Kemp nearly growled. “Her pussy is perfect, isn’t it?”
Ace responded with a groan and continued. Kemp’s words ramped up her lust, and the thought of him watching as Ace tongue-fucked her nearly drove her over the edge.
Kemp continued, “I think she likes what we’re doing. Summer, you like being watched, don’t you? You like hearing what we’d like to do to you?”
Her voice was a shaky whimper. “Oh, baby, yes. Yes.”
She felt what she assumed was Kemp’s hand stroking her spine, and the loving, gentle touch tempered the wild lust inside her.
“I’d love to spend an evening outside, with the two of us fucking you at the same time, making you come so hard you see stars. I can barely wait to put my cock inside your sweet, little pussy.”
Ace chose that moment to suckle her clit gently, and the image of Kemp fucking her for the first time and them both being inside of her together sent her over the edge. Her pussy swelled and vibrated with tremor after tremor, and she screamed in ecstasy at the waves of pleasure reverberating through her at the thought of them both hammering into her.
She opened her eyes as she caught her breath, Ace’s soothing touch gliding up and down her back. Kemp helped her to lie down and provided his biceps for her to use as a pillow for a few minutes.
Ace lay down on her other side and kissed her. “Feel good?”
She smiled blissfully and nodded, but then her eyes flew open, and she looked down at his still very hard shaft. “Baby, let me help you with that.”
Ace chuckled and allowed her to push him onto his back. He wouldn’t let her to do anything for him last night, claiming that she must be tired and needed to rest. This morning she wasn’t going to be denied.
Chapter Eighteen
The doorbell rang at Discretion later the following Friday afternoon. Summer looked up to greet the customer who walked in and smiled when she recognized Chance Carlisle.
“Hello, Chance. How are you?”
Chance gave her a warm smile, showing his dimples, and said, “I’m fine, Summer. How are things with you?”
Summer bantered with him for a minute before asking what she could do for him, already having a pretty good idea. Chance had a “lady fair” who lived quite a distance away. Chances were good that he was planning another trip in that direction and wanted to take her a gift. This was the third time Summer knew of that he’d come into Discretion to make a purchase for her, whoever the lucky girl was.
“I’m planning to head west again in a couple of days. Lydia really seemed to like the gift I brought her last time, and I’d like to surprise her with something else when I stop in Fort Stockton.”
Fort Stockton. That was where she lived. Summer had a hard time remembering that it was Fort Stockton, in the remote west Texas landscape that she lived in. At least now she knew what the lucky woman’s name was.
“Lydia is a beautiful name.”
“I think so, too, Summer. And she’s just gorgeous. And sweet. And kind.”
Summer denied the urge to pat and hug him when she got a clear glimpse of just how smitten he was. It was obvious he was in love. His eyes even got faraway and kind of dreamy, too.
“Well, let’s figure this out. A few weeks ago you got her the entire body care line in lavender.”
“And she loved it, too. It seemed to really make her day.”
“Good! And then last time, you bought the lavender aromatherapy line and a pretty, little silver bracelet. What were you thinking about getting her this time?”
Chance looked uncertain, and Summer decided that before he bought any more lavender-scented products for this sweet girl she’d better intervene. “I’m not really sure, Summer. That’s why I come to you girls. You have a better idea of what she’d like than I do.”
Summer came around the lingerie cabinet to lean against it and quietly asked, “Chance, before I make recommendation you’ve got to give me an idea of where you want this thing to go. Do you want it to stay sweet and platonic, or would you like to take this friendship to the next level? Gifts communicate a whole lot about your intentions. We can play it safe with more scented products, but I honestly think she has enough to last a while.”
Chance chewed his lip for a second. “You’re probably right, Summer.”
Pushing just a bit, Summer asked, “If you had your way, where would she be, right this second?”
Chance smiled and easily replied, “Standing right here with me, talking to you. Picking out whatever she wanted in the entire store. I’d buy her anything she wanted.”
Summer nodded. “That tells me exactly what I needed to know.” If he’d replied “wherever she wanted to be” then Summer would’ve recommended another “safe” gift. It was time to move to the next level.
“You have an idea of what I should get her?”
“I know exactly what you should get her. What color are her eyes?”
Chance paused, and she smiled at the dreamy look in his eyes. He was so sweet she wanted to hug him and hoped this woman treated him right. “Her eyes are pale green with a hint of blue.”
“Perfect. Follow me.” She grabbed the keys from under the register and led him to the jewelry counter. She removed a display and laid it on top of the glass counter for him to more closely inspect.
“You don’t think she will feel pressured by jewelry?”
“Not turquoise. It makes the perfect statement. She can wear it with just about anything. It will tell her you care about her without putting too much pressure on her the way precious stones in a more formal setting would. It will also look beautiful with her eyes.” She pointed to a pendant and cuff bracelet set and added, “I’d suggest the pieces that have a slightly greener cast to them, but any of them would be perfect.”
Chance lifted the pendant she’d suggested from the display card and looked closely at it. She flipped the heavy pendant over and indicated the maker’s mark on the back. “This piece was crafted by a Navajo Artisan in New Mexico. That is his name. Take a look at the rest, since you know her coloring better than I do, and see if there is one that you think would look pretty on her.”
While Chance perused the rest of the pieces, Summer went over to the bookcases, hoping the volume she wanted was still there. He needed something romantic and erotic that Lydia might find…inspiring. She smiled when she found the perfect book. She patted the cover, which featured a brunette beauty and two handsome cowboys, feeling like she was doing her part to further ménage romance.
She placed it on the jewelry counter when she returned to Chance. He’d picked out the turquoise beaded necklace with the heavy greenish-blue pendant she’d suggested, along with the dangle earrings that matched it and a costly inlaid-turquoise-and-silver cuff bracelet that would go nicely with the set. He had better instincts than he thought.
He looked over at the book on the counter and said, “What’s that?”
Summer smiled as he perused the cover and replied, “It’s a Western erotic romance.”
“There are two cowboys on the cover.”
Summer indicated the imprint on the spine. “It’s a ménage romance about a shy heroine and the two handsome, romantic cowboys who fall in love with her.” She’d have to mention to Grace later that she’d sold Chance Carlisle a book that he and his brother Clayton had helped inspire that Grace had written the year before. Few people in the area knew that both Grace and Rachel were very successful erotic romance authors.
Chance’s eyebrows shot up. “Oh! Oh.” He smiled at her and chuckled.
“How’s that handsome brother of yours doing?” Summer asked as she placed the white velvet display back in the jewelry case and locked it up then carried his selections to the register.
“He’s doing great. He’s dealing with the avalanche of paperwork on his desk this afternoon, otherwise he would’ve come along.”
Based on Chance’s comments in the past, Summer knew there was a possibility that Clayton was equally interested in Lydia.
Whether or not Lydia was amenable to that remained to be seen.
“Well, I think you made good choices.”
He lifted the paperback from the counter and squinted at the back cover then pulled his reading glasses from his denim shirt pocket. He chuckled and said, “I need my cheaters for this small print.” Summer didn’t think his silver-rimmed reading glasses detracted from his rugged good looks in any way. “So you think this is something Lydia would like? Whoa, it says back here that this title is scorching. What does that mean? That can’t be good.”
“That means it has explicit sex in it. Actually it’s not as hot as some that I would recommend if she likes that one. But that book is a good place to start. I think she will like it a lot. It’s a best seller.”
“Really?” Turning the book over, he looked at the title and author name. “I’ve never heard of Caressa MacFarland.”
Summer giggled and replied, “Chance, honey, I’d worry about you if you said you had.” Chance glanced up at her over his glasses, and they shared a good laugh over that thought. “I can wrap it all up for you like we usually do, if you’d like.”
“Why don’t you wrap up the jewelry real pretty, but I think I want to take a look through this book. Clayton might be curious about it, too.”
“Don’t be surprised by how explicit it is. Erotic romance leaves very little to the imagination where sex is concerned, but these books are wildly popular with readers nowadays. I’d be willing to bet she’s read others like it before. If she seems unsure about it just tell her the lady that sold you the jewelry suggested she might enjoy it.”
“Okay. That I can do.”
She placed the jewelry in a padded gift box and wrapped it up for him. After she completed their transaction, he thanked her and went on his way. Summer hoped his trip to see the mysterious Lydia was a fruitful one.
She heard footfalls above her in the rooms upstairs and denied the urge to go up there. She’d heard Ace’s deep voice earlier, probably speaking on the phone, and her body responded with a rush of heat and dampness between her legs, just from the sound of his voice. Her heartbeat accelerated as she once again reminded herself the wait was over.
It was nearly Friday night. They’d tortured her all week long with applications of the aloe vera. Well, it wasn’t complete torture because they’d made sure she came each time they applied it for her, taking the job as their personal responsibility even though she could have done it herself with a hand mirror. The aloe had worked wonders, and she’d declared herself completely healed that morning.
There was a thump outside, and then she heard the sound of Ace’s footfalls on the stairs. Heat bloomed with renewed force in her body when she looked up as he came into view on the landing and made his way down the last steps. He caught her gaze and smiled at her. She’d announced to them earlier that morning that tonight was the night. She had a feeling she’d be lucky if they made it home first, much less made it until the evening. The added convenience of the luxurious bed upstairs contributed to the shakiness of her self-discipline.
“It’s just Kemp and Duke outside. Want to meet him?”
Drawn from her haze of lustful thoughts, Summer grinned and replied, “Yes! Finally I get to meet the elusive Duke.” There was no one in the shop, and it would be closing time soon, which was seven o’clock.
Ace chuckled and said, “He likes to stay in the background. His cousin Gage is with him today. You’ll get to meet them both.” He opened the front door and held it for her, and she licked her lower lip at the way his thick biceps bulged against the sleeve of his shirt.
She brushed past, nearer than was strictly necessary, and traced her palm down his oblique and rubbed her breasts casually against his chest. He groaned softly at the contact, and she gazed up at him, not bothering to hide the desire she felt coursing through her body.
His scent wafted in her nostrils, causing a surging response inside her, and her doubts about making it home increased. Not that she was worried.
Ace made a slight, appreciative sound as he returned the long gaze, and she smiled when he looked down the deep neck of her blouse.
“You wore that filmy top just to tempt me all day, didn’t you?”
She’d picked the sheer, white blouse over a camisole for just that purpose but also because of the early-July heat. The nearly transparent cotton was cool and had the added bonus of being very sexy.
“I wore it thinking you and Kemp might like it. It’s nice and cool, too.”
He ushered her through the doorway and whispered, “If you’re lucky I won’t tear it getting it off of you tonight.” His tone was dominating, but his caress was tender as he palmed her lower back and walked with her down the front steps.
Kemp peeked around from the back of the large paneled work van which had “Foremost Landscaping” and the slogan “We’ll Do Your Dirty Work” emblazoned on the side, along with a phone number.
Summer quirked a brow, and Ace led her around the rear of the van. She gawked in surprise at what she saw in the interior.
Kemp kissed her and said, “Hi, darlin’. We don’t like to keep the doors open. Let me help you up.” He lifted her with seemingly little outward effort so she could step inside the van.
“I don’t suppose you want anyone to see all the equipment inside if they drove by.”
“Exactly. But Duke also gets pissy if we let out all the air-conditioning.”
Summer giggled, and as her eyes adjusted from the bright sunlight outside, she took in the technological wonderland contained in the interior, which was about the size of a large shipping van. Movement on one side drew her attention to a man sitting in front of a bank of what appeared to be security monitors.
Ace said, “Summer, I’d like you to meet Duke Rivers and his cousin, Gage Randall.”
Summer smiled as a second man rose from a stool on the other side of the first man she’d noticed. He stepped away as the other seated man turned to look at her, then stepped over to her and held out his hand. “It’s nice to meet you, Miss Heston. I’m Duke and that’s Gage,” he said gesturing with a thumb at the man who had gone back to peering at the screen of a laptop computer. He looked up, nodded, and smiled at her but didn’t speak.
Duke was about six feet tall, with longish, dark hair that reached just past his shoulders. He was built wiry and looked strong. As he shook her hand, she noticed his hand was firm but gentle and callused. His smile reached his eyes, and she tried not to stare as she looked closer because his eyes were a lovely, unusual slate-gray color.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Duke.”
“Likewise, ma’am.”
“Thank you for helping out at the house last weekend. I was grateful for your help cleaning up the terrible mess in the kitchen.”
“It was no problem. The guys were concerned about you cutting yourself on all that glass, so I dealt with it. It seemed like a good way to help. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to stop the person who did it.”
“So you work with Ace and Kemp?”
“Yes. I’m a subcontractor. Gage and I help them with jobs where they need more than two pairs of eyes or hands.”
“This is a pretty amazing setup.”
“We have pretty much everything we need for surveillance inside this truck,” Ace said, giving her a quick tour, demonstrating the placement of hidden cameras on the exterior of the vehicle and the corresponding surveillance screen in the bank of monitors. At present, they could see all angles outside the van, as well as the feeds from the surveillance cameras mounted both inside and outside of Discretion.
“Wow. You really have been watching over us. I thought the cameras were mostly for recording if something happened inside the shop.”
“That, too, but we watch over you during the day as well.”
“That’s good to know,” she replied as Ace reopened the back door of the van and helped her down. Duke returned to his spot beside his quiet cousin.
> “It was a pleasure to meet you both,” she said in farewell.
“Same here, Miss Heston. Y’all have a good evening. We’ll be around.” To Ace, he added, “We’re going to eat supper and then head back over to Leroy Paggs’s house.”
Ace nodded. “Thanks. There has to be a connection there. I don’t want to make any moves until we know what it is.”
Surprised by all the technological wizardry she’d just seen hidden inside that unobtrusive-looking work van, she climbed the steps to the shop with Ace.
“Foremost Landscaping, huh?”
Ace chuckled and said, “Yeah. We do your dirty work. Actually, that’s my brother-in-law’s business and contact information in San Angelo on the side of the van. We figured we might as well advertise for him since he has crews that go all over this part of Texas.”
Added on to the back of the house was the addition Mr. Abbott had done for Ace, and her favorite discovery of the week. Monday evening, Ace and Kemp had completed the tour of his house and she’d nearly flipped over the outdoor garden room in the backyard. It was accessible from the pool at the end of the house and also through the French doors that led onto the back deck.
It was built of natural rough-cut timbers which served as an arbor for a large climbing antique rose bush which grew on it and provided a haven dappled with sunlight and shade. Beneath the arbor there had been large pots filled with lush, green plants, and the green screen was so thick, it wasn’t until she passed through the entrance into the arbor that she realized there was another outdoor bed located within it.
The sunlight shone down on the bed, which had a cover over it to protect it from the elements, and once the sun descended a bit, the cozy enclosure would be bathed in cool shade. She’d imagined the lovemaking she wanted to experience out there and had said as much. The tour had ended with the three of them testing out the comfort and shade of the bed, bringing her to several sweet orgasms orally before letting her return the favor.
Rainier, Heather - Summer's Indiscretion [Divine Creek Ranch 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 18