by Martha Twine
‘Well, that is not the IRA,’ said Bill. ‘We honestly do not do that. We arrange for our kids to be properly educated, which, I must admit, our gangland subcontractors do not. If they show aptitude, our kids go on to higher education, and they are prepared to take their place in society, so that they blend in with their community. But of course, they have to be prepared for their covert role as well. They regularly attend summer schools and outward-bound courses designed to wake them up slowly to their real identity as members of a covert power, who do not recognise the laws of the land they live in.’
‘I suppose it’s a bit like being brought up in a remote religious sect,’ I said.
‘I disagree,’ said Bill. ‘You’re not sufficiently aware of your own programming. All cultures have their own idiosyncrasies. It’s just that your culture happens to be the prevailing one in the West. You accept lots of things without question. You pay your taxes and expect the Government to provide a range of services. We don’t have a Government set-up. We have a parental hierarchy, so the patriarch and matriarch of each group take all the cash and see to the needs of their family. Your way is not necessarily better, it’s just different.’
‘In that case, there is more in common between the IRA and the mafia than I had realised,’ I said. ‘But can you tell me where the American cults fit into all this? Because I’ve met quite a few people from an American cult apparently working with the IRA.’
‘Ah,’ said Bill. ‘That is another thing that has come to us from across the pond. They are a breakaway group, who specialise in psychological warfare, and covert use of chemical and biological agents, to counter those whom they perceive as their enemies. We frequently work with them as advisors. Say there is a local politician who is causing trouble for us on some project. There is more than one way to deal with that.’
‘Oh, I know what you mean,’ I said. ‘I remember that there was a man who led a US charity in Africa, and he uncovered some kind of corruption, implicating people from the US. He got a lot of publicity for his cause. Then, one day, he was found wandering naked in the street, shouting at passers-by in a psychotic state, and it was said that he had been overworking, and would have to step back from his job for a while.’
‘Yeah,’ said Bill. ‘I think you’ve got the general idea.’
‘We seem to have covered a lot more ground than I was expecting today,’ I said, trying to suppress a shudder of horror at the note on which our conversation had ended. ‘It’s been really helpful to have your take on things. Cleared up a lot of confusion. I guess I’d better be going now.’
‘Before you go,’ said Bill, ‘Can you do something for me?’
‘What is it?’ I asked cautiously.
Bill drew a letter out of his pocket.
‘Can you post this for me?’ he said.
‘Well I can,’ I said, ‘But is there a problem about your doing that?’
Bill shrugged his shoulders.
‘Somehow, when I post letters, they don’t seem to arrive. I’d be obliged if you could see to it yourself.’
‘How would it be if I took it to the Post Office, and got it sent Special Delivery?’ I said. ‘That should do it.’
‘Would you?’ asked Bill.
He took my hand and pressed it warmly. I could see it meant a lot to him.
‘See you around,’ I said, waving goodbye.
When Bill said that his letters didn’t seem to arrive, I could believe him, because I happened to know that one of the sons of a senior IRA manager worked in the back of our local Post Office. He was not a Post Office employee, but he had a job in security to do with the overall site in which the Post Office was located. I often saw his red Fiesta parked there.
Because of synthetic telepathy, the IRA would have known what Bill wrote in his letter and listened to him thinking while he was writing it. They would also have known that he was going to ask me to post the letter for him. The key to success was surprise. I did not stand around debating what I would do. I went straight out and did it, and the perpetrators were unable to influence the progress of Bill’s letter.
I took a train to another town, and posted Bill’s letter Special Delivery from there. Of course, the IRA subcontractors knew what was in my mind, and tried to attack me with electromagnetic oscillators, but I did not take much notice, as I had discovered that pushing a wheeled shopping trolley, wearing rubber boots and dragging a walking stick along the ground all earthed these attacks.
I never saw Bill again. The nursing home told me that his daughter from Ireland had come to visit him with her husband, and had taken him back with them. He sent a nice postcard to the staff, with a picture of Ireland on it. The postmark on the card was probably nowhere near where he is living now. But did he shake off the IRA? I remembered what he had said.
‘No one ever leaves’.
I Hope He Made it, Anyway.
It is time to explain about the electromagnetic environment. The events I have been describing have an unbelievable quality about them. Things just don’t happen like that in real life. But we have no problem with accepting all kinds of things as science fiction. In 2009 a well-known science-fiction movie called ‘Avatar’ came out. You may have seen it. According to Wikipedia, the film broke several box office records and became the highest-grossing film of all time for theatrical revenues, although when video and DVD sales and rental are included, ‘Titanic’ probably exceeded it.
In ‘Avatar’, it is possible to produce a genetically engineered body, with the mind of a remotely located human implanted in it, which can be used to interact within an alien environment. The avatar enables people to carry out potentially dangerous activities without putting their physical body at risk. ‘Avatar’ is set in the mid-twenty-second century. What I discovered is that advances in technology have made it possible to do something not that different, already, within a private world created using electromagnetic architecture.
One day, I found that, with my eyes shut, I could see my attackers, as well as hear them. I soon got used to this, and was able to observe the terrorists when they were not aware of it.
I watched six people in their twenties go into a work room that looked like a language laboratory. There were three men and three women. They wore unusual clothes made of a strong plastic material. The men wore black sports trousers and tops, and the women wore red dresses which came down below the knee. There was a long oblong table, separated into six wooden booths, three on each side, with six chairs around the table. Each booth had an electronic socket with earphones plugged in to it. The young people sat down at the table, and put on the earphones. Then a technician came in with six brown metal helmets. The helmets looked like upturned soup plates.
The technician placed a helmet on the head of each of the six people, in turn, and went to a telecommunications consul to activate the equipment for each of them. As the equipment was activated, each of the six people DISAPPEARED. But they reappeared in an adjoining room, within the electromagnetic environment, one after another. They looked the same as before they had disappeared, except that their helmets were now invisible. The six people went up a staircase to another room. In that room, known as the ‘police station’, there were two men, referred to as ‘police’, operating electronic equipment.
The job of the police was to teleport people into specific artificially constructed areas made of plastic, within which they could carry out their terrorist tasks without being discovered. These artificially constructed areas looked like real houses, with real streets. The interiors of the houses were just like the real thing. There were gardens and roads outside, with trees and cars. The police could alter the size of people inside the area, to fit their environment.
The six people I had been watching were trainees. Once all the trainees had entered the electromagnetic environment it looked as if no one was sitting at the wooden booths, but, at some level, they were still there. It would have been dangero
us to the trainees if someone had walked in and displaced the chairs. For that reason, the operating room was always kept locked by the ‘police’, whose job it was to keep an eye on what was going on within the electromagnetic environment, and to transfer operatives back to the real world, at the end of a twelve-hour shift, or if the situation required it.
I pulled back to get a higher view of what was going on. The entire environment was covered by a large green plastic shell, like the roofs of factories in an industrial site. The shell was the size of an aircraft hangar. Within the shell, but outside the electromagnetic environment, there were several men, overseeing the logistics, the lights, the power, and the interaction of the people within the electromagnetic environment. Everything within the electromagnetic environment was in miniature. But from that artificial electromagnetic environment, terrorists could target people all over the world via wi-fi and private satellite communications, without anyone finding out.
If the people were unexpectedly removed from their miniature world, they upsized as soon as they touched the ground. This temporarily winded them, as did unexpected teleportation events, but drinking a glass of water helped to ground them in the real world.
I was not living within this electromagnetic environment, but I could see and hear it, because of the microchip transmitter in the back of my head. What I saw and heard showed me that there were terrorists, concealed by technology, operating secretly in our country without restraint, and, because they were concealed, their intentions towards us were open and clear. They were here to hurt and kill, and they hated and despised us.
The electromagnetic environment offers opportunities for criminals and terrorists to do whatever they like without anyone spotting them, by entering into the electronic avatar, which becomes their alter ego. They learn to navigate in the electromagnetic environment, and they receive basic training in the use of electronic weapons and electromagnetic devices designed to cause pain and discomfort to targeted victims. Some of them specialise in the use of synthetic telepathy - Syntel, an ultrasound technology frequently used by gangsters to communicate secretly with each other when committing crimes. Synthetic telepathy can be used as a weapon in psychological warfare, for example, by using threatening language that only the victim can hear.
Working in the electromagnetic environment is different from anything else I have experienced. If the subcontractors are accepted for work, they queue up and are registered on the IRA’s computer system. Then they are allocated a plastic uniform bearing a unique barcode number at the back, which is recorded on the computer, linked to the serial number of the microchip embedded in the head of each operator – or ‘operative’, as they are called by the US mafia. They are given to a boss, who is an IRA computer system IP address-holder. He or she allocates tasks for them to complete, either using electronic/electromagnetic weapons, or a synthetic telepathy microphone.
When the metallic helmets are activated, the participants are logged on to the computer system automatically. The helmet acts as an aerial and connects them by wi-fi to the police station. The avatars can only move within a designated area - for example, one floor of a house. If a perpetrator wants to move to another area, he or she has to request the technicians in the ‘police station’ to re-locate them.
Sometimes operatives failed to achieve their set objectives, which meant that they lost money. When that happened, they demanded to be let out early. But the police would sternly tell them that they must wait till the end of the shift, like everyone else. But if there had been fighting going on, and people were in a wounded state, they might get ‘airlifted’ out early.
You can tell a lot about operatives just by looking at the uniforms they are wearing. The uniforms are there to let other operatives know the ranks of the people they are working with in the electromagnetic environment, while preserving their anonymity. Women operatives wear little girls’ white party dresses, and women supervisors wear red frocks. Weapons operatives wear black sports gear and black helmets with visors. Weapons officer ranks wear black military uniforms. Officer rank Syntel operatives wear pale khaki military uniforms.
The IRA have their own avatar uniforms, graded by rank. Warrant Officers wear grey trousers and white shirts. Officer ranks wear dark grey suits. Senior management wear mid-brown suits – these are reserved for men who were operational in the 1970s and 1980s. It is these people who mastermind the IRA’s covert electromagnetic projects in the European Theatre of War.
The North American mafia trained the original workforce for the IRA, to assist them in furthering Al-Qaida’s war against the British Isles. They took teenage boys from middle-class IRA families, and offered them a secure future for life, as administrators and operators of ‘police stations’ within the electromagnetic environment. Their families had to agree that the boys should be castrated. The idea was that they would become docile, loyal servants, undistracted by sexual urges.
The clinical procedures were carried out in the North American mafia’s secret underground bases. IRA families were proud to have their sons enrolled in this elite group, with good salaries, and access to senior people. The men held officer ranks. Their electromagnetic uniform was a long blue coat, like those of the US Army in the early days before American Independence. They kept their gelding status secret, some of them wearing artificial testicles. They were assumed to be homosexuals, as they developed close relationships with others in their group.
The IRA do not trust their subcontractors and conceal most operational information from them. Subcontractors are locked in their work areas and are unable to leave the building until the end of the shift. Their activities are supervised by staff in the ‘police station’. In many cases, the ‘police’ will watch proceedings from plasma television screens set out along one wall. They can supervise several rooms at once in this way, using CCTV or microdot cameras.
One Christmas, I got a shock when I watched the movie ‘Polar Express’. There is a scene in Santa Claus’s workshop where the elves have wall-to wall screens showing each child in the world - on CCTV, so that the elves can tell which kids had been good enough to get a present that year. It was exactly like the large ‘victim supervision’ centres which I have seen in Los Angeles.
IRA non-commissioned officer ranks and IRA subcontractors represent the bulk of full-time employees. The background of these henchmen includes ex-convicts, career criminals, former security guards and vigilante group members from South Africa, Australia and Canada. Some were dishonourably discharged from the police force or Territorial Army in their home countries.
I am old enough to remember the IRA bombings on the British Mainland in the 1970s, and I was surprised to discover how different the IRA are in Britain nowadays. As Bill said, once the IRA started to get funding from Al-Qaida and the US mafia, their character began to change, and they became more like mercenaries. The people I met were not driven by a political cause. They were driven by the debts which they owed to their bosses, and the ambition to get rich quick by killing people and taking what they had got.
The IRA operatives I met were funded directly by Al-Qaida. They had their salaries paid in to overseas bank accounts. There was a specific account which held money for financing of activities that meet Al-Qaida objectives, such as:
- Maintaining a group of people that could be mobilised as an army at short notice
- Maintaining a group of people that could be mobilised as prison camp guards at short notice
- Reducing the white Christian population of Europe
All subcontractors had to be sponsored by an IRA woman, who would be willing to buy an entrance ticket to the electronic environment from the police station on their behalf. The cash came from the Al-Qaida funding account, managed by the group of IRA women. These women delegated their sponsorship role to female criminals, whose day jobs involved child brothel running and drug trafficking. Known simply as ‘Our Group’, they paid money to the police station to organise covert terrorist activities
targeting British citizens, such as:
- Hounding people out of houses needed for terrorist purposes;
- Hastening the demise of elderly white people;
- Entrapping people identified by the IRA as suitable employees.
After receiving cash sponsorship, subcontractors are given a card, completed by the IP address holder, specifying what tasks they must complete. If the tasks are competed successfully, participants get what to them is a significant amount of money. If the task is not completed successfully, participants are in debt to the IRA, but get another chance to wipe out that debt, if the women sponsors agree to come up with more cash. In practice, the outcome rarely depends on the activities of these guys. It usually depends on the skill or judgement of technical staff, operating remotely. The system is rarely supervised, and technical staff falsify results with impunity.
If the participant continues to fail, he becomes a debt-slave of the IRA. He has to stay with the unit, and carry out whatever tasks he is ordered to do, without pay; and if he fails to complete the tasks, he is tortured. But he gets free board and lodging, of a basic type. Lots of men who reach the end of the road are in this situation. They sit around waiting to be goaded into action with cattle prods, without knowing or asking what is wanted of them. They develop their own camaraderie, and, when they can, they indulge in any free alcohol or drugs that are going.
Down-and-out men make their way to our area from all over the South and West of England, in the hope of being sponsored. You can find pools of men living in camp sites, waiting around in case the IRA sponsors need someone. The tasks they are sponsored to carry out come under the heading of antisocial behaviour and include: