Dreamscape: Infinity (Book 1)

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Dreamscape: Infinity (Book 1) Page 20

by L. R. Wolf

  “How did you…?” Elohwa trailed off, her eyes focused on what lay beyond the door. At the very back of the wall was a statue of a woman, a Shadow Elf. Massive stone wings were flared out to the sides as if she were about to take flight. Though the clothes the woman wore looked simple, there was nothing simple about her demeanor. She carried herself more regally than royalty. Her eyes were set with strange stones that gave the distinct impression they were watching everything going on around her. Her hands were folded on her chest covering her heart.

  “The Goddess of the Flame!” Elohwa stared at the statue with reverence, bringing both of her hands up and placing one atop the other on her chest mirroring the pose of the statue.

  As Elohwa and Va'lore crossed the threshold of the door, it slammed shut behind them locking them in. The party of three turned toward where the door had been only to find nothing but solid stone blocking their path. With a look at one another they turned back towards the statue. A shimmer on the the walls to the left and right revealed two towering Guardians. The only source of light within this room was the Fire Shield surrounding Aya, there didn’t appear to be any braziers or torches in the immediate vicinity to light the room.

  “Extinguish your flame, Aya.” Va'lore floated toward the Statue, his head tilting to the side as he examined something.

  Aya cancelled the spell plunging the room into darkness, without the fire’s light they were able to see a soft red glow coming from behind the hands of the statue. The light pulsed softly mimicking the beating of a heart.

  Private Message from Elohwa- “Do as I do.”

  Aya glanced at Elohwa, The Companion raised her hands once more to her heart, one hand over the other and then bowed her head towards the Statue, Va'lore also had his hands over his heart as well. Aya raised her own hands and placed her right hand on her heart and then covered that hand with her left and bowed her head as Elohwa and Va'lore were doing. A gentle breeze surrounded them carrying the scent of the forest after a cleansing rain. Aya looked up in surprise. She was no longer in the cave within the Sky Temple, rather she was now surrounded by trees. Bushy pines and towering oaks, maples, redwoods, and other trees she couldn’t identify were all around her, the leaves fluttering in a gentle breeze. There in front of her was a real person instead of an unmoving lifeless statue. Here before her stood the Goddess of the Flame and she was standing alone, her companions, her friends, nowhere to be found.

  Chapter 20: Before a Goddess


  A Shadow Elf, radiating a truly ethereal beauty, stood in the center, her wings were fluttering gently in the breeze but were now at her back rather than flared out like the statues had been. Her hair, the color of flames, mostly red with orange and yellow streaking through it, was pulled back and braided, the braid settling over silky light gray shoulders. Black eyes flecked with red and orange stared down at Aya as she towered over her at well over ten feet tall, but as Aya watched, the Goddess shrank down to just five feet so that could look the Dreamer in the eye.

  “I sense great power within you, Child.” The Goddess’s voice was soft and almost musical yet at the same time it commanded authority. The Goddess tilted her head a bit as she examined the Dreamer. “...and a great sadness.” Aya wanted to look away from that piercing gaze, but she couldn’t bring herself to look away from the burning embers of the Goddesses eyes. “Tell me, Child, why have you come seeking my heart?”

  Aya was taken aback, “Your heart?!” Aya didn’t exactly like being called Child, but she wasn’t about to correct someone who could likely obliterate her with a mere look.

  The Goddess smiled, her eyes crinkled a bit as her smile was true and reached even her eyes. It took Aya a brief moment for what she had said to really sink in.

  “Your heart...is the Heart of the City?!” Aya had really been hoping that it had been a metaphorical heart as it had been in most other game worlds.

  “What, pray tell, did you think it was going to be?” The Goddess sounded highly amused.

  “I don’t know, I was hoping for a stone, a coin, a gem, something other than an actual heart.” Aya wasn’t quite sure how to talk to a Goddess. In the past she had killed deities for their loot, never even thinking about just talking to them, though the NPC’s she had so far encountered in Infinity seemed so far ahead of any other NPC’s she’d ever come in contact with. Now that she thought about it, the NPC’s here, like Elohwa, actually interacted with the Dreamers on a scale she had never before seen much less heard of. They didn’t appear to be some script that the program was running.

  The Goddess smiled again, “Tell me, Child, if I could grant you one wish, what would it be?” Before Aya could answer the Goddess continued on as if reading her mind, “and I fear it can not be something that I would not be able to effect outside of this world.”

  Aya frowned, her one wish more than anything was to be reunited with her family, but she could see how no number of deities, no matter how powerful, could change the programming of the game to return her to her family. Fortunately, she didn’t need to think long on what her second wish would be. “Can you return the Shadow Elves to the world? Release them from their prisons?”

  The Goddess was taken aback by Aya’s answer. This woman, this human, could have asked for anything in the entirety of Infinity. She hadn’t asked for the heart, which would have given her a kingdom. She hadn’t asked for the grandest loot the world had to offer, nor a sum of platinum that could buy multiple kingdoms. She had asked for the release of the Goddesses own children, and she had done it without a second’s thought, though the Goddess hadn’t missed the sadness that had passed across Aya’s face at the thought of her family.

  “Tell me, why is it you would want me to release them? What would it gain you?” The Goddess had raised an eyebrow, the effect between the fiery eyebrow and the ember like eyes was stunning, like watching a fire that had died down to nothing but embers flicker back to life.

  Aya knew she was being tested somehow, she also knew it would be in her best interest to tell the truth. “I”m sure I’d end up gaining fame or glory or whatever is used here in this world, but I’m not asking for you to release them for that reason. My Companion, no, my FRIEND is a Shadow Elf, she was with me back in that cave, she feels like she’s the last of her kind. No one should be made to feel alone, no matter what world you come from, besides,” Aya paused a moment gathering herself for what she was about to say, “I know what it’s like to lose everyone I care about. If I can return her people to her she won’t feel so alone, and then they can rebuild their city once more without anyone having to take your heart. Also, I’m asking because it’s the right thing to do. ” She didn’t really know how things like that worked in Infinity. The city had lain in ruins for so long would someone have to reclaim the heart from the Goddesses or would it still belong to the Shadow Elves, her children?

  The Goddess continued to stare at her as she gauged the truthfulness of what Aya had said. After a few moments of heavy silence, the Goddess seemed to make up her mind. “I can release them from their prisons, but I would not be able to release them all at once and even then you would still need to deal with the illness that had befallen them. I would also need an item from the one who cursed them.” A quest prompt appeared in Aya’s vision.

  Congratulations Dreamer! You have been offered the Unique Quest-Wish Granted part 1-The Goddess of Flame has tasked you with obtaining and returning an item that belonged to the man that once was good but fell to darkness and cursed her children, imprisoning them within crystal! Do this and the Goddess can begin releasing the Shadow Elves back into the world! Reward-20,000 sxp token. Bonus-The eternal gratitude and friendship of the Goddess of the Flame. Massive increase to the bond with your Companion. Do you accept?

  Congratulations Dreamer! You have been offered the Unique Quest-The Shadow Illness-The Goddess of the Flame believes she can free the Shadow Elves from their prisons, but even so, they would still be afflicted by the mysteri
ous illness which befell them centuries ago. Find a way to cure the illness before you ask the Goddess to begin releasing the Shadow Elves. Reward-25,000 sxp token. Bonus-The eternal gratitude and friendship of the Shadow Elf race as a whole. Massive increase to the bond with your Companion. Do you accept?

  Aya read through both quests quickly before accepting them. Though the skill experience reward was nice, she was more curious as to what exactly the rest of the rewards would bring? What exactly would it mean to be considered a friend to a Goddess? What would it mean to have an entire race of people backing you? What would increasing her bond with Elohwa do? These questions swirled around in her mind creating more questions. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as the Goddess nodded her head to herself.

  “Now, if you are to release my Children they will need a place to live.” The Goddess folded her hands over her chest the same way Elohwa had done and then lowered them out in front of her towards Aya. In the palms of her hands was a softly glowing stone. Multiple colors swirled around within giving the appearance of a flame trapped within the stone.

  Aya stared at the stone then looked back up at the Goddess who was watching her expectantly. Aya’s inner packrat was swiping at the gem trying to project the movement to Aya, but instead of taking it she looked up at the Goddess.

  “Would it be possible to bring my friend here? Her name is Elohwa.” Aya glanced up at the face of the Goddess and she could see what almost looked like pride as she saw a bright smile gracing her face, her pearl white teeth shining in the sunlight. In a moment, Elohwa appeared before them, her head almost on a swivel as she looked around in confusion before her eyes settled on the Goddess, her eyes wide in surprise.

  “My Lady!!” Elohwa dropped to her knees as she covered her heart with her hands, her eyes averted down.

  “Rise, my Daughter. There is no need for that here.” The Goddess’s smile had brightened even more at the sight of one of her Children.

  Elohwa rose to her feet, her eyes looking back and forth between Aya and the Goddess before they settled on the Heart still within the palms of the Goddess. “The Heart…” Elohwa reached out with a hand as if to touch the stone before realizing what she was doing. She yanked her hand back, a look of shame passing quickly across her face.

  “Take it.” Aya smiled and nodded at her to give her encouragement.

  Elohwa stared at the stone. With it, she could rebuild her city, returning it to its former glory. Tears began to form as she met Aya’s blue eyes. “You do not wish to lay claim to the city?”

  Aya shook her head before replying, “It’s not mine to claim; it never was.” Aya didn’t even know if an NPC could claim a city, but then again it really didn’t matter to her as she knew that what she was doing was the right thing.

  Elohwa looked back at the gem, the colors of fire swirling around within. As much as she wanted to take the gem to claim her city, she knew that she wouldn’t even be standing here if not for Aya. She reached out and took the gem from the Goddess, but rather than claim the city she turned to Aya. Before she could react, Elohwa grabbed her hand, pushing the stone into Aya’s palm and clasping her hands around them with her own. “Take it, claim the city.” She could see Aya about to protest so she cut her off with a look before continuing, “I am only here, standing before my Goddess, with the opportunity to save both my city and my people because of you. You have shown both honor and compassion, I trust you to do what is right for my people. Please, take it.” Elohwa squeezed Aya’s hands around the gem.

  Aya looked up at the Goddess who smiled and nodded her agreement. She looked down at the small stone in her hand and then examined it.

  The Heart of Eventide Falls-Claiming this city will allow you to rebuild the city how you see fit. Do you wish to claim this city?

  Aya hesitated only a moment before thinking yes, a new prompt appeared in her vision.

  What would you like to name your city?

  Aya didn’t even need to think about what to name the city immediately thinking Eventide Falls. As soon as she did so a thunderous BOOM echoed throughout the valley and a multitude of messages appeared in her vision.

  Congratulations Dreamer! You are the first in Infinity to claim a city! Rebuild this once great city how you see fit! Please refer to the City Building icon for help and more information.

  HARK denizens of Marod! The First City of the Shadow Elves has been claimed by Lady Aya.

  Congratulations Dreamer! You have earned the Title-The Righteous! You did the right thing and by doing so have earned a title. This title will grant you a 10% increase when you sell to any good aligned merchant or vendor as well as items costing 10% less at good aligned merchants or vendors.

  Congratulations Dreamer! You have earned the Accolade-City Owner-As the owner of a city you will be granted at least a share of all loot obtained within your domain. Base 10% increase to coins and loot drop chance. This percentage can be raised with City Talents.

  Congratulations Dreamer! You have earned the Title-Lady-As the owner of a city within the domains of this once lost kingdom you have been granted the title of Lady. As a Lady, all that pass will look upon you with respect. Any allies within your city will also gain a buff whilst in the city limits. +25 mana/health regen +10% skill experience +10% quality/quantity of loot +10% coin loot.

  As the owner of a City, you have been granted a spell allowing you to return to your city at any time.

  Congratulations Dreamer! You have learned the spells-Personal Portal: Eventide Falls & Group Portal: Eventide Falls. 40% mana cost.

  Aya dismissed the notifications and saw both Elohwa and The Goddess staring back at her, smiles spread from ear to ear and a sparkle lighting up their eyes, for the great city of Eventide Falls had been reborn.

  Chapter 21: Thorn at Their Side


  Aya wouldn’t be able to begin rebuilding until she was back within the city limits so she decided to give the women some space to talk, “I’m going to be looking in my inventory for a few if you two want to catch up?” Aya knew the two women before her were being polite and not directly speaking with one another as anything they spoke about would leave Aya out of the conversation. She made her way over to a weeping willow type tree nearby and sat beneath its branches as she opened up her inventory to see what she had obtained. Between the gear and alchemical ingredients they had gathered from the undead in the Dead Fields Aya was confident they’d be able to sell the items at a premium which they could then put into rebuilding Eventide Falls. While she was rifling through the clutter of items in the satchel she could hear Elohwa and the Goddess speaking in the language of the Shadow Elves. She may not have understood what was being said, but she continued to listen in as the language itself was incredibly beautiful, it sounded like a song and they were singing a duet. Aya shook her head and turned her thoughts away from the musical voices as she once again dove back into her satchel. Something kept pulling at the edges of her mind, like she was forgetting something but couldn’t quite grasp it to bring it to the front. As she was thinking about it, she noticed a bag icon flashing in her inventory, but it wouldn’t open when she tried, a notification popped up in her vision.

  The bag you are attempting to open is currently bound to a Creature. Resummon the Creature to be able to access its inventory.

  She realized that the bag that was glowing was the same bag she had handed to Elohwa’s vine creature. Because the bag had come from her, she would be able to access its inventory once it was re-summoned. Because of her bond with Elohwa, she could use any spell her Companion created and vice versa. With a thought and a gesture she summoned the Vine Creature, the pouch she had given it still on its waist. The creature looked at her curiously. This time she examined it.

  Vine Creature-This creature was formed by the vines of Entangling Roots. This creature is sentient and will grow in both power and intelligence the longer it remains active. Can be modified using special creature modifications.
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  Aya’s mouth turned down in a frown. “We really should give you a better name than just Vine Creature. Hrm,” she tapped her chin with her forefinger as she contemplated what to name the creation. “Fluffy is definitely out.” She chuckled a bit as she watched thorns emerge from the vines and its eye sockets narrowed a bit dimming the light within in a glare. She tilted her head to the side deep in thought before she shrugged to herself. “Ok I can’t come up with anything that won’t get me stabbed by those thorns. If you could, what would you name yourself?” The vines around the eye sockets grew wider making the light within brighter as it showed obvious surprise. The creature shuffled its feet, the vines flowing in and out of the ground at a rapid pace. Thorns once again appeared on the vines before disappearing and reappearing again. Aya raised an eyebrow as it repeated the gesture. “Thorns?” The creature’s eyes narrowed again. “Thorn?” The eyes lit back up and it bobbed its head in acknowledgement. “You want to be named Thorn?” The head bobbed again as it unleashed it’s thorns again. With a thought Aya opened the creature tab that had appeared in her interface when she’d summoned it.

  What would you like to rename your Creature?

  With a smile, Aya said aloud so that the Creature could hear her, “Thorn.” As she watched, the name above the creature changed from Vine Creature to Thorn. Thorn looked up at the name tag hovering above itself as it changed to reflect its new name, its eyes growing brighter and changing color from yellow to green. It looked back to Aya, its head nodding in approval. “Good glad you like it, Thorn.” With that done, she opened the bag that had been restricted. The bag was chock full of items, equipment, alchemical ingredients, currency, gems and other items that Thorn had collected for the women as they had fought. The empty potion vials and cork she set aside to give back to Elohwa, she being the alchemist. Aya sorted through all of the items, adding anything stackable to the stacks in her own inventory. She heard the familiar clink of coins as they were added and sorted in the satchel. Another 800 odd platinum coins pushed her over 1000p. She split the coins in half as she had done previously setting it aside for Elohwa later. Her eyes sparkled as they settled on the massive amount of gems they had collected. Low quality rubies, emeralds, opals, amethysts, and diamonds among others glowed softly in the inventory spaces assigned to them. She could have thrown all of the gems and the various currency into a chest like a pirate or a king just to watch them sparkle.


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