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SinSatiable Page 19

by Shelia E. Bell

  “Momma, may I come in?” Aisha asked in a sorrowful voice. Without waiting on her mother to reply she eased past her and stepped inside the kitchen. “How are you Momma?”

  Her mother followed Aisha with her eyes. “I’m, I’m okay. What are you doing here?”

  “I came to check on you. To see if you were okay. You won’t accept or return my calls.”

  “And you wonder why I won’t? Aisha, please. Why don’t you think of somebody else other than yourself for a change?” Her mother retorted.

  “That’s why I’m here Momma. I care about you. My God, I love you Momma Don’t you know that for the rest of my life I’m going to remember that I wasn’t there when Daddy needed me the most? I wasn’t there to hold him and tell him I loved him for the last time. Momma, knowing he died asking for me is tearing me apart. But if I lose you too, I don’t know what I’ll do.”

  Sandra’s heart began to soften somewhat as she listened to her daughter. The hurt Aisha felt was evident as she expressed her sorrow for what she had done. “Aisha, I know you’re sorry but sometimes sorry just doesn’t cut it. Some things can’t be fixed no matter what you do.”

  “And I know not being there for Daddy is one of those things. Believe me, if I could turn back the hands of time and do things differently I would. But I can’t. What I can do is let you know that I love you and ask you to forgive me. I want us to have a real mother - daughter relationship. I know things between us have always been strained but it’s just you and me now. Can’t we be there for each other?”

  “I don’t know. I need time to think. I miss your father so much. It is lonely here without him. But right now I can’t allow anyone in my life.”

  “What you mean is that you can’t allow me into your life.” Aisha lashed out. “I’m your daughter, Mother. Your only child.”

  Sandra Carlisle turned and walked toward the family room. When she got to the hallway she looked back over her shoulder and said, “Lock the door when you leave.”

  Aisha was blinded by tears as she made her way out to her car. The clouds grew dark in the sky and she knew it was about to rain. But she didn’t care because it was already raining inside her heart.


  “Angie, thank you for all of your help. I know I haven’t been around much lately. I’ve all but let the studio run itself. If it wasn’t for you, everything would have fallen apart.” Aisha passed the white envelope to Angie along with a bouquet of colorful mixed flowers.

  Her eyes grew big as marbles when she opened the envelope and saw the bonus check inside. “Oh, Aisha, you shouldn’t have.” She jumped up and ran from behind the receptionist area and hugged Aisha. “Thank you, thank you, thank you.”

  “I owe all the thanks to you, Angie.” Looking at the envelope, Aisha added, “and that’s just something to show how much I appreciate your loyalty and dedication. I haven’t been the best person to get along with lately or to get in touch with for that matter,” Aisha grinned.

  “Maybe we can get things back to normal, huh, Aisha?”

  “I hope so. I’m going to take things one day at a time. I have a lot of healing to do mentally, emotionally and physically before I can give my all to anything else.”

  “Well, listen. You do what you need to do to take care of you. The studio will be here. The instructors you hired are really good with the girls and as long as you want me here, I’ll be here.”

  “I don’t just want you at the studio Angie. I want to offer you a job as Assistant Director. Of course there’ll be a hefty raise for you and really, if you think about it, you’re already doing the job anyway. Whaddaya say?”

  “Oh, my God,” she yelled and started jumping up and down like a bunny rabbit. “Are you serious?” she squealed.

  “As a heart attack.”

  “Then yes. I’ll be glad to accept the position. Aisha I have to call my husband. He’s going to be ecstatic. Thank you. I don’t know what else to say.”

  “There’s nothing for you to say. Just continue to do the outstanding job that you’re doing. That’s thanks enough for me. I’m going to go in my office now. I need to try to dwindle down some of the mountain of paperwork on my desk. We’ll talk later about your salary increase if that’s okay with you. But I’m sure you’ll be pleased.”

  Angie squealed again. “Of course. Let me know if you need me. I’m going to call Kevin and tell him the good news now.”

  Aisha clicked on Yahoo Yellow Pages and entered the name Greater Faith Community Church. When the number came up she dialed it nervously.

  “Good afternoon, Greater Faith Community Church. How may I help you?”

  “I, I need to make an appointment for counseling please.”

  “Let me transfer you to Pastoral Care. They can help you with that. Please hold.” Aisha tried to keep her voice from trembling. The thought of a hit of baby girl weighed heavily on her mind. If she could have just one hit, she’d feel better. It had been a week since her last hit of coke. Her body craved the drug and the sense of hopelessness and depression was almost unbearable. . Her nights were filled with paranoia and insomnia. She was irritable and anxious. Her thoughts about her life and where she would go from here were inconceivable to think about.

  Just as she was about to change her mind and hang up the phone, she heard another pleasant, calming voice over the phone.

  “Hello, Pastoral Care, Natalie speaking.”

  “Uh, Natalie, I need to make an appointment for counseling please.” Aisha stammered.

  “Sure, I just need you to answer a couple of questions, if that’s okay with you.”

  “Yes, I guess so.”

  “Are you a member of Greater Faith, ma’am?”

  “Yes, is that a requirement?” Aisha asked.

  “No, ma’am. We ask that because we want to see if our members are utilizing the ministry, that’s all.”

  “I see. What else do you need to know?”

  “I need your name please and your membership number.”

  “Aisha, Aisha Carlisle. My membership number is 72054.”

  “Miss Carlisle, I need to ask you just a couple of more questions then we can schedule your appointment.” Aisha gave the administrative assistant the information she requested and her appointment was scheduled for Thursday morning. Two days, I hope I can hold out until then, she said to herself. “Natalie, which minister will I be meeting with?”

  “Minister Jackson Williams. You’ll love him. He’s really good and he’ll make you feel comfortable. Everyone who talks to him leaves the office praising him,” she continued to babble.

  “Okay, thank you, Natalie. I’ll be there Thursday at ten.” Aisha answered cutting off Natalie’s spill. She reflected on the handsome minister and how she was drawn in by his presence when she initially saw him in the pulpit. She admitted she needed someone to confide in who would keep things confidential. If Jackson Williams was everything Natalie made him out to be then maybe, just maybe he was the one who could help her. She’ll know for sure after Thursday’s meeting.


  At the empty dance studio Aisha kicked her legs up on the futon in the break room. She sipped on a cup of green tea while flipping the remote at the same time. Earlier she thought about going home to her apartment but there were times such as this when she found more solitude at the studio. Reflecting on the past few months she quickly zoomed pass the red background on the TV with the words Breaking News Alert flashing across the screen. She turned back just in time to see the Memphis Police Chief and Chandler talking to Tony Williams, anchorman for Channel 24 News.

  ‘Tell me, Chief, what led to the indictments of some of this city’s most notable and well known constituents, especially Ronald Shipley the brother of Reverend Donald Shipley.” Tony placed the mic directly in front of the Police Chief.

  “Let me say this, Tony. Our department has worked diligently with the Feds in Operation Lynx for over a year. Ronald Shipley may be the twin brother Donald Shipley one o
f the most well known and respected preachers in the South, but he is certainly not at all like him. Ronald Shipley is suspected of being the mastermind behind the kidnapping of underage girls brought against their will to serve as sex slaves for members of The Lynx Association. He’s also been indicted for drug trafficking and is thought to be responsible for three fourths of the cocaine and crack distributed on the streets of Memphis.”

  “Chief, I see you have Detective Chandler Larson standing here with you. What part did you play in Operation Lynx Detective Larson?”

  “Like the Police Chief said, we’ve been working on this case for a long time. I’m proud to be part of getting scumbags and lowlifes like Shipley off the street. There are mothers and fathers out there who’ve been searching for their children, not knowing that some of these very children have been abused and misused as sex slaves for wealthy perverts that call themselves members of this so called private gentleman’s association known as The Lynx.”

  Aisha sat frozen on the cold hardwood dance floor directly in front of the TV. She continued to listen. Aisha quickly thought about what Candyce said that Sunday she saw her with Chandler. Candyce had asked her if she worked with Chandler at the police station or something like that. After not hearing from Chandler, she soon dispelled the thought of what Candyce had asked her. What Candyce said is true. Chandler really is a policeman, she said out loud. Anger formed in her chest and rose through her throat, extending out to her arms and fingers. A lump formed in her throat when she heard him telling about the indictments. Suddenly she thought about Elisa. Where is Elisa? And what about me? Suppose they suspect me of being involved with what was going on at The Lynx. God please say it isn’t so. She jumped up off the floor and ran over to the cordless phone lying on the sofa. She dialed Elisa. The phone rang until Elisa’s voice mail picked up. The same response was received when she called her cell phone. Gabby, where is Gabby? Aisha became increasingly frantic at the thought of Elisa and her whereabouts. Aisha’s purse was in her office and her cell phone was in her purse. She hurried to her office to get her purse. When she retrieved her phone, she scrolled through her contacts until she landed on the name Gabby Cell. She pushed the green button to dial Gabby’s number. Gabby didn’t answer either. Beads of sweat formed on Aisha’s brow. She started to pray. Lord, hear me. Please don’t let Elisa be involved in this. Please Lord. Let her just be out of reach right now. Let Gabby be safe. And please don’t let me be pulled into this either. Aisha went back into the break room to see what else was being said. She caught the tail end of Tony Williams’ last comments.

  “And there you have it folks. Five people have been indicted for human trafficking and drug trafficking. One of them being the twin brother of Pastor Donald Shipley of Greater Faith Community Church, the largest Baptist congregation in Memphis. Greater Faith is evolving into one of the largest Baptist churches in the South with over 8,000 members. Join us tonight at ten for more about Operation Lynx. I’m Tony Williams, News Channel 24, good evening.” Aisha flicked off the television and prepared to leave the studio.

  She hoped she wouldn’t get caught speeding. A ticket was the last thing she needed but she wanted to go by Elisa’s to see what was going on. She dialed Chandler’s number, hoping and praying for once that maybe he hadn’t changed it after all. Come on Chandler, please answer, she mumbled as the phone began to ring.

  For the first time in weeks, he’d finally decided to unblock Aisha’s number and answer her call. The detective in him knew that once she heard about The Lynx she would be running scared. Now was the time to get the truth out of her. “Hello, I take it you saw the five o’clock news,” Chandler’s voice loomed over the phone.

  “Chandler, what’s going? What is all of this about?” Aisha’s anger mounted and Chandler could hear it in her voice.

  “If you really want to know, you’ll meet me in fifteen minutes at Java, Juice and Jazz.” He hung up the phone without any regard to Aisha or her feelings. Part of him was relieved when there was no evidence that tied her to the illegal operations at The Lynx. But her friend, Elisa was a horse of a different color. He turned his unmarked police car in the direction of Bellevue Boulevard and Java, Juice and Jazz Cafe.

  Aisha arrived at the restaurant, known for hosting spoken word and literary events, just as Chandler was walking inside. She sat in her car for a few seconds and watched his Denzel swagger and his Brad Pitt butt before she climbed out. Stop lusting after someone who doesn’t give two cents about you, she told herself. She strode inside the dimly lit restaurant and felt the tug on her arm.

  “This way,” Chandler ordered.

  “Well, hello to you too,” she said in a gruff voice. She was just about sick of his disrespectful treatment of her lately. He had no reason to treat her like this and before she left she was going to tell him exactly how she felt.

  “Would you like something to eat or drink?” he asked.

  “I’m not hungry and no alcohol for me tonight. But I’ll take an iced tea.” He went to the bar and came back with a beer for himself and her requested tea.

  “Okay, let’s have it. Exactly who are you, Chandler? Or is Chandler even your real name?”

  “Chandler is my real name. But I’m the detective. So I think I should be the one asking you questions?”

  Aisha’s eyebrows raised and she flung her twists back off of her face which was a sure way to determine that she was nervous. “What are you talking about? I’m not the one who lied about my profession. As I recall, you told me you were some big shot land developer. Now I find out from your little girlfriend that you’re a cop. Plus your true identity was confirmed on the five o’clock news. What, you think I couldn’t handle dating a policeman or something? Or maybe you have even more to hide Mr. Larson.”

  Chandler took a swig of his beer and listened to Aisha. He still found her attractive. There was a time he thought she could be the one for him, but again he had misjudged her like he had Tracye. Maybe he should give up the pursuit of finding that special girl and concentrate on his career. Or he could become the playa he used to be and start lovin' 'em and leavin' 'em.

  “Let’s see, Mizz Carlisle of Carlisle Dance Studio. Or no, no. On second thought, perhaps you’re not that Mizz Carlisle. Maybe you’re Mizz Carlisle behind door number two.” His words were sarcastic and confusing.

  “What are you talking about?” Aisha looked at him like he was crazy. It was times like these when she missed baby girl the most. She could have shrugged his weird antics off if she had a snort of coke, but she didn’t so she couldn’t. She sat across the table twitching and searched the faces of people coming into the Jazz Cafe.

  “I guess you don’t hear me now, huh?”

  “Chandler, I don’t have time for your games. I want to know what happened to Elisa. I really don’t care who you are. Just tell me where she is.”

  “Elisa’s exactly where she needs to be. Like all the rest of them. She’s like that song that goes something like this, ‘locked up they won’t let me out…’

  Ignoring his mockery through song, she continued her line of questioning. “How long have you been involved in this Chandler? Will you at least tell me that much?”

  “Only if you’ll tell me how long you’ve been stripping and having sex with men at The Lynx.” He cursed and looked at her like she was nothing.

  “I, I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she stuttered. Surely he doesn’t know that I was one of the dancers at The Lynx. Did Elisa tell him or Jason? Oh my God, no wonder he all of a sudden didn’t want to have anything else to do with me.”

  “What? Cat got your tongue? You see, I know all about you. How long you’ve been working at your so called part-time dance instructor job. I know about the men you danced for as a private dancer. I even know about Kyle Taylor and you. So, who’s the liar Aisha? You want to sit up here so self righteous and all and go off on me for not telling you something I obviously wasn’t at liberty to tell you. But tell me something. Wha
t’s your excuse for being a ho!”

  Aisha rose up from the chair like a lion about to pounce on its prey. Her petite hand curled up in a fist in striking mode.

  “Don’t you dare or I’ll lock you up so fast, it’ll be tomorrow already when you walk outside to my police car. Now sit down.” He ordered.

  Aisha did as she was told. How could she not have recognized that Chandler was no good? She should have seen through his façade. “What do you want from me?”

  “I don’t want anything from you any more. I thought you were a classy lady but you’re nothing. You’re no more than a high priced hooker. Just like your friend Elisa. You’re so concerned about her. Well you better be glad that you got out in the nick of time. I know you’ll never tell me the part you played in all of this. But believe me, I swear if I ever find out you were mixed up in this, you’ll be teaching dykes how to dance instead of young girls. For all I know maybe you planned on pawning off some of the girls at your studio to Shipley and his group. After all, didn’t you say you’d do anything to save your studio?”

  Aisha felt her blood pressure rising. The words spewing from Chandler’s mouth stung her repeatedly. How could he even form his lips to say the things he was saying to her? It became impossible for her to hold back her tears. She sat at the table and cried. Pellets of tears landed in her glass of tea.


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