Cursed by Destiny

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Cursed by Destiny Page 25

by Cecy Robson

  Maria gave me a hard stare. “Are you saying we’re not good enough for you?”

  I locked gazes with her. “Yes, and that you’re a bunch of delusional freaks.”

  The orchestra played a beautiful new melody and an excited murmur spread through the crowd. I thought they’d dropped off a busload of virgins by the way everyone responded, but I was wrong. Boy, was I wrong.

  Misha entered in a black tuxedo with tails and a white silk shirt and bow tie. His long blond hair cascaded around his broad shoulders like a waterfall flowing with sin. He strode across the solarium, commanding those before him to take in his beauty. Not only did all admire, they bowed regally from the might of his sexual hot stuff–ness. My heart initially stopped at the sight of him. Now it raced full speed ahead, pounding in time with my happy place to the beat of the music. He took in my appearance and flashed me a wicked smile. A smile that clearly said, It doesn’t matter what you’re wearing; you’ll soon be naked anyway.

  Every last female part in me tingled, danced, and pointed his way. My only comfort was Emme by my side. Emme wouldn’t let me down. Emme was my sister, my friend, my conscious, my rock. Emme was . . . drooling—and—and covering her breasts with her arms.


  I sniffed frantically at my skin and hair, hoping Aric’s scent would slap the horniness right out of me.

  It didn’t work.

  Misha bent gallantly. “Good evening, my darling—”

  “I want a divorce!”

  I had a major freak-out. I had to admit, it was downright embarrassing. Misha cleared the solarium. Everyone regarded me like the slow village girl Dracula had unwittingly been stuck with. Misha received several sympathetic glances and even a few offers to put me out of my misery. He ignored them and surprised me by continuing to smile. I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Emme, however, convinced me to stay and have dinner since food always had a magical way of comforting me. She also didn’t want us to appear rude. Emme was all about manners. It kind of sucked.

  We sat down with Misha and were joined by Hank. Yippee. By the second course I’d begun to breathe normally.

  Until I caught Hank staring at my sister. “Quit looking at her, Hank.”

  “Not until you stop smelling yourself. That’s really annoying, Celia.”

  “Your mother is really annoying.”

  “Yeah, she was. What’s your point?”

  Emme placed her hand on Misha’s arm. “Excuse me, Misha, but I think you need to consider Celia’s feelings on this, er, union.”

  “I have, sweet Emme. She doesn’t recognize us as husband and wife—”

  “That’s because we’re not,” I snapped.

  Misha smirked. “So then none of this matters. The marriage between us can only be complete through mutual consent.” He danced his eyebrows, setting my girl parts off to do the limbo. “And by consummating the union.”

  Emme took in the over-the-top decorations and the orchestra that continued to play. “Then why go through all the trouble of having this reception?”

  Misha leaned back in his seat, smiling. “My original intention was to celebrate Celia’s awakening and our survival. My family believes the start of our union was triggered the night I fed from Celia and therefore felt the marriage should be commemorated. It seemed important to them, so I allowed it.”

  I leaned forward, resting my arm against the table. “I thought you didn’t care what others think?”

  “Normally I do not allow the influence of others or my emotions to rule me. If I did so, not only would I be an ineffective leader, but also an irresponsible one. Thus, the happiness of my family can never be at the forefront of my decisions. However, if an opportunity arises where I can grant them a bit of joy, I do.”

  “They didn’t look joyful when they left,” I muttered.

  “That’s because you’re an ungrateful psycho,” Hank mumbled.

  I sighed. On second thought, maybe I hadn’t earned his respect.

  Misha and Emme gave Hank just enough of a glance to make him squirm. Oddly enough, he seemed more affected by Emme’s response than Misha’s. Staff members appeared to remove the plates and offered sorbet in preparation for the next course. Misha took a few bites to cleanse his palate before continuing. “My family searches for any opportunity to throw an event. This was yet another reason for them to dress elegantly and socialize. Planning everything in mere hours gave them an unexpected thrill they are unaccustomed to. When we’re done with our dinner, they will continue the festivities. If you wish, you are welcome to partake, but I assure you, my kitten, you’re under no obligation.”

  I pushed my hair aside. “I don’t want them to get the impression I am a willing participant in all this, Misha. Staying here would only reinforce their beliefs that I’m your wife. It’s not fair to allow them to think that.”

  Misha watched me carefully before rising and motioning me toward the stone terrace. “Kitten, step outside with me a moment. There is something I wish to discuss with you.”

  Two servants opened the floor-to-ceiling glass doors. We stepped out to a spectacular view of Lake Tahoe, deep blue beneath the clear starry night. Four outdoor fireplaces warmed the area despite the frigid cold. I followed Misha to the edge and so did my shadow, Emme. He did a double take when he saw her, but her presence somehow managed to delight him.

  “No offense, but I don’t trust you.” I crossed my arms and so did Emme. She tried to appear tough, but still wouldn’t have scared off Porky Pig.

  The gleam in his eyes made my happy place throb all over again. “It would seem it’s you who does not trust herself around me.” A slow, sultry smile eased across his face. Suddenly, it wasn’t so cold outside. Misha closed the distance between us and reached out to touch my face. I swayed a little, mesmerized by the vampiric magic around him, amplified by the mysticism of the lake. I couldn’t move. My body took over and shoved all conscious thought aside. Oh, no. No.

  Emme yanked on his sleeve. “Misha, stop that.” He ignored her and stroked my cheek. She stamped her little foot, but I barely heard it. A strange cloud numbed my senses and reason. She tugged him harder. “Stop it, I say!”

  My face melted against his hand and Emme panicked. Rather than using her force to push him away, she slapped his hand and broke her own in the process. She yelped and jumped up and down from the pain. It scared me and snapped me out of my stupor. I reached for her. “Emme! Are you okay?”

  Hank appeared and wrapped his arm around her waist to still her. “Querida amor,” he whispered in her ear. “Cálmate, mi vida, cálmate.” His silky voice was tranquil, seductive. The prick had never used such a gentle tone with me. I didn’t even know he spoke Spanish. And what was all that “my love, my life” crap?

  Hank’s calming words allowed her to relax and focus. She used her gift to heal herself. Still, once she mended, Hank refused to release her. I could smell the heat rising between them and stepped toward them to break it up. Misha grabbed my hand and pulled me back. When I turned to protest, he fell to one knee.

  “Wwwhhhaaat are you doing?” I sounded like I’d been zapped by too many lightning balls.

  “The celebration tonight was not only about your return to health, my love.”

  My already sensitive girl parts tingled with every word he spoke. “Ahhhhh.”

  The surge from his power and whatever link I’d created by allowing him to feed from me threatened to disintegrate my clothes. I didn’t want Misha. I didn’t love him. But something in my mind snapped and robbed me of my will. I tilted a little from side to side, just like a human trapped in a vampire’s hypnosis. Sweet Lord. Misha had me within his cerebral grip. And there was not a damn thing I could do about. My soul screamed, trying to fight and gain back control.

  Misha angled his head, confused by the daze I’d fallen into. Vampires couldn’t control other preter
naturals and yet he had me just fine. His eyes widened when he realized I’d succumbed to his power. He passed a hand in front of my face. And just like that, my will returned and the sizzle coursing through my feminine regions dissolved.

  He kissed my hand, his soft gray irises meeting mine. “Celia, you almost died for me the other night. You did so not because you are bound to me by blood, but because of the type of being you are.” His stare traveled the length of my figure. “I know that your body is ready to yield itself to me.” He sighed. “But I also recognize that your heart is not. When you are ready—in heart, soul, and body—I shall be waiting.”

  Misha rose and held my face in his hands. His eyes sparkled with tears as he took in my face. The desire I’d felt just moments earlier seemed like something in an impossible dream. In seeing the extent of his gratitude, it was all I could do not to cry.

  “Thank you, Celia, for coming into my world. Thank you . . . for saving my life.”

  Misha took me into his arms and held me close. I returned his embrace with newfound affection. He had me for the taking. Instead he released me, choosing to prove his love.


  “Come inside, Liam. I’ll fix you something to eat.”

  I’d planned an early dinner with Aric at our house in Dollar Point. I was shocked to find Liam in wolf form lying on our porch. His ears drooped against his head and he barely blinked my way. The railing did little to hide him. Since I didn’t see any police cars or animal control vehicles, I assumed the neighbors hadn’t noticed the 450-pound brokenhearted wolf lounging on our doorstep.

  I lifted the charm Aric had given me, courtesy of Tahoe’s head witch. The simple pebble fixed to a leather string with wire hummed, releasing the protective ward around the house so I could pass through the door. My muscles relaxed a little. The weeks that had passed had been quiet. No attempts or threats on my life had occurred, but that didn’t mean I’d let my guard down. I constantly looked over my shoulder in public, watching and waiting for my nemesis to appear. He or she was out there. Aric was right. Virginia couldn’t have acted alone.

  Liam followed me in. I breathed in the welcoming scent of my home. It felt good to know I could still be safe here.

  Liam nudged my hip, reminding me of his presence. I adjusted the bag of groceries in my arm and led him into the kitchen. I threw four large steaks on the grill for him and steamed a few potatoes, then got busy preparing the roast I planned to have with Aric. Before the wolves met us, meat and potatoes were all they ever ate. Over time, their tastes broadened from eating our eclectic cooking. Based on Liam’s despondent state, today wasn’t a stuffed-peppers kind of day.

  Liam whined as I finished preparing his lunch. I stopped to pet his brown furry head. “I know you miss Emme. She misses you, too.”

  Liam gave me an indignant bark.

  “She does too miss you. This was a very difficult decision for her.”


  “Don’t get cranky, Liam. You might not believe me, but part of the reason she broke up with you is because she loves you.”


  I sighed. “Liam, not being your mate both frightens her and breaks her heart. In leaving you, she’s giving you the opportunity to find your destined partner. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.”

  “I love her, too. It’s stupid for us to be apart.”

  Liam stood in front of me. Human and naked. I jumped so high I almost dropped the bowl of potatoes I was mashing. I averted my stare. “It’s not stupid if you’ll leave her one day for someone else.”

  “I’m not going to dump her for another girl!”

  “Even if that girl is your wolf’s mate?” Liam grew quiet, shutting his mouth tightly. “I know you love Emme as much as you can right now. But I also know in the end it may not be enough. I don’t want her hurt, Liam. And I know you don’t want that, either.”

  He hauled me into a tight embrace. “But I want her back.”

  “Um, Liam—”

  “She’s my angel, Celia. I’ve never met anyone like her.”

  “Liam, I—”

  “You know how she never kissed guys on the first date?”

  “Yes, but—”

  “We kissed the same night we met and made love against a tree a few days later.”

  TMI. “That’s nice. You should—”

  “Doesn’t that say how much we want each other?”

  “Um, I—”

  “And it only got better from there. I love her, Celia.” He embraced me tighter against his chest and his man parts. “I really do.”

  I tried to breathe—and avoid shuddering. “I’m so sorry, Liam. But maybe you should go put on some pants now. Lunch is ready.”

  • • •

  Chad Kroeger’s strong and raspy voice sang softly through my iPhone as I slipped into a shapely burgundy dress. My lids lowered and I sighed softly at the sound of familiar footsteps walking upstairs. Aric entered my room holding a gorgeous bouquet of flowers. A dark blue sweater hugged the extra-large muscles of his chest and arms and his tan slacks covered a backside I couldn’t wait to get my hands on. He grinned and brushed his long dark hair away from his eyes, knowing perfectly well it drove me wild. The distance between us quickly disappeared. “You look beautiful,” he whispered.

  “Thank you, love.”

  Aric handed me the flowers and stepped toward my music system. “Good song.” He played with the playlist until he found the one he wanted. “This one’s better.”

  A guitar strummed over the speakers as Aric faced me once more. He took my flowers and placed them on the dresser, then gathered me to him, encircling my waist while my arms slid around his neck. Our bodies swayed, moving to the evocative melody of “Into the Mystic.”

  It took only the first lyric for the heat to rise between us.

  “You’re pretty romantic, aren’t you, wolf?” He answered me with a very slow and sexy kiss, giving it the attention it deserved. I moaned, encouraging his hands to wander up my skirt. He growled deeply when he discovered my garter belt hidden beneath the stretchy fabric. The vibration in his throat sent me into a tailspin of yearning. Our passion grew. Aric practically ripped my dress yanking it off and I half strangled him when I tried to disrobe him. Our hands moved quickly. The moment my bra hit the floor his mouth found my breasts. My grunts from the pleasure turned into screams when his hands wandered between my thighs.

  He backed me into the bed, refusing my touch, to taste my body. I watched his head turn in circles as he explored my most tender region. Tears of bliss streamed down my face. I wanted him and I told him so. He wouldn’t release me. His tasting became more frantic when I climaxed. Finally he pulled me off the bed.

  We made love standing up, on my leather chair, against the dresser. His movements were hard and quick and his face grimaced with want and pleasure. Every ripple of emotion on his handsome face encouraged me to bear down. Sweat trickled down that perfect chest as he groaned, growled, and moaned. But when I tightened and forced him deeper inside me, he roared.

  We collapsed on our bed. “I am the king of orgasms.” He breathed against my neck, mimicking Darth Vader’s voice. “Worship me.”

  I laughed and pulled him against me. It felt unreal to lie with him in our bed. We continued to kiss while he played with my breasts. I swore in my head when my cell phone alarm rang reminding me it was time to return to the kitchen. Although I didn’t want to, I ended our kiss. “I’ll be right back, love.”

  Aric brushed my hair aside and kissed my neck when I tried to wrap my silky robe around me. “Where are you going?”

  “I have to finish dinner.”

  He tugged off my robe and ran his tongue down my back. I shuddered. “Stay with me,” he said between licks. “We’ll order in.”

  I faced him to give him a short, sweet kiss. �
�I want to do something special for you.”

  “You just did,” he replied in that bedroom voice of his.

  The aches from our lovemaking throbbed in the most delicious way. I smiled and stroked back his hair away from his eyes. “It’s important to me that we share a sense of normalcy. Otherwise, our lives seem too chaotic. Let me do this for you, and for us.”

  He closed his eyes and breathed deeply before kissing my lips. “Okay.”

  I slipped the robe on again and left the room. The smell of the crown roast filled the house, but it wasn’t strong enough to camouflage Aric’s scent or the scent of our intimacy. And I was glad of it.

  As I placed the baked brie onto a serving dish, an evil gaze fell upon me. I jumped. Mrs. Mancuso scowled at me from her kitchen window.

  My hair was Jersey big and love bites covered my neck, but she didn’t have to look so mad. I glanced down, realizing my left breast was exposed. I covered it quickly, only to have Mrs. Mancuso reward me with a stiff middle finger.

  Aric came up behind me and kissed the base of my ear. “You said you’d be right back.” Unlike me, he hadn’t bothered to cover his naked body. He pulled open my robe and cupped my breasts before I could stop him.

  “Aric! Mrs. Mancuso is watching us!”

  Mrs. Mancuso’s neck skin brushed against the windowsill when her mouth fell open. Talk about wanting to die. Aric simply smiled and waved. I backed him away from the window before I could catch her reaction. We were both still laughing when we stumbled back into our room.

  I told Aric about Liam’s visit during our candlelit dinner. “Yeah, it sucks about him and Emme,” he said. “She’s such a great girl. I can’t picture him with anyone else.”

  “Is there any chance she could still be his mate?”

  Aric finished filling my wineglass and placed his hand over mine. “No. His wolf would have told him by now if she was.”

  I turned my palm to link our fingers. “Why didn’t he tell her sooner? Or break up with her before things grew so serious between them?”


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