by Piot, Peter
Jacob, Wim, 14
Jammeh, Yahya, 299
Jana, Smarajit, 198–99
Janseghers, Paul, 62
Janssen, Paul, 205–6
Janssen, P. G., 10
John Paul II, Pope, 268, 269
Johnson, Karl, 15, 19, 22, 23–25, 47, 51, 55–57, 59, 61, 62, 64, 67, 71, 78, 80, 100, 101, 155
Johnson, Nkozi, 283
Joseph (author’s friend), 193
Ka, Ibrahim, 291, 295
Kabila, Joseph, 369
Kadhafi, Moammar, 290–91, 361
Kagame, Janet, 260
Kagame, Paul, 259–61, 324–25
Kaldor, John, 171
Kaleeba, Christopher, 219
Kaleeba, Noerine, 212, 219, 223, 225, 236, 365
Kallings, Lars O., 375
Kant, Immanuel, 211
Kapita, Bila, 130–31, 143, 148, 185, 186, 196
Kashamuka, “Kash,” 163
Kastberg, Nils Arne, 216, 231
Katabira, Elly, 236, 298
Kazatchkine, Michel, 334, 346, 362–63
Kennedy, Ted, 328
Kerry, John, 329
Kibanga, Simon, 65
Kim, Jim, 332
Kimzeke, Greta, 16, 17, 18, 63, 72, 102, 105, 166, 197
Kivits, Dr., 17, 18, 20
Klatzmann, David, 135
Koch, Robert, 279
Kodhakievich, Lev, 159
Koech, Davy, 298
Koinange, Wilfrid, 167
Koth, André, 23, 24, 26
Kouchner, Bernard, 95, 305
Kourilsky, Philippe, 376
Kousalya, Periasamy, 350
Krause, Richard, 128
Krebs, Rolf, 312–13
Kreiss, Joan, 179, 205
Krim, Mathilde, 204
Kristoffersen, Ulf, 274
Kuchma, Leonid, 253
Kumate Rodriguez, Jesus, 210, 216
Kyonga, Chrispus, 321
Laga, Jef, 239
Laga, Marie, 113, 115, 153, 163, 239
Laleman, Geert, 174
Lamboray, Jean-Louis, 209
Lamptey, Peter, 159
Lamy, Pascal, 311
Landey, Debbie, 244
Larson, Heidi, 244, 368
Leach, Jim, 318
Lee, Barbara, 318
Lee, Jong Wook, 326, 327, 332, 347
Lelievre-Damit, Paul, 20–21
Léon, Father, 40, 67
Leonchuk, Natalia, 348
Leopold II, King of the Belgians, 7, 95
Letsie III, King of Lesotho, 366
Lindblad, Bertil, 343–44
Loures, Luiz, 254, 256, 257
Love, Jamie, 308
Lozano Barragan, Archbishop Javier, 269
Luambo, Franco, 158–59
Lula, President of Brazil, 255
Lumumba, Patrice, 69
Luo, Nkandu, 247
Lurhuma, Dr., 298
Machel, Graca, 324
Magazani, Kambali, 174, 195
Magritte, Rene, xii
Mahler, Halfdan, 149–50, 151, 175
Makgoba, Malegapuru, 281, 299
Malloch Brown, Mark, 286, 296, 319, 342
Mandela, Nelson, 228, 265–66, 277, 285, 292, 303, 324, 362
Mane, Purnima, 224, 359
Mann, Jonathan, 140–43, 145, 146–47, 150–52, 157, 159, 161, 162, 167, 170–71, 175–76, 181, 182, 183, 194, 226, 234, 243, 249, 310
Mao Zedong, 357
Marcella, Sister, 37–40, 44, 46–47, 165
Marie-Antoinette (President Mobutu’s wife), 90
Mariette, Sister, 37–38, 40–41
Martineau, Tim, 371
Marx, Groucho, 141
Masako, Crown Princess of Japan, 212
Masekela, Hugh, 285
Mathilde, Crown Princess of Belgium, 348
Matondo, Masamba, 34–35, 47, 49
Mauras, Marta, 291
May, Karl, 4
May, Robert, 58, 165
Mbeki, Thabo, 228, 235, 278–84, 285, 286, 298, 369
Mbeki, Zanele, 278, 280
Mboup, Souleymane, 162, 172, 196, 237, 299
Mbuyi, Dr., 77
Mbuzu ex-Sophie (Ebola virus survivor), 42–43, 51, 52, 53
McCarthy, Joseph, 256
McCartney, Paul, 55
McCormick, Joe, 55, 76, 129, 130, 131, 137, 141, 162
McEvoy, Peggy, 256, 257
McGreevy, Bill, 300
Medvedev, Dmitri Anatolyevich, 346
Meechai, Viraidya, 176, 237
Meheus, André, 92, 93, 94, 183–84
Merson, Michael, 182, 183–84, 194, 196, 207, 225, 227, 231, 276, 317
Mette-Marit, Crown Princess of Norway, 348
Miatudila, Dr., 77
Mitchell, Sheila, 135
Mitterrand, François, 160
Mobutu Sésé Seko, 21, 27, 30, 31, 32, 35, 42, 60, 62, 65, 69, 70, 75, 90, 94, 95, 144, 157, 158, 162, 182, 183, 185, 194–95, 298
Mocumbi, Pascoal, 326, 327
Moe Dolf (author’s great-grandmother), 38
Moerkerk, Hans, 208–9, 213, 223
Mogae, Festus, 259, 367
Mogedal, Sigrun, 336
Montagnier, Luc, 126, 135, 137–38, 160–61
Moodie, Rob, 223, 225, 244
Moose, George, 322
Morris, Jim, 366
Msiska, Roland, 223
Mswati III, King of Swaziland, 367
Mubarak, Suzanne, 270
Mugabe, Robert, 258
Mugyenyi, Peter, 304
Museveni, Yoweri, 236, 247, 259
Mushola, N’goy, 34–35, 63
Muyembe, Jean-Jacques, 23, 134
Mwangi, Meja, 111
Myriam, Sister, 31
Nabarro, David, 231, 247, 263–64, 309, 318
Nakajima, Hiroshi, 175, 181, 182, 208, 210, 216, 217, 221, 227, 245, 303
Nalls, Patricia, 365
Namaara, Warren, 115
Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 353
Naruhito, Crown Prince of Japan, 212
Natsios, Andrew, 302
Natth, Bhamarapravati, 203
Ndoye, Ibrahim, 162, 212, 214–15, 237
Negasso, Gidada, 270
Ngali, Bosenge, 143–44, 158, 159, 161
Nguete, Professor, 22
Ngugi, Elizabeth, 113, 156
Nietzsche, Anja, 371
Nieuwenhove, Simon Van, 76
Nsanze, Herbert, 111, 113
N’Seka, Mayinga, 24, 25–26, 47
Nujoma, Sam, 283
Nzila, Eugene Nzilambi, 144, 153, 161, 163, 165
Nzulu, Winston, 223
Obama, Barack, 242, 330, 331, 364
Obasanjo, Olusegun, 288, 289, 291, 361
Odio, Wobin, 148
Okware, Sam, 212, 236
Olonga, Citoyen Ipoya, 32–34, 73
Olowo-Freers, Bernadette, 216
Onishchenko, Gennady, 343
Opulo, David, 236
Pangu, Kaza Asilag, 148
Pape, Jean William “Bill,” 149
Parran, Thomas, 138
Pasteur, Louis, 376
Pattyn, Renée, 20
Pattyn, Stefaan, 8, 10, 11, 12–15, 16–17, 18–20, 21–22, 24, 55, 81, 83, 88, 90, 92, 96, 117–18, 122
Pécoul, Bernard, 311
Peeters, Martine, 177–78
Perriens, Jos, 154, 195, 311
Phanuphak, Prahpan, 203
Pinchuck, Elena, 253
Piot, Bram, 91, 102, 166–67, 168
Piot, Christian, 68
Piot, Maurice, 201
Piot, Sara, 114, 225, 253, 277
Platt, Geoff, 80
Plumley, Ben, 266, 305, 309–10, 337, 359, 371
Plummer, Frank, 113, 167, 179–80
Pokrovsky, Vadim, 176, 342, 346
Prodi, Romani, 311
Putin, Vladimir, 346
Quinn, Tom, 104, 128, 130, 131, 137, 141, 142, 155, 162, 194–95
Quraishi, S. Yacoov, 350
, Gérard, 23
Ramathodi, Ngoako, 281–82
Rao, Prasada, 247, 341, 350
Rao, Sujata, 350
Rath, Matthias, 299
Reagan, Ronald, 128, 160, 173, 361
Rees, Helen, 298–99
Rehnstrom, Joel, 355
Reid, Elizabeth, 207, 210
Ritzen, Jo, 223
Roedy, Bill, 247, 266, 324
Rogunda, Ruhakana, 175
Romana, Sister, 31
Ronald, Allan, 105, 108, 110–11, 113
Roosevelt, Eleanor, 292
Ruggie, John, 286
Ruppol, Jean-François, 23, 24, 30–31, 33, 40, 47, 49, 53, 61, 90, 129–30, 142
Ruti, Kalisa, 130
Ryder, Robin, 145, 152–54, 297
Sadik, Nafis, 245, 296
Salla-N’tounga, Roger, 371
Sam, Badara, 311
Samba, Ebrahim, 302
Sampaio, Jorge, 324
Sawyer, Eric, 252
Schwartländer, Bernhard, 233–34, 249, 290
Serra, José, 255
Serwadda, David, 236
Sewankambo, Nelson, 236
Shakarishvili, Anna, 348
Shalala, Donna, 242
Shenouda III, Pope of the Egyptian Coptic Church, 269–70
Sherry, Jim, 207, 217, 225–26, 248, 272, 274, 291, 318, 320, 337, 359
Sidibé, Michel, 249–50, 362, 369–70, 371
Simon, Yolanda, 287
Singh, Manmohan, 349
Somavia, Juan, 283
Sophie (Ebola virus survivor), 42–43, 51, 52, 53
Speke, John, 5
Spielberg, Steven, 4
Stanley, Henry Morton, 5
Steiger, Bill, 320
Stoffels, Paul, 205–6
Sturchio, Jeff, 309
Sukato (Ebola virus survivor), 43, 51, 52, 53, 80, 90
Sureau, Pierre, 22, 24, 25, 26, 32, 40, 44–46, 47, 51, 52, 56, 60, 61, 62, 66, 67, 78
Sy, Elhadj As, 162, 216, 230, 278, 291
Sykes, Richard, 265, 266, 304
Taelman, Henri, 123–25, 127, 128, 130, 131, 168
Tantawy, Sheikh Said, Imam of El Azhar Mosque, 270
Tarantola, Daniel, 157, 234, 247, 249, 309
Tarui, Masayoshi, 211
Taylor, Elizabeth, 204
Tedros, Adhanom Ghebreyesus, 339, 369
Teixeira, Paolo, 332
Temmerman, Marleen, 111, 301
Teresa, Mother, 68
Thaksin, Shinawatra, 364
Thomas, Gareth, 337
Thompson, Tommy, 324
Thurman, Sandy, 263, 272, 324
Tobias, Randy, 330–32, 336, 355
Trahar, Tony, 318
Trujillo, Cardinal Lopez, 268
Tshabalala-Msimang, Manto, 282, 285, 301, 311
Turgovnik, Jonathan, 260
Tutu, Archbishop Desmond, 270
Umeda, Tammy, 211
Vajpayee, A. B., 349
Vandeperre, Philippe, 179
Van Der Groen, Guido, 4, 7–8, 14, 18, 55, 59, 64, 78–79, 87, 88
Van Dyck, Eddy, 109
Veneman, Ann, 259
Verhofstadt, Guy, 326
Verne, Jules, 5
Victoria, Queen of England, 288
Vielfont, Jan, 186
Warren, Rick, 330, 363
Web, Patricia, 64
Weg, Ken, 308, 310
Wen Jiabao, 353, 355–56, 357
Wensley, Penny, 291–93, 295
Werasit, Sittitrai, 203, 223, 225, 237
Weyalo, Dr., 90, 91
White, Mike, 77, 78–79
Whitescarver, Jack, 128
Willy (author’s friend), 126, 168, 193
Wolfensohn, Jim, 245, 296
Wu Yi, 354
Xiao Li, 354
Yamada, Tachi, 259
Yamamoto, Naoke, 211
Zewdie, Debrework, 245, 247, 271
Zhovtyak, Vladimir, 348
Zulu, Winston, 212
Zuma, Jacob, 281
Zuma, Nkosazana, 265
Zwelithini, Goodwill, King of Zulu, 277
The five missionaries who died from Ebola hemorrhagic fever in Yambuku, 1976 (Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, ’s-Gravenwezel, Belgium).
Yambuku mission hospital, 1976 (P. Piot).
Arrival in Yambuku on October 20, 1976: with Joe Breman, Pierre Sureau, Jean-François Ruppol, Jean-Pierre Kott, Masamba, Nurse, Sukato (Ebola survivor) (J. Breman)
Village near Yambuku showing close contact with forest (P. Piot).
Cases of African hemorrhagic fever by date of onset, Equator region, Zaire, Africa, Sept. 1–Oct. 30, 1976 (P. Piot).
Crashed Allouette helicopter with dead pilot, 1976 (P. Piot)
A farewell present from Yamotile Moke, 1976 (P. Piot)
Kinshasa, October 1983: with Tom Quinn, Chris Bets, Joe McCormick, Sheila Mitchell, Henri Taelman (P. Piot)
Dr. Joseph Bila Kapita and colleagues at Kinshasa General (ex Mama Yemo) Hospital, 2008 (H. Larson)
The corridor of my lab at the Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, with my assistant, Yvette Baeten, 1983 (Antwerp Institute of Tropical Medicine)
Taking a break from a sex worker clinic visit, Kenya, 1986 (P. Piot)
The day of my appointment as executive director of UNAIDS with Boutros Boutros Gali and Hiroshi Nakajima, December 1994 (UNAIDS).
The UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations, Rome, 1999 (Carol Bellamy, Gro Harlem Brundtland, Mark Malloch Brown, Nafis Sadik, Mat Carlson) (UNAIDS).
In Fidel Castro’s private office, Havana, 1999 (UNAIDS)
Visiting a refugee camp in Burundi with Kathleen Cravero, UN resident coordinator, and later deputy executive director, UNAIDS, 1999 (UNAIDS).
First ever debate on AIDS at first session of millennium of UN Security Council with Vice President Al Gore and Kofi Annan, January 2000 (UNAIDS).
Exploring the truck cabin during a visit of an HIV prevention program with truck drivers in New Delhi, 2000 (UNAIDS).
A relaxing moment while preparing for the OAU Special Summit on AIDS in Abuju with President O. Obasanjo and Kofi Annan, 2001 (UNAIDS)
The red ribbon on UN Headquarters for the UN General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS, June 2001 (UNAIDS)
Discussing AIDS strategy during the Children’s UN Summit in New York, 2002, with former Presidents Bill Clinton and Nelson Mandela (UNAIDS)
Meeting with sex workers association (WATCH) in Kathmandu, Nepal, February 2003, just after losing the election in WHO (UNAIDS).
Visiting with a patient with AIDS, together with Nafisa Ali. Ashraya Holistic Care Center in Rajokari, India, 2003 (UNAIDS)
Heckled by AIDS activists at the International Conference on AIDS in Bangkok, 2004 (UNAIDS)
Livingstone, Zambia, 2003: addressing a community gathering on AIDS (UNAIDS).
Returning from rehabilitation-through-labor camp for women in Guongdong Province, 2004 (UNAIDS).
Visiting a methadone maintenance clinic in Yunan Province, with Ambassador Randal Tobias, 2005 (UNAIDS).
Meeting with Premier Wen Jiao Bao, June 2005 (UNAIDS).
An unanticipated review of the troops at the Yunan Police Academy in Kunming, 2005 (UNAIDS).
Addressing the UN General Assembly in New York, 2005 (UNAIDS).
Together with Zacki Achmat, founder of TAC (Treatment Action Campaign) at the Nelson Mandela Foundation, Johannesburg, 2008 (H. Larson).
My last UNAIDS Board meeting with Ambassador Mark Dybul as chair, December 2008 (UNAIDS).
Formal photo with President Amadou Toumani Toure and my successor Michel Sidibé, Bamako, Mali, December 2008 (H. Larson).
Praise for
No Time to Lose
“Piot exudes intellige
nce, passion, and excitement. . . . He leaves a legacy of change and hope in two worlds—medicine and politics—and an urgent reminder that their cooperation saves lives.”
—Publishers Weekly, starred review
—Andrew Jack, Financial Times
“Piot’s candid memoir of his path from early fieldwork on Ebola to founding director of UNAIDS highlights the challenges of ‘global health.’ ”
—Jerry C. H. Tam, Science
“Piot . . . has written an inspiring and at times humorous memoir. . . . Reminiscent of Tracy Kidder’s Mountains Beyond Mountains and highly recommended for fans of memoirs about medical breakthroughs.”
—Mary Chitty, Library Journal
“[A] timely and accessible memoir. . . . Piot’s race to make a difference in the face of this overwhelming epidemic makes for enthralling reading, and his determination, efforts, and accomplishments are inspiring. . . . This eminently readable firsthand account by a doctor on the front lines of the battle against AIDS will appeal to budding young scientists.”
—Kristine Huntley, Booklist, starred review
“Piot’s memoir shines with vivid recollections.”
—Kate Tuttle, Boston Globe
“From the discovery of Ebola virus to the struggle against HIV, Peter Piot has been at the forefront of the global fight against infectious diseases. In this insightful book, Dr. Piot reminds us of the importance of our shared responsibility for overcoming global humanitarian challenges.”
—Kofi Annan, Nobel laureate and
former secretary-general of the United Nations
“An absorbing memoir in which the author learns to combat deadly diseases and maneuver in the international political scene.”
—Kirkus Reviews
Copyright © 2012 by Peter Piot
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