Forbidden Love (Forbidden Trilogy)

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Forbidden Love (Forbidden Trilogy) Page 11

by S. R. Watson

  “What are you doing,” he says, looking at my hand in my purse.

  “I was getting a tip for the food.”

  “I’ll take care of it. Come.” His mere mention of come has my mind thinking of the alternative definition of the word. I’ve become such a horn dog. Nobody has ever made me feel or act this way. I watch as he pulls his wallet from his jean pocket and hands the guy a hundred dollar bill. Uh, yeah. That is so not what I intended to give him so he’s lucky that Grayson finished his shower. The guy has the biggest smile on his face as he thanks Grayson for his generosity.

  “How are you feeling today?” Grayson asks as he moves our food to the table out on the balcony.

  “Sore,” I smile. Every movement has me reminiscing about last night.

  “I thought so. I’ll take care of you baby.” He ushers me outside and we take a seat. There is a lot of food to choose from, but I stick with waffles, bacon, and my adventurous side tries the century egg. It is a hard-boiled egg with a black speckled outer layer with a green yolk. You only live once, right? Grayson puts a little of everything on his plate. I don’t know how he maintains his incredible physique eating the way he does. I kick my chair back on two legs and enjoy the view with my meal. Our suite has an ocean front view. The breeze coming from the ocean is relaxing. We eat in silence, but I can feel Grayson’s intensity. He finishes his food first and announces that he is going to run me a bath.

  “You’re not joining me?” I pout.

  “No love. You’re too sore. I couldn’t possibly be naked with you in the tub and not want to fuck you,” he teases. “You will soak and relax. After that, we’ll go lounge in the sun for a few hours on the beach before we have to get you home.” During my soak, he surprises me by coming in and sitting at the edge of the tub behind me. He tells me to lie back and begins to massage my scalp before moving on to my shoulders.

  “You were amazing last night,” he begins. “I love that you extended your trust to join me in my world of debauchery because baby you are my world. I am so thankful for you giving me your heart.” I close my eyes and let his profession sink in.

  “I love you so much Grayson,” I confess.

  “Your actions shows me more than you know love, but hearing you say those three little words to me will never get old.” He leans down and give me a tender forehead kiss. He then leaves me to my soak to reminisce on our wonderful weekend of discovery. When my water begins to turn cold, I finish with a quick bath so I can go find my man. We spend the rest of the day doing absolutely nothing and I couldn’t be more content. We sip on cocktails and talk about trivial things, just enjoying each other’s company.

  I sit on the comfy sofa staring out of our bay window. The afternoon rain and endless clouds bring about a sense of gloom. The nasty weather outside matches my inner turmoil that Grayson has left once again for a business trip. We had to cut our basking in the sun time short to head back so he could leave. We left our moment in the sun for the wetness that awaited us. Thunder claps in the sky, shaking our condo.

  “Well don’t you look pitiful?” Jordan comes and sits next to me on the sofa. “You still have me, you know.”

  “I know. I just miss him already. I like spending time with him.” I continue to watch the flashes of lightening. I count the seconds until the thunder sounds again in the distance. I used to pass the time this way as kid when I was stuck inside. Counting seconds between lightning and thunder is supposed to tell you how far away the lightning is.

  “Yeah, it’s called the honeymoon phase and you have it bad.” She grabs at her hair and makes a sad face. “I’ve been replaced because I don’t have a wiener. Okay a sausage in Grayson’s case,” she amends. This causes me to giggle.

  “What the hell Jordan? Please tell me you haven’t been checking out my man’s package?”

  “Hey, I wasn’t trying to. He’s the one that came out in a towel that day with a leave-nothing-to-the-imagination bulge. Just saying,” she smiles. “I bet it intimidated the hell out of Liam.”

  “I’m pretty sure Liam wasn’t checking out his junk,” I say slapping her shoulder.

  “Bullshit. Men compare just like women do. That man looked like a wet dream stepping out of your bathroom. I actually felt bad for Liam for a second. And I do mean a second.” We laugh our asses off and just like that I’m pulled out of my funk.

  “What do you want to do? I’m bored and I’ve already completed all of my homework,” I say gesturing to the coffee table with my books splayed across it.

  “Well, we could catch up on all the America’s Next Top Model episodes we have on the DVR.”

  “Jordan, it’s storming outside!”

  “So, what does that have to do with the price of tea in China?”

  “You’re supposed you turn off your electronics during a storm,” I warn.

  “Says who? Is that another one of your childhood memories? God, you are so weird. Nothing is going to happen. All of our electronics are grounded and may trip a breaker, but that’s it.” She turns on the television, ignoring what she calls my Siobhanisms. Whatever. It’s her TV anyway. See if I care if lightning strikes it.

  “What are we eating?” I ask, changing the subject. The smell of tomato sauce wafts in the air.

  “Baked ziti.” She flips through the recordings until she finds ANTM. “You wanna be on top?” she sings.

  “Yeah and I’m the weird one? We are such a pair,” I chuckle.

  Classes pass in a blur. Unpack messenger bag, take notes, repack messenger bag, and repeat. I’ve been on autopilot all day. I saw Liam once, but he is still avoiding me. Grayson and I on the other hand, have been seeing each other every moment we can. It’s been a month since we visited the sex club in Mexico. We haven’t done anything like that since, but I spend weekends with him when he is not being whisked away out of town for business. Sometimes he visits and stays with me during the week to make up for our missed weekends. Jordan and I ensure that we get our girl time in during margarita Mondays and at impromptu times when both of our men are away. Trevor is currently living in Sacramento, but he drives up nearly every weekend. It’s funny how things can change in the course of one semester. On the bright side, I think I finally got rid of my stalker. Maybe he or she moved on to their next victim. Whatever the reason, I’m glad that part of my life is resolved.

  Jordan’s honk of her horn pulls me out of my musings. We have decided that we would just meet at the car rather than the library now that my boot is off. My mother offered to get me another car, but I told her I was fine. Surely, she could use that money toward something else. I’ll revisit that idea after graduation, but for now I’m fine carpooling.

  “So I was thinking we could have passion fruit margaritas tonight with fried fish and shrimp,” Jordan says as we head to the liquor store.

  “That sounds yummy to me,” I grin.

  “One more thing. Bailey called and she wants to come over,” she mentions hesitantly.

  It’s been a month since Bailey has come around. She has been missing in action since my showdown with Vanessa at Drai’s. To say that her friendship with Jordan has been strained is an understatement. According Jordan, she speaks when they pass each other on campus, but that has been the extent of their communication. I don’t want to piss on the opportunity for them to make up so I reserve my mixed feelings about Bailey. She was so quick to write me off.

  “Well good. Maybe you two can work things out. Her problem with me should have never involved you.”

  “That’s bull and you know it. We are a package deal babe. Either she is going to get over this grudge she has against you for secretly dating her brother or get the hell out of our lives. She is being totally unreasonable, especially after what you divulged about Vanessa’s scheming.”

  “You’re right of course. I just don’t want you to lose a good friend on my behalf.” I’m not that girl. ‘I don’t like her so you can’t like her’ is so elementary.

  “Nonsense. You’re my
bestie. Everyone else is secondary. Now, I don’t want to hear any more about it,” she huffs. “Let’s go pick out some different margarita flavors. The passion fruit is a must though.” That is one of my favorite qualities about Jordan. She goes from a rant to joking in a split second. She gets what she needs off her chest and then she is done with it.

  The minute we walk into the condo, I begin making the margaritas while Jordan batters the fish and shrimp in preparation to fry. The girls are due to arrive in an hour. Grayson texts me and I’m momentarily distracted.

  Grayson: What are you doing?

  Me: Making margaritas for our famous margarita Monday. Bailey is coming over too.

  Grayson: Great, maybe you two will bury the hatchet.

  Me: I have no hatchet to…

  My phone rings in my hand.

  “I rather hear your voice love.” We missed seeing each other this past weekend. Apparently, his company has been working overtime trying to acquire some business that will majorly enhance their portfolio.

  “She’s coming to see Jordan not me.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” he hints. “I saw her at my parent’s place a few hours ago and she’d mentioned how bad she felt for being so hard on you.”

  “Wow, really? Well, we’ll see. She will have to make the first move.”

  “I really wanted to see you tonight. Maybe everyone will leave early and I can visit you later,” he says. “If not, I can always visit you tomorrow night. That would be a torturous wait though.”

  “You almost sounds like you miss me as much as I miss you,” I tease.

  “More so love and I’m not the only one.”

  “Only one, what?”

  “That misses you sweetheart.”

  “Who else misses me,” I chide.

  “Not who, what? My cock misses you babe,” he says in a matter of fact tone. Holy hell.

  “Watch it lover. I might start thinking you’re only in this for the sex,” I caution.

  “Well you do have some awesome pussy,” he laughs. “Just kidding baby. Not about how great it is though. I’m so in love with you that it fucks me up when I have to be away from you for extended periods of time. I long to smell you or just to hear your voice, hence the reason I aborted our text.” I smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. It’s nice to hear that I’m not alone with this obsession. Jordan would shake her head at us both if she heard this conversation.

  “I love you too baby.” I blow him a kiss over the phone and Jordan looks over at me while making the gagging motion with her finger.

  “I won’t keep you from your girls’ night baby. Call me later if you can.”

  “Okay,” I promise before ending our call. Jordan starts in on me with her teasing, but I wave her off.

  “Save it sister. I’ve heard some of your mushy phone calls with Trevor. You guys are just as bad.” She chuckles and turns back to finish cooking. I use this time to shower and wash away the day. Memories of Grayson and I are everywhere I look, from my bedroom to this bathroom. I truly wish I could skip out this one time to spend time with him. The temptation is there to do just that, but he seems to think Bailey is planning to apologize to Jordan and I tonight. Damn, the sacrifices we make.

  I slip on a pair of cheer shorts and a tank before heading into the living room. I can hear the voices on the other side of the door so I know the girls have arrived. When I walk out, it is so quiet, you can hear a pin drop. There is instant silence as the girls wait to see how I’m going to react to Bailey. She walks up to me, but I can’t get a read on her. As she gets closer, I can see a dried tear stain tracked within her make up. Her eyes are red and still watery as if the damn may break again. I don’t know what to say. I’m actually speechless.

  “I’m so sorry Siobhan,” she begins. Before I can respond, she catches me in a bear hug. It’s a silent plea for me to forgive her. I tense up briefly because I’m caught off guard. “I didn’t let you explain. I was so angry and then when I saw how hurt Vanessa was, it just made things worse. I blamed you for everything. Vanessa finally confessed her part in this after you outed her and I felt like such a fool,” she sniffs.

  “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner.” I can admit my part in this. I should have trusted her to understand.

  “I hate that you thought you couldn’t tell me, but we all make mistakes. I understand the hesitancy though. You guys didn’t start off in a relationship, but even so, it was taboo.”

  “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I didn’t trust telling anyone except Jordan. I was afraid of what would happen if word got out.”

  “We would’ve never said anything,” Angie assures and Meghan nods her head in agreement.

  “Thank you guys. That means a lot. I promise to do better,” I promise.

  “Awe,” Meghan coos and brings us in for a group hug. “This calls for a toast.” We each pick up one of the margaritas and clink them together.

  “To lasting friendships,” Bailey offers.

  “To lasting friendships,” we all echo. We crank up the music and dance wildly. The more alcohol that courses through our blood, the more off-beat we get. Bailey gets the brilliant idea that each person has to get up on the coffee table and dance to whatever song is thrown at her. When it is my turn, I’m given Bush’s “Machinehead.” I’m totally rocking it out when I hear a deep sexy laugh. I would know that laugh anywhere. What the fuck? Grayson’s here. The girls part like the red sea and there stands my Adonis in jeans and a faded V-neck tee. I freeze, in part from embarrassment and partly from shock. The girls all know about our relationship now, but how did he know it would be a good time to show up?

  “Nice dance moves baby,” he says lifting me from the table. Like clockwork, my legs wrap around his waist.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Bailey called me and told me you guys made up and that the coast was clear if I wanted to come see my girl. I forgot to mention when we talked earlier that I told Bailey how much I missed you.”

  He turns and finds Bailey among the girls. “Thanks Bailey. You ladies can carry on, but I’m taking this one with me,” he winks. He slaps my ass in front of them and I know my skin is beet red.

  “Just remember those walls aren’t sound proof,” Jordan warns. Oh. My. God. I’m going to kill her.

  “You ladies may need to close your ears then. I haven’t seen this little drunken vixen in a week. I won’t be responsible for what you overhear.” Throw pillows from the sofa come flying at him. Change that. I’m going to kill him first. I bury my face in his shoulder and he laughs.

  “Get a room!” Bailey yells in mock exasperation.

  Grayson kicks the door open and turns and faces the girls. “Got one. Thanks.” Once he closes the door, I jump down.

  “I’m so not going to have sex with you with everyone out there, you freaking exhibitionist.” He laughs at my candor.

  “I didn’t have sex in mind love.”

  “Good, because we would need to wait till everyone leaves.”

  “Why is that? Is it because you’re a screamer and you always end up screaming for my cock?”

  “Jesus, you are so vulgar. I’m not a screamer,” I huff.

  “I beg to differ sweetheart. You’ve become so beautifully vocal. I can prove it to you.”

  “You said you weren’t thinking about sex,” I recall.

  “That’s because I’m not. I want to fuck you. That’s different from having sex. I want raw, sweaty, and unapologetic fucking.”

  My sex throbs at the dirtiness spewing from his mouth. He unbuttons his pants and from the wiry hair on display I see that he is commando again. That is so fucking sexy. He has managed to get me wet without touching me and he knows it if that smirk he’s wearing is anything to go by. He summons me with the crook of his finger. He pulls me in for a kiss, but I have something else in my mind. I drop to my knees and his eyebrow arches in question. I pull his jeans further down and his dick juts to attention. The wetness at the tip is ind
icative of his anticipation. I stroke him a few times, using his own wetness to help my hand glide over him like silk. The first touch of my tongue to the head of his cock, his hips thrust forward. I lick him base to tip and watch as his face contorts. He throws his head back as I take him to the back of my throat. Guttural sounds rumble within him as I begin to suck and work him with both hands. His girth stretches my mouth wide, but I continue to alternate licking and sucking. I’m driving him absolutely mad and I feel so powerful.

  “Fuck, baby. Stop, I’m going to come.” He grabs my hair in an attempt to separate himself from me, but I apply more suction. “Shit that feels so good,” he pants.

  I can tell he is close. He begins to fuck my mouth, all control just gone. His legs tense as he releases his load down my throat. I’m not surprised by the consistency of it this time. I welcome the saltiness of my prize. I lick my lips and wink my eye at him in complete satisfaction that I was able to do this for him. The hungry look in his eyes warns that his appetite is far from being satiated. He pulls his jeans off in a rush and I know that any thought of waiting until my friends leave to fuck me has just blown up in my face. I’ve lit the fire and now he’s taking the lead. He yanks my top and bra off before throwing me on the bed.

  “Your turn baby. Let’s see if you can keep from screaming,” he challenges. Game on. He stealthily climbs on the bed and hovers over me. He eases my shorts down my hips with a devilish grin. Right now I’m his prey and I love it. I have his complete attention. “You’re taking a page out of my book and going commando,” he slides a finger between my legs and I whimper. “Somehow I don’t think you stand a chance love. You’re soaking wet already. This pussy is on fire for me.” He leans over and grabs something from the pocket of his jeans and he pops the unknown item into his mouth.

  I nod, but he doesn’t need my affirmation. He throws my legs over his shoulders and buries his face in my sex. The first tentative lick is meant to torment. Its slow, leisurely pace ignites heat in its path. His intent to draw this out is obvious. The tingling sensation that exudes in its wake tells me he is sucking on a mint. “Holy shit,” I gasp.


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