Bring Her Wolf

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Bring Her Wolf Page 2

by Michelle Fox

  I gave a shaky laugh, the sound making my wolf freeze. “At least you’ve had a lot of practice.”

  “I’ve had a lot of practice in a lot of different things.” He captured my bottom lip in his mouth and sucked for a long moment. Between kisses he said, “I wasn’t an attractive kid, you know. The girls wanted nothing to do with me.”

  I opened my eyes and took in his dark good looks and rippling physique with a doubtful expression. He was sexier than calorie free ice cream. I tried to picture girls turning their noses up at him and failed.

  His gaze bore into mine.“It’s true. I was skinny with acne. A weakling alpha in a pack full of bigger, stronger alphas just looking for an excuse to take me out.”

  “So what changed?” I asked.

  “I worked out. I grew into my body and I stayed out of the way. The point being, you aren’t the only one who’s lived on the fringe of a pack. I did it for a long time.” My bra finally came free, going slack around my breasts and he smiled at the small victory. “You see me as I am today, but it didn’t come fast or easy for me.”

  I clutched my bra strap, resisting his efforts to pull it off my shoulders. He paused, his thumbs circling the skin on each shoulder. “Nervous?”

  Swallowing hard, I nodded.

  “Don’t be, you’re in good hands.” He planted a kiss at the nape of my neck and gently bit me there, sucking the skin hard and fast into his mouth. Coming up for air, he said, “I’m going to enjoy making you howl, Chloe. I’ve wanted this for a long time.” He inched the bra straps over my shoulders, moving down toward my elbows. “Just let go.”

  My arms went slack right on cue, allowing him to pull the bra free. The air was cool on my skin and I shuddered slightly as goose bumps raced over me, puckering my nipples. Jackson cupped a breast in each hand. His thumbs stroked the tips and my breathing hitched. Something deep inside me tightened.

  He kissed his way down my neck, pressing his lips against my sternum before veering over to take a nipple into his mouth. The sensation was like warm velvet stroking my skin. I gasped when he increased the suction, my hands going up to his shoulders in an effort to ground myself against the heady pleasure of his touch.

  He continued to tease my breasts as he tugged at the waistband of my jeans, pulling the button out of its loop and pulling down the zipper. His fingers worked their way inside my underwear and found the cleft between my legs. One lone finger wiggled into my core, touching the wet heat there.

  My knees sagged. If I hadn’t kept such a tight grip on his shoulders, I might have fallen. “Why don’t we go to the bedroom?” My voice came out as a strangled gasp.

  He released my breast and straightened up, but his finger lingered at the nexus of my core. “Lead the way.”

  Chapter Three

  I took him by the hand and navigated the short hallway to my bedroom. The room was a mess of boxes, but the bed remained intact. I had considered an air mattress, but then rejected it in favor of comfort. Now, given the circumstances, I was doubly glad I had opted to keep it out.

  Jackson pushed me down on the bed and yanked my pants off, tossing them over his shoulder. Eyes locked on mine, he leaned down and took the elastic of my panties in his mouth. With a low growl that vibrated over my pubic mound, he pulled them down using his hands on my hips to aid in their removal.

  Letting my panties drop to the floor, he stood and took off his pants, kicking them into a corner. He didn’t wear underwear and my eyes widened when I caught sight of his cock. He was so much bigger than I had expected, but everyone always said wolves were well endowed. This was just my first time seeing the truth of that up close and personal.

  Catching the expression on my face and the direction of my gaze, he smiled. “Don’t worry. We’ll fit like we were made for each other.”

  “Are you sure?” I tried and failed to hide my concern.

  He came onto the bed and wrapped my fingers around his shaft. “Yes.”

  I skimmed the length of him. He was soft and hard all at the same time. A pulse throbbed against my palm that gave the illusion of movement, as if he was jumping at my touch. The deepest, darkest part of me spasmed with need, jealous of my hand.

  Jackson lifted my hand to his mouth for a kiss. “As you have pointed out, I have some experience in these matters.”

  I laughed, more from nerves than anything else. “So what do we do now?”

  “You just lay back and let me do all the work.”

  “That sounds hardly fair.” The memories of every romance I’d ever read and every movie I’d ever seen flashed through my mind. Oh God. This was going to happen. I was the damsel about to be ravished. A tingle went through me at the thought.

  “You can pay me back some other time.” A slow smile spread across his lips and he leaned in to kiss me and tease my breasts with his expert touch. I gasped and arched up against him, nipples hardening.

  Moving down, he replaced his hand with his mouth, sealing his lips over each pebbled nub in turn. His tongue lashed the sensitive tips into stiff, throbbing points. A heaviness filled my breasts and I wondered if this was how his cock felt, all tense and hard, almost bursting with need.

  He lifted his head and looked at me. “Close your eyes and focus on your wolf.”

  I nodded and quickly shut my eyes. My wolf gave me an impatient look as if scolding me for leaving her alone so long. With a haughty gait, she walked away from me, almost fading into the distance and then she froze, her ears upright on high alert. Jackson kissed his way to my stomach, his hands caressing me in time with his tongue. When he reached the wet heat between my legs, he kissed the top of my mound and encouraged my knees to part with a gentle nudge.

  Focusing on my legs, he skimmed his fingers across the sensitive skin of my inner thighs and delved into the hollow behind each knee. I undulated on the bed, his touch sparking a full body tingle of pleasure. He lowered his head, his mouth burning a trail up my thigh and finally to my core. His tongue pressed against my wet entrance, breaching it for the first time before swirling up to the quivering nub at the top.

  My hands fisted in the sheet and my hips rose up off the bed as I gave a soft cry. In the distance of my mind’s eye, my wolf began to run straight toward me, a look of fierce concentration on her face.

  Jackson sucked on my clit as he gently, but persistently pushed a finger inside me followed by a second and then a third. Desire surged in me like a gasoline fed fire. I was hot all over, my body twisting this way and that way, my restless feet searching for purchase on the mattress. A tight coil of pleasure wound in my belly, and with one enormous flex, it exploded.

  I screamed. My wolf gathered her haunches under her and jumped. She sailed through the air, fangs bared and her eyes gleaming yellow. I flew with her on wings of ecstasy and then she seemed to slam into an invisible barrier. The force of her impact shuddered through me, real and tangible in my body. She fell with a yelp and lay still. I stopped breathing, horror rising up to clog my throat. Was she dead?

  “No.” My voice was a mournful cry. Tears filled my eyes and spilled onto my cheeks.

  “What is it?” Jackson shifted on the bed and moved up to lay beside me. “What’s wrong?” Concern filled his voice.

  I held up a hand to silence him, not wanting to take my focus off what was happening to my wolf. She remained motionless, but after a long moment I could see her chest rise and fall. She was breathing. She’s alive, but why didn’t I shift?

  As if she heard my question, she turned her head to look at me. Her ears were down and back, a sign that she was stressed, but her eyes held alert intelligence. She stood and gave her body a shake, stretching her back legs behind her. After that, she began to pace again.

  “Chloe are you okay?” Jackson touched my shoulder, concerned by my silence.

  I held back a sob. “I didn’t change. She couldn’t break through.”

  “Shh.” He pulled me close in a soothing hug. “We’re not done yet. I haven’t called your w
olf, I’ve just woken her up.”

  “How do you know?” My eyes fluttered open to glare at him.

  Jackson shrugged. “My mom, remember? Besides I can feel it. It’s not over yet. Promise.” He kissed my shoulder. “Are you ready?”

  I nodded and he kneeled between my legs, his hard shaft jutting in front of him.

  “I’m going to go nice and slow. Just try to relax and focus on your wolf, okay?”

  “Okay.” I closed my eyes and my wolf paused in her pacing to give me an arch look. She tried to walk forward but was held back by some unseen force. She tossed her head and walked away, putting some distance between us. I assumed she intended to try and rush me again.

  The head of Jackson’s cock bumped against my wet entrance, and with gentle pressure, he won his way inside. It pinched, but mostly I felt primal satisfaction at being taken, as if I had finally fulfilled some ancient purpose.

  It took some time for me to feel pleasure with his thrusts though. It happened in phases. First I had to accustom myself to being stretched in both width and length. The tearing of my maidenhead was a sharp pain that made me gasp. He paused at that moment and leaned down on his elbows, his abs of iron on top of my soft stomach, to suck a nipple while pinching the other between his fingers. Only when I was fully distracted by all the sensations in my breasts did he resume pumping his hips.

  Sitting up, he reached for the sweet nub between my legs and stroked it in time with his thrusts. A throbbing heat rose up and overtook any discomfort. I pushed my hips up to meet him on the down stroke. I wanted him to fill me up, to never leave me empty.

  Jackson groaned. “That’s it, baby. Take all of me.”

  He increased his pace and I moaned. Every time he sank himself into me there was a little starburst of ecstasy. My wolf began to run, a black speck in the horizon of my mind’s eye. At the same time, the spiral that would carry me up to an orgasm tightened.

  “Let’s me have all of you.” Jackson lifted up my legs, placing them on his shoulder. My eyes opened wide for a second at the change in sensation. He was deeper, longer than before, and hitting new nerves that quivered with delicious pleasure.

  Once again, my hands twisted in the sheets. My back arched up and my wolf seemed to run at light speed. My heart roared in my ears and the smell of sex mixed with fur filled my nose.

  The orgasm exploded. All my muscles flexed, first contracting short and then fluttering in release. I howled, attempting to relieve some of the pent up pleasure before it blew me apart. My wolf had a fierce look of determination on her face as she jumped at me one more time.

  I screamed. My body was too long and too tight. Bones shattered under the strain and grew back in a new formation. Sharp pin pricks pushed through my skin while the muscles underneath melted. I wanted to open my eyes, but lacked the autonomy to do so. I was at the mercy of an outside force I couldn’t control.

  For however long it went on in a mind shattering mix of pain and ecstasy. In the distance, I heard Jackson’s voice. “Just go with it, baby. Let it happen.”

  The sensations were too overwhelming for me to even try to formulate a response. My flesh ripped open like ripe fruit and grew into a new unfathomable shape, expanding and contracting in time with my thundering heart beat. When it finished, I was an exhausted heap on the bed. I slept, or maybe passed out, I couldn’t say for sure.

  Chapter Four

  When I next opened my eyes, morning sunlight poured through the window in a yellow haze. I lay still and blinked until the blurriness at the edges of my vision sharpened into recognizable details; the stacks of moving boxes looming to the side, the rose pattern on my bedspread and the little dots of dust dancing in the sunlight.

  I sucked in a long drag of air, filling my lungs. The room smelled like sex. Heavy, hot sex. I sniffed, enjoying the aroma. Jackson woke at the sound, jerking into full consciousness mid snore.

  A slow smile spread across his face. “You’re up.”

  I tried to talk, but my voice wouldn’t cooperate.

  “You did it,” he said, patting my head.

  Did what, I wanted to ask, but all that came out were some strangled high pitched sounds.

  He pointed at me. “Look at yourself.”

  I looked down and saw a dainty paw. Looking behind me, my gaze caught the side of my flank and the tail beyond.

  My wolf had come.

  I yipped with excitement. Springing to my feet, I turned in a circle, so excited I tripped myself and fell off the bed. I landed with a yelp, but quickly bounced back up, too happy to be embarrassed.

  Jackson stood up and stretched. I watched him with rapt attention. He was sinfully beautiful. The sweet spot deep in my core spasmed at the memory of the night before. I would be sad when he finished with me and moved on to this next conquest.

  “You ready for your first hunt?” He walked out of the bedroom and I followed after him my ears up. Unable to form human words with my new mouth, I yowled the wolf version of yes.

  He opened the front door and motioned for me to go through. Once I was outside, he stepped onto the front porch, still naked, and shut the door after him.

  “Let’s go,” he said. In a blink, he shifted.

  Jackson’s wolf shook his large frame, rearranging his dark sable fur. He had enormous paws that were almost as big as his human hands.

  With a clipped bark he ran for the woods. I loped after him, my head swimming with all sorts of novel sensations. The earth tickled my feet and so many new smells assailed me that I had a hard time focusing my attention.

  We raced through the woods, the wind streaming over my nose, filling it with more scents than I could count. Together, we flushed out a rabbit, chasing it from the brush and crowding it into a corner. I bit through its tiny neck to make the kill. Warm blood filled my mouth along with the taste of raw meat and fur. My wolf had no remorse, only hunger and the satisfaction it craved.

  In a small clearing, next to a creek we resumed our human forms. I set the rabbit aside and joined Jackson where he lounged under a tree. The sun was warm, but the air had a tinge of autumn coolness, which felt good on my overheated skin.

  “Oh, that was glorious.” A wide smile played on my lips as I took in the view around us. The auburn and gold leaves formed a canopy overhead with the bright blue sky beyond. The day was a panorama of seasonal perfection.

  “Yeah, there’s nothing like the first change and the first kill.” Jackson put his arm around me and pulled me close.

  I rested my head on his shoulder, intoxicated by his scent; a mix of earth and alpha musk. “I never thought this would happen to me. I’ve been a null so long.”

  “And now you’re a wolf. You’re pack.” He squeezed me tight against him.

  Sudden tears filled my eyes. I’m pack. Me. I’d lived my life on the outside looking in. Never belonging. Tolerated, but never wanted. That was all going to change. I sniffed and laughed. “Some notch in your belt, huh?” The idea of Pack Master Gigolo didn’t sound so bad anymore. It was certainly the best thing that had ever happened to me.

  He went still, his body tensing up along mine. “You were never a notch, Chloe.”

  I rolled my eyes. I had no illusions about Jackson. He was as sinful as a piece of chocolate and just as short lived. He’d never stuck with any girl long. A night or a week at most and then on to the next conquest. “It’s okay, Jackson. I don’t expect you to play house.”

  He frowned. “Are you really that dense?”

  My mouth dropped open. “Are you calling me stupid?”

  “If the shoe fits.” He gave an irritated growl.

  I stood and made to stomp off, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He yanked me hard enough that I fell into his lap. Grabbing my hair he held me in place for a searing kiss. Angry, I snapped at him with my teeth, which he deftly evaded before claiming my mouth with his tongue.

  “Why do you think I went home?” He asked after a particularly brutal kiss that left my lips swollen
and bruised.

  “I thought it was maybe because you’d already fucked your way through Huntsville and were bored,” I said, snarling.

  His grip tightened on my hair, burning my scalp with the tension of it. His other hand went to grab my pussy and he tugged on the hair there until I yelped. “You’re mine. You were always mine and I wasn’t going to let you go without a fight.”

  “I’m not yours, Jackson,” I said, unsure of the truth of my words. I sure as hell felt like I belonged to him, but I would bet all the other girls had similar feelings. I would be damned if I was going to let Jackson turn me into a simpering fool.

  “Like hell you’re not.”

  “Are you saying you want to mate me?” The idea was stunning. That meant more than a one night stand, it was marriage. And with him slotted to succeed Cal, I would become the first lady of the Huntsville pack. Talk about going from zero to hero.

  “Yes.” His knee nudged my legs open and his cock rose up to bump my stomach. “It was always you from day one. Those other girls—” He paused as he centered his cock at the entrance of my wet passage. “Were me trying to make Cal happy and being dumb enough to think I could forget you.”

  I moaned as he penetrated me, filling me with slow thrusts. Despite the pleasure between my legs, I was still angry at him and launched a fist toward his face.

  Just like the last time I’d tried to punch him, he caught my hand and pinned it over my head. I made a jab with my other hand, but he captured that one too and restrained me against the ground.

  “Your pack believes you can choose your mate, but my pack believes different.” He rammed into me as he spoke and I grunted, staring up at him. His jaw was clenched in determination and his eyes gleamed more yellow than brown. His wolf ran close under his skin, riled and ready to break through.

  “How does your pack do it? With a harem?” I couldn’t keep myself from taunting him. My wolf was just as riled, her hair pricked me from the inside, ready to burst through my skin. “Will I have sister wives?”


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