Cursed by Destiny

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Cursed by Destiny Page 19

by Cecy Robson

  Aric reached into the halter part of my dress and peeled away the stick-on bra. He cupped my breasts possessively, smoothing his rugged palms along the curves. My lids fluttered from his touch and eagerness, but when he tugged at the tips, I couldn’t stifle my mews.

  “That’s better,” he muttered through clenched teeth.

  The warmth between us spread into a burning fire. We didn’t have much time, and fear of being discovered kept me from ripping his clothes free of his hot form. So I kissed and nibbled while my hands worked to unbuckle his belt and pants.

  Our groans were loud and our gasps harsh. His neck craned when I took hold of him, the cords straining as I stroked and pulled exactly how he liked. I slid to my knees to put him in my mouth, only for him to haul me back up. His need was too great; then again, so was mine. He fastened his arm around my waist and pinned me against the wall. I spread my legs for him and moved the crotch of my panties aside—there was no time to take them off. He held me close and used his free hand to ease himself inside of me.

  Aric’s size always made him work to enter me. My body was excited to receive him, but it still wasn’t enough and I’d grown impatient. I fastened my ankles around his back and forced him into me.

  We both let out howls of pleasure mixed with pain. For a moment neither of us moved. We locked eyes and continued to pant as my body relaxed and fully accepted his. Then something in him changed, a feral hunger that needed quenching. He kissed my lips just once and began to thrust. The ache was incredible and the position allowed him access to the perfect spot. He unsnapped the halter of my dress and played with my breasts while I bit back my screams and rocked my hips.

  Aric and I had always had a spicy love life. But the possibility of being caught along with trying to hold back our cries added to the intensity. We both climaxed quickly. He wouldn’t release me after he finished. As we continued to kiss, I decided to put all the hours of yoga training to good use. I pulled away and whispered, “Hang on.”

  I placed my ankles on either side of his head, lighting the fire in Aric’s bedroom eyes. He released a hungry growl and powered into me once more. It hurt, but it was a good kind of pain. I whimpered while his deep, agonized moans filled the night. This time was longer and needier.

  We finished together, barely managing to keep from screaming. My head fell against his shoulder when he lowered my legs to his waist. I breathed him and our lovemaking in, wishing more than anything our time didn’t have to end so soon. We kept our stance until we caught our breaths and then slowly he released me.

  Aric watched me re-dress while he fumbled to fasten his pants. I giggled when he slid on a small patch of ice in his haste to return to me. He grinned, gathering me in his arms. His lips met mine softly with a taste so addicting my soul begged for more. As our kiss ended we smiled and focused on each other in silence. Sometimes words weren’t so important.

  Our brief happiness was interrupted by the familiar ringtone on his cell, announcing he was needed by his Elders. Aric ignored it, but the insistent ring forced the smile from his face. Sadness consumed the air around us. Nothing had changed. We still couldn’t be together.

  The phone continued to ring and I knew we could pretend no longer. We hugged tightly, taking a moment to breathe in each other’s scents. I didn’t speak. Because speaking meant saying good-bye, and I couldn’t do it again. So I took the opposite path and walked away from him quickly. As I made my way up a small hill, the sound of breaking glass had me veering back.

  Aric was gone. On the ground, in small shattered pieces lay the remains of his phone.


  I never made it back to the ballroom, and bumped into my sisters in the foyer. They explained that the wolves had gone to prepare the pack for an emergency mission.

  Emme approached me cautiously, her face distraught with worry. “Celia, there’s something we need to tell you.”

  Their stress fired up my beast. “What’s wrong?”

  She turned to Taran. Taran stepped forward and looked me directly in the eyes. “Celia, Aric is majorly pissed and being a prick. He’s all upset over that freak’s prediction, and he’s convinced you want to make vampire babies with Misha.”

  I nodded and tried to choose my words with care. “Okay,” I managed.

  My sisters blinked back at me, obviously confused I wasn’t more upset. Shayna placed her hand on my shoulder. “He left with those slutty girls, Ceel. We think he’s with them.” I didn’t react. “You know, with them in his room.” She gaped at my unfrazzled expression as if I’d lost my mind. “Right now.”

  “I see.” My reaction to their news was clearly not what they had expected. They looked at me like I’d been cracked in the head with a few bowling pins and possibly the ball.

  Taran flicked her carefully manicured nails. “All righty, then . . . So, where the hell have you been?”

  “I went for a walk.” I cleared my throat. “And, um, got some air.”

  Emme frowned. “In this cold?”

  “It wasn’t so bad.” In fact, it was really hot.

  Shayna stared at me, but it wasn’t just because of my loopy responses.

  “Something wrong?” I asked her.

  She leaned in and took a sniff. “You smell different.”

  I backed away slightly. “What do you mean?” I asked, even though I knew exactly what she meant.

  “I’m not saying you smell bad, Ceel, just different.” She took another whiff and nodded pensively. “Hmm, it’s a familiar scent, though. No—wait . . . It’s not just one aroma you carry, but two. Hmm . . . what is that? It’s kind of like warm musk . . .”

  Panic spread like a rash across my face. Emme and Taran exchanged glances, confused by my flushing cheeks. I grabbed Shayna by the arm and squeezed tight. “Shayna, zip it. Zip it now!”

  “Ouch! Celia! What’s the big deal? I’m just trying to—” She clamped her hands over her mouth and muffled a scream. When her eyes bugged out, I knew for sure she had figured things out.

  Yep. That’s right. I smell like sex and Aric. My gaze locked on hers. She nodded once, finally comprehending that now was definitely not the time to talk.

  “Celia!” Hank called from near the door. He held my coat and waved me forward. “The master is waiting for you.”

  I said good-bye to my sisters and exchanged one last look with Shayna before leaving. There was no way to camouflage my aroma and I worried how Misha would react.

  All heads snapped in my direction the moment I entered the limo. Misha’s vampires looked at me, then at him, and vanished. There was a slight breeze when doors shut behind them, but then nothing. Only an icy stillness remained. I sat in the seat facing him.

  His fangs protruded and clenched so tight I thought they’d snap. His glare was threatening, malicious, and so very cold. I used my coat to shield his stare. Not because I was afraid—and not because I was ashamed. I couldn’t quite place what I felt then. I’d seen the fury in Misha’s eyes countless times before, although it had never been directed at me. Perhaps he felt I deserved it. If so, he was wrong.

  It was a long drive back to the mansion. Misha continued to stare at me and not speak while I continued to avoid his eyes. The moment we arrived, I jumped out of the Hummer and left for the guesthouse. I removed my dress and shoes and placed them on the bed. I washed off my makeup and then slipped into a tank top and some underwear. I didn’t want to shower, hoping to keep Aric’s scent on me as long as possible.

  When I came out of the bathroom, Edith was sitting on my bed, trembling with her hands clamped tight. “The master wishes to see you,” she mumbled.

  It wasn’t a request. I threw on a robe and a pair of slippers and followed her back to the house. Edith’s swagger was long gone. Her shoulders hunched the entire way to the house. She led me to the library and quickly disappeared. I paused before entering. Mis
ha’s growing anger bubbled around him and stirred my beast. She believed it was best to come out. I kept her in place.

  Misha leaned against the huge mantel, staring at the massive flames. A strange smell wafted from the fireplace and encompassed the room. I walked to him, realizing the scent was that of burning silk. My dress and shoes had been thrown into the fire. “Sit down,” he said in a low voice.

  I didn’t argue and chose one of the armchairs closest to him. The chessboard rested on the table next to me. I fiddled with the pawn as I waited for him to make his next move. He was angry. I had caused him pain. But I didn’t belong to him and nothing he could say would make me regret my actions. By the time he addressed me the marble chess piece had grown warm in my hand.

  “Were you with the wolf tonight?”

  My voice was quiet yet strong. “Yes.”

  His voice turned deadly. “Why?”

  I didn’t blink. “Because I love him, Misha.”

  Misha swatted the chessboard across the room, embedding the pieces into the wall. His hands gripped the sides of my chair and his nose was inches from mine. “Am I not worthy of your love?”

  I was so shocked words initially failed me. But my surprise quickly morphed to fury. Did he think he could scare me so easily? Did he think I was one of his servants and would just cower at his feet? Oh, hell no.

  “How can anyone love you when you’re not capable of loving in return?”

  Misha hissed. “What do you know of what I am capable of?”

  “More than you think—I see it every day. You sleep with anyone you want and indulge yourself in any way that suits you. Have you ever committed to anyone—or given someone every part of you?” Misha continued to glare, but wouldn’t answer. “I didn’t think so. So until you know what I’m going through, don’t pretend what you offer is enough for me or anyone else.” I pushed him away and stood to leave. “If you wish, I’ll still fight for you, but I refuse to live here. I’ll take my chances with what hunts me. At least it doesn’t pretend to be a friend.” With those final words, I stormed out of the room.

  Three voice mail messages from my sisters waited for me when I returned to the guesthouse. The first one was from Shayna. “Ceel, you and Aric like totally did it! Call us back and tell us what happened.”

  The next one was from Emme. “Oh, Celia, why aren’t you calling us back? We want to know what happened. We’re so happy that you and Aric reconnected . . . Well, you know what I mean.” I didn’t need to see her to know she’d blushed when she said this.

  Taran, who was not known for her patience, left the last message. “What the hell, Celia? Are you still having sex? Oh, shit! That’s it, isn’t it? You’re getting nasty. Call back when you’re done. Damn it—details, I want details!”

  I yanked off my robe and kicked off my slippers, pacing as I fiddled with the phone in my hand. My thoughts urged me to call them back, but the rest of me remained shaken from my encounter with Misha. I jumped when the phone buzzed in my hand and Gemini’s face appeared on the screen. He never called me. “Gem, what’s wrong?”

  “It’s me, sweetness.” My heart leapt into my throat. It was Aric. He must have borrowed Gem’s phone.

  “Hey, wolf,” I answered, almost crying.

  “You’re upset. What happened?”

  “Nothing. I just really miss you.” I also just had a bad fight with Misha.

  “I miss you, too. Celia, I’m sorry things ended tonight the way they did.”

  “It’s okay—”

  “No, baby. It’s not right that I’m not with you now.”

  I wiped a trailing tear. “There’s not a lot we can do about it, love.”

  “You’re wrong. Come to your bedroom window.”

  I stared at the screen briefly before racing from the kitchen to the bedroom. I tossed my phone on my armchair and yanked open the blinds. Aric perched on the long sill. He’d already removed the screen and opened the window. He tucked the phone in his jeans and grinned.

  “Hey. I know I shouldn’t be here, but—”

  I grabbed him by his shoulders and hauled him inside, using a little too much force. Aric landed on top of me, making me purr.

  “Hello, beautiful,” he murmured.

  Aric stroked me gently with his tongue and nibbled lightly on my lips. Every bit of Aric was delicious, but his taste made my body ache with need. He lifted me into his arms and carried me to the bed, lying next to me. He stopped our kiss and swept his hand through my hair. I melted against him. Aric represented home, security, and love—my answer to my loneliness.

  I took in his face with my eyes and his body with my hand. All I felt was hard stone beneath the softness of his skin. He had always been muscular like a boxer, but now Aric’s physique resembled more of a wrestler’s.

  His chest rose and fell slowly and his face flushed. “I’ve missed your touch.”

  I continued my slow caress. “You’ve really bulked up.”

  He took my hand and kissed it. “I spend most of my time hunting the Tribe, training, and fighting—working out my frustrations so I can better manage my wolf.” He smiled when I continued to play. “Do you like it?”

  I shrugged, to me he’d always looked good. “So long as it’s what you want. I just like you.”

  Aric’s hand slipped beneath my tank top and slid over my side and tummy, frowning when his fingertips skimmed along my waist. “You, on the other hand, are even smaller. Hasn’t Misha been feeding you?”

  “Yes, Aric. I actually eat more now.” I snuggled against him and released an extremely content purr. His laugh rumbled against me. I placed my hand over his heart, to feel it beat and as proof he was lying next to me. It was warm, comforting, relaxing. But it didn’t last.

  Aric’s Alpha wolf voice replaced his soothing timbre. “We need to talk.” He lifted me with ease so we could face each other, keeping his hand tight against my hip. “What do you know about what’s after you?”

  I shook my head. “Nothing. Just that whatever it is sees me as the one who’ll destroy it and those it leads.”

  “Considering what you’ve been into, everything points to the Tribe.”

  I watched him carefully. Our relationship had lasted mere months, but they’d been the most intense months of my life, filled with powerful moments that had left me breathless. I knew this wolf enough to know there was more. “You’re not convinced it’s the Tribe.”

  “I’m convinced enough to slaughter them every chance I get.”

  “But you still have doubts.”

  Aric nodded and palmed my backside. “I can see them portraying you as an enemy of evil and influencing other dark forces to annihilate you. And I can see why they’d want you out of their way.” He growled. “But the why of it doesn’t make sense. What’s this damn key you supposedly possess? Could there be a hidden power we still don’t know about?”

  “I suppose. Mish— I’ve been working on my ability to change into other animals, but my efforts are pathetic at best. My power to return a vampire’s soul was something I didn’t know I had, so it’s possible there’s some other freak talent I possess.”

  Aric stiffened. “How many beings know you’ve been practicing changing into other creatures?”

  “Just the vamps.”

  Aric snarled. “You can’t trust these assholes, Celia. If the damn shape-shifters get wind of this, they will try to destroy you. They see themselves as the only beings powerful enough to command any form. To them you’re competition, regardless of your inability to heal.” He swore up and down. “I’m leaving on my last mission tonight. When I come back, I’m going lone and getting you out of here.”

  I stared at him, unable to blink. After my shock wore off, I flipped out. “Are you nuts? Aric, you can’t abandon your pack. You once told me you’re nothing without them.”

  “Celia, things
have changed. You’re the one I’m nothing without. Don’t you see? This is the only way we can be together.”

  I touched his stubbled jaw with my fingertips. “Not like this, baby. There has to be another way.”

  Aric shook his head. “Celia, tonight you shone like the amazing beauty you are. It should have been me escorting you—not Misha. I should have been the one you turned to when Destiny frightened you. I should be the one asking you to dance, not that goddamn lion. I should be the one who talks to you about starting a family, not anyone else.” He waited, taking in my thunderstruck reaction. “And I should be the one protecting you from whatever seeks to harm you.”

  Aric had warred with his inner animal to stay in control, but the man in him still hurt despite his beast’s best efforts to protect him. “Don’t let your jealousy cloud your judgment, Aric. And take back authority over your wolf. He doesn’t need to fear being without me. So long as you want me, I swear never to leave you.”

  “How can you doubt that I want you?” Aric cupped my face. “And how can you fail to see what you mean to me? You are my mate. I live and breathe for you, Celia. My heart and soul are soldered to yours for eternity.”

  Aric had shown command in his gaze before, but all those times paled to how he looked at me then. My heart thumped like the slow beat from a heavy mallet. I took a moment to allow the depths of his words to sink in. When they did, it felt as if I’d broken through the snow after being buried in an avalanche. Mate, he’d said. I was Aric’s mate. I quivered from the tears that threatened to fall. “Why didn’t you ever tell me? I never knew how you felt.”


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