrs. Bishop clears her throat, drawing the attention back to her conversation. “We’re heading to the church after this so y’all got about an hour before we have to be there.”

  “The church?” John asks, looking at me for confirmation.

  “I’m not telling you yet,” I say, keeping my head down, so his adorable pleading look doesn’t wear me down.

  The rest of lunch goes by quickly. I eat like I haven’t eaten in days but also Mrs. Bishop’s cooking is just too damn good, and I’ve really missed it. Once we help clean up, John and I get in his truck and tell everyone to meet us at the church.

  “Give me a hint,” John begs as we drive there. He squeezes my hand, and the look on his face is so damn cute, I almost give in.

  “It’s my plan,” is all I tell him. “It’s good news, I promise.”

  “Okay,” he says, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing my knuckles.

  As soon as we arrive, we park and only have to wait a couple of minutes for everyone else to arrive.

  “Close your eyes,” I tell him, grabbing his hand so I can lead him inside.

  “Jackson, if you pants me or push me into a wall, I’m going to kick your ass six feet under,” he threatens as soon as he hears Jackson behind him.

  “Language,” Mrs. Bishop reminds him.

  “I’m offended you’d even think that,” Jackson says, holding back a laugh.

  “Okay, wait here,” I tell John, positioning him in front of the sign. I go and flick on some more lights, so he can see it all. “Ready?” He nods, and when I take his hand, I tell him to open.

  He blinks a few times, and his jaw drops slightly as he looks at everything. “W-what is this? Mila’s Playground & School,” he reads the sign that hangs above the arched entryway. He turns toward me, completely stunned.

  “I found a way to stay,” I tell him simply. His forehead wrinkles as if he’s not sure about this plan, but I’m quick to explain it to him before he can say anything. “I always thought teaching at the school I went to is what I needed in order to be happy but turns ou
t it wasn’t. I love teaching, I’ll always love it, but that doesn’t mean I can’t teach and be here with you and Maize. So I figured chasing my dream and chasing you was the same thing, and there’s no reason why I can’t make both happen.”

  “I can’t believe this…” He blinks again, looking back at the sign and down the hallway that leads to classrooms. “How?”

  “Your mama,” I reply honestly. “And lots of helpers.”

  “The school shut down years ago, so I knew starting it back up would be quite the task, but we got lots of volunteers to help with getting it cleaned up again. New carpet, paint, and desks. Lots of donated toys and supplies,” Mrs. Bishop answers.

  “So you’re going to run it?” John asks.

  “Well, it’s going to be a day care center for newborns up to five years old. Then I’ll teach the 3k and 4k students and hire staff for the babies. Also, that way Maize can come here with me every day and start being around other children her age.”

  “I’m…shocked. Wow.” I can tell John’s mind is spinning as he tries to wrap his head around all of this. I can’t blame him, though, since it’s a lot to process all at once.

  When I called Mrs. Bishop that day and told her I needed to find a way to come back and be able to teach, knowing that’s something John wouldn’t want me to sacrifice to be with him, she helped come up with a plan that would benefit everyone. Once we started the prep work, she truly was a miracle in helping get so much of the work done. I couldn’t be there to make final decisions, but I trusted Mrs. Bishop one-hundred percent. She’d send me pictures for approval and ideas but just knowing I was going to be able to teach in Texas was enough. I was happy with anything and not picky at all. She’s gone above and beyond to make this happen, and I couldn’t be more appreciative of everything she’s done.

  “I wanted to come back with a plan,” I start to explain. “I knew you’d be worried I was giving up teaching to be here, but I was miserable in Georgia and knew it wasn’t the answer. Now I can be with Maize, still teach little kids, and most importantly be with you.”

  “I can’t believe you did this,” he says, brushing a hand through his hair and still looking shocked. “I’m so proud of you, though.” He cups my face and kisses me. “And thank you for not giving it up. I know you love teaching, and I want you to have everything you love.”


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