Bedded by the Billionaire

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Bedded by the Billionaire Page 8

by Leanne Banks

  Unable to tear her gaze from his, Lilli felt something snap and shimmer between them. A forbidden possibility neither of them would consider. What if Max was her husband? What if…Feeling as if the circuits in her head had scrambled and misfired, she looked away from him.

  She took a mind-clearing breath. “That was stupid. This is about the baby. You feel responsible because you’re the uncle. It’s not about me.”

  He cleared his throat. “It’s all connected. The baby, you, me. And since your delivery date is growing closer, you must make a decision about guardianship if something should happen to you.”

  She glanced back at him and watched him pull a manila envelope from his suit jacket pocket. “I’ve asked my attorney to come up with an agreement that should be more palatable for you. While I’m gone, I want you to look at this and take it to another attorney if that will make you more comfortable.”

  Her heart twisted. This entire meal had been a setup. Max wanted one thing and one thing alone from her. Control of her baby. Although she wanted to toss the agreement back at him, she felt forced to take the envelope for the sake of civility.

  Max seemed to sense the change in her mood and signed for the check and escorted her from the dining room. She hated sharing the close space of the elevator, but getting into the Ferrari with him was far more excruciating. The darkness closed around them, creating a veil of intimacy.

  Every time he shifted gears, her gaze strayed to his hand tightening around the knob. His long legs flexed as he accelerated and pushed in the clutch. Despite her hostility, she couldn’t help noticing a commanding sensuality with the way he drove the luxury sports car. He would be a commanding, demanding lover, she knew, but he would also make sure his partner was satisfied. In fact, she suspected a woman might never be the same once she’d shared a bed with Max.

  As soon as he pulled into the garage and came to a stop, she turned to unlock her door. The second after she hit the button, the automatic lock clicked again, effectively trapping her in the car with Max. Inhaling a shallow breath, she caught a draft of his masculine scent with just a hint of cologne.

  Although she fought its effect on her, she couldn’t deny feeling light-headed and entirely too aware of him as a man. “What do you want?” she asked without turning to look at him.

  “You haven’t had a chance to read my attorney’s proposal, so you can’t be upset about it. But you haven’t said a word since we left the restaurant. Why?”

  She stiffened her resolve against his gentle, reasonable voice. “You don’t seem to understand. My baby is not for sale.”

  Three seconds of silence passed before she felt his hand on her arm. “Look at me. You can’t really believe that I intend to buy your child.”

  She reluctantly faced him. “Why should I believe anything else? You’ve been trying to cram money down my throat since the first time I met you. In exchange for control of my child.” She willed herself to keep her voice from wavering. “You said I should find this agreement more palatable. You don’t seem to understand that it doesn’t matter how much money you pile onto the agreement, I’m not giving up my baby to you.”

  He stared at her in shock. “Is that what you think? That the new agreement is about money? It isn’t. It gives you far more rights than the previous one. Good God, do you really think I’m that much of an ogre?”

  Glimpsing his sincerity, she bit her lip in confusion. “I didn’t know what else to think. You invite me to a fabulous dinner where you act as if you’re actually enjoying my company then slap me with a contract.”

  “Of course I enjoyed dinner with you. Otherwise, I could have left the contract with one of my staff to give to you. And I wanted you to have my contact numbers. This is my last night in town for a while. I wanted to spend it with you.”

  Her heart hammered against her rib cage and she shook her head. “You’re confusing me. I don’t know what you want from me,” she said. “Other than to sign your agreement.”

  He looked into her eyes for a long moment then his gaze traveled to her lips and lingered. He lifted his gaze again to hers and she felt scorched by the desire she saw there.

  “You want to know what I want from you?” he asked in a low voice. Then he lowered his head and took her mouth. He slid one of his hands under her jaw and cupped her face as if she were both precious and sensuous. The gesture undid her.

  He devoured her mouth in dizzying kisses as he gently rubbed his hands down her neck, massaging her taut muscles.

  His kiss turned her body into a bow of tension, eager for him. His massaging fingers gentled her, clouding her mind, making her willing to do whatever he wanted.

  His mouth continued to take hers while his fingers drifted across her collarbone and lower to the tops of her breasts. She felt her nipples strain against the cups of her bra. Restlessness and need swelled inside her.

  He paused a half beat then slid his fingertips beneath the top of her blouse, brushing them over her sensitized nipples. She gasped in pleasure at the sensation.

  He pulled his hands from her breasts and placed them on her shoulders. He pulled his mouth a breath away from hers and it was all she could do to keep from asking him not to stop.

  “I want you,” he said against her mouth. “I want you in every way you can imagine and probably a few you can’t. But now is not the time.” He slid one of his hands through her hair. “Promise me that you’ll take care of yourself while I’m away. No taking chances. And call me if you need me.”

  Lilli closed her eyes. She’d felt the power of his desire. What frightened her was the fact that her desire for him matched his. What frightened her even more was the very real possibility that she could need Max in ways he would never dream.


  Two and a half weeks later, Lilli dragged herself from her little car up the steps from the mansion’s garage. Her back and legs had been aching all day. She felt tired and cranky and, heaven help her, she missed Max. He called frequently, and every time, she felt the tension between them twist a little tighter.

  She’d spent more than one night flirting with the forbidden fantasy of Max being the father of her child. Right now, though, all she wanted to focus on was getting a sandwich, taking a shower and going to bed.

  Stepping into the foyer, she stopped and drank in a moment of peace and quiet then walked toward the kitchen.

  “Surprise!” a chorus of voices called, startling her so much she dropped her water bottle and purse.

  Her friends clapped in delight.

  “We did it,” her best friend Dee crowed. “We surprised you.”

  “Yes, you did.” Lilli felt some of her weariness fade away and smiled. “How did you pull this off?”

  “Because we’re your brilliant friends, of course,” Dee said. “And I think Mallory here has a magic wand. She knew how to deal with the staff, and just wait until you see the cake she brought.”

  “Cake?” Lilli echoed and gave Mallory a hug as the woman walked toward her. She’d enjoyed a few lunches with Mallory during the last two weeks and Lilli already had a soft spot for the woman. “You shouldn’t have.”

  “It’s nothing. I’m just glad to be a part of all this. Now come in and sit down. Let me get you some sherbet punch.”

  After Lilli opened the gifts for her and the baby, Mallory presented Lilli with a large sheet cake decorated with a baby in a blue buggy inscribed with frosted letters, “Happy Baby, Lilli!” The cake was lit with one candle.

  “Make a wish and blow out the candle,” Mallory said.

  “But it’s not my birthday.”

  “It’s your first baby. You can add more candles when you have more babies.”

  Lilli looked at her in horror. “More?”

  “Okay, let’s just focus on one, then,” Mallory quickly amended. “Make a wish and blow out the candle.”

  Lilli closed her eyes and wished for a safe and easy delivery and good health for her baby. Secretly, she wished for a father for her c
hild. An image of the man she would choose appeared in her mind. She blinked, pushing aside the thought. Crazy and impossible, she thought. Must be the hormones.

  Just after she opened the last gift, the room abruptly turned silent.

  “Major hot guy alert,” Dee whispered.

  Lilli turned to see Max standing in the doorway, a wrapped package in his hand. “Max,” she said, stunned. “I thought you were still traveling.”

  “I just got back thirty minutes ago. You didn’t tell me you were having a baby shower,” he said in a lightly chastising tone.

  Lilli drank in the sight of him. Holding her breath, she wondered if he had looked forward to seeing her again as much as she had looked forward to having him back home. She wondered if he still wanted her the same way he had before.

  Dee cleared her throat. “It was a surprise shower,” she said to Max. “What’s in the box?”

  He gave a brief glance to Dee then moved toward Lilli. His gaze dipped to her belly.

  “I’ve gotten bigger,” she said, unable to keep herself from smiling.

  He gave a half grin. “So you have. And still glowing.” He gave her the small but beautifully wrapped box. “Myrtle left a message for me about the shower. I thought you could use this.”

  Her hands trembled and she wished they would stop. She hadn’t seen Max in weeks and she would just like to sit down and talk with him. She managed to open the box and found a gift certificate inside. “One mother’s helper of your choice from Personalized Nanny Services for one year.”

  Mallory nodded in approval. “PNS is the very best.”

  “A nanny?” Lilli said, staring at Max. “I hadn’t planned—”

  “Oh, no,” Dee said. “You’re not turning this one down. She loves it,” Dee said to Max. “Perfect gift. Thank you very much.” She turned back to Lilli. “If you get tired of having her around, you can send her over to my place. I would love for someone to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and chocolate chip cookies for me.”

  Several of the women moaned in agreement. “Will she do laundry? Will she grocery shop?”

  Max met Lilli’s gaze. “She’ll do whatever Lilli wants her to do.”

  There was another group moan followed by a collective sigh.

  “Can I see you privately for a moment?” he asked.

  Lilli felt a combination kick from the baby and a flutter from her heart. “Sure,” she said, rising from her seat.

  “Ask him about Alex,” Mallory whispered.

  Tearing her gaze from Max, she glanced at Mallory. “Ask him what about Alex?”

  “Where he hangs out after work. I introduced him to my father and haven’t seen him since.”

  “From what Max says, that could be for the best. Alex is supposed to be a major player.”

  “I’d just like the opportunity to find out for myself,” Mallory said.

  “Okay. I’ll see what I can do,” she said, but her mind wasn’t on Alex or Mallory. It was dominated by Max. She followed him into the foyer, noticing subtle changes in his appearance. His hair was just a little longer, more wavy. When he turned to face her, she noticed his eyes looked a bit weary as he studied her.

  “It’s a nice surprise to see you,” she said. “I had no idea you’d be back so soon.”

  “I’m glad I could make it. Are you okay? Any of Tony’s friends hanging around?”

  “I’m fine and I haven’t seen any of Tony’s friends in a long time.”

  “Good,” he said and held her gaze. “I have another event I’m expected to attend tonight, but we need to talk sometime soon. Have you looked over the agreement I left with you?”

  She felt a rush of disappointment. “Yes, I have.”

  “Good,” he said again. His gaze seemed to say so much more, but Lilli wondered if she was imagining it. “I won’t keep you from your friends.”

  She felt another twist of disappointment. That was it. No I’m glad to see you, I want you… Nothing. She stared, waiting, wanting.

  “Good night,” he said and turned toward the door.

  Lilli continued to stare after him, starting to feel like a fool. Had she misunderstood? “Wait,” she said.

  He stopped just as he reached the door and turned around. “Yes?”

  Her heart raced. Confused, she didn’t know what to say. “I…uh…” She groped for something to say. “Mallory asked me to ask you about Alex.”

  “Alex Megalos?” he said with a frown, walking back toward her.

  “Yes. I think she’d like to get to know him better. She was wondering where he usually hangs out after work,” she said, suddenly feeling like a middle schooler.

  He shook his head. “I have no idea.”

  She gave a slow nod. “Okay” she said. “I’ll tell her.”

  He shrugged. “I can probably find out something from my assistant.”

  “Thanks.” She hesitated a half beat, hating the awkwardness between them. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. Just tired and harassed. I’ve been on longer trips, but this one felt like it went on forever.”

  She nodded again. “Yeah, it did—” She broke off before she added for me, too. Feeling her cheeks heat from his knowing gaze, she cleared her throat. “Why do you think it felt so long?”

  “I think you know,” he said and moved closer to her.

  “You want me to sign the agreement about the baby,” she said in a husky voice.

  “That’s part of it.” He lowered his head. He inhaled sharply and closed his eyes then stepped back. God help him, if he started kissing her, he wouldn’t stop. Being away from her hadn’t cleared his perspective or dampened his desire for her. And Max knew there wasn’t a damn thing he could do about wanting her at the moment. He’d missed the sound of her laughter and knowing she would be there at home for the end of the day.

  Maybe it was a good thing he had to attend the charity fund-raiser tonight after all. Being with Lilli was a constant reminder of what he couldn’t have.

  “I should go,” he said in a low voice. “We can talk more on Friday. Tomorrow will be a busy day.”

  “Okay, thank you for the gift.”

  “You’re welcome,” he said and held her gaze for a long moment before he left.

  The following evening, Lilli flipped through the newspaper as she put up her feet at the end of a long day. She glanced at the bad news on the front page, skipped the Sports section and stopped at the Lifestyle section. The front page featured photos of a charity function sponsored by Max’s company. In one of the photos, Kiki stood next to Max, her arm looped through his. He didn’t look as if he were suffering at all.

  A surge of something dark twisted through her and when she realized what it was, she felt more stupid than ever. She was jealous. Maybe it was hormones. Oh Lord, she hoped so. Because if it were hormones then at some point, when her hormones straightened out again, the crazy longing would go away.

  Restless after reading the article, she took a long bath and listened to soothing music. She sipped herbal tea to calm herself and tried not to think about that photo of Max with Kiki.

  She slept horribly, unable to get comfortable. Giving up on sleep, she rose earlier than usual. When she got out of bed, she felt exhausted and noticed her abdomen tightening. As she prepared for work, the sensation didn’t go away. Were these contractions?

  Although she had a few weeks left before her due date she called her doctor’s office. The doctor on call asked a few questions then, erring on the cautious side, instructed her to go to the hospital.

  Lilli grabbed her purse and went downstairs. Max stood poised to leave. He met her gaze. “Good morning. How are you?”

  Lilli burst into tears.

  Alarmed by her response, Max dropped his briefcase and immediately took her in her arms. “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  She choked back a sob. “I may be in labor. My doctor told me to go to the hospital. Max, this is happening too fast.” Her blue eyes filled with tears of desp
eration. “I’m not ready.”

  “Of course you are,” he said firmly even though his own gut was clenching in apprehension. “I’ll drive you to the hospital and—”

  “Are you sure that’s what you want—?”

  “Of course I’m sure,” he said, appalled that she would expect anything less of him. “We’ll take the town car.” He ushered her to the garage. “I’ll drive. You can sit in the backseat and stretch out.”

  His own heart hammering in his chest, Max helped her into the car and sped to the hospital. He shot a glance at Lilli in the rearview mirror and the expression of fear on her face tore at him. “You’re going to be okay. The baby is going to be okay.”

  “Do you really believe that?”

  He nodded. “Yes, I do.” He had to believe it.

  Pulling the car to a stop outside the emergency room door, he helped Lilli inside. An admission clerk took her information and Lilli was whisked away. Just before she disappeared behind the double doors, she looked back at Max. “Are you leaving?”

  He shook his head. “I’ll be right back after I park the car.” Returning to the hospital, he was consumed with concern for Lilli and the baby. He would get the finest doctors in Las Vegas to care for her. He would do whatever it took to keep Lilli and the baby safe and healthy.

  He strode toward the emergency room double doors, making a mental list. A woman stepped in front of him. “Excuse me, sir. You’re not allowed inside unless you’re a member of a patient’s family.”

  Frustration ripped through him. He needed to take care of Lilli, but it wasn’t his official duty or his official right. At that moment, he made a life-altering decision. He knew there would be no going back. But never again would he worry about being barred from taking care of Lilli or the baby. He would make her his wife. That way, taking care of her and the baby would always be his right. “I’m the baby’s father,” he told the woman, and she allowed him to pass.

  Two and a half hours later, a mortified Lilli left the hospital with Max. “I’m so sorry,” she said, shooting a wincing glance at him. His hair was ruffled from plowing his fingers through it and his tie hung loose from his collar. He was more gorgeous than ever and she felt like a lunatic. “I should have realized it was false labor.”


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