Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy)

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Virgin Prisoner: Bred to the Beast (Werewolf Breeding Erotica) (Bred to the Beast: The Virgin Trilogy) Page 4

by Tucker, Fannie

  Rela found herself resisting the urge to reach out and touch that thick torso, to run her fingers down his skin. Malgar grinned, and his teeth flashed long and white as if he could know what she was thinking. That yellow light was back in his eyes. This time she didn't mistake it for reflected torchlight.

  Malgar stepped forward, and Rela fell back as he seemed to grow larger, his shadow stretching out ahead of him as though the guttering light of torches on the far wall shrank away from him. In the dim light, she could see that he was... shifting, his body changing before her eyes. She backed against the wall, unable to pull her eyes away from the horror of what she saw.

  Malgar's head fell lower on his neck, and his big shoulders seemed to grow even wider as his head became low and flat. His nose and mouth seemed to stretch outward, and more teeth became visible as they sharpened into fangs.

  Werebeast, Rela's mind screamed as she witnessed a legend unfold before her eyes. She closed them and tried to dispel what she'd seen, but when she opened them again, Malgar stood before her, completely transformed.

  Yellow eyes shone from the face of a wolf, wild and hungry with lust. He was taller than before, narrower at the hip. His limbs were long and lean, covered in brown fur the color of his hair. He had discarded the trousers, and between his legs, his thick manhood hung long and heavy, far bigger than Collen's.

  Rela suppressed a scream, but only just. She tried to take another step back and found only wall. She swallowed and gripped the rough stone to keep her hands from shaking.

  Malgar smiled, the toothy grin of a wolf standing in a sheep's pen. "We will be wed, Lady Rela, but my waiting is at an end." His voice had changed, deep and feral now.

  Rela had known that the Dark Craft would exact its price, but there was no other way. She knew what Malgar was, what he wanted. But she knew where this would lead. She had chosen this path, and she would follow to its end.

  She glanced past Malgar's beastly shape at the door to the cell, and his yellow eyes followed hers. When she darted to the side, he was ready, and with the instincts of a wolf, he pounced and wrapped her in one powerful arm, bearing her to the floor.

  His grip was as unyielding as iron shackles on her wrists, and Rela struggled, but she felt powerless as she looked up into those glowing yellow eyes, which seemed amused by her futile attempts.

  Then his long, slavering tongue darted out of his long, toothy mouth and ran up the curve of her neck. Malgar shuddered with ecstasy as he tasted her sweat, her fear, but his touch left a tingle that spread across Rela's skin.

  She thought of Collen's tender kisses, but his soft lips were a pale imitation of what this monster could do to her. Despite everything, she found herself wanting more, and Malgar gave it to her.

  He released her, but Rela could see the tension in his wiry muscles, like steel springs ready for her to move, a cat playing with a captive mouse. She left her arms still as he grasped the front of her dress in long, clawed fingers and with a swift jerk, tore it asunder.

  Rela's milky white breasts spilled out, and Malgar's eyes filled with hunger. He bent his head again, and that long tongue worked its way down her neck and chest, flickering over one nipple, then the other. She groaned and arched her back, pushing her breasts toward him as their tips hardened into aching pebbles. Rela didn't want to enjoy this, but that hot tongue stirred something within her. Emotions swirled through her head - her love for Collen, her thirst for revenge, her hot, aching lust. She reached up, grasped Malgar's thick head, and pulled him closer. The tongue moved faster against her breasts now, heavy licks that made her nipples tingle with maddening intensity as she cried out.

  Her bottom writhed on the straw as that hot, needy itch returned, stronger than it had been even at the height of her passion in the garden. She parted her thighs and pushed her hips up against Malgar's hard body, grinding her sex against him through the layers of her ruined dress.

  His head froze for a moment as he sniffed at her skin, then he raised his eyes to hers and smiled that wide, predatory smile. "You're in season, woman," he said, his words rumbling from deep in his throat. "Tonight, I'll plant a child in your belly."

  In the back of her head, she cried out in alarm and despair, knowing that he was right, that the Dark Craft's toll would be far higher than she dreamed. Yet the fire between her legs pulled at her consciousness, eroding her will. Her musky odor demanded Malgar's attentions, and she pushed at his head, urging him downward to the place where her damp heat waited.

  Her dress tore further, the silk parting with a whisper, then her petticoats were shredded by his claws until she lay naked on a ruined heap of fabric, her soft, flat belly exposed to the probing touch of his rough, long fingers. He raked his claws down her stomach, leaving red ridges along her smooth skin as his flickering tongue made its way down across the soft curve of her hip, along one thigh, then between her legs.

  Malgar's long muzzle pressed against her sex, his nose buried in the tuft of hair above her slit as he inhaled deeply, relishing her female scent. Rela thought she knew what to expect after the time she'd spent with Collen, but Malgar's mouth was hot and hunger as his tongue flickered out, long and nimble as it pushed into her, a thick, wriggling length of smooth muscle.

  Rela's eyes shot open and she rose up off the straw as she cried out in shock at the sudden and intense sensation, but Malgar didn't relent. His tongue penetrated deep inside her, longer than she believed possible. She grasped at fistfuls of straw, her hands scrabbling on the stone as she sought some way to control her own body's response to the hulking beast between her legs.

  Then he lifted his head, leaving her open and exposed, aching and ready for more. Rela spread her thighs wider, revealing her sex to him, quietly begging him to give her what she had never before experienced. A part of her wished this was Collen, but that wish was a whisper compared to her body's roaring need.

  Malgar crouched over her, watching, savoring her surrender. He knew she wanted him, and she hated him for that. He reached down and turned her onto her stomach, the strength of his arms impossible to resist as he handled her like a child with a rag doll. Her breasts pressed against the crumpled, ruined silk of her dress, the smell of the straw in her nostrils a reminder that somewhere far above, sunlight shined on a better world. That world seemed a thousand miles away here in the dark with a beast straddling her.

  Malgar bore down on her, pressing her hips against the stone. His strong fingers found her bottom, squeezing and spreading her cheeks apart. She felt his manhood a moment later, no longer hanging limp, but rigid as its thick, swollen head pressed against the cleft of her buttocks.

  Then his broad hands landed to either side of her head, and she felt his hot breath in her ear, ragged and quick as he pressed against her opening. She gasped at the sharp burst of pain as he broke her maidenhead, then sucked in a shocked breath as he penetrated her. Wet as she was, he slid easily into her hole, but he was so thick, and she felt oh so tight around him. She cried out as he kept going, impossibly deep, until she felt his tip hit against something far inside. That deep touch brought more pain, but this was softer, more exhilarating than hurtful, and as he rocked his hips back, she found herself hoping he would do it again.

  She had no cause to wonder; Malgar began to move with a frenzied hunger, a primal lust focused purely on his own pleasure. Rela lay beneath him, utterly helpless and at his mercy as he fucked her long and deep. She could feel every last inch of him, every ridge and pulsing vein on his shaft, feel herself shaping around the swell of his head, so tight it was as though she was sucking him with her mouth. She found herself waiting with breathless anticipation as each thrust brought him deep enough to bring that sweet, painful pleasure that built on itself like the herbal catalysts that Magdha used to accelerate the boiling of potions until they seethed in the cauldron, hot and turbulent.

  She cried out, begging for more, hating herself for it. Malgar pumped her faster and faster, grunting and growling in her ear. He acted on
pure instinct now, the beast in full control, and she knew that King Volgar and his son wore their humanity like a cloak, a facade that only just disguised their savagery.

  With her head pressed against the floor, she couldn't see Malgar atop her, but she imagined that lean, beastly body's undulating hips, felt him inside her, the pleasure building within her grew to something far more intense. Like a rockslide gaining momentum, it became an unstoppable wave as ecstasy crashed through her.

  Rela screamed wordlessly and thrust her buttocks upward against Malgar, urging him deeper. She clenched around him, tightening even more around his thick member as her body shuddered in the throes of a blindingly powerful climax.

  Malgar went wild, pounding her forcefully against the straw, and a feral howl ripped from his throat, an ear-splitting sound that filled the stone chamber with its wild song. He grabbed her hips, pulling her upward against him as he pushed down, burying himself inside her until she felt his hipbones press into the soft flesh of her buttocks. His cock pulsed and throbbed within her as his seed erupted, hot and thick and plentiful. He held her fast, grunting and shuddering until it was finished, and only then did he relax, softening and sliding away to roll exhausted onto the hay with a low, satisfied grunt.

  Rela pressed her legs together and rolled onto her back to keep his precious fluids from dribbling out of her. Some of that seed would take root, she knew, but that unspeakable price must be paid. She steeled herself for what came next.

  Beside her, Malgar's breathing had slowed, and as she watched, his form softened and changed as he once again took on the form of a man.

  "So you can please a woman," Rela murmured, fixing her sweat-soaked face with a smile she couldn't feel.

  Malgar's eyes opened, blue again, and he let out a low chuckle. "I have your decision, then?"

  "As I told your father when he came to me, I will wed you," she lied, her voice carefully neutral.

  Malgar frowned. "My father? He visited you?"

  Rela kept her face guileless. "He said that he was to take me first," she said. "That you would understand it as the price for your disrespect." She stifled a laugh. "Did you not know?"

  Malgar growled and rose to his feet. His chest rose and fell in deep breaths, and he clenched his fists. When Rela looked up, his eyes weren't blue anymore. They had turned yellow again. With a snarl, he strode past her and out of the cell, not bothering to shut the door behind him. His clothing still lay on the floor of the cell.

  Dunner picked exactly the wrong moment to investigate, and he opened the door just as Malgar stormed through. The burly prince shoved him aside with one arm, and he crashed into the stone wall with a grunt.

  Rela rose and gathered her ruined clothing as she hurried out of the cell. Dunner looked at her in confusion. "He's gone to kill the king!" she cried. "Find the Royal Guard! Bring them to the throne room!"

  Dunner's eyes widened in horror, and he bolted out the door. Rela followed on wobbly legs, stopping to grab the tin cup that Dunner had brought for Magdha.

  The throne room was a mass of confusion and chaos by the time she arrived. On the far end of the room, the huge stained glass window had been shattered. Gray clouds floated past, and a cold wind blew into the throne room. Guardsmen ran around shouting, and some lay wounded on the floor.

  "What happened here?" she called to one man as he staggered past with a wounded soldier limping beside him, arm slung around his neck.

  The soldier's face was pale, and he spoke in nervous, gibbering fragments. "The king... and Prince Malgar... they changed into... unspeakable beasts. Malgar slew his father on the dais, then turned on us as we entered. That damn mute from the dungeons brought us here."

  "And Malgar?" she urged.

  The man glanced up at the ruined window, and the normalcy of the gray sky outside seemed to calm him. "He... he escaped. But everyone knows what he is. If he shows his face in the city again, he'll be killed. Another House will take the throne, now. Volgar's line is at an end."

  Rela grimaced at the thought of Malgar out there somewhere, but she pressed her hand to her stomach and imagined she could feel the quickening in her womb. "Not yet," she said.

  No one paid her any mind as she strode toward the dais. Volgar's ruined body lay beneath the throne, twisted into a beastly shape not unlike Malgar's. His blood darkened the carpet, and she scraped the tin cup through it, gathering what she could. His muzzle hung open, the tongue limp and still, fangs gleaming white. One fang hung loose, and she tore it out and dropped it into the cup as well. She walked from the throne room, an island of serenity amid the chaos, the cup in clutched in one hand and, the open front of her shredded dress in the other.

  "Where will you go?" Magdha asked. Rela stood beside a spirited mare she'd paid far too much for from a horse trader who could smell desperation.

  "West," Rela said. "The king stole Collen from me, and I intend to have him back."

  Magdha nodded, then glanced at Rela's belly. "And the... creature you carry?"

  Rela looked down at the old woman. "You told me that the Dark Craft would mean the ruination of Volgar's line. Malgar is still out there somewhere, but I will find a way to use his son against him."

  Magdha sighed, a bone-weary sound of regret. "It might have been better if you'd accepted your fate," she said. "Revenge bears no fruit, and I fear that a long and sad tale lies ahead. Will you not leave off and stay with me? Or better yet, go home to your father?"

  Rela shook her head. "I thank you for all you've done, Magdha. I will remember your warnings, but Malgar must pay, be it today or twenty years hence."

  Magdha nodded. "The blood and fangs of his father may protect you, should he seek to bring you harm. But use the Dark Craft sparingly, child, and beware its sharp edge."

  Rela embraced the old woman and mounted her mare, then set off into the flow of traffic moving through the city gate. Somewhere to the west, Collen awaited her in a remote village called Krall. They would raise a son together, hers but not his, and someday that child would meet his fate.


  About the author:

  Fannie Tucker is a horny woman of indeterminate age who likes driving too fast, cussing too loud, and writing stories that would make her grandmother keel over dead.

  She first discovered her talent for writing naughty stories while passing dirty notes to her boyfriend during English 201. When her professor confiscated one of the notes, he kept her after class and recommended a new and interesting line of work, and she never looked back. She lives in California with her husband and a Dachshund who rules them both.

  The author of over sixty works of erotic fiction ranging from the kinky to the downright weird. If you enjoyed this story, check her out online!


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  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the author or publisher except for the use of brief quotations in critical articles or reviews.


  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.


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