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InvitingTheDevil Page 4

by Gabriella Bradley

  I doubted I’d see Kalem during the next couple of weeks unless I ran into him by accident or if he called for me, which I doubted he would. In four weeks, at the show, it would probably be the first time I’d see him again. My stomach knotted just thinking about it so I concentrated on my breakfast and coffee. I had tons of time. Starting at ten in the morning was a bonus.

  I took my coffee to the balcony. Leaning on the railing, I gazed at the busy traffic below, people rushing to get to work on time or catching a bus. It was a glorious day. It was really too bad I’d have to spend it indoors. Summer didn’t last long enough and weather permitting, I liked to spend as much of it as I could outdoors—going to the park, swimming, biking, or just going for walks.

  I was just about to go inside and leave for work when I saw the limo pull up. Special treatment or does he send a limo for all his models? I gathered my shoulder bag, stuffed the high heels into it, and just as the buzzer rang, was ready to leave.

  I greeted Charlie, the chauffeur. He touched his cap. “I could have caught the bus like I usually do,” I told him.

  “Orders from the boss, Miss. You are to be driven to and from work.”

  I climbed into the limo. After Charlie pulled away from the curb, I asked him, “Does he do this for all the models?”

  “Yes, Miss.”

  I felt a pang of disappointment—no special treatment after all. It was stupid of me to have expected it. Even more dumb was to continue harboring even the slightest hope that he was interested in me beyond my sketches and modeling. A girl can dream. I’ll just drool quietly. Not sure if I’m into the smacking part anyway or if I even really want to be involved with such a control freak.

  The next weeks were grueling. Sheldon worked me hard but seemed satisfied with my progress. If I thought the weekend would be mine, I quickly learned it wasn’t. I wondered if that involved overtime and tried to remember if I’d read anything about it in the contract—as if it really mattered. My pay was so high, it allowed for extra time I put in. I didn’t dare complain. I wondered why he was rushing me for this fashion show. Was I to be the new attraction? Did it even work like that for fashion shows? Sure, some models attained fame, graced the covers of magazines, even got asked to pose for famous magazines. I wasn’t at all convinced I wanted to be that famous, and less sure I would become so. Grace the midsections of magazines? Yikes.

  After three weeks, I had to have another waxing treatment and more electrolysis.

  What came next was completely unexpected and I thought highly unnecessary as no one in the audience could see that part of me.

  With a towel wrapped around me, Helen led me to a small room.

  “Remove the towel and lie on the table,” she told me.

  It looked like a doctor’s office. “I have to be examined?”

  Helen giggled. “No. Kalem likes his models to have piercings.”

  “My ears are pierced already, three holes in each lobe.”

  “Not your ears, honey.” She left the room, closing the door behind her.

  It soon opened again and a man wearing a white doctor’s jacket entered. He was in his mid-thirties and quite handsome with short blond hair and gray eyes. When he examined me, I automatically swung an arm over my breasts.

  “No need to be shy. I do this all the time. My name’s John. I do all the piercings for the girls.”

  “I’m Danea. What are you going to pierce?” I’d expected him to tell me my bellybutton, my nipples, but shocked me.

  “Your clit.”

  “What? Okay, I draw the line at that.”

  “Would you like to tell Kalem yourself? I’ll get a phone for you.”

  My heart went into overdrive. “Will it hurt?” I asked in a squeaky voice.

  “A little. Kalem asked for a ring. Later, if there’s enough time between shows, he wants your nipples and bellybutton done, too. I need to examine you first to see if your clitoris is suitable for piercing. Not everyone’s is. Draw your legs up and open them wide.”

  Oh man, pretend he’s a doctor, Danea. Close your eyes and let him do his thing.

  “The needle goes through the piece of skin that covers your clitoris, the hood.”

  His pulled my lips apart with his fingers. I felt him work my clit until it throbbed and hardened. I imagined Kalem doing that instead of a stranger, yet the idea of this handsome man playing with me, turned me on as well. He continued to work my clit until I thought it would burst.

  “Beautiful. You’re a perfect for this. Now, hold your breath for a moment and don’t move.”

  I felt a sharp stab, a moment of intense pain and couldn’t stop the scream. My legs trembled, but as fast as the pain had attacked, it subsided.

  “I’m now inserting a sixteen-gauge, eighteen carat gold, captured bead ring horizontally through the hood.”

  I felt him dabbing and dared to open my eyes. He gazed intently at my genitals, his focus was obviously on my clit and the ring. I felt a slight movement as he applied some salve from a small jar. My clit still throbbed and was hard, my labia swollen and hot.

  He grinned up at me. “All done. I’ll show you.” Reaching behind, he produced a mirror and held it between my legs. “Doesn’t it look beautiful? You won’t even realize it’s there. You were very good. Some girls do carry on.”

  I gazed at my cleft, my protruding clit and the gold ring. It looked quite exotic.

  “You’re very beautiful, Danea. If it weren’t for the contract I signed, I’d ask you out for a date.”

  His fingers ran up and down my cleft, felt my vagina briefly. “This will be next.”

  “I thought I was done?”

  “Not quite. Kalem requested your labia, outer and inner, be pierced as well. I’ll do the inner labia first. It’s quite small so I’ll use small rings.”

  I squealed again as he pierced both small inner flaps of flesh. But the sting was brief. My clit continued to throb and I was mortified when I climaxed and a trickle of my juices slithered down my crack. He didn’t bat an eyelid and wiped me.

  The piercing of my outer labia hurt—or labia majora as John called it. “I hope this room is soundproof,” I said through clenched teeth. “Do all the girls have these?”


  “I don’t see the purpose of it. I’m not going to be modeling this part of me.”

  “I haven’t asked for explanations, so in all honesty, I can’t tell you. This is all for now. Your other piercings will come later. Look.” He held the mirror between my legs and carefully pulled my outer lips far apart.

  I saw my gaping vagina, the two small flaps with their tiny rings on each. The gold sparkled brightly against the pink of my inner flesh. He let go of the outer lips and I saw two, fairly thick gold rings at the base on each side. He put the mirror down and fiddled with the lips. I thought he was just salving these rings, but when he held the mirror up again each set had a tiny lock attached to it.

  “My God. Is he assuring I won’t sleep around and get pregnant?”

  “That’s my take on it. In the past, he’s lost models due to pregnancy and after they’ve had a child, he doesn’t want them anymore.”

  “It’s barbaric,” I muttered, still gazing at my locked pussy. “Surely I get a key? Although how the hell I can open the locks, is beyond me. I hate to ask you this, but how do I insert a tampon?”

  “There is enough room between the two sets to allow for that, but not enough room to allow anything bigger than a finger to enter. Only Kalem has the keys.”

  I almost died when as an example he swiftly entered his finger into my gushing opening. I noticed his expression was intense, his gaze hot on my body. He moved his finger back and forth a couple of times and quickly withdrew. I was sure he would have loved to continue, but he didn’t dare.

  “As you can see, a penis cannot gain access anymore. I’ll see you soon for your other piercings, Danea. All the best with your first show. The girls will give you instructions on how to keep the piercings c
lean. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort and if you keep the area clean, no infection. It’s not advisable to have sex for a few months although some women have told me they had sex a few weeks later and it didn’t bother them or the piercings.”

  “I thought all the models had the same? Don’t all have the locks?”

  “I have other clients,” he said with a smile.

  I saw him adjust his crotch before he opened the door and realized he had a hard-on.

  I quickly dressed and hurried to the parking where I knew the limo would be waiting for me.

  Time flew and I sometimes wondered vaguely what had happened to the design part of my jobs. At night I was so exhausted I didn’t have the inclination or desire to touch my sketchbook. It was as if my creative muse had gone on holidays. Each evening I came home, I welcomed my hot bath to relax my aching feet each evening and went to bed early most nights. My rest was often disturbed by the repeating dream of Kalem the devil.

  Sheldon kept me so busy, I rarely had time to examine my decisions during the day. The evenings were a different matter. What had caused me to agree to a modeling career? The money? The desire to be noticed by him? I longed to see him, to hear his voice, but merely caught glimpses of him when entering or leaving the building.

  Tomorrow was the big day. Today, Thursday, was fitting day. Is he going to be present for that?

  No such luck. I felt like a fish out of water among the chattering models who all seemed to know each other quite well. Sheldon was flitting about and so were several seamstresses.

  “Here are your clothes, Danea. You’ll start with this one.” He handed me a light blue winter dress and hung the others on a rack. “Hurry up and put it on so the seamstress can make last minute adjustments.”

  The dress wasn’t one of my designs. I’d really hoped to see some of mine, but I guess it was too early for that. I slipped the dress on, its soft cashmere a caress on my skin. It fit me perfectly, as if it were made just for me. Maybe it had been. It was really a very simple dress, long fitted sleeves, a scoop neckline that stopped in soft folds at just the right spot on my breasts, the skirt reached about six inches above my knees. The back was the eye catcher. Braided silk crisscrossed my back from side to side. Back? There was virtually no back until just below the top of my bum crack. Sexy? Hell yeah. Wear it in public? Hell no.

  A seamstress approached and asked me to step onto a small stool. I could hardly believe that she pinned, tucked, and pinned some more. Mirrors surrounded me so I could see myself from every angle. She hadn’t touched the back.

  “Eh, the back is a tad low,” I suggested. “You can see part of my butt.”

  “It’s perfect and just the way Kalem wants it. He designed this dress especially for you.”

  “Really? I’m not sure I want to wear it if you can’t hide my butt.”

  “I wouldn’t argue with the boss, dear, if you want to last in this game.”

  “Mm, it isn’t too bad I suppose.”

  “A G-string bikini shows a lot more butt. This is nothing. Take it off, please.”

  Carefully, I wriggled out of the dress so the pins wouldn’t scratch me. I quickly donned the silk robe and waited for Sheldon to tell me which one to try on next. I glanced at the other models who paraded around shamelessly in just their G-string panties. They weren’t bothered that Sheldon was there. There was a lot I had to get used to. He eventually came to me.

  “This one is next, darling. I must say that blue dress looked heavenly on you. Sexy as hell. Drop the robe, hon. I’ll help you get into this one.”

  A jolt shot through me. Sheldon was gay, but the idea of standing naked in front of him, turned me on. Weird. Even if he weren’t gay, he wasn’t my type so why was I hot and bothered suddenly?

  “Oh, darling, your panties won’t do at all for this dress. You need to wear a G-string.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know.”

  “Always, always wear G-string panties for a show. I’ll get you some.”

  He hurried away. While he was gone, I scrutinized the other models. I felt fat. They all seemed incredibly skinny. Do they eat at all?

  “Hurry up, darling. We don’t have all day. Take your panties off,” Sheldon muttered.

  “Where can I change?”

  “Where? Right here. No room for shame in this business.”

  I quickly slipped my panties down and stepped out of them. His gaze never traveled to my exposed cleft. It didn’t interest him, but it still made me feel very uncomfortable. Just as quickly, I stepped into the tiny thong and pulled it up.

  “That’s better. Now the dress.”

  It was full length and black. Made from a lacy material and adorned with shimmering embroidered vines—it was quite exotic. It was also very sheer. Again, the sleeves were long and fitted. A slave collar studded with rhinestones graced my neck its rhinestone D-ring hanging just below the hollow between my collarbones. The dress opened from there exposing a lot of skin right down to my pubes. The dress clung to me as if magnetized. Matching black high heels studded with rhinestones complemented the dress.

  Sheldon helped me up on the stool then stepped back. “Stunning. You’re going to wow the audience in this dress, darling.”

  The same seamstress approached me. She adjusted the dress here and there but didn’t pin anything. “It’s perfect,” she said. “No alterations for this one.”

  I looked at my reflection in all the mirrors. My heart raced. My God, I’m supposed to display myself like this before an audience? Do people even buy such a dress? Yes, they do. I remembered seeing pictures of movie stars in their shocking outfits at the award galas.

  “Isn’t she a knockout? Kalem outdid himself,” Sheldon said, turning to the seamstress.

  I noticed pride in his tone. “How long have you worked for him?”

  “All my life, doll. That’s a joke. Actually, I’ve known Kalem since we were kids.”

  One of the vine leaves barely hid my cleft. Strings of rhinestones held the two front panels in place. Two smaller leaves covered my nipples, but I might as well have paraded around naked. A vine circled from my thigh up to my buttocks and partially covered my bum crack.

  I caught some of the models staring at me. Was that envy I read on their faces? That’s all I needed, a bunch of jealous women eying me as if they’d seen a boa constrictor.

  It was really a beautiful gown but to me, it was more suitable for the bedroom. Sheldon was already unfastening the clasp on the collar and helping me out of the gown. He handed me the third one and rushed off to assist someone else. I gathered I could get into this one myself.

  The material was so fine, it seemed spun from pure silver. I stepped into it almost afraid to tear the fragile cloth and pulled it up. The back, again, was completely bare to just below my butt crack. The top was strapless, the bra cups so low, they almost left my nipples exposed. I could never walk in this dress without it slipping down. I tried to tug it up, but was again afraid it would tear. A fine pattern was spun throughout the material. A metal rhinestone studded band just below my knees supported the flared bottom. It was really exquisite, but again, suitable for the bedroom. It was even more see-through than the black had been. I might as well wear nothing.

  Sheldon joined me. “Oh, this is beyond stunning. Wait until I add the final touch. Hold your arms out, hon.”

  It looked like a leather harness but it was made from a very soft silver metal that bent easily. Rhinestones studded the collar I wore around my neck and again a D-ring dangled from the front of it. The harness resembled an open cup bra. My breasts were encased securing the silver material to stretch tightly around the globes. A wide band beneath my breasts fastened at the back. Small beautifully ornate hooks secured the harness to the top of the bra cups. The tight wide strap beneath my breasts fastened at the back with a jeweled clasp, as did the collar. All the leather straps had been adorned with rhinestones. It was gorgeous, outlandishly sexy, but stunningly beautiful at the same time. I slipped into
the matching silver high heels. Sheldon danced around me yelling at everyone to look at the highlight of the show. All faces turned to look at me—fourteen pairs of envious eyes examined me from head to toe.

  I inspected my reflection in the mirrors surrounding me and had never felt so sexy in my life as I did at that moment. It was beyond stunning. It was as if I’d stepped out of a sci-fi or a fantasy movie. Why had Kalem designed those dresses for me? Why was he determined to expose all parts of my body right away? I couldn’t help but feel a thrill as I looked at my breasts and nipples. The gossamer fabric might as well not been there. It almost looked as if my boobs had been spray painted with silver. My nipples were hard and I was afraid if I coughed, they’d pierce the fabric. I’d seen pictures of some of his outlandish designs, but never any as gorgeous as these, or as revealing and sexy. I realized why I’d had to have a complete wax job .

  “No alterations necessary,” the seamstress said.

  I took one more look at my reflection. My dark nipples were so clearly visible, my breasts swelling above the harness with plenty of cleavage in between. The G-string Sheldon handed me at least hid my clit, but my butt crack was very visible, too. If I thought the black dress was revealing and I might as well go naked, this one was more so. It was so damn exotic, it even turned me on just gazing at myself in the mirrors.

  Sheldon helped me out of the harness. “You’ll need a silver thong to wear under this,” he said and scribbled on his notepad. “The limo will pick you up at noon tomorrow to take you to the salon. The show is at four. Don’t bother with your hair or makeup tomorrow morning and rest up. I’m sure you’re nervous, darling.”

  “Just slightly.”

  “Darling, have a few glasses of wine tonight to relax. Tomorrow is a big day for you.”


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