Date from Hell

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Date from Hell Page 4

by Gareth Vaughn

  They’d been going too long without stopping. Archer prodded Kev with the handle of the whip, stopping next to a fountain of blood. The smell from it would have been nauseating if Archer hadn’t already grown accustomed to the increased stench of Hell in general. Archer doubted he could get away with having a conversation with Kev, so he sat on the fountain’s edge, turned Kev to face him, and grabbed his only half-hard cock.

  “Not having a good time any longer?” he asked.

  “I wouldn’t say that.” The demon’s eyes wouldn’t leave Archer’s. It was almost like he was trying to say something without coming right out and saying it, which was annoying.

  “Well, spit it out, then,” said Archer. He hated having to figure out everything on his own.

  “Swallowed it,” said Kev, grinning.

  Archer released his cock.

  “Hey, I liked that,” said Kev.

  “I can tell. We should keep moving,” said Archer, sliding off the fountain. A couple of drunk demons had hopped into the other side of the bubbling blood and were half-fucking, half-drowning each other. Archer didn’t really care to get blood on his second-favorite boxers anyway. “Can we cut through any of these buildings?”

  “Depends,” said Kev, taking a quick glance around. “You like watersports?”

  “Do you?” asked Archer, then decided he could live without knowing. “There’s feasting, right? I want something to eat.”

  “I think I see someplace up ahead,” said Kev, then yelped as Archer struck him with the whip again, hard. “What was that for?”

  “I don’t want you getting too comfortable. I’m not here to party.”

  “You’re here to be my date,” said Kev. He cast a glance over his shoulder, tossing his hair as he went. He smiled.

  Archer scowled. He didn’t want to get attached to this demon, but nor did he want to go too hard on Kev, regardless of how much the demon could probably take. The more time he spent around these other demons, the more he decided he liked Kev, even if he did seem to be a bit of a pushover. Which was funny in an entity of Hell.

  No, Archer wanted a break, a chance to back off from everything that was happening. He’d been hard at least since they’d entered the streets and he was inclined to get off with Kev, but he was concerned that would only make him like the demon more. Sitting down and eating something should help them both cool off some. Or whatever approximate for that was possible here in the sweltering heat.

  He prodded Kev down the street and to a building that smelled amazing, the scent of unimaginably delicious food drifting out like a cloud of Heaven had descended all the way down here. In contrast with the reek of Hell otherwise, even mediocre food would smell divine, but Archer could tell this was better than that. His mouth watered, his stomach growled. Interesting, considering he’d barely been able to eat anything back on Earth.

  There wasn’t much of a crowd. Kev fell back on entering the building and Archer let him trail behind like a dog. Well, he’d have to eat like one, unless Archer cared to release him. The food was laid out over tables, piles and piles of it, and Archer filled a plate with grilled meats, buttered potatoes, garlicky bread, and generous slices of cheese. There wasn’t any place to sit, but lengths of wooden counters were available, so he took his food there. He’d have to eat with his hands. He could manage that.

  “What?” asked Archer, picking up what looked like a chicken leg.

  Kev looked bored, disinterested in the food, which really seemed like a feat. The demon shrugged. Didn’t matter to Archer—Kev was operating on Archer’s schedule after all. He took a bite of the chicken and froze at the taste, the texture. It was suddenly gummy, pasty in Archer’s mouth, and worse than that, it tasted like nothing at all. It smelled so good, looked so good, and yet tasted like nothing. Archer tossed the chicken down on his plate, spat out what he’d bitten off.

  “What. The. Fuck,” he said. “Kev.”

  “It’s Hell,” said the demon.

  “That explains this?” Archer had never felt so betrayed by food. “It’s worse than a weird flavor, it’s nothing.”

  “You can get used to a weird flavor, right? Even like it.” Kev sighed when Archer looked over at him, and Archer guessed he’d be running a hand through his hair if he wasn’t bound. After a moment, he flashed a grin. “Probably explains why blood’s so good.”

  “You should have told me,” said Archer, pushing his plate away. He toyed with the whip, drawing Kev’s eye, now hungry, horny, and pissed. Archer wanted some way to stop feeling so overheated, so wound up. He supposed that wasn’t really the point of this place.

  “You wanted me quiet.”

  “Is there anything in this place that tastes decent, apart from blood?” asked Archer. He didn’t much like the idea of drinking the contents of that fountain.

  “Pomegranates,” said Kev, firmly.

  “Yeah, I’m not eating those.”

  “Everybody swears by them.”

  “Kev…” Archer trailed off, shook his head. He wasn’t going to explain it to the demon. “I’m going to pass.”

  “Yeah, me too. Never tried any. I’m kind of picky about fruit.”

  Archer stared at him. Kev still looked bored, his cock flaccid again, his posture mostly relaxed. Around them, the few demons who were shoving tasteless mush into their faces watched, too closely for Archer’s comfort. It was time to be moving on again.

  “Let’s get out of here,” he said. He tapped Kev’s ass with the whip. “Back exit?”

  Kev led the way and they slipped out one street over, which at least put them closer to their destination in this direction. Here the reveling was just as intense, demons fighting, fucking, and drinking, body heat only making the air more humid and oppressive.

  “Is that alcohol or blood?” asked Archer, shoving Kev forward and glaring at a couple of demons who were sizing them up.

  “Alcohol. Tasteless, but it will get you—hey, Archer!”

  Kev gaped as Archer ripped a bottle out of the hands of a stumbling demon. Archer figured it was one of those things that could get you in a fight, but the demon looked like he could barely stand. He snarled at Archer, took a swing, and staggered backward into a pile of demons making out. They drew him into their midst and Archer took a drink from the bottle. The tasteless burn actually felt good.

  “Are you trying to get the shit beaten out of you?” asked Kev.

  “Want any?” asked Archer, holding up the bottle.

  Kev’s eyes darted to the alcohol, then he pulled away. Archer followed him another block before Kev stopped and turned back, eyes on the bottle. Archer put it to the demon’s lips, tilted it up. Some of it trickled out the side of Kev’s mouth, and before Archer thought the better of it he leaned in to lick it off. Kev choked; Archer pulled the bottle away and had another drink. The buzz was helping. He thought.

  “That demon was about to pass out anyway,” said Archer. “You couldn’t tell?”

  Kev’s blank expression indicated he had less experience judging these sorts of things than Archer did. Yes, it had been a risk, but not much of one. Archer could get lost in a crowd fairly easily, and he suspected he could defend himself fine from a demon as intoxicated as that one had been.

  “Too focused on you, I guess,” said Kev. He eyed the bottle.

  Archer took another drink, meeting the demon’s gaze. Kev stayed where he was, obedient, although he clearly wanted more alcohol. Archer pushed him forward.

  “Let’s keep going,” he said, and glared at a demon creeping nearer. “They all want your ass, don’t they?”

  “It’s a nice ass.” Kev paused. “To tell you the truth, it’s a little lonely.”

  “I’m not stopping for it,” said Archer. “You’ll have to cope.”

  Kev stopped walking in the middle of the street and Archer walked into his ass, nearly sent them both down to the ground. He steadied himself, irritated with how distracted he was. Kev did have a nice ass, but Archer needed to focus on
getting his soul back.

  “What, not going to whip me for that?”

  “I’d whip him for it,” said a demon who seemed to appear at Archer’s side.

  “Oh, fuck off,” said Archer, and yanked Kev into the nearest building. He was really losing his patience with demons. He took another drink and then a look around.

  This building was mostly full of a twisting, writhing orgy of bodies. Archer was aroused despite himself and tried not to look at the very questionable things going on around him. He pushed Kev forward, stepping around random limbs and focusing on not getting tripped up by ropes.

  “There are statues outside,” said Kev.

  “Great. Get us out there and I’ll let you have another drink.”

  Kev seemed to find a faster way through the piles of demons at that. Archer followed, chains wrapped around one hand, trying to deny how frustrated he was. Trading a date for a soul had seemed like a good idea—much like trading a soul for a life had, at the time—but now he found himself considering stopping and working through some of his distractions. If it got them to the First Bank of Hell faster, it seemed worth it.

  They reached the doors and emerged into a square of sorts, a place Archer vaguely remembered labeled on the map. They were close to their destination. What wasn’t labeled on the map was what the courtyard contained. Instead of another fountain of blood, the place was full of erotic statues depicting angels. Archer stopped and stared. Kev glanced back and grinned at him.

  A sexy statue square. Of course.

  * * * *

  Kev figured Archer was getting hung up on the fact that several demons were in the process of fucking the statuary. He didn’t blame Archer—or the demons, really. The sculptures, carved from obsidian, portrayed angels in various poses, some with mouths open or legs spread, others with bulging, erect cocks. The angels were meant to be irreverent, arousing, and they certainly were to Kev.

  They were to Archer, too, if his expression was anything to go by. Kev nudged him with a shoulder.

  “Drink?” he asked.

  Archer drank. After a moment he seemed to notice Kev, and had another drink before leaning in. Kev accepted the kiss, the pre-warmed alcohol mixed with spit. He liked Archer’s lips, wanted as much of them as he could get. He opened up wide for the alcohol, felt Archer’s tongue over his own. When Archer drew back he swallowed.

  “Move,” said Archer, and shoved Kev into the middle of the statues.

  They passed by a few empty ones, two demons sharing a sprawled angel’s backside, pumping the stone furiously. Kev winced, but Archer didn’t seem to consider the rawness fucking stone would cause. Instead he seemed to be checking out the various sculptures, appraising them.

  “You ever fuck them?” he asked.

  “Well…” said Kev, glancing at the shining obsidian. The nearest angel had a broken wing, several feathers protruding upward at an angle he’d seen other demons making use of before, if not right at that moment.

  “What’s the largest cock you’ve had?”

  Kev eyed him. This was one of those questions Archer would protest as too far. But Kev himself had said he was ready for anything. As he considered, Archer held the bottle up to his lips, and Kev drank as deeply as he could until the glass was removed again. The alcohol burned through him, increasing his already elevated heat. He’d gone flaccid for a time, but the statues, Archer’s kiss, were turning him on again.

  “That one,” said Kev, nodding toward an angel sculpture laying sprawled on its back, wings curved up over its torso like a tent, shining veined dick curved elegantly upward. “I was bored. Sucked on it a bit, sat on it, aimed for the angel’s face when I got off.”

  “Good,” said Archer, and yanked him by the arm—not the chains—to a nearby statue. This angel sat on a fallen tree carved from obsidian, its shining lips parted slightly although not completely, its wings half folded up over its back. A prominent cock rose up from the angel’s lap, larger than the one Kev had just admitted to having his way with, carved veins so thick and textured the obsidian dick practically looked like a screw.

  Archer shoved Kev down to his knees between the angel’s smooth legs and poured alcohol over the carved cock. He then upended the bottle and drank the rest of it.

  “Show me,” said Archer, the words hard in his mouth as he ordered.

  Kev’s cock immediately started stiffening. He leaned over and ran his tongue over the smooth head of the statue, licking the alcohol off. The obsidian, warmed from the heat of Hell, felt practically alive. Kev opened his lips, took the entire head in. Archer shifted to the side as he worked, took off the cape as he watched Kev suck every last bit of alcohol off the stiff cock, keep going at it.

  “Let’s see that tongue of yours,” said Archer.

  Kev obeyed, curving it around the cock as he pulled up. His tongue, like most demons, was longer, more pointed, than a human’s. Kev’s was nowhere near as long and snakelike as Deathkiss’s, but he found the thickness of it good for giving head. Archer made an approving noise, then leaned forward and forced Kev down on the cock until his body lurched and he gagged on it. Archer held him there several more seconds before letting him up; Kev went back to sucking the length the moment he could.

  “That’s enough,” said Archer, and yanked Kev back by the hair, a strand of spit still connecting him to the large shaft. “Let’s see if your ass can handle it.”

  Kev was not particularly certain it could. It had been a tight fit in his mouth, but Archer was hauling him to his feet, turning him around. Kev felt the huge, spit-slickened head pressing at his ass and he forced himself to relax. Their eyes met, and Kev tilted his head up, and Archer’s mouth was on his again. Kev closed his eyes, opened for Archer’s tongue, and instead was pushed down on the angel’s cock.

  He howled, spine stiffening. It was big, bigger than Ira’s cock, bigger than the other angel’s cock, and rock solid, unmoving. Archer’s hands froze on him like he was worried, and Kev groaned. His cock had deflated, his ass burned, his eyes watered. But his heart sped.

  “More,” he whispered.

  Archer hesitated only a fraction of a moment before pushing him farther down the angel’s shaft. Kev felt his asshole stretching to accommodate the size, groaned again. He heard Archer climbing over the statue, and then Kev’s wrists and neck were pulled back, secured in place as Archer chained them to the obsidian. Kev was getting hard again, pinned in place by the angel’s cock, restrained at an awkward angle.

  “God,” said Kev, and groaned again.

  Archer grabbed his ass, hauled him a few inches up the cock, then released him and let him slide back down. Kev shuddered, his cock twitching, his ass aching so much his mouth went dry. Archer dug fingers into Kev’s ass and pulled him up again, the veined cock sending chills through Kev’s body as it eased out. Archer’s lips just brushed Kev’s and he strained to complete the kiss, but the collar held him back, and then Archer released him. Kev cried out as the stone cock penetrated him again, sagged against his chains.

  “I see you’re a glutton for cock as thick as my forearm,” said Archer, and touched a finger to the tip of Kev’s cock, where a bead of excitement quivered. He pulled back gently, stretching the strand of precome until it thinned and snapped. Kev licked his lips, wriggled a little on the stone up his ass. It hurt, and it thrilled.

  “Archer,” he said. He meant to beg. It came out like a whine.

  Archer smacked him across the face, hard. Kev’s eyes smarted and he was sure that had left a mark.

  “I didn’t tell you you could speak.” Archer paused, then took off his ugly boxers. “Let’s see how good that tongue of yours is.”

  Kev wanted to take a mouthful of him so badly, but when Archer climbed up to balance on the angel’s legs he faced away from the demon, reached up to grab an overhanging wing to brace himself, and shoved his ass in Kev’s face. Kev debated pulling against his collar to reach Archer’s asshole, but stuck out his tongue instead. When the tip touched
Archer’s puckered flesh, Archer tensed briefly, then relaxed. Kev strained his tongue, pulled it back, and Archer pressed his ass closer, directly in Kev’s face.

  Kev devoured him. He wished he had use of his hands, to spread Archer how he wanted, but the restraints were good in a different way. Archer adjusted for him, angling his ass as Kev kissed it, licked it, prodded with his tongue. When he pressed his tongue up Archer’s ass, the human groaned softly. Archer’s free hand moved around to toy with himself as Kev worked his tongue in and out, shallow and then deeper. The way Archer ground back on him let him know he was enjoying it, and Kev himself strained against the straps on his cock.

  Suddenly Archer pulled away and Kev’s mouth was empty. He opened his eyes, disappointed, to see Archer checking the contents of the belt. If he was looking for lube, he might be disappointed. The only sort Kev had packed was fire-hot.

  “Wasn’t going to do this, but what the hell,” said Archer, then breathed out in amusement as he set aside the belt. He leaned forward, spat on Kev’s cock, and stroked with a hand. “Don’t come.”

  “But—” said Kev as Archer climbed on top of him, his words cut off when Archer pressed his mouth to Kev’s. This kiss wasn’t gentle like the other had been; this was hard, rough. Archer guided Kev’s cock to his ass and eased it inside. His ass clenched around Kev once, twice, and then he settled. Archer pulled away from Kev’s lips and breathed out in satisfaction.

  He began to ride Kev’s cock, every downward motion pressing the obsidian monstrosity harder up Kev’s ass. Kev bared his teeth, groaned, then gasped as Archer put a hand on him and dug in with his nails. Archer grabbed himself with his other hand, took his cock between two knuckles, and stroked hard.

  “Archer,” said Kev, wanting to beg, to warn. Even stretched to his limit, giant stone cock up his ass, balls pulled taut, arms restrained, he was getting close, struggling to hold off. “I don’t think I—”


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