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SinSatiable Page 25

by Shelia E. Bell

  He parked his car and led her into his domain. Upon entrance into his split level condo, Aisha immediately noticed it was immaculate beyond belief.

  “Come on. Have a seat in here.” He led her to the den and motioned for her to sit and relax on the plush melon couch. “Can I get you something to drink or eat?” he offered.

  “A cup of decaf if you have it.”

  “Yes I have some. How do you take it?”

  “One sugar and two creams.”

  “Give me a minute. I’ll be right back.”

  “Okay.” Her eyes zeroed in on the mantel over the fireplace that was to the right of her. She stood up and walked over to the fireplace and looked at the pictures.

  “That’s my family,” he said, startling her. Walking up beside her, he placed the coffee mug in her hands. “That portrait there is of my father.” He pointed to the oil painting on the wall above all of the smaller pictures. He’s a minister in Ohio.”

  “Oh. I didn’t know that.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me,” he responded. “These are my cousins,” he picked up a couple of more pictures and explained who each person in the photo was. And here’s my best friend, Jeremy with his wife and kids. But look, enough of that. Let’s sit down so we can talk. I want to know what has you so upset this morning. When I got your call, you said you were frightened.”

  “I was and I am,” she answered in almost a whisper.

  “What is it, Aisha? You know you can talk to me.”

  “I know. That’s why I’m here. You remember the policeman I told you about?”

  “The undercover guy who you ran into at church?” he asked. He eased in closer to her and held her hand. “What about him?” The look on her face was one of utter fear. What could have happened? His mind traveled round and round with thoughts.

  “I, I stopped at the coffee shop this morning. On my way out, I ran into him.”

  “Okay,” he wanted to be as patient as he could but he also wanted her to go on and tell him what he’d done to make her this upset.

  “Remember, I told you that he was the man who portrayed himself as a member of The Lynx. I had no idea who he was. When I met him at The Lynx he was in disguise and he said his name was Kyle Taylor.”

  “Yes, I remember. But what did he want this morning?”

  “He always thought I knew about the illegal operations going on at The Lynx, but I didn’t and you know I told you that Jackson. But this guy, Chandler, he seems to think I was involved in the whole thing. I know I was accepting coke from Jason and yes I knew it was wrong to do that. But I swear I had no idea that they were involved in sex and drug trafficking.” Aisha’s face turned red again. He saw the tears swell up in her eyes once more. He reached behind him and took the box of tissue off the sofa table and passed it to her.

  “Are you okay?” he asked her.

  “Yea, I think so. Well, this morning Chandler forced me into an alley beside the coffee shop. I tried to get to my car and get away from him but I couldn’t.”

  Jackson’s jaw tightened. The fury he felt was hard to keep under control.

  “He called me nasty names. He pushed me hard against the wall and pinned me there. He, he pulled out a bag of coke and told me he could easily plant it on me if he wanted to. He said if he caught me doing anything that even looked illegal, whether it was jay walking or anything, he would lock me up so fast…” she stopped and started to cry in the tissue.

  “That good for nothing, crooked…” Jackson stopped himself before he said something he would later regret. He wanted to go out and find this chump and beat him to a pulp but he knew that he had to exercise restraint. He was a minister, for God’s sake. But at this moment, his thoughts were far from being Godly. But he didn’t dare let Aisha know how angry he was. “Aisha, there’s nothing to be scared of. This guy is trying to control you, to put you in a state of panic and fear.” A soft spot formed in his heart for her

  She looked up at him. . “He’s succeeded Jackson. I’m terrified. I can’t live like this. Looking over my shoulder. Wondering if he’s watching me. Or if he’s going to plant drugs in my car or at my studio. Or anything.

  “Shhh, he’s not going to hurt you. I promise I won’t let him.” he assured her and pulled her trembling body next to his. He held her. Her mild fragrance wafted tantalizingly underneath his nose. He leaned back against the sofa, still holding her. She lay against his chest and allowed her tears to flow freely. Cautiously, he lifted her chin up until her face was almost even with his. His heart raced as he resisted his emotions. “Aisha, I want you to listen to me. God is greater than any thing you’re facing. Chandler has no control over you. You haven’t done anything wrong so believe me, he’s just trying to do just what he’s doing to scare you. But God has not given us a spirit of fear. Put your total trust in Him. Believe me. He won’t let you down.”

  Aisha looked in his eyes and listening to him, she began to feel calm and peaceful. He was such a gentle, compassionate man. His words penetrated her heart and she believed him. Pushing back and sitting upright, she listened as he continued to reassure her that everything would turn out just fine.

  “As for the name calling, you know who you are in Christ. No man can take that away from you. You’re God’s child, fearfully and wonderfully made. You hear me?”

  “Yes, I hear you. I, I was just so scared when he came at me like that. I had no idea that he was such an evil man. And to think that I really did like him at one time.”

  Jackson hoped she didn’t detect the look of surprise on his face. During their sessions she had never divulged that she had been involved with Chandler at one time. “Let it go, Aisha. You can’t let him do you like this. He’s manipulating you. God wants you to live your life free. Chandler wants to make you miserable. But what he’s trying to do is a lie from the pit of hell and we are coming against that right now.” Jackson squeezed her hand tighter and whispered a prayer. When he finished he stood up and looked down at her.

  “What?” she said, looking confused.

  “I’m going to fix you some brunch. I did tell you that I’m an excellent cook didn’t I?” he laughed

  The heaviness was lifted from her heart and she smiled. “I’m not sure you did,” she stood up and followed him into the kitchen. “But I’m going to hang around. Then I’ll be the judge of that.”

  The rest of the morning, the two of them laughed, talked and enjoyed the delicious French toast, sausages and grits that Jackson prepared. Their time together ended when Jackson’s phone rang.

  “Excuse me, please.” He picked up the cordless phone. “Hello. Yes. Uh huh.”

  Aisha moved away from the breakfast table and walked back into the living room so Jackson could finish his conversation in private. She sat in the bay window and looked out over the Muddy Mississippi River. Being here had a peaceful effect on her. Looking out on the water, she felt safe and secure. She watched as the waves brushed up against the shore. People were walking along the river walk, some hand in hand. Others walked alone or with their pets. Some were jogging.

  “Earth to Aisha,” Jackson’s voice boomed. She jerked her head around swiftly. “It’s beautiful isn’t it?” he asked as he moved in closer to her.

  “Yes it is. I could sit here forever. I didn’t tell you, but your condo is beautiful.

  ”Why, thank you. That was Natalie on the phone. I’m needed back at the church. But come on,” he reached for her thin hand. “Let me give you the full tour before I take you back to the studio. That is unless you want to stay here until I return.”

  “Are you kidding me?” she responded with a look of awe on her face.

  “No, I’m not. You can get you some rest and there’s plenty of food in the fridge. Plus we have excellent security here. So at least for a while your mind can be at ease. He led her through each room while he continued his spill.

  Aisha followed him around and was continually impressed with his style of decorating. “I don�
�t know if I should stay here while you’re gone Jackson.”

  He stopped at the top of the curving stairway and turned to face her. “Look, if I didn’t want you here, I would tell you. I’m going to a staff meeting which usually lasts a couple of hours. I have two counseling sessions after that. In the meantime, you can take a nap, eat, watch satellite, read or whatever. I should be back around four. Then I’ll take you to get your car. How does that sound?”


  “Okay. It’s done,” he said before she could finish her sentence. “You can finish looking around while I grab my briefcase and a couple of other items I’m going to need for the staff meeting.”

  When he finished gathering his things he turned and without thinking, kissed her on the cheek. Immediately after doing so, he stepped back. “I’m sorry. Really I am. I didn’t mean anything by that.”

  She was reeling from the touch of his soft, thick lips pressed against her cheek. Electric sparks tingled throughout her body. “Jackson, please. There’s no need to apologize. Now go before you’re late for your meeting.”

  “I’ll see you later,” he said with a sheepish look on his face.

  When he closed the tall oak door behind him, Aisha leaned against it and breathed in slowly. Her heart still fluttered from the kiss. She smiled then proceeded over to the bay window again and became lost in the thought of where she was. Minister Jackson Williams, you are truly one of a kind,” she said out loud. She sat on the window bench and folded her legs up to her chest.

  Lord, I can’t believe I did that. Jackson prayed out loud in the car. I like her. I like her a lot. But I don’t want to scare her off. So please guide me every step of the way. Help me to do things in the way you see fit and not succumb to my own fleshly desires. He displayed all thirty-two teeth as he drove to the weekly staff meeting.


  Turning the key to the door, Jackson was eager to see Aisha again. The alarm beeped as he closed the door behind him

  “Aisha,” he called out while he keyed in the alarm code. The apartment met his call with silence. He laid his briefcase and keys on the granite kitchen countertop. He slowly maneuvered his lean, physically fit body throughout the lower level. There was no sign of Aisha. Maybe she had decided to leave and called one of her friends to pick her up. He climbed the stairs and peeped in the guest bedroom. No Aisha. He checked in his office. No Aisha. Looking back over his shoulder he spied the petite frame in his master bedroom. The pace of his heart settled down when he spotted her laying on his bed sound asleep. He stood in the entrance of the bedroom and watched her. She reminded him of a fragile child in need of love and affection. Sleep, my beautiful angel.

  Jackson retreated back downstairs. He opened the door to one of the hall closets and pulled out a pair of casual slacks and a shirt before going into the bathroom to take a shower. The piping hot streams of water pounding against his creamy colored skin released some of the tension of the day. Afterwards, he dressed and went to the kitchen to prepare something to eat. Searching through the freezer, he settled on preparing a vegetable casserole with grilled chicken slices.

  Aisha turned lazily in the supple king sized bed and opened her eyes. It took her a few seconds to remember that she was still Jackson’s condo. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep in his bed. Aisha jumped up and sat on the edge of the bed and listened to the noise coming from downstairs. Her instincts told her to sit quietly and gather her thoughts. Could Chandler have broken into Jackson’s apartment? Oh God, please no, don’t let it be him. Beginning to feel frightened, she tightened her grip on the edge of the bed. Her fear was replaced with a smile when she smelled the tantalizing aroma of food that filtered threw her nostrils. Jumping up, she ran barefoot down the stairs to greet Jackson.

  “Hello, there. Did you sleep comfortably?” he asked her.

  Aisha blushed and lowered her head. “I’m sorry for falling asleep in your bed. Believe me when I tell you that I don’t go around sleeping in strangers’ beds,” she said with an embarrassed look.

  “Stranger? And here I thought we were friends. When did I lose my status?” he smiled and closed the door to the convection oven.

  “No, we are friends. I, I didn’t mean strangers as in strangers, I meant…”

  “I think I know what you meant. I was just teasing anyway. I’m actually glad that you felt comfortable enough to get you some sleep. Why don’t you sit down and after I feed you, I’ll take you to get your car. Unless you want to crash here for the rest of the night.”

  Aisha was surprised at Jackson’s offer. It must have shown on her face because Jackson immediately clarified his statement. He didn’t want her to get the wrong idea about him. “Hold up. I didn’t mean anything by that. I just thought you might like to lay low for the night, no funny business. Before I go to the office in the morning, I can take you to get your car.”

  “Jackson,” Aisha paused. “I really appreciate the offer. I’m tempted to accept it.”

  “Then do it.”

  “Not this time. I think I’d better go and get my car this evening. I don’t want to invade on your privacy. You’ve already done more than enough for me today by rushing to my rescue and allowing me to stay here. Gosh, I can’t thank you enough. And on to of all of that, you’re feeding me too.”

  The smile on her face when she spoke resurfaced emotions he’d suppressed for the past several years. The more he was around her, the more his desire grew. His vow of celibacy was being tested but he was determined not to allow his flesh to make him forget that he was a man of God. His father often reminded him that if there was ever a time that he started to feel weak to his fleshly desires that he should find a wife. “Son, it’s better to find a wife than to burn. The Word of God says, the man that finds a wife, finds a good thing. Just make sure she’s a Godly woman and that her beliefs and convictions are just as strong as yours. You know not every woman can handle being a preacher’s wife.”

  “Jackson, what’s that you’re cooking?” Aisha asked in the middle of his thoughts. “It smells heavenly.”

  “Vegetable casserole with grilled chicken, madam. I’m almost done. I hope you enjoy it.”

  “I’m sure I will. Tell me. Where did you learn to cook and clean too for that matter? This place is immaculate.”

  “I wish I could say that I’m responsible for the cleanliness of my apartment. But I have a confession to make.”

  “Okay, I’m listening.” Aisha placed her head in her hands and leaned on the table.

  “Some of the senior women at church do a great job of taking care of me. Two times a week they come over and clean my apartment. As for the cooking, they taught me how to do that as well but I did have some experience already from living with my father growing up. We had to learn how to fend for ourselves unless some of the church ladies brought food over to our house. I also have plenty of prepared foods that the mothers of the church have cooked and frozen for me. All I have to do is come home, pop a meal in the microwave or the oven and waallaa!

  “Well aren’t you special.”

  “I guess you can say that. Not having my mother around when I was growing up makes me enjoy the attention showered on me. The church has been good to me. God has shown me favor. I can’t thank Him enough.”

  Aisha gazed at him. Listening to him, watching him move around the kitchen, his kindness and gentle spirit touched her deeply. The more she talked to this man and spent time around him, the more she felt safe and secure. They ate the meal he prepared and just like he promised, when they finished eating, he drove her back to the studio to get her car. He waited patiently for her to go to her office and grab some paperwork she wanted to take home with her, then he followed her home to make sure she arrived safely.

  “Let me check everything out inside before I go,” he said as he took her keys gently from her hand and opened the door to her apartment. He walked in ahead of her, clicking on lights and checking every closet and room. She followed closely behind h
im. When he had made a full search of the apartment he walked to the door and turned to tell her goodnight.

  “Jackson, thank you. Thank you so much.”

  “If you need me I want you to promise me that you’ll call. Or better yet, if you get frightened, just jump in your car and come back to my place. You hear me?”

  “Yes, I hear you. And...”

  He placed two fingers against her lips. “Please, don’t say thank you again. Just accept the fact that I’m here for you. Now lock up. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  Chandler watched from his car across the street as Jackson walked to his car. With a smirk on his face, Chandler drove off just as Jackson opened the door to his Crossfire.


  The past four and a half months had been heavenly for Aisha and Jackson. She’d taken him to meet her mother. Aisha felt like a miracle occurred when her mother doted over Jackson like he was the best thing since ice cream. He had a way about himself that brought out the best in Sandra Carlisle. The fact that he was a minister made Sandra like him even more. She bragged to her friends, her church family and anyone who would listen, telling them that her daughter was seriously dating a minister at Greater Faith Community Church in Memphis. Aisha hadn’t seen her mother this excited in a long time. Whenever she brought Jackson around, Sandra’s whole demeanor changed. Every time Aisha called her, Sandra was sure to ask about Jackson.

  Jackson reciprocated by taking her to Ohio for a weekend. She met the man who mirrored Jackson in mannerisms, looks and spiritual strength. His father reminded her of her own daddy. Just like Benjamin, he was easy to talk too and he made her feel comfortable during her stay. Aisha often visualized herself as Jackson’s wife. Could she fulfill the role that was expected of a minister’s wife? Would she be jealous of the late night phone calls from distressed women? Could she handle the times when he’d have to spend away from her and their family? Would she be able to attend numerous church services? Being Jackson’s wife surely wouldn’t be an easy task.


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