US successes in, 25–26
US withdrawal, xiii, 1–2, 322
WMD aluminum tubes intelligence, 212–20, 348n18, 349–50n7
WMD attack concerns, 178–79
WMD intelligence failures, 217, 230
WMD mobile biolabs, 187, 209, 346n8
WMD search, xi–xii, xiii, 1–3, 173–84, 187, 194, 196, 203–4, 210–11, 285, 345–46n10, 345n7, 345n8, 347n14
ISIS (Islamic State in Iraq and al-Sham), 28, 322, 323
Islamic Group, 149
Islamic Jihad, 66–67, 68, 73, 75, 149
Islamic militancy. See also Al Qaeda; specific acts of terror; specific countries
Bush war on terror and, 149
Dar al Islam (Abode of Islam), 71
funding of, 108–11, 136
goals of, 77
God Has Ninety-nine Names (Miller) and, 336n4
Iran and, 76
journalist safety and, 73–74
Miller interviews Massoud and jihadists in 2000, 139–40
Miller’s first interview with an Islamic militant in 1983, 71
Miller’s Times front page analysis of, in 1983, 76–77
oil and, 77
spread of, 322
surge in, 1980s, 74
terrorism against the West, start in Lebanon, 69
terrorist training by, 140
US HUMINT lacking on, 78–79
war against America, 79, 82, 139, 146
WMD threat from, 132
“agenda for peace” with Jordan, 111
Egypt and, 67
Gulf War and, 107
Hamas and, 107–8
Kurdistan and, 24
Lebanon occupation, 67, 69–70, 72–73
Miller visits in 1972, 45, 335n5
Oslo Accords, 107, 111–12
Saddam Hussein and, 3–4
Shiite animosity toward, 71
Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency), 108
Ivins, Bruce, 342n4
Jagger, Mick, 45
Jeffress, William, 308
Jehl, Doug, 180, 337n2
Jemaah Islamiyah, 149
Jenkins, Brian, 74
Jennings, Peter, 111
Jervis, Robert, 218, 346n2, 348n18
Johnston, David, 152, 207, 234–35, 347n10
“agenda for peace” with Israel, 111
Chalabi and, 154
Iran oil and, 103
Miller and Epstein visit to Petra in 1990, 103–4
Miller’s first visit in 1972, 45
Joseph, Robert, 213, 216, 217–18, 222, 344n5
Jubeir, Adel al-, 13
“Judith Miller: Was She Really So Bad?” (Stanage), 317
Jungk, Robert, 32
Kaiser, Robert, 222
Kamel, Hussein, 119–20
Karkhi, Baha’a al- (Ramadi police chief), 22
Kay, David, 222, 237, 345n8, 348–49n2
Kazakhstan, 115
Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, 126
smallpox outbreak in, 198
Stepnogorsk, Russian biological weapons factory, 117, 121–22
Keane, Jack, 28, 314, 315
Keller, Bill, xii, 294
Chalabi and, 232
David Kelly’s death and, 195–96, 202
“The I-Can’t-Believe-I’m-a-Hawk Club” op-ed, 209, 346n6
Miller banned from Iraqi WMD coverage by, 237–38, 239, 247, 249–50, 265
Miller’s jailing and, 265, 266, 279, 281
Miller’s mistrust of, 253
Miller’s return to the Times after jailing and “war on Judy,” 286, 287, 288–89, 290, 293–98
Miller’s sources and, 235
Miller’s WMD reporting and, 195–96, 199–200, 205–6, 219–20, 228–29, 355–56n18
pro-Iraq War editorials, 296
resignation from the Times, 318
retraction of statements about Miller, 299–302
“The Times and Iraq” editor’s note, 225–26, 228, 230, 231, 232, 249, 348–49n2, 350n8
violation of Miller settlement agreement, 318
Kelly, David, 119, 120
as Miller source, 195–99, 202–4
suicide of, 195, 201
Kelly, John F., 27
Kennedy, Edward “Ted,” 211
Kerry, John, 166, 211, 342n6, 343n12
Kessler, Glenn, 304
Khalid bin Sultan, Prince of Saudi Arabia, 14
Khalilzad, Zalmay, 341n1
Khatami, Mohammad, 124
Khedery, Ali, 334n24
Khomeini, Ayatollah Ruholla, 71, 76
Kifner, John “Kif,” 85–86
Kissinger, Henry, 55
Klein. Ed, 90
Klinghoffer, Leon, 88
Knoll, Erwin, 43
Knott, Stephen F., 343n11
Koch, Susan, 213
Kornegay, Mondre, 258
Korshak, Sidney, 56
Kovach, Bill, 55, 98
Kramer, Eddie, 45
Krock, Arthur, 54
Kurds/Kurdistan, 8, 19, 22, 24–25
Chalabi and, 157, 175
DNO investment in, 333n22
Erbil, 24, 28, 174–75
Exxon-Mobil in, 334n24
Gorran opposition party in, 24–25
government of, 24
ISIS threat to, 28
Miller cover story on, 15–16, 332n16
no-fly zones and, 16–17, 23–24
Peshmerga, 23, 28, 156
problems in, 24–25
prosperity and, 23–25, 26, 333n22
as pro-US, 23–24
Saddam’s Anfal campaign, poison gas, and genocide, 15–16, 90, 156, 222, 332n15, 333–34n22
Sunni majority in, 24
trade with Israel, 24
US support, 28, 333–34n22
Kurtz, Howard, 188, 286, 345n9
attack on Miller’s WMD reporting, 188–90, 199–202
Bragg’s ouster and, 344n3
Miller’s email used by, 188, 189–90, 200, 201–2
Rosenthal’s response to, 202
Kuwait. See also Gulf War
Camp Doha, 178
Camp Udairi, 173, 174
Iraq War and, 169, 173, 174, 178
Islamic Jihad bombings of US Embassy and other western targets, 75–76
Miller in liberated Kuwait, 14
Saddam’s invasion of, 5, 11–12, 101, 102
Landay, Jonathan, 220
Landman, Jon, 186
Las Vegas, Nevada
atomic testing memorabilia, 36
Atomic Testing Museum, 35–36, 334n2
“Miss Atomic Bomb of 1957,” 35
nuclear testing and, 32–35, 334n9
Las Vegas Review-Journal, 35
Laurence, William L., 176
Lebanon, 336n2
Beirut bombing of US Embassy, 66–67, 69
Beirut bombing of US Marine and French army compounds, 66–69, 73, 78, 336n3
Bekaa Valley, Hezbollah barracks, 78
civil war in, 69, 70
Druze in, 86
Hezbollah and Iran, 149
Iran’s influence in, 71–72, 336n3
Israeli occupation of, 67, 69–70, 72–73
Jibchit, 70–71
journalist safety and, 74
kidnappings in, 86
Long Commission report on Beirut bombings, 78, 146
Maronite Christians in, 69, 70, 86–87
Miller’s first visit in 1972, 45
Miller’s reporting on Beirut bombings, 66–73, 336n2
Miller’s reporting on evacuation of Christians, Deir el Qamar, 86–87
PLO in, 69, 72
Shia in, 70–71, 72, 73
suicide bombing of Israeli military post, Tyre, 73
Sunnis in, 70
Syria and, 69, 78
Times bureau chief in Beirut, 67
US removal of troops in 1984, 78
Lee, Carolyn, 93n
Leggett, Vanessa, 352n7
nbsp; Lelyveld, Joe, 11, 98, 101, 108, 111, 135
as Times executive editor, 102
Lepyoshkin, Gennady, 126, 128
Lévy, Bernard-Henri, 261
Levy, Clifford J., 289
Levy, Jack S., 343n13
Lewis, Flora, 42
Libby, I. Lewis “Scooter,” 342n6
commuted sentence, 306, 357n5
criminal trial, 302, 304–6, 307–10, 311–13, 355–56n18, 357n4, 357n7
Miller and Plame case, 211, 243, 245–46, 263, 264–65, 272, 274–75, 280, 294, 307, 311, 350–51n2, 352n6
Miller’s testimony before the grand jury, 282–85, 287, 294–95, 353n6
“the surge” and, 314–15
Libya, 158, 197
“Lies and Consequences: Sixteen Words That Changed the World” (Brenner), 356n19
“Lies Judith Miller Told Us” (Bleifuss), 349n4
Lippman, Inga, 86–87
Liptak, Adam, 289
London School of Economics, 44
Long, Robert L. J., 78
Long Commission, 78, 146
Lord, Shirley, 266
Los Angeles Times, 231
MacDougall, Robert, 335n1
Makiya, Kanan, 7, 8, 15
Maliki, Nouri al-, 18, 20, 22, 26, 27–28, 322, 334n24
Mallow, Matt, 271
Maltseva, Nelja N., 197, 198, 199
Mangold, Tom, 196
Man Who Warned America, The (Weiss), 340n5
Marshall, Josh, 356n21
Marzook, Mousa Abu, 110
Massing, Michael, 221–23
Massoud, Ahmed Shah, 138
Mattis, James, 19
Mayfield, Jenny, 311
Mayhew, Alice, 90, 268, 352n5
McFarlane, Robert “Bud,” 95–97
McFeely, Drake, 339n1
McGrory, Mary, 94
McKiernan, David D., 178
McLaughlin, John, 218
McNamara, Robert, 61
McPhee, Richard R., 174, 176–77, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 190, 191, 200, 201
Branzburg v. Hayes decision and the right to protect a source, 251–52, 263, 280
Bush’s West Point address coverage, 170
controversy over prewar WMD reporting, xiii, xiv, 188–90, 199–202, 205–23, 225–26, 229–31
decline in quality of information, xiv
First Amendment issues, 241, 265, 287, 292, 316, 322
Fitzgerald prosecutions and, 315
government prosecution of reporters, xiv
government secrecy and, xiv
government surveillance technology used to monitor, 321
international coverage reduced, 319
jailing of Matt Cooper for protecting a source, 241, 245, 251, 263
legal battle over protecting Miller’s source and, 240–46, 250–53, 262–65
Miller’s jail term as longest for protecting a source, 273
“Miller standard” for confidentiality pledges, 281
Obama crackdown on “leaks,” 319–20
Okrent’s column on Times’s flawed journalism, 229–30
polarization among journalists, 321–22
protection of sources and, 271–72, 280–81
Scooter Libby trial and confidentiality, 319
shield law for, 262, 266, 281, 287–88, 292, 316, 321, 351–52n3
“The Times and Iraq” editor’s note, critics of, 229
wartime risks of reporters, 319
Media Matters for America, 318
Mercury, Nevada, 36
Merlin, Lee, 35
Middle East Watch, 15, 16
Miller, Bill (father), 30, 33, 220–21
Miller, James “Jimmy” (half-brother), 31, 44–45
Miller, John, 137–38
Miller, Judith
Americanism of, 29–30
antiwar activism of, 48–49, 50–51
background and family, 29–31, 49, 60, 90
character and personality, 59–60, 66, 82, 86, 109, 113, 141, 286
childhood in Las Vegas, nuclear testing and, 31–35, 44
death of father, 220–21
early politics of, 43–44
first Iraq visit in 1976, 4
first Middle East trip in 1972, 45, 70, 335n5
on humanitarian intervention, 90
marriage to and relationship with Jason Epstein, xi, 29, 101–2, 103–4, 112–13, 184, 221, 262, 293–94, 336n1
relationship with Les Aspin, 47, 60–63, 336n1
smoking habit, 65, 103
the “story” and, 103, 323
university studies and areas of interest, 44, 45, 50, 70, 335n5
Achille Lauro crisis and, 88
in Afghanistan with Laili Helms, Taliban interviews, 141–44
anthrax letter threat and, 148
awards, xi, 170, 223, 280, 292, 298
Beirut bombings, reporting on, 66–73, 336n2
Bin Laden, early coverage of, xi, 135–36, 226
Bin Laden interview declined, 136–38
biological weapons investigation, 122–29
Blix interview, 208
Chalabi and, 153–55, 156–58, 188–89, 190, 200, 206, 208, 232, 317
Cheney interview, 163
Clinton interview, 131–32, 338n1
defectors as sources, 158–61, 180–84, 207, 230, 235–37, 249
Dowd’s attack on, 294–95, 300
fictitious husband invented to cover Middle East, 85, 89
first interview with an Islamic militant (Lebanon), 71, 336n4
as freelancer, 43, 46
friends at the Times, 57–58, 95, 97–98, 99, 172, 194, 229, 231, 265, 303 (see also Safire, Bill)
gender bias and, 98
General Petraeus and, 177, 183, 200, 201, 202
Gulf War and, 11–14, 101–7
Hamas funding sources investigation, 108–11
in Iraq in 1985, 6–7, 8–11
in Iraq in 2003, as embedded reporter, xi, 2–3, 173–84, 187, 188, 190–91, 200–202, 210, 232–33, 343–44n1, 353–54n7
in Iraq in 2010, 1–2, 17–22
Iraqi defector al-Haideri and, 154–56, 158–61, 207, 246–50
Iraqi defector al-Husayni and, 180–84, 235–37, 344n5
jail time for refusal to name source, Valerie Plame case, in 2005, xiii, 255–62, 265–77, 352n1, 356–57n3
joint bylines, 164, 180, 188, 208, 209, 210, 239, 342n1
Jordan’s King Hussein and, 84
Keller-Abramson story restrictions placed on, 237–38, 239, 247, 249–50
Kelly as source, 195–99, 202–4
King Fayd interview, 13, 332n12
Klaus Barbie trial, Lyon, France, 88–89
Kurtz media attack on, 188, 189–90, 199–202
Libby and testimony before the grand jury, 279, 282–85, 286–87, 289–92, 294–95, 353n6
Libby as confidential source, 211, 243–46, 263, 264–65, 272, 274–75, 280, 294, 307–10, 350–51n2, 352n6
Libby criminal trial and, 302–6, 307–10, 357n7
list of story ideas, Iraq War, 194, 227
Massoud interview, 138–39
mobile germ lab stories, 209–10
Moussaoui interview and, 270–71
Mubarak interview, 13, 332n13
neocons and, 154
9/11 terrorist attacks and, 147, 340n4
objectivity of, 208, 346n4, 346n6
at the Progressive, 4, 43, 47
protection of sources, xiii, 111, 199, 234–37, 241, 244
protection of sources, phone records case, 240, 241, 303–4
protection of sources, subpoena served, 245, 246
protection of sources, Valerie Plame leak prosecution, 240–46, 250–53, 262–65, 271–77, 294, 321–22, 351n4, 352n6 (see also Freeman, George; Bennett, Bob)
Pulitzer, xi, 170–71, 226
reporting and commentary after Times resignation, 302, 318–19, 322
reporting f
rom southern Lebanon, 70–73, 336n4
Rice interview, 149
Risen’s collaboration with, 164
risk-taking and dangerous assignments, 6–7, 8–11, 74, 85–87, 115–16, 125, 138–44, 297–98, 319
SEC and banking beat, Times Washington Bureau, 56, 59, 60, 62
Senate Judiciary Committee appearance, 292–93
source, covert agent “Jim Preston,” 233–35
speech to Society of Professional Journalists in 2005, 292
status as a woman in the Arab Middle East, 82–85
at Stepnogorsk, Russian biological weapons factory, 121–22
supporters of her decision not to reveal a source, 261–62, 265
terrorism investigation with Jeff Gerth, 135–38
“The Times and Iraq” editor’s note and, 205, 225–26, 228–29, 230, 231, 232, 249, 253, 347n10, 348–49n2, 349n4, 350n8
Times Cairo bureau chief, xi, 5, 65–66, 81–87, 337n3
at Times culture desk, 135
Times hires, 5, 46–51
Times New York, deputy editor, Media section, 101
Times Paris bureau, 81, 87–91
Times and Keller-Abramson request for a first-person account of testimony report and Times response piece, 288–92, 310–11, 355n17
Times resignation and legal settlement, xiv, 299–302, 356n2
Times return after jailing and ensuing “war on Judy,” 285–98, 356n2
Times “special Gulf correspondent,” 11–14, 102–7
Times Magazine staff writer, 107
Times Washington bureau, 53–58, 91–99
as war correspondent, 85–87
in Washington, coverage of post-9/11, 148, 164, 229
WMD aluminum tubes story, 212–20
WMD reporting, 4, 119, 151, 152, 154–55, 163, 164, 180, 183, 187, 189–90, 194–95, 199, 225–26, 228–29, 232, 267, 290–91, 317, 323, 344n4
WMD reporting, correcting the record, 205–23, 226–29, 346n4, 346n7
WMD reporting criticized, xii–xiii, 187–88, 189, 199–200, 205–12, 228, 229, 231, 267–68, 290–91, 316–17, 331n1, 349n4, 349n6, 350n8, 351n4
“After the War: Intelligence; National Security Aide Says He’s to Blame for Speech Error,” 355–56n18
“After the War: Unconventional Arms; A Chronicle of Confusion in the U.S. Hunt for Hussein’s Chemical and Germ Weapons,” 3, 201, 332n1, 345n8
Atomic Testing Museum article, 35–36
Bin Laden reported on, with Jeff Gerth in 1996, 135–36, 137
“Clinton Describes Terrorism Threat for 21st Century,” 131–32, 338n1
“The Deal on Iraq: Secret Arsenal: The Hunt for the Germs of War—A Special Report; Iraq’s Deadliest Arms: Puzzles Breed Fears,” 120, 338n3
“Egypt’s President Calls for a Delay in Attacking Iraq,” 13, 332n13
“Erasing the Past: Europe’s Amnesia About the Holocaust,” 90–91, 337n6
first Progressive piece, 45
Germs: Biological Weapons and America’s Secret War, xi, 117, 122, 172, 174, 208, 223, 342n1, 342n4, 346n3
The Story Page 43