by John Hall
Research, 10
consideration and, 148–149
by consumers, 121
for content, 110
on documentation, 95
ideation and, 109–111
process for, 112
team members and, 65
University of Chicago and, 74–75
Resources, 146
library of, 163–172
people and, 23
tools and, 85, 90, 163–172
on websites, 10
Responsibilities, 99
Roetzer, Paul, 137
Rowling, J. K., 64
Rudd, Paul, 70, 71
Ruhlin, John, 45–46, 48
Sales, 1, 135–136
capacity for, 12
leads for, 156
objections during, 157
Scaling, 85, 139
content and, 87–88
of ideas, 38
practice and, 90
systems for, 114
Schools, 144
Search engine optimization (SEO), 91, 101
Search engine results page (SERP), 91
Self-awareness, 22
Self-importance, 72
Self-promotion, 59–60
SEO. See Search engine optimization
SERP. See Search engine results page
Shah, Dharmesh, 77, 78
of articles, 102
of content, 62
influence and, 157
of knowledge, 34–35
as networking, 154
as philosophy, 37
Shesto, Linda, 122
Sinek, Simon, 118, 119, 121
Snow, Shane, 30
Social media, 154–155
companies own, 66
employees and, 132
relationships and, 53
team for, 101
Software, 36
ad blocking and, 3
metrics tracked by, 91, 159
as proprietary, 65
startup in, 153
Solutions, 149
Spiegelman, Paul, 80
Sponsorships, 66
Sportsmanship, 126
Springsteen, Bruce, 18
Stezovsky, Natalie, 135
Stories, 112
Streep, Meryl, 82
on consumers, 56
on marketers, 120
on trust, 20
Success, xiv, 31, 126
Sustainability, 124
Synchronicity, xiii
Talent, 13
contributions of, 133
founders as, 17
investment in, 130
of leaders, 129
as researchers, 65
for social media, 101
thought leaders on, 58, 131, 139–141
for writing, 98
Technology, 3, 159
collaboration through, 140
education and, 145
women in, 136
TEDx Talk, 121
Thought leadership, 35, 79, 133
branding and, 25–26, 57–59
communication as, 134
content as, 137
conversion and, 150
investment in, 140
as opportunity, 84
on teams, 58, 131, 139–141
Time, xiv, 43–44
Tools, 139
for recruitment, 101
resources and, 85, 90, 163–172
Touch points
opportunity for, 146
system of, 32
for trust, 19, 20–27, 139, 151
Training, 136, 138
likability and, 53–76
relationships and, 55
trust and, 55, 56–57
Trust, xiv, 5
advocates and, 41
audience and, 17
barriers to, 17, 49, 54, 82, 106–107, 114
building of, 39
for consumers, 15–27
familiarity and, 82
leaders and, 63
networking and, 30
opportunity from consistency and, 18–20
relationships and, 159
studies on, 20
touch points for, 19, 20–27, 139, 151
transparency and, 56–57
understanding and, 18
University of Chicago, 74–75
Value, 60–62
addition of, 82
for audiences, 80
of content, 156
education and, 61
for people, 35–36, 47
traits and, 75–76
Volunteering, 43–44
Wages, 126
Webinars, 44, 60
Winfrey, Oprah, 70, 71
Women, 136
Writing, 93
anxiety about, 89, 104, 140
content and, 87–89, 160
ego in, 41
experience and, 62
formalities for, 111
Krishnan and, 123
McKissen and, 124–126
rewrites and, 103
skills for, 21
as subjective, 113
team for, 98
Young Entrepreneur Council (YEC), 30
JOHN HALL is the cofounder and CEO of Influence & Co., a firm that helps brands and individuals extract and leverage their expertise to create, publish, and distribute content to gain influence, visibility, and credibility with their key audiences. Influence & Co. has become one of the largest providers of expert content to online publications.
In 2016, John was one of the recipients of the EY Entrepreneur of the Year Award for “Best Emerging Company” and was recognized as one of the Business Journal’s Top 100 Visionaries, while Influence & Co. was ranked No. 239 on the Inc. 500 and No. 72 on the Forbes list of the “Most Promising Companies in America.” It was also recognized at the United Nations for being Empact’s “Best Marketing and Advertising Company of 2014.”
John has been called “one of the most powerful people in media who you’ve never met” by and a “must-see keynote speaker” by He is mentioned consistently in major publications as a top influencer, leader, and speaker. John writes weekly columns for and and has contributed to more than 50 online publications, including Harvard Business Review, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and Mashable.
As much as he’d love to cover his mom’s refrigerator with these accomplishments, what’s most important to him is helping others and paying it forward. Feel free to reach out to him if you think he can be helpful.
When John isn’t working, he loves spending time with his beautiful wife, Lindsay, and their two adorable daughters.
For more information, visit