Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1)

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Skyscrapers & Camelot (Renovate Book 1) Page 5

by Mindy Carter

  Her words couldn’t have been truer, I think as I realize Keegan is still staring at me.

  “You shouldn’t feel so bad, Keegan. After you left, she called you every name in the book. Stupid schmuck was my favorite by far.”

  “Smart lady, because I was.” He looks at me with those deep blue eyes.

  Chapter Six

  While Andrew drives us back to my apartment, my feet are killing me, so I kick off my shoes. They may be lucky, but they weren’t made for all the walking we did tonight.

  Other than one awkward moment, Keegan and I had a wonderful time. We walked and talked, just like old times.

  One thing keeps nagging at me, though: why was it so easy for him to cut me out of his life? Above anything, we were friends and honest with each other; therefore, I plan on hashing it out with him.

  When Andrew parks the car at the curb of my building, Keegan grabs my shoes and jumps out, making his way to my door of the vehicle. Opening it, he bends down and grabs my foot, placing my shoe back on then repeating the action with the other one, his hands warm and inviting. Although I wish his hands had lingered a few seconds longer, the sensation of his touch remains, and it can’t be explained.

  My hand is taken briefly for the last time tonight as I safely exit the vehicle, and as soon as my feet hit the sidewalk, I am saddened by the loss of connection as he pulls his hand away.

  Keegan motions to Andrew to let him know he will be back before he walks me to the door.

  We walk slowly up the steps and through the apartment building to the elevator, and then Keegan watches me the entire elevator ride to the third floor. Once the doors open, he motions for me to exit and follows me as I walk with confidence to my door.

  “This is me. If you would like, you can come in for tea or coffee.” I offer, but I know by the look he’s giving me that he doesn’t plan on extending our evening.

  “Another time. Andrew is waiting, and it’s a bit of a hike to my place.”

  He did tell me about his place, and no surprise, he lives in the tallest residential building in New York City—a penthouse on the 96th floor with the most epic views of the city. I know all about that building since Framework did a feature on the penthouse’s floor plan. Reese took the photographs inside, and it is an amazing space, truly the best spot in Manhattan, aptly named Park in the Sky.

  “Well, again, thank you for everything,” I say.

  “You’re very welcome,” he returns with a smile that makes me melt.

  “Good luck with your business. I hope you get some R&R tomorrow.” I open the door to my apartment without taking my eyes off him.

  I whisper “good night” and enter my darkly lit apartment, shutting the door behind me. Then I place my back to the door, listening to his retreating footsteps as I release the sigh I have been holding in all night. I can’t believe, in the last couple of days, he has thrown me for a loop. I went from thinking he didn’t remember me after eight years of separation to a renewed friendship that I had thought was forever lost.

  When my phone alerts me to a new text message, snapping me out of my thoughts, I open my purse and take out my phone, noting a couple missed messages. One is from Reese, saying not to wait up, that she’s hitting some clubs with Kaleb. Then there is the one that was just sent from Keegan, the one that makes me smile with only two words: Sweet dreams.

  Even though the butterflies start to swirl again in my stomach, I don’t text him back, only because I have no words at the moment. Yes, I am a writer with no words to send in reply. I guess that’s why they came up with emoticons.

  Throwing on my comfy, cotton pajama pants and matching T-shirt, I double check the door to make sure I’m all locked up, get under the covers, and hug my pillow. Then I send a quick reply to Reese, telling her I’m home and to be careful, before I stare at Keegan’s message one last time then fall asleep, dreaming of sweet things.

  Chapter Seven

  I’m suddenly awakened by a bounce and open my eyes to find my desk lamp lighting the room. It’s still dark outside, so there is no reason I should be awake. Why is the bed moving?

  I look over at my alarm clock that reads five am. Then my gaze travels to the foot of my bed where Reese is bouncing on her knees, still wearing her dress from last night.

  “You have got to be kidding me. What is wrong with you?” I ask, groaning into my pillow.

  “Aimee, what good is having a best friend if I can’t wake her at ungodly hours?”

  “What do you want?”

  “Time for a pow wow,” she states.

  “Can’t the pow wow wait till the sun is up?”


  “Did you just get home?”

  “Yes, a few minutes ago. Kaleb just dropped me off.”

  “And he didn’t want to join in on our early morning chat?”

  She looks at me with the biggest smile on her face, her happiness all over her face. “Of course not. Boys don’t like to hear us talking about them.”

  Of course it’s about Kaleb. I should have guessed, even half asleep.

  “Spit it out so I can go back to sleep. I have to get my article written today, and I’d rather be coherent when I do it.”

  I had planned on sleeping in and lounging in my pajamas all day while cranking out Keegan’s article that’s due by tomorrow morning.

  “So, I had a fantastic time. Kaleb is … Well, you’ve seen him. He’s hot and funny. We went to a couple clubs, danced and laughed. I seriously am on cloud nine right now!”

  “I couldn’t tell.”

  “I’m smitten. He took me to breakfast, and when we sobered up a little, I realized it wasn’t beer goggles I was experiencing.”

  “Awesome,” I say, my eyelids starting to get heavy.

  “Anyways, he wanted to take me back to his place so we could ‘sleep.’ ” She holds up her fingers to make air quotes.

  She probably should have taken him up on the aforementioned sleep.

  “I told him I wasn’t that kind of a girl.”

  She is totally that kind of girl. If she didn’t take him up on his invitation, it must mean she really likes him. She wants to see him again, and she wants him to work for it.

  “He’s taking me out to dinner tonight.”

  “Really, Reese? Couldn’t this have waited?”

  “Absolutely not. So where did Keegan whisk you off to?”

  I sleepily tell her about our evening.

  “That Keegan is a strange one,” she says.

  “He is not. When we were kids, we were obsessed with the stars and space.”

  He was reminding me of how things used to be. I almost forgot we had been apart for eight years. Has it really been that long? Suddenly, it doesn’t feel like it.

  “How very nerdy of you both.”

  “It was fun, even if you don’t approve,” I say, glaring at her.

  “Aimee, Kaleb seems to think there is more between you now.”

  “He said that?” Kaleb was always forthcoming. There wasn’t a secret you couldn’t get out of him.

  “Yes, after about a dozen drinks.”

  I laugh at the insinuation.

  “He also wants you to name your first born after him.”

  “Seriously, can I go back to bed now?” I beg.

  “I suppose. Aimee, drunk or not, I think Kaleb is on to something, and I think you feel it, too. Let’s call it what it is.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Unfinished business.”

  Great. Reese is very philosophical in the wee hours of the morning.

  “Are you still drunk?” I ask.

  “Drunk on Kaleb James.”

  I throw my pillow at her. “Go to bed!”

  “Okay, okay, cranky pants. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  I watch as she bounces right off my bed and walks out of my room, similar to how I assume she entered. Then I lie back down and snuggle under my covers, happy that she’s happy yet envious at the same time. Why are
things always so easy for her?

  There is no doubt the feelings I had before Keegan left for college are still there, not that I could help it. I cherish our past friendship, but my heart has always belonged to him from the moment I met him.

  I continue to lie in bed, staring at the ceiling, contemplating what this all means. Where do I go from here? The last time I put myself out there, he disappeared. I wish I knew what happened after he left. Did he think of me? Was he as hurt as I was? Did he miss me like I missed him?

  After lying in bed for a while, I decide that going back to sleep isn’t happening, so I pull myself out of bed and head to the kitchen to start making coffee. While waiting for it to finish, I head over to check on Reese to find she is fast asleep. Then I fire up my Mac and pull my notes out of my briefcase to start writing the article about the man I’m not sure I will ever be able to forget.

  It takes me about half the day to finish it. Several rewrites later, I’m finished and ready to turn it into my boss, Olivia.

  Checking the messages on my phone, I see the one from last night and decide to be a little bold and send a reply.

  Slept like a baby with sweet dreams. Thanks again for last night. Hope you slept well. Don’t work too hard; it’s Sunday

  I don’t expect an instant reply, so I put my phone down and decide to take a shower. When I’m finished, I am alerted with a beep that I have a message. It’s from Keegan, of course, and by the time stamp, he texted me right back.

  I’m happy I could oblige. I slept well, too, and my boss is a tyrant. He works me to the bone. Sometimes I wonder if he has a life of his own.

  I laugh at his response and send him another message.

  Do I have to have a conversation with said tyrant? That’s what friends do, you know. I have your back.

  Another instant response makes me giggle

  Do you have my front, too? Being my friend, you really should cover all your bases.

  “What’s so funny?” Reese appears, just having woken.

  “She’s alive,” I say with a laugh.

  “Very funny. Who are you talking to?”

  I stare at her, knowing she probably can figure it out on her own. She just wants me to admit it.

  “By the smile on your face and those googley eyes, I would say it’s either Chris Hemsworth or the long lost bestie.” She smirks.

  “Not Chris Hemsworth.”


  I stare at her with a smile and unspoken language that says you’ve got me.

  “I am as smitten as you are.” Reese then mutters something about coffee and heads to the kitchen.

  I go ahead and send one last text back to Keegan before I head to my room to watch a well-deserved Outlander marathon.

  Of course, as your friend, I am obligated to fight your battles and throw down. By the way, Reese and Kaleb may soon be a duo.

  I put my phone down, not wanting to be so eager, and head to my bedroom to turn on the Outlander marathon. I watch as Claire and Jamie fall hopelessly in love. Realizing two people who were meant to be together were thrown together by fate, I can’t help wishing I could have the same with Keegan. It’s all merely fantasies, of course. Who am I kidding? I need to start living in the real world.

  I press pause on the television and hear Reese head into the bathroom to get ready for her date, so I yell at her to not forget to shave her legs then hear her laugh. Then a ding alerts me to an incoming text.

  Yes, I heard all about it at 5 a.m. when he called me.

  Wow, those two really are made for each other, I say to myself.

  Chapter Eight

  The rest of Sunday was uneventful unless you count Kaleb picking up Reese for their date.

  I didn’t receive any more texts from Keegan, and I would be lying if said I wasn’t a little disappointed.

  After finishing my Outlander marathon, I went to bed, exhausted from the weekend and my early morning wake up call. I didn’t even hear Reese come in from her date.

  I was excited to head into work Monday and turn in my article. The first thing I did after Reese and I made it in a little before nine with coffee in hand was power up my desktop and email my article to Olivia. I continued to work on a few different projects. I received a text from Keegan telling me to have a great day, and of course, it made me smile. I replied with a smiley face, which in turn made me cringe at myself for being so juvenile. What am I, like twelve?

  Reese and I ate our lunch in my office as she gave me a play by play of her date with Kaleb. He took her to a posh bistro, and unlike the night before, they just got to know one another. Reese was especially excited to find out they have a lot more in common than she realized. She then wanted to know what he was like growing up, so I gave her the low down on Kaleb James as I remember. From listening to Reese go on, I realize he is still the same sweet, kind, and humorous boy he always was.

  Halfway through lunch, Olivia enters my office, dressed casually in a black maxi dress with her long, blonde hair pulled back in a low ponytail. .

  “Hi, ladies,” she greets.

  “What’s up?” I ask.

  “Just wanted to let you know that your article on Keegan James has been approved. His assistant just emailed me back. We are going to publish it in our next issue along with Reese’s photos.”

  I wonder what Keegan thought about his article. It’s no easy task to write about the man.

  “We have seven days before the next issue and will be having the usual launch party for the cover and featured interview,” she explains.

  “Okay…” I say, uncertain what else to say.

  I stare at Reese, hoping she will save this awkward moment.

  “Awesome. Where will this shindig be, and do we need dates?” Reese questions, reading my mind perfectly.

  “This Saturday at the Four Seasons, and I don’t care if you bring dates, just as long as you two show up.” Olivia is a no-nonsense type of person, always getting to the point quickly.

  “I suppose we could pencil it in,” Reese replies.

  “You’re lucky I love you both.” Olivia smiles.

  The three of us have bonded over the years since Olivia hired us, and other than Reese, she is my closest friend. She doesn’t know all the details of Keegan’s relationship with me, but she is well aware of my nervousness.

  “Aimee, are you all right?” she questions.

  “Oh, yeah. I’m peachy. Did they say anything else? I mean, do they need anything else?” I stammer.

  “No, we are golden. I’ve got everything covered. You two just need to show up looking pretty.”

  We both smile as Reese salutes her like she’s a general. Then Olivia tells us she has to meet with the Four Seasons and will let us know if anything changes before she walks out, heading to her next task.

  After staring at my lunch that I can no longer finish for a bit, Reese interrupts the silence. “Why are you acting so strange?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You’re too quiet, and you should be ecstatic. Hello, party with your rich, hot man.”

  “He’s far from my man.” Why does she insist there is something there? Keegan and I are just friends, and I’m afraid that’s all we will ever be.

  “That’s funny.”

  “What is?” I ask.

  “You two have been texting non-stop. He’s obviously interested in being part of your life. Besides, Kaleb told me that, from the moment Keegan met you, he adored you.”

  “Yeah, he adored me so much he decided not to talk to me for eight years.”

  She eyes me, obviously starting to get irritated.

  “Do I seriously have to kick your ass at work?” she threatens.

  I look at her and shake my head.

  “Listen to me, Aimee Brennan. You are going to attend this party and look drop dead gorgeous. The elusive Keegan James will look at you from across the room, and all background noise will seize to exist. A sappy love song will then play, and in slow motion, you will
both walk toward each other and meet halfway. He will look into your eyes and take you in his arms. Tilting your head back, he will kiss you as you melt into his arms. You will then live happily ever after.”

  I laugh hysterically at how absurd that sounds.

  “Just wait and see. You won’t be laughing on Saturday,” she tells me.

  I do feel less nervous. Having Reese with me definitely soothes my apprehension.

  “Can we get back to work?” I ask.

  “Sure thing, home fry.”

  “You are spending way too much time with Kaleb,” I tell her with a smile.

  She stands up and throws away her trash then winks at me, walking back to her office.

  The rest of the day flies by surprisingly fast, and by the time five o’clock hits, I’m ready to get home, put my pajamas on, and read a good book.

  When we get home, Reese heads into her room, phone in hand. I’m pretty sure she will spend the entire evening on the phone with Kaleb, even though she’s already spoken to him about the launch party, and he will be taking her as his date.

  I haven’t heard from Keegan all day, and I’m surprised by the sudden radio silence. I’m sure he’s busy, and it has nothing to do with me. Still, I can’t help feeling a little hesitant with our renewed connection. Every time we talk, I question if it will be our last. After all, it was so easy for him to cut me out of his life before, and he certainly has the ability to do it again. I’m trying to stay cool and positive; however, I’m constantly trying not to seem overeager, because I don’t want him to see me as that teenager with a schoolgirl crush. I just want him to look at me differently.

  I decide I simply need to relax and stop with my inner conversations; otherwise, I’m seriously going to drive myself nuts before Saturday. What I need is a hot bath. Our claw foot bathtub is calling my name.

  After my much needed bath rejuvenates me, I peek in on Reese. She’s sitting up in bed, propped against her headboard with a smile on her face. When she eyes me, I whisper goodnight, and she blows me a kiss. Then I head to bed and check my phone. With still nothing from Keegan, I send him a quick text, telling him I hope he had a good day, before I get comfortable in bed and immediately fall asleep.


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