Quantum Heights: Book one of the Dead Path Chronicles

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Quantum Heights: Book one of the Dead Path Chronicles Page 16

by Richard A. Valicek

  “Let me guess, you like the violin?” Calista asked.

  “Yes. How did you know?” asked Kazoos.

  “Call it female intuition,” she said. “So, Mr. Kazoos, which train are you taking?”

  “I’m taking the K11,” he said.

  The boarding call sounded again, “Last call for Track K12. Now boarding!”

  “Alright, Calista. That’s enough fun. Let’s make our train,” said Caprius. He stood and smiled sympathetically at Kazoos.

  Calista stood and looked sweetly down at Kazoos. “I’m sorry, but we’re on the K12. Perhaps another time.” She kissed his cheek.

  Kazoos looked radiant as she made to leave. “That’s alright. It isn’t every day a beautiful woman asks me to sit beside her.”

  “The pleasure was all mine.” Calista turned, and she and Caprius jogged to their train and boarded. They were still laughing as they got to their seats, but Calista soon grew pensive. “Poor thing. He was sweet.”

  “I do think you set his heart on fire,” said Caprius.

  “Either that or I almost gave him a heart attack,” said Calista. “How unfortunate a name. Poor dear,” she said again.

  “Tell me, what would you have done if he were taking the same train?” asked Caprius.

  “I don’t know. I guess I would have hoped you’d come to my rescue,” she said.

  The two continued to chat and banter not noticing that just a few seats over, a man was stealing glances at the pair. It was Nigel Goncool, and beside Nigel was his hideous partner in crime, Vernon Goncool. They both wore similar dark clothing and pretended to read newspapers.

  Nigel had nothing but disdain for Caprius, but when he saw his old love, his heart nearly burst from his chest.

  “When do we make our move?” asked Vernon, jarring Nigel from his thoughts.

  “Later. When the time is right,” said Nigel.

  Caprius and Calista relaxed and enjoyed each other’s company, knowing it was going to be a long journey. “So, I haven’t been able to tell you yet, but while I was getting our tickets, I ran into your old friend Thornin Goncool.”

  “What?” Calista said. “What was he doing there?”

  “I don’t know. But, something tells me we’re going to run into him again,” said Caprius.

  “Did you try to capture him?” asked Calista.

  “As soon as he saw me, he fled. I ran after him, but when I nearly had the bastard, a train came, and he jumped right in front, nearly killing himself. He made it across, and when the train passed,” Caprius snapped his fingers, “Thornin was gone.”

  “How could you lose him?” she asked. She looked down at her hands.

  “I don’t know. The way he ran, he had an almost inhuman agility…” mused Caprius.

  “Is he a vampire?”

  “No, I don’t necessarily think he is. But, he might be something else,” said Caprius. He lowered his voice and leaned forward, his face dark and serious. “I think we are going to have a hard time stopping the Goncools.”

  “Was anyone with him?” asked Calista.

  “No, though I wouldn’t be surprised if he were meeting up with someone,” said Caprius.

  “I will say that Nigel, Thornin, and Lavender Frikiseed were always very close, almost inseparable. It is not likely he was alone,” said Calista. “I wonder what in the world Thornin was doing at the train station. Or, where was he going.”

  “Maybe the same place we are headed,” said Caprius.

  The thought of running into him gave Calista a terrible feeling. “I don’t think I’m going to be able to sleep tonight,” she said. “But, I think it’s time I turned in just the same.” All she cared about at that moment was being alone.

  Caprius and Calista walked through the cars to their sleeping compartment. They unfolded their slim berths, where blankets and pillows awaited them, climbed in, and within moments, were both soundly asleep.

  Each slept until morning was well underway. They were awakened by the scent of freshly brewed tea and warm biscuits. The train sped through the barren, snow-covered land. Mountains framed the horizon, and the sun was bright. Caprius and Calista took their turns with their morning toilet, then went to the dining car for a light breakfast. Though she had slept through the night, it was a fitful sleep, her troubled dreams all centering around Nigel. But, she decided to let the fresh morning reinvigorate her spirit and give her a new start.

  “I’m sorry your sleep was uneasy,” said Caprius over cups of steaming Earl Gray. “I can’t imagine how hard it will be for you now that you know Nigel is at large,” he said.

  “I almost feel as if he is watching me,” whispered Calista, her eyes red and tired.

  “Melina has those thoughts about Fenison Torington. Lately, her dreams have been more and more foreboding.”

  “I suppose Melina and I have that in common; we both have tormented pasts. Ones that will linger in our memories for a long time,” said Calista.

  “You know, I never thanked you for being so generous with Melina, letting her confide in you. She opened up to you in a way she couldn’t with me. She counts you as a dear friend, you know.”

  “I am here for her. She is young, and this is obviously very trying for her,” said Calista.

  “Yes, the fact that you’re older makes you something of a big sister for her. She can look up to you, like she does Setra,” said Caprius.

  “And, Fetrona?” she asked.

  “Fetrona is young and… fairly selfish; though, she can be funny and charming. She and Melina aren’t that close,” said Caprius.

  “That seems kind of harsh,” laughed Calista.

  “It’s just that she fancies herself to be very high society and likes to walk about with her nose in the air, but really, she’s not that bright and is awfully fond of toilet humor.” Calista giggled. “Fetrona has a motto. For high time and sheer fun… bring your drinks to my table. You can almost see it on her forehead. I’m not trying to be mean. I’d just rather Melina spent time with you or Setra.”

  “I’ll try to take that as a compliment,” said Calista.

  Caprius shook his head. “I just don’t understand Andromin’s relationship with her. He says how much he cares for Fetrona, but then he’ll go off to bed with another woman behind her back. I think he keeps her like some sort of security blanket.”

  “I don’t really know her, but now I feel like I’ve gotten an idea of who she is,” said Calista. “And, at least you said your piece in a refined way. You and your father share that, that quiet elegance, among other traits I’ve noticed in just the short time I’ve been in Elysium.”

  “Yes, we are very much alike. My father said that I look a lot like he did when he was my age,” said Caprius.

  “And, Dragus?” she asked.

  “Dragus is not all that much like my father. I mean Dragus has my father’s niceness. He’s kind and all. But, my father has more leadership qualities.”

  “That must be why he was appointed king,” said Calista. “He is a strong, honorable man with the stomach to combat any difficulties that come his way.”

  “Actually, those qualities notwithstanding, my father was appointed king because he has royal blood in his veins. He was related to the slain king Tassidus,” said Caprius. “Tassidus never fathered any children, so he was next in line for the throne.”

  “Well, let us raise a toast to your father. Ruler of Elysium! To Confidus Seaton! Long may he rule!” said Calista raising her voice as she pretended to be an enthusiastic villager cheering on her king.

  Nigel Goncool sat not far away from Calista and Caprius and heard her toast Confidus Seaton. “My friends,” he muttered, “your king and society are about to fall.” Nigel turned and snuck a look down the aisle, and his eye caught Caprius’ claymore glinting in the sunlight.

  “Now about us,” said Calista, leaning back. “Tell me more about your past loves. Were there any other women besides Melina?”

  Caprius felt his past catch u
p with him all of a sudden. He hesitated. “There… there were a few others. But, it was not really love with them, more like infatuation. Melina is the only girl I have ever really loved.”

  “And, what about Melina? Was she ever involved with anyone else?” Calista asked.

  “There was one other. His name was Fenison Torington. Actually they were together when she and I met,” said Caprius.

  “You mean you broke them up?” she asked astonished.

  “Melina and I fell in love. Fenison was hurt. And, he never really got over it. He was my friend, and I hurt him. You see, Melina and I have a connection. That is why we are meant to be together. But, I am responsible for their break up. And, Melina shares equal guilt.”

  “I take it you are not friends with Fenison anymore,” she said.

  “Because of what had happened, Fenison left Elysium and took his own life,” said Caprius.

  “That’s so sad,” Calista murmured. She felt suddenly so safe and warm with Caprius, and she knew he felt the same with her, sharing past secrets, trusting her with them. Now, she thought about her dark secret. To make things more complicated, she then remembered one of her many dreams from the night before, one in which she and Caprius had taken part in sexual acts together.

  The train went over a bump, and she snapped out of her thoughts and back into the present. “And, as for me… I have been thinking about what you said. About the secret I carry. And, of Andromin. I want to be open with you.” She hesitated before continuing. “Do you promise me you will try to understand?” Caprius leaned in. “This isn’t easy for me,” said Calista.

  Caprius took her hands in his and held them gently. “It’s okay. You can tell me.”

  Calista swallowed as she tried to speak. She held back. “No, I cannot,” she said.

  “I promise you I will understand. You have my word,” said Caprius gently.

  She let go of Caprius’ hands and decided to lay bare her turbulent inner life. Perhaps it would free her. “I’m not the woman you think I am. I dread my past, who my father was,” said Calista.

  “Go on,” said Caprius eagerly.

  “I don’t know how to tell you any other way. So, I’ll just say it,” she said. “My father was Cambrozes Genesis.” She sighed. “Which makes Andromin my half-brother. That is why, when Andromin tried to get close to me romantically, I pushed him away.”

  Caprius stared at her, his face registering both shock and scorn. He tried to maintain control, but inside, his stomach was churning. “I’m sure you feel better now,” he said icily.

  She smiled. “Yes, actually. It’s such a relief to get that off my chest.”

  “I’m very glad for you. But, for me, this changes things.” He realized his blood was boiling, made worse by the fact that that horrible man’s daughter, the man who terrorized their mother, raped her, ruined her in many ways, was sitting across from him smiling, calmly putting jam on a muffin. “In fact, when this mission is over, I am going to tell my father who you really are. Because of what your father did, my mother was in fear for years!” Caprius lost control of himself. “It took my mother years to recover. Your sick father deserved to die!” he shouted. The other dining car patrons looked over with a mixture of fear and annoyance, and among them was Nigel, who began to grin widely at Caprius’ reaction.

  Calista broke down. Caprius’ voice took on an eerie calm. “I want you out of our castle. You may stay in Elysium if you wish; we can avoid you. But, you are not to have any involvement with my family.”

  “What about my brother, Andromin?” she said crying.

  “Well, you see, we already knew Andromin was the son of Cambrozes Genesis. I found that out a while ago. Which is why he will never be king. But, Andromin doesn’t know his own dark legacy, and we, the Seatons, will tell him when the time is right.”

  Calista continued to sob. “You said you would understand. I thought you would be forgiving.” Through her tears, she said, “This isn’t my doing. I had nothing to do with it.”

  “He was your father, and you are his progeny. Apples don’t fall far from trees. I should’ve known something was amiss when you tried to seduce me, a married man, in our hotel. Your father was a sick, cold-hearted bastard,” said Caprius to Calista. He leaned in close. “And, so are you.” Caprius stood and threw down his napkin. “Cry all you want, but I’m leaving. When we arrive in about three hours’ time, I expect you to be ready to work and emotionally detached from your feelings. So, pull yourself together,” Caprius hissed before returning to their sleeping compartment.

  Caprius, upset, didn’t do anything more at the time, so upset as he was, at the side of the wall, near the door, he pulled down a switch. In an instant, from the top of the ceiling, a retractable set of beds came down into place. One bed appeared after the other, sliding down. Caprius, knowing Calista would want the bottom bunk, took the top. He settled in for a nap. But, he didn’t feel like sleeping or resting. After ten minutes, he decided to watch some entertainment. To the side of the bunk was a built-in remote. It was magnetic, so he pulled on it to grab it in hand and pushed the on switch. From the other side of the bunk, on the path walk, from the side of the wall, came out a sliding bar. Caprius pushed another button on the remote to turn on the TV, and a holographic three-dimensional image came into play. He then pushed another button to remotely angle the image to the side, to his liking.

  Shock overtook Calista when she realized what had just happened. Things had been so wonderful with Caprius, her life feeling like it was on track. And, now, because she confided in him, all that was torn to shreds. She stared at the seat in front of her playing and replaying what had just taken place.

  She felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned and saw Nigel Goncool standing beside her. Her heart began to race. Nigel sat down across from her, his eyes locked onto her face. “Nigel,” she whispered. “But, what-”

  “Hello, my lovely. It’s been a long time,” he said.

  She stared at him intently. Emotion flooded her; she felt confused, frightened, and thrilled all at once. “Nigel, I thought you were dead. What are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I am here for you. I heard the shouting, what Caprius said. Calista, I am the only friend you have. And, despite you running off on me, I forgive you. And, I am here now.”

  “I don’t understand.” She tried to control her breathing while she put all the clues of the past together. “I heard you were executed. But, I didn’t stay in Koriston long enough to find out what really happened.”

  “And, what did you hear?”

  “That you were beheaded,” said Calista.

  “Actually, it was I who beheaded the executioner, with a little help from Thornin and a few good men who organized my escape. They are now Goncools,” said Nigel proudly.

  “You never cease to amaze me,” she said. “What is it you want from me?” she asked.

  “I want to set things straight. Come away with me. I need you. Look what has happened. Caprius knows now who you really are, and he wants you out of his life. You don’t need him or his family. You belong with me.”

  “Nigel, I know of what we once shared. But, I cannot go down that road again,” said Calista.

  “It will be different this time,” said Nigel.

  “I don’t know,” she said shaking her head.

  “I heard the way he spoke of your father. Everyone makes mistakes, but to say such slanderous things… are you going to take that from him?” he asked. “Get even with him.” Nigel got up and sat next to her. “You have no life in Elysium. I know of your past. And, despite who your father was, I still want you. Calista, I love you. I’ve always loved you. Come away with me, and leave this life behind. We’ll go somewhere far away, you and I.” He kissed her on her cheek. She looked at him and gazed into his eyes. They began to kiss.

  “Oh, Nigel,” she closed her eyes and brought her body to his. She remembered his touch intimately. It gave her goose bumps.

  They continued to k
iss. “Come away with me,” he said.

  She pulled away and nodded. They held each other.

  “There is something I need you to do,” he said.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  “I need you to get me Caprius’ solace claymore. Can you do that for me?” he asked cupping her heart-shaped face in his hands.

  “His claymore is right by his side all the time,” she protested. “That will be impossible.”

  “You share a sleeping compartment. You’ll do it tonight. When he’s asleep. Bring his solace to my compartment. Number 113. I’ll be waiting for you,” he said. He kissed her again.

  “Alright,” she nodded. “I’ll do it when he’s asleep.”

  “That’s my baby.” He hugged her and went back to Vernon. “This is going to be easier than I thought. That squabble with Caprius was the best thing that could have happened to us. And, now,” he huffed on his fingernails and polished them against his black top, “Calista agreed to turn over Caprius’ solace claymore to us.”

  “Do you believe that?” asked Vernon.

  “I believe she will. Kisses can be deadly,” said Nigel with a smirk.

  Calista spent the next several hours staring out the large window. The landscape was beautiful, but it did nothing to lift her spirits. Finally, Caprius appeared. He sat down opposite her without speaking. Evening was settling in, and a waiter came through the cabin to bring Caprius and Calista their dinner. Caprius ate with gusto. Calista, on the other hand, barely touched her meal. “You should eat,” said Caprius. “You need your strength.”

  Calista didn’t respond but thought about Nigel and, further, what she would do later that night to Caprius. He ate and looked out the window, impervious to her. She felt the chill radiating off of him. She knew her chance to be a part of the Seaton family was gone. Her decision was made.


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