Loved by a Bear (Legends of Black Salmon Falls Book 1)

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Loved by a Bear (Legends of Black Salmon Falls Book 1) Page 69

by Lauren Lively

  Milo wasn’t really Milo.

  And then I spun and ran back the way I came. I should have known it was too good to be true. There was no way Julian—or my father would let me go. I wondered if I would ever find the freedom I needed.


  Before the sun rose, Mother came in my room with a frown.

  “Why must you always run?”

  I huffed; she more than anyone should get it. “You should know why. I don’t want to live like you. I love you and Father, but you’re not in love.”

  She moved into the room and shut the door. Her long dress slid along the flow making it appear as if she were floating. Mother was beautiful with long wavy red hair and the brightest green eyes; her Irish heritage, she said. She had the fullest lips and pale skin covered in freckles. I wished I was blessed with her looks. Other than the green eyes I got nothing else from her.

  My hair was such a pale blond from a distance most wouldn’t even know I had any hair except I because of how I wear it. My skin was much darker like Father’s, and I had no freckles or anything defining mark marred my skin. Father was German.

  “What was your purpose with leaving through those horrible tunnels?”

  I sat up and sighed. “I just want a break, to get away for a bit before I’m chained to Julian.”

  Mother laughed. “Oh Azaria, you’re so dramatic. He’s a good match for you. If you stopped to learn you might find you liked him.”

  Tears filled my eyes and pink stained my cheeks. “No Mother he isn’t. I feel this ache,” I rubbed my hand over my heart. “Where my mate should be.”

  Her eyes widened. “Ache. Tell me about it.”

  I shrugged. “It just hurts. Fiery pain, all the time.”

  “How long?”

  This was ridiculous. “How long what?”

  She growled and that had my attention. Mother didn’t growl.

  “How long have you been hurting.”

  “It’s been almost two days.”

  Mother nodded and stood up from my bed and paced the room. “I’ll think of something. You must go now though.”

  I felt my eyes rise so much my brows rose to my hair line. Mother never defied my father. “What?”

  “Go, it’s your mate. And something’s happened to him, and it’s likely he will die without you. He’s got to be close.”

  My mate.

  How would she know? I went to ask but there was this strange look in her eyes. One that begged me to ask—yet not. She was in her own world. I would listen. I would find him. If my mate really was hurt, I’d save him. He was mine to care for.

  Chapter 3


  I didn’t open my eyes worried where I’d find myself. The pain was excruciating but it wasn’t as bad as it had been when I’d lost consciousness. How could that be? There was no way I’d healed from that iron enough to be alive. I should be dead. They should have won.

  But I was alive.

  Still with my eyes shut I smelled something delicious. The bear in my head roared and the Fae preened flapping its translucent wings. I pried my eyes open and came face to face with the most beautiful woman Fate had ever created. She smiled at me, and my body went hard. I sucked in a breath.


  “Holy fuck.”

  When her smile disappeared, I realized I said that out loud.

  She sat at the edge of the bed and frowned. “Are you hurting really bad?”

  I lifted the thin sheet and realized I was naked in a strange bed and my mate was less than two feet away. This had to be heaven. I had literally died and this was my happy place.

  “I had to give you my blood. Though I wish I’d known you were Fae too.”

  It was then I realized she was a living Vampire. Her fangs extended and she shrugged. “Our kinds don’t get along.”

  If that wasn’t obvious. “I know, but why did you give me your blood. “That was what I tasted on my tongue and my mouth watered. I only craved blood in beast form, and not the way a vampire did, but right at this very moment I think I might have understood her in a way that should have come later.

  “You weren’t breathing when I found you. I knew as soon as I felt you a week ago. I knew I had to find you, and I did.”

  She smiled at me showing fang and dammit if that didn’t turn me rock solid. I’d never liked a Vamp before.

  I sat up slowly as to not open the stitches. I looked down.


  She must have really taken care of me. “How long?”

  Azaria scooted closer bringing that delectable scent with her, and then I realized—it was her.

  “A week. I found you and you were out. You haven’t really woken up, but I did all right I think.”

  My hand found hers before I could stop it. It was instinct. My beast was nearly salivating to take a bite out of her. “Thank you.”

  “Of course, you’re my mate.”

  “Who are you?”

  She frowned. “Azaria Lucians, Princess to the King and Queen.”

  Oh no.

  That couldn’t be good. I had the princess of all Vampires holed away in some place, I had no clue, and now I realized I was the mate to a princess. I wasn’t cut out for this. I was an abomination. I wouldn’t be able to survive and be the mate she needed. Not when there was a high price on my head.

  “You’re the princess?”

  “I just said that.”

  “I see.”

  This time her lip wobbled and I felt like an ass. I squeezed her hand. “Look at me.”

  She glanced up but struggled to meet my eyes.

  “Look at me, Ria,” I said softly.

  This time she did and licked her lips. “I don’t have to stay.”


  The others I shared my soul with weren’t happy. The bear roared in rage. The Fae curled its lip and its wings fluttered.

  “No, don’t leave. I’m just shocked that Fate deemed me worthy of a mate of your stature.” It was true. I never thought I’d ever find a mate. Better yet, the royal vampire princess.

  “If you’re sure. I’d like to stay and help you get better.”

  “I want you to stay—for good. Where ever it is we are?”

  She laughed. “Oh, it’s an abandoned cabin. I have some people after me.”

  Great, I did too and now not only was I on the run but I was harboring someone who would be missed. “Why are you hiding?” If someone hurt her, I would rip their hearts out and feed it to them.

  She fidgeted and it was then I knew she didn’t want to share, but I needed to know what we were up against. I knew she could hold her own, but she was my mate. I was bound to take care of her. The bond between us would have to be different. I wasn’t any type of Vampire. “Tell me.”

  “I’m supposed to be bonded in a few months. Father ordered it. But I can’t do it. I knew you were out there somewhere.” She chuckled and pushed her hair from her face. “Well I knew my mate was close. Mother told me so. Once I felt your pain.”

  That told me everything I needed. “You felt my pain—from the attack?”

  “Yes, you were stabbed.”

  I sucked in a breath. “I should have died.”

  “But I found you, saved you. I don’t know what that means though, since I’m a vampire, and a living one at that. My blood is potent”

  With how I healed that was obvious. “Thank you, Ria.” I liked calling her that. I was certain no one else did.

  “You’re not out of the woods yet. It could very well backfire.”

  I tugged on her pulling her closer. She didn’t fight. When she was next to me I brushed her hair from her face realizing how unruly it was. She leaned into my touch and I sighed. Even through the pain for the first time in my life I felt a sort of contentment I’d never thought was possible. It had everything to do with the very woman sitting next to me. I leaned in, hoping it would be okay and brushed my lips acro
ss hers. It was a light touch, but it sent a spark through our bodies. She shivered and leaned into the kiss as if she wanted me to press my lips harder against hers.

  I did.

  Kissing her was like nothing I’d ever felt before. Her lips were full and soft when they moved against mine. The tip of her fangs peaked out and I ran my tongue along the point.

  She gasped when they pricked my tongue and pulled away.

  When I looked into her eyes, they glowed. She tried to look away but I gripped her jaw. “Never hide who you are from me.”

  She licked the tip of her fang that pierced my tongue and the glow grew brighter. And if that wasn’t the sexiest thing he’d ever seen.

  “You taste good,” she said and groaned.

  I couldn’t agree more about her. I pulled back and smiled. There was no need to rush this. We had plenty of time to create our bond. But first we needed to find a way to survive those who were after us.



  I knew he was my mate before I touched him, but the moment he pressed his lips to mine, it was even more apparent. Lust shot through my body in ways I never knew possible, and just from the smallest of touches. His lips, they were rough, yet smooth at the same time. Who knew a man could make me feel the way he did with just one kiss, and I didn’t even know his name?

  “What’s your name?” It should have been the first question I asked. I was more concerned about his wellbeing, at that moment it had been most important.

  “Dulex Devore.”

  I smiled and held out my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  But instead of taking my hand in his he leaned towards me and kissed me a second time. This time he pulled me onto his lap and I gasped hen I felt his arousal, and then when he tensed when my body brushed his wound. I’d done the best I could with the stitches, but I was no doctor.

  When I would have scooted away, he wrapped his arms around me like steel iron. As much as I wanted to be wrapped up in his arms, I wanted him to heal first. I was strong, but not that strong.

  “I’m fine.”


  He sighed. “Really, having you close helps. A mate is healing to a shifter.”

  That much was true, I knew. Through the years I’d heard that, but mating to a shifter had never even crossed my mind. It was going to cause a rift. Because feeling his arms around me was all it took to realize that I wouldn’t ever go back if it meant I couldn’t be with my mate. If I had to bond with a Vamp I’d wash my hands of my family—but only if Father forced my hand. And I wasn’t sure he’d want to do that. Our family would never rule again.

  Chapter 4


  I watched outside standing with my arms crossed, tensed and prepared for them to strike at any moment. I knew they’d found me, but they were toying with me.

  I hated that crap.

  We needed to leave before they broke the door down, but I couldn’t bring myself to wake him. He needed to heal and I needed to keep him safe. Every instinct I knew I’d one day had fought to the surface. Vampires were protective, but the females…No one messed with the ones we loved. We were possessive and protective. He’d never have to worry about anyone coming after him. Anyone who tried would have to contend with me. And they would learn quickly not to fuck with a Royal.

  I sighed. There was only one thing to do—

  Go with them without a fight.

  I didn’t want to, but even though I’d just met Dulex I didn’t want to be the reason he died. I would be okay, after punishment of course. That I wasn’t looking forward to. Father could be a real bastard and he was especially hard on me. He had such high expectations, and I always seemed to fail him. Now things would be even more tense between us. I wanted him to accept me as I was, not mold me into what he thought I should be. I’d never be the kind of daughter he wanted. I wouldn’t be my mother. I wanted more than that in life, and no matter how much I loved her, I knew she needed a backbone. She needed independence and to use the strength I knew she had hidden inside.

  Taking one last look at my mate I ignored the tears that threatened to fall. I shouldn’t be so upset. At least I’d gotten to meet him, heal him, touch him, and best of all kiss him. That was more than I could have asked for. At the rate, I’d been going I wouldn’t have ever even gotten to see him.

  I opened the door to the cabin and didn’t look over my shoulder to see him again. It would hurt too much. Instead I rushed out shutting it quietly. I started my descent down the rickety stairs when I was grabbed from behind. I should have known there would be someone in waiting for me to decide what to do. They had to know how fast I was. They didn’t want to give me a chance to run. My guard was too far down after nursing Dulex back to health from the fatal wound, and I didn’t realize until too late that the men who grabbed me, couldn’t be from the council. In fact, they weren’t even vampires. I wrinkled my nose when the scent of Fae surrounded me, and I was appalled that my family would even considering using that sort of magic against me. Mother was the one who helped me run, and now I feared she was in trouble. They drug me through the grassy field and back into the woods where I’d found Dulex. When they stopped in front of the very place he laid I realized that maybe these men weren’t after me—they were after my mate. My fangs extended and I nicked my lip letting out a feral growl.

  “Where is he?”

  “Gone.” There was no way I was telling them anything and I prayed he wasn’t in the cabin. I prayed he could run before the other Fae searched.

  “You have his scent.”

  “Well, he is my mate.” There was no sense in lying. The bond between them was growing more each second, and the longer they were apart the worse it would become. Fate didn’t like her plans failing. Even though we hadn’t bonded there was still intimate contact.

  The kiss. That’s all it took to start it.

  The Fae stared at me. “Mate with that abomination?”

  I glared at him even though They couldn’t see my rage, I knew they could feel it building. The Fae were magic. Plain and simple, and they knew better than to take me. “Do you know who I am?”


  “Oh, come on, one little guess?” It was going to be fun toying with them.

  The stupid asses.

  They shouldn’t have taken the Princess of the Vampires. Not only would my father be pissed—no matter how angry he was with me—but now I had a mate. Mates were fierce.

  The obvious leader curled his lip into a snarl. “It doesn’t matter who you are, little one.”

  It would have been endearing without the growl. “Oh, I think it does.” I held up one finger. “Just one little guess?” I let my eyes glow lavender; it was unique to my family line. Each of the four royal families had a different color and different gifts, but my father ruled them all. It was how others knew who we were by sight alone. It would show them and I wasn’t surprised when his eyes widened in surprise.

  “Princess of the Lucians?”

  “Yeah, dumb ass you just kidnapped King Quinton’s only child.”

  “Scheisse,” he muttered.

  I laughed. The German Fae were the type that jumped without thinking. “Yes, shit.” I smiled showing fang. “He’s not going to be happy.”

  It was then the other male smirked but kept his glare as if he were contemplating. “We could use this to our advantage.”

  Damn, he was the dominate one. I should have known that when the first male cowered. “Not a good idea.”

  He looked at me. “I don’t care. It’s too late now, might as well go out with a bang. Once our queen finds out we failed in getting our target we’re as good as dead anyways.”

  Great nothing to live for. I sighed. “Fine if you insist.” I held out my wrists allowing the beta to wrap the cuffs around my wrists. They didn’t bother me, but they did block my magic. I wasn’t really concerned. I should have been. The other Fae with the long black curly h
air and deep green eyes, well he was pure evil. I felt it to my bones and shuddered as he watched his partner lock up my magic. He really didn’t care if he died. I wondered what turned him so cold.



  I woke to silence. It didn’t take me long to realize the cabin was empty and had been for quite a while. Azaria wasn’t there. I sat up too fast and groaned when pain shot through my chest. The stitches tried to pull but luckily, she’d done a great job sewing me up. I slid from the bed and gripped the headboard until my balance was stable. I needed to find her. Certainly, she wouldn’t have left me alone. As a mate, she wouldn’t go far, unless there’d been no choice. The beast growled and my hand lit up with a bright white light. The Fae in me wanted to go on the defense. It was the first time my duel nature was on the same page. It only took finding our mate.

  ‘Must find her,’ the bear said growling low.

  ‘She is ours,’ the Fae said just as possessive as the beast.

  I agreed with both assessments. The problem. I was in shit for shape. Right now, I wouldn’t do her any good. In fact, if I were to be honest, which I wasn’t prepared for, I would probably end up getting us both killed. That couldn’t happen. Now for the first time in my life I had something—someone to live for. A smile tugged at my lips. It was such a foreign feeling. I wasn’t sure how to deal with it. Part of it scared the hell out of me. What if I fucked this up?

  Having the Fae on my tail constantly and being kicked out of every den; there wasn’t much I could do with my own kind. I might as well join the guard staff for Ria’s family. It would tie us even closer together. The idea struck me so easily. But first I needed to get the damn Fae off my ass and the price off my head. That would be easier said than done—if even possible. There was a chance I would leave my mate before I even had a chance to love her the way she deserved—the way I deserved. My shoulders fell thinking of not getting to be with her for the rest of my life. Fate wouldn’t be so cruel, would she?


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