The Queen (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 1)

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The Queen (MacBride Sisters Trilogy Book 1) Page 6

by Kira Freitas

  - I'm sorry if I scare you. - he said in a soft, panting voice. - I appreciate your company, and I wouldn't want you to leave.

  I looked at your hand on my arm. The grip was light, but enough to feel the heat emanating from the skin of the palm of his hand. It started to bother me and I pulled my arm gently.

  - It's not you who scares me, Your Highness. Your manners remind me that... - I paused closing my eyes to breathe and calm myself. - Listen, I gotta go or my mom's gonna come down here and pick me up.

  - Let her come and I'll expel her if you wish. - he said. - One word from you and I'll make it my law.

  His gaze was intense and I swallowed it dry when he approached whispering.

  - Your Highness, I...

  - Call me Alistair, please!

  The softness in his voice left me without action and I swallowed it dry. I took a step back just to find I was trapped between him and the wall. I flattened the wall while facing Alistair's gaze, as he slowly brought his face closer to my face. My breathing got heavy. I didn't know if my body couldn't move or just didn't want to escape the dominion that Alistair exercised over him.

  - What have you done to me, miss? - he whispered closer and closer. - Your eyes, your mouth... everything about you attracts me. Even the way it addresses me. No ceremony, no forced words, no thought rehearsal.

  I pant when I felt the tip of my index finger touch my chin.

  - Please, please, please, please, please, please! - I begged without a hint of conviction. - Don't... Don't do this!

  - Why shouldn't I? - he whispered in a heavy voice.

  There was a desire behind his words that made my body warm up. I felt my face blush and warm up to my neck. I started panting when your fingers wrapped around my neck.

  - You had married my sister in a few hours and... - I stuttered. - That's not right.

  - I don't care about this marriage. - he said without looking away. - If I don't kiss her now, I'll die right here, struck by her innocent look that attracts me so much.

  I released an involuntary groan. I was sure I couldn't stop him if he tried to kiss me because, surprisingly, I wanted him to. Alistair covered the missing distance, but before he kissed me, my mother's voice echoed.

  - Aideen?

  - Damn it! - ...he's been busting his fist into the wall.

  By blinking, I've regained my sanity. For the first time I was relieved by her interruption.

  - I'm sorry, but I really have to go. - I whispered before I bowed my head and walked away. - Thanks for your help... again.

  He smiled and took my hand to kiss.

  - It's been a great pleasure!

  He stood still, looking at me and then took a deep breath as I disappeared through the door. I went to the table where my parents and the whole entourage were staying. I got beat up by my mom, and I always ended up being humiliated. Suddenly I felt sorry I didn't stay outside with Alistair. Angrily, I lifted my head looking around to make sure no one was watching me. Touching the table I took one of the knives that was next to the plate, putting it inside the sleeve of the dress, which was tight enough to hold it between my skin and the fabric. I kept looking around and was surprised to see Alistair staring at me in a suspicious way. Did he see me hiding the knife? For some reason I couldn't look away and sustained him with the same intensity, blushing when I remembered that he had almost kissed me a while ago.

  Alistair had tied her hair to a low ponytail, which made her face even more angular and her look more serious. He was wearing a half-sleeved shirt and I realized his arm was bandaged. Then I remembered that I had hurt him and my blush increased. Thanks to the English invasion in the not too distant past, men began to wear leather pants and boots, leaving the kilts for special occasions that involved only our traditions. That's how he was dressed hours earlier in the woods. With leather pants and a pair of black boots, but that night, on account of the occasion, Alistair wore a greenish tartan just like his kilt long to the knees. That would show the pair of well-turned calves. Leather bracelets adorned his thick wrists. Although he lived in a humid land, his skin was slightly tanned. I snorted with frustration at the shiver I felt when he raised his hand and touched Bruce's shoulder. An intense heat invaded my body and I had to shake myself. He whispered something in his cousin's ear, which looked at him in a contrary way and shook his head smiling as he looked in my direction. I didn't like that look at all.

  I diverted my thoughts to my escape attempt that night. He intended to escape at dawn. I touched the knife that would serve to threaten the stablekeeper if it prevented me from taking one of the horses. I closed my eyes sighing. I was determined to end my life if I wasn't successful. I'd rather die than have to go back to Inverness. That would be the last night I would spend suffering from more humiliation on the part of my mother, because I intended to be very far away when she realized that I was gone. I didn't know how to handle myself, but Aila did. So I'd look for the convent where she was and find a way to get her out of there. After that, we could go to the higher mountains to the north.

  Brice signalled for Bruce and Alistair to approach. They went out towards the central table to sit down. Alistair sat on the right side of Brice and his cousin on the left side, standing next to Alec, Alistair's younger brother. He was sitting to the left next to his mother, Lowenna. He was just as beautiful. He had the same blue eyes and black hair as the others. He looked absorbed in thought, but smiled when he was greeted. It was like his body was there, but his mind wasn't. I kept wondering where she wandered.

  - Oh, my goodness! - I commented in a whisper. - They look like twins!

  - What do you-? - Annabel asked.

  - Look at the three princes. - I said in a low voice. - They are all very impressive with their imposing postures and in equal beauty.

  Annabel grunted.

  - First of all, it's two princes, not three. - she said exasperatedly. - That idiot Bruce is just a duke, not a prince.

  - In the line of succession he is considered a prince by his uncles. - I argued. - For all we know, he was raised by Lowenna from a very young age.

  Annabel rolled her eyes and continued.

  - Second, Bruce is far from looking like either one. He's rude and rude and arrogant. - she shot me, making me apprehensive about her anger attack. - Then I don't know where you got it that he's handsome. He doesn't even look like a prince by a long shot.

  I kept staring at her in a staggering way. My sister was offending someone she barely knew. That was scary, because Annabel wasn't used to being so rude to people. It was the first time I'd ever seen her wrestling like that over the personality of a stranger.

  - Besides, it would be a big punishment for a woman like Lowenna to generate something like that.

  I had a laugh. On the one hand Annabel was right and Lowenna was really amazing as a woman. She had a sweet smile and a warm hug, the kind every child wants when they need a mother's lap. When I hugged her, I felt like I was in heaven. Her hug was comforting and friendly, so I wished I could go back in time and ask God to give me a more loving mother. I looked at Lowenna, who was smiling at the two men who joined the table. She kissed Alistair's cheek and held his hand firmly. His gaze fetched mine and I felt a chill when he smiled. Brice got up for a speech and I shook Annabel's hand, which was tense. It would be given the start in our destinies.

  - My brothers! - Brice has begun. - I gathered them here today to make a big announcement. It is with great happiness that...

  - Thank you, my father, for initiating, which I presume, a fine speech!

  Alistair suddenly stood up and suddenly interrupted his father.

  - What are you doing, Alistair? - Brice asked with a frown.

  - Let's skip the formalities, because we know that this banquet is to announce a wedding. - he ignored his father and went on. - The king would certainly not spend so much if the occasion were not really very important. What would be more important today than an alliance with the MacBride clan, whose cowardly leade
r finally decided to support us?

  My father looked up and growled angrily at being called a coward.

  - Alistair? - Brice called between her teeth. - What are you doing, my son?

  Alistair ignored his father again and continued.

  - The ancient traditions of our clan say that a first-born man can choose his bride. - he said with a smile on his lips. - Since the firstborn of the clan is not available, I declare that my union will be performed with Aideen MacBride.

  Panicking, I got up slowly. My eyes were wide open and I started to sweat, size was my nerve. I was hoping it was a nightmare or that Alistair was just kidding. The silence in the hall lasted too long. Everyone waited for the king's pronouncement, which was also in clash with Alistair's decision. Without being able to contain myself, I let out a desperate scream that made Alistair frown.

  - No! You can't do that! - I declared screaming. - I'll never get married! Never!

  Chapter 05


  - I want to talk to you now! - said my father in his teeth. - Excuse me, please!

  My mother held my father's arm and followed him into the room where he entered. I sighed, letting go of the glass.

  - If you wanted a war, you found it, my brother. - Alec whispered ironically.

  Making a sign for them to accompany me. Bruce, Alec and I went after my father. He was furious and before he withdrew, he tried to contain Ravenna's fury, which spat out marimbondes.

  - What's gotten into you to break the deal like that? - Alec asked.

  - I didn't break any deal! - I answered dry. - If you think about it, I'll still marry a MacBride.

  - Yeah, but with the wrong MacBride. - said Bruce sarcastically amending it.

  I snorted by folding my arms.

  - Who says she's the wrong one? - I argued. - Is it just wrong, because I chose her and not our father?

  - Are you all right? Bruce said putting his hand on my forehead. - I believe you have a fever.

  Bruce's ironic tone and Alec's laughter made me angry.

  - Will you stop! - I exploded by slapping him in the hand. - I'm not feverish or sick, you idiot.

  Turning to Alec, I reprimanded him with my eyes.

  - Stop laughing, Alec! - I ordered it by making a frown. - Looks like a hyena showing her teeth.

  I opened the door to the salon and walked in. My father waited with a frown and very angry.

  - I want to know what came over you to do that! - daddy has been pissed off. - My offer to Loch was to marry him to his firstborn. Why did you decide to challenge the clans like that? Have you gone mad?

  I took a deep breath before I got close. Alec and Bruce got further away. Alec, of course, decided to get distracted by a fruit whip. I looked at him with a frustrated look.

  - What's that? What's that? - he said by shrugging his shoulders. - Come on, I'm hungry!

  I turned my eyes and my mother shook her head smiling at Bruce. He wasn't really good at it when it came to food.

  - My father, in the first place, I didn't challenge or want to disrespect any of the clans. That includes you. Second of all, I'm not sick and I'm not crazy either. - I took a break. - You didn't make any deal with Loch, you went to Ravenna who sold me as a husband.

  - How dare you! - my dad got mad. - Boy, I'm still your father and the king, above all else. Therefore, I demand respect!

  - Respect? - I've ironically retracted. - You should respect me before you demand respect from anyone.

  - Come on, you little brat! - my father bragged advancing on me with his fist up.

  - Brice! - my mother screamed. - Before being your subject, Alistair is your son. Just remember that.

  The firmness of my mother's words made my father stop where he was. He took a deep breath trying to calm down and sat on a nearby chair. I took a deep breath putting my hands on my waist.

  - My father, I did not offend the MacBride clan by the simple fact that there was no firstborn. - I argued. - Or do you forget that Aila is now in a convent? If the proposal was made on top of a marriage to her, I wouldn't have arguments for getting away with it.

  I paused and approached him, kneeling at his feet.

  - I just used my right of choice. If I have to spend my life with a woman, let her be chosen by me...

  - The middle one replaces the firstborn.

  - Yeah, but Annabel's still not the firstborn. - I fired with arrogance. - If Aila was available, Ravenna would have traded on her. Instead, he demanded an absurd dowry for his favorite daughter. Don't you think that's a little odd?

  My father held his breath and leaned back on the chair. He kept staring at me thoughtfully.

  - Maybe you're right, but that doesn't mean I'm any less angry. - he concluded. - May I ask why you chose Aideen?

  How do you say I was attracted to the little green-eyed girl? That her way of expressing herself aroused in me an insane desire to take her in my arms and kiss her until I could no longer breathe?

  - I believe there's a good reason behind your choice. - said my mother. - You know how impulsive Alistair can be, but remember that your son inherited a great strategic sense. I'm sure he has a good plan.

  My mother was calm as always and tried to be as diplomatic as possible.

  - Plan? What plan? - my father returned it. - Alistair is only good with a sword in his hand. When it comes to politics, he doesn't know what to do.

  - Politics? You want to talk politics with me? - I asked with ironic air. - You broke the deal you made with me the moment you pulled me off the battlefield. You know very well about the promise I made to Cora.

  - That again, Alistair? There are other ways to fulfill your promise. - he ironized by taking a break. - Grow up! You're twenty-eight years old. At his age, he was tired of wearing a crown on his head and commanding these men.

  Grunhi lowering his head. I looked at my cousin and my brother. They were trying to disguise the laughter. You bastards!

  - Calm down, honey! - my mother said. She looked at me, smiling. - Why is it so important to you that you're the youngest?

  The question was repeated. I let my shoulders fall off and got up.

  - Because she's beautiful! - I fired. - she's smart, she's sensitive, and I really liked her. He doesn't look like Ravenna at all and he's got a mind of his own. She fascinates me in a way I never thought would happen to me. Satisfied?

  Looking in the direction of Alec and Bruce.

  - If I hear a joke or laugh from one of you, I'll break your bones! - I threatened by snapping my fingers.

  Bruce almost choked on the grapes he was eating and Alec started whistling. My mother laughed and then shook her head.

  - Brice, I must confess, the youngest has also caught my attention. She's discreet and silent, although her hysterical scream surprised me. - she smiled at me. - Who would refuse a man with such a sweet and lively soul, like our son?

  Alec had a laugh.

  - Quiet! - fired my mother in a loud voice. - Don't you dare mock your brother.

  - Yes, ma'am! - said Alec and Bruce in unison.

  My dad took a deep breath like he considered himself.

  - My love, I wouldn't be acting wrong. After all, it would still be a MacBride. - she continued. - Isn't that what matters? You'd both be winners in this fight.

  My father closed his eyes and I smiled.

  - Lowenna! - he whispered.

  - Be reasonable, my darling! - she argued. - If not for your son, for me.

  I remained silent, for I knew that battle was already won by me. My mother always tried to find a way that would bring both of us a satisfactory answer. If I had to negotiate with someone, I'd certainly like it to be with her. Not that she dominated my father as Ravenna did with Loch, but she always tried to argue so that he would consider all the possibilities.

  My father opened his eyes by raising his head.

  - All right! All right! - he said, at last. - Take the MacBride to the throne room.

  My father sighe
d and went on to the throne room and sat next to my mother. Alec and I stood next to him waiting for Ravenna's entrance, who was the one we were most interested in. Soon Ravenna came in with her shrill voice. She was extremely angry.

  - I hope your son has regained his mind and retracts his offense. - she said bluntly.

  - I haven't changed my mind, Ravenna! I didn't offend them either, I just used my right of choice as my firstborn. Unlike you, who didn't even touch Aila's name during negotiations with my father. - said making her hold her breath. - Where is she, by the way?

  - In a convent in Gretna Green! - she replied with a harsh response.

  - Did you hear that, my father? - said looking in his direction. He just watched our verbal clash. - What did I tell you about Ravenna taking advantage of this deal to get money?

  - Don't take advantage of anything! - she argued in his defense. - you offend me greatly, Prince Alistair.

  - Save your arguments for your husband. - I said ironically. - To him yes, you can deceive with your words.

  - Come on, you little brat! - Loch said rough. - How dare you talk to my wife like that?

  - Quiet! - my father ordered. - My son drew my attention to something I hadn't realized. An eldest son only replaces a firstborn in case of his death. Is your firstborn dead, Ravenna?

  I could tell when Ravenna held her breath. She looked at both daughters and denied it with her head.

  - No. She's just unavailable, because she took her vows recently.

  - I didn't know that. - Aideen said. - Why didn't you tell us?

  - Because it wasn't relevant. - said Ravenna between her teeth. - As you have heard, Your Majesty, my firstborn is not available for this agreement. That's exactly why I didn't mention her.

  - But she's not dead! - I fired with satisfaction.

  She stared at me in anger.

  - Alistair! - my mother reprimanded me.

  - Although it's very cold, I have to agree with my son. - said my father.


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