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Sanctuary Page 9

by Alene Adele Roy

  “Yes. But will you forgive me first, Rachael, please? It would, truthfully, mean a great deal to me.”

  She laughed quietly. “You are impossible. Do you know that? Not even Harry asked for a hug, ever.”

  “Don’t tell me you never hugged him.”

  “Well, yes, I did, occasionally, yet not on a regular basis, not when I came here, and he never asked. It was always voluntary on my part. Of course, he didn’t know that I was leaving, since it all happened so very quickly. Now, I find myself here, with you.” Shaking her head, she thought about the fact that she and Harry no longer kept in touch as they used to do. What did that mean? It meant that he was out of the picture, and at the present time, when she thought about it, Dr. John Davis was in it. “I’m sorry. I know how silly and ridiculous I must seem to you.”

  “Nonsense. You are very reasonable and charming. I won’t mind if you leave the room. Just don’t leave Magnolia Gardens, unless you feel like going to the market. I will present you no problems.” He again dropped his gaze, outstretched arms, and expectations, and stared at his highly polished shoes. “I know good and well that I am being foolish and unreasonable, ridiculous, perhaps. Nevertheless, I still have feelings for you.” One last hope made him hold out his arms to her once again, awaiting her embrace, hopefully.

  Rachael straightened her posture, wondering what to say in this kind of situation. How must I deal with this? “Can I not convince you to at least wait until you return and we know each other better, perhaps?” Her question was quite sincere and serious. So was she, for his answer would help her to determine her reaction and the outcome of this situation, for she was now wavering in his behalf, for some strange reason.

  He simply answered a whispered, “No.”

  What have I got to lose she asked herself, silently? One hug should diffuse this situation nicely, abruptly, sending him on his way. In the future, I shall never allow myself to be put into this kind of situation again or have to embrace this man, if I do not wish to do so. I may even leave while he is gone. Or I could wait and learn if he is sincere or not, by the way he hugs. If he is too confining, I can always scream. If not, well, I do not wish to ponder any further what my feelings might be if I did endure and welcome his affection.

  It worked. His outstretched, waiting arms called silently to her, coaxing Rachael closer. She absolutely made up her mind at that point. Slowly, she went to him.

  Encircling her in a warm embrace, he bent to kiss her gently at her temple.

  She pulled away slightly. “No kiss was mentioned in your request,” she cautioned him.

  “You are correct, Rachael, and I know I’m impossible. Yet, you bring out feelings in me that I had not expected, for you are such a sweet woman. I wish to be your friend, your best friend.”

  “I did not give permission for you to kiss me.” She pulled away from his arms. “Speaking of friend, your friends are waiting, and I believe I can handle your money.” Consequently, she laughed at the very sound of her own words, plus, was angry at herself because she wished to sound stern instead of humorous.”

  He chuckled. “Please, Rachael, hug me back,” he insisted. “I am a gentleman. You will soon see that. I want to remember your embraces while I’m away. I wish to carry that pleasurable memory with me as I travel. You won’t regret it.”

  “I will, too, for you have crossed the line of decency, John.” She was glaring, for she had not planned on this interruption. “I don’t know you.”

  “I have not crossed the line of decency, Rachael, and thank you for calling me by my name. I am going away, that’s what’s wrong with me. I don’t wish to leave you right now. But I shall take memories of you with me. I had not planned on this and I have only the greatest of respect for you. Truthfully, the prospect of you in my kitchen in a little apron baking Vanilla Tea Cakes for me, as you so graciously promised to do, set my heart aglow, and me to thinking about you. To tell the truth, you started this.”

  “Ah!” she gasped. Yet, at that very moment of his sincere explanation, even though she was angry, she had to agree with him. “You do tell the truth, for I guess I did. Forgive me. I’m very sorry. It was improper of me to ever mention an offer to bake for you, since you already have an expert chef in Miss Callie.” She shook her head in disbelief. “I can’t believe I offered that.”

  “Rachael, it was not improper. It was sincere and from the heart. Thank you very much for such a lovely promise and future gift. I greatly appreciate it. The idea had to be on your mind for you to speak it, or else you never would have offered it to me.” He held out his arms to her once again.

  She drew a deep breath and became defiant, probably of her own self, her own mixed feelings. “I don’t regret offering to bake for you. It did come suddenly to mind. I only regret that I was forward. It’s unlike me to do so. I was only trying to be friendly. You mistook that for something else.”

  He stopped her. “Thank you. I’ll treasure your offer and these moments with you while I’m away, and you shall come to know me, my dear Rachael Hathaway. I can promise you that. Please remember our one embrace, then, will you? Let us be friends forever, for I accept your friendship.”

  Glancing at the door, she knew in her heart that it was not the option she wanted, an exit. Instead, she smiled at John Davis. He was expecting nothing from her now, except perhaps friendship. She could accept that, or simply walk away, escape, and think no more of this brief encounter. But, did she want that?

  “Goodbye, Miss Hathaway.” Intriguing her even more, he whispered, “Remember this.” He blew her a kiss.

  His charming action secured their future embrace. Smiling in delight, with the freedom to choose for herself, she immediately knew what she wanted to do, hug him again. Taking her time, she stepped toward him, heart aflutter.

  John’s delight was immediately apparent, as she slowly came into his waiting arms, once again. He encircled her in a warm embrace and whispered, “Thank you, Rachael.” Next, he invited her to sit, then pulled a padded, tapestry footstool from under an overstuffed chair. Quickly, he sat down upon it before her. From somewhere he produced a brown bottle of liquid.

  This made her curious. She stared at him in wonder. Was he going to drink it or offer it to her? “Sir, I don’t believe we need to toast to our friendship,” she insisted, although she had no idea what was even in that glass container, and hoped that he would offer her none of it.

  He laughed quietly, and placed a calming, reassuring hand upon her arm for a moment. Removing the top from the vessel, he now placed it on the floor.

  She watched silently as he poured some of the liquid into the palm of his hand.

  “Remember, I am a doctor? This is simply part of your treatment, Miss Hathaway,” he whispered. “I am warming the liniment. It’s not to drink.”

  “That’s a relief. What about your treatment, doctor?” she quipped, wishing he would just go travel and leave her to her own good judgment and actions. “Perhaps you’ll find someone and get healed while you are away.”

  “You are my treatment. You warm my heart and soul. I do not need someone else, and I shall do no such thing as even look elsewhere. We have found each other. What I need is for you to wait for my return. Now, please remove the ankle wrap, your shoe and stocking, so that I might tend to your foot.”

  Surprisingly, she did exactly as he requested, aware that this might help her heal.

  “It is swollen and tender, yet, luckily, not broken,” he explained upon inspection.

  She already knew that from Dr. Evans’ assessment, but said nothing, since John had spoken reassuringly just now, and that meant something to her.

  “I intend to rub this magic lotion onto your foot, soothing it. It is an old family favorite remedy, I assure you, Miss Hathaway. Please allow me to share a small part in your healing. I can help you before I go, and perhaps, even, while I am away, definitely whe
n I return.”

  Rachael’s mouth dropped open. She noted that he was awaiting her approval, and since he was being completely honest with her, she gave it. Welcome warmth engulfed her injured ankle and foot. “It’s soothing, yet it tickles a little.” She was nervous, yet laughed.

  “I know. Relax and enjoy this potion, for it helps.”

  Rachael drew in and exhaled several deep breaths to calm and steady her nerves, and leaned back into the soft cushions. “You are full of surprises. I welcome your help, and thank you for the beautiful handkerchief.”

  “You are welcome. Perhaps you will think of it and these tender moments with me while I’m away,” he told her, that sincere look again upon his handsome face. “I mean well, and these pleasant moments may help us both heal.”

  “I shall think of them,” she whispered in reassurance, relaxing, as her pain and fear were diminishing.

  “Good. May I treat the other foot, since we don’t wish for it to feel left out, do we?”

  She laughed. “You are teasing me now, doctor, and your friends are waiting,” she countered.

  “No, Miss Hathaway, I am not teasing you. In reality, I am comforting you, caressing you, caring for you, trying to heal you,” he patiently told her in a whisper of explanation. “This helps circulation and brings healing. But you may wish for an ice wrap after I leave. Crane brought ice back from town.”

  “Yes, you may treat my other foot, doctor, for I rather enjoy it and I would hate for it to feel slighted. By the way, thank you for treating your staff so kindly by giving them money to spend at the market.”

  He nodded and smiled. In these moments they shared before his journey, she gained a new respect for the doctor, her employer, a healer, whom she found had a gentle and caring nature about him. He gained a new fondness for this woman, trusted her with his money, and hoped a warm friendship was developing. To each of them, this time represented a growing mutual trust between them.

  As she stood, barefoot before him, there was only silence. He replaced the lid and wiped his hands on a cloth found in the stool’s compartment. Finally, he straightened his back. Again, they stared at each other. She was unsure of what to say. So, she said the only thing she could think of. “Thank you.”

  He repeated her words, whispering, while gazing at her lips. “Thank you.”

  “You’re tall,” was the only other thing which came to mind. It made them both chuckle.

  “You’re perfect,” he softly replied, with a friendly, warm smile. It made her giddy with excitement. “You must take that foot caress as proof, along with my good word, that I shall keep no secrets from you, my dear Rachael, and I’ll take good care of you.” Reaching out, he stroked her hair.

  Together, they stood for a few moments, apart. He glanced toward her injured ankle, now hidden beneath her long skirt. Abruptly, he swept her up and placed her back on the settee. Then, he pulled a quilt around her, hugging her, and for one brief, fleeting moment he thought she hugged him back. Sitting beside her, he held both of her hands in his. “I shall keep in touch, sending word of my whereabouts.”

  “Your friends are waiting patiently,” she told him, breathlessly. A hot blush came across her face and neck, and she was embarrassed by it, though she was pleased with his comments about keeping nothing from her and keeping in touch. Those were pleasant added surprises. “I’m warning you, though, that I shall make a list of my questions for you while you are away.”

  He laughed and studied her face. “Please, do, and don’t be the least bit embarrassed, either, for it is only natural for two people who are interested in one another to want to spend time together, like this, and get to know each other,” he explained quietly.

  “Yes.” Before today, she had thought of him as so much older, until this point, that is. “I am not interested in you romantically, though, I can assure you. I am merely concerned with this job, only,” she informed him in a whisper. “That’s all.”

  “No, that is not all, Rachael,” he contradicted. “Believe me, you will find your voice.”

  She was puzzled. “Let me go, then. Let me go home,” she instructed, half wishing he’d say no. “You will be away. There is no need for me to stay here.”

  “You are wrong and too injured to travel right now, dear one. And if you should come up with the silly notion to do so while I am away, I can assure you that I will be at Bower Farm on the very day I learn of such a distasteful fact. Furthermore, I am holding you to your promise and contract to become Lily’s nanny for one year. Your mother will attest to this and agree with me. As an incentive, I am going to give you a gift for putting up with my awful display of passion in holding you against your will just now, and for staying. Forgive me, please.” At that, he limped to his desk, unlocked it, and removed money to place into her hand. “This is yours.”

  “You did not hold me against my will. But, I signed no paper contract for one year, sir.” She barely knew what else to say, yet knew she was right. Also, she did feel that a thank you was in order, even though her lips went dry. “Thank you, but, I don’t deserve this. I haven’t earned it. I have not worked for you yet,” she explained.

  Dr. John moved to a pitcher and poured water for her. At that point, there was a slight knock on the door. “We’ll wait outside, John. But we don’t want to miss our ride,” they heard the lieutenant say. “We have to journey to catch it, remember?”

  “Thank you, Monty. I shall be right along.” However, he once again sat down next to Rachael. “Here is some water, but have I made myself clear? No traveling for you right now. Dr. Evans will be checking in on you in two days, and I shall be checking with him. By the way, you earned that money, every penny of it, by having indulged my boring ways, for my forsaking a promise that we would read of an evening, for my lack of conversation with you while my friends were here visiting, and for my being so forward just now. For those things, I am ashamed, and I ask your forgiveness. But, may I kiss you, on the lips this time?”

  “No,” she whispered abruptly.

  “No?” He took the glass and placed it on the table, then took her hands, spilling the money he had just given Rachael into her lap. “I see and have felt the fury that you have for me right now, Rachael. I want to dispel that, for my heart tells me something else. My head tells me that I am not wrong about you thinking I had a friendship with Amber. I had to disprove that. That is exactly why I asked you to hug me, and you did. That tells me all is well with us. Exactly what do your heart and mind tell you about us?” he asked bluntly.

  She gasped at his forwardness. “Nothing, for, I was only being kind in offering to bake for you.”

  “Oh? But have you forgotten the hugs so quickly? Well, in time your heart and mind will tell you the truth. Why did you hug me, then? I happen to believe that in our quiet times we can ask ourselves what we believe, Rachael, and if we don’t learn from ourselves, if we don’t get the answers we seek, we must search further for them, because where we find love and friendship, we will also find delight, answers, and hope. That can be a great mission and accomplishment for anyone.”

  “I agree. But my heart and mind are telling me to return home, since I have no purpose here right now.” She rose and limped around the room, exasperated, shaking her head. “I don’t know. I believe my head tells me to be wary. My heart tells me that perhaps you could become a friend.” She was completely honest with him. “I want to go home. I have no mission here without Lily. I have only made a verbal promise to stay. There is nothing written on paper.”

  “I beg to differ with you, because you are a friend, or else you would not have hugged me. You also promised verbally to become a nanny and I took you at your word, without signature. I believe your word is good. In fact, I’m certain. Furthermore, your heart, mind, and body don’t wish to go home, Rachael, or you wouldn’t have hugged me back a few moments ago.” He sprang from the settee and strode to put his a
rms around her, while standing behind her. “Don’t hold your breath in anguish, Rachael. Enjoy Magnolia Gardens while I am away. Rest, and wait for me,” he pleaded. “Make that your mission, I beg of you. Stay, and we shall talk about this upon my return, I guarantee you. Dare not travel.”

  “You were not honest with me. You didn’t even say you were a surgeon or that you were wounded.”

  “I did not know those things would be of concern to you, and I didn’t have time, either. We’ve hardly had a moment of time together, alone, that is. You know that. I am being honest with you, Rachael. Don’t you see, I’ve just returned home to find some comfort? I did, with you.”

  “I didn’t know that was important, time together, alone, and as for a mission, it can’t be about me. It’s about Lily, and my job here,” she retorted.

  “It is about you!” He meant it. “If you don’t take good care of yourself, it will not only affect you and Lily, it will affect me. I will prove that to you if you will only wait here and give me the chance to do so. I want more time with you. Don’t leave Magnolia Gardens, Rachael. Heal your foot first. Meet my daughter. Then decide. I won’t hold you here against your will, even if you did agree to a one year tenure.”

  His words calmed her. “I don’t know what I will do. What will my mother and your friends think if I hug you? What is your mission, anyway?” she asked, nearly in tears. “How did I bring comfort?” She wanted more answers.

  “Rachael, cry if you must. But cry happy tears, for us. I have found a joy and comfort in seeing you and being with you this short time that I can’t even explain. As for your mother, tell her whatever you like, how you feel. Tell her the truth, though. Don’t keep things a secret from her. She loves you. In fact, I plan to send for her upon my return from Washington, in time for the holidays,” he explained gently, cautiously, wondering if this would make her happy, give her cause to stay. “As for my friends, we have not discussed you. I won’t allow that.” He was surprised when his comments made her turn to face him, still in his arms, gazing at his lips. Maybe she was listening. Maybe he had convinced her to stay. “My mission has changed now, to include you, and comfort you, for you have brought comfort to me by your lovely, caring ways, words, and laughter, and by joining my household. Thank you.”


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