War of the Gods Complete Series Boxed Set

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War of the Gods Complete Series Boxed Set Page 43

by Meg Xuemei X

  I blinked. What the fuck?

  “We can sate your carnal needs,” he continued. “Your immortal mates can’t compete with gods, not even your demigod. Have you heard the myth about fae food? It is said that if a mortal eats fae food, all other food will taste of ash. Well, once you’ve lain with a god, no other shall satisfy you. Once you have our mighty cocks buried deep inside you, you’ll want only us. Ares and I will ravish you in every possible way. We’ll fuck you to oblivion and you’ll scream our names over and over.”

  I didn’t think it was possible, but he’d just succeeded in ruining my appetite. I wiped my mouth with a golden napkin that was folded like a swan and tossed it to the side of the table.

  My hostile gaze met the sun god’s, dark lust swirling like a beast in his green eyes.

  Fear I hadn’t known before clutched me in its cold, iron fist. Was he going to rape me? All gods were psychopaths. Many were mass murderers and rapists. They had no moral compass or conscience since they considered themselves superior to all other beings.

  If Apollo attempted to rape me, I’d be too weak to fend him off while the fucking torque bound my power.

  I let my rage rise to stomp out the fear. The gods were predators. Once Apollo smelled my fear, he’d use it against me, making me bend until I broke.

  “I can’t wait to relish you, to lick you and taste you all over, Cass,” he said, his heavy-lidded eyes lingering on my lips, which quivered in disgust. “I haven’t desired anyone this much for an eon. You’re one of a kind. Your power of fire and storm smells complexly delicious, as do you. Your magic has the imprint of our race, yet goes beyond.”

  I didn’t like his analysis and misguided flattery. I liked even less how he leered at me, like I was some sweet treat he couldn’t wait to bite into. I formed my hand into a fist and covered my lips, glaring at him to redirect his lustful gaze.

  He chuckled. “You don’t even know you’re the most sensual creature, little Cass. I can’t wait for your fiery passion to burn for me one day. Your sexy lips will wrap around the crown of my cock and suck so hard.”

  Fucker! Yeah, I would burn him with passion, alright, with all the white-hot fire in me.

  “You’re off the track again, Apollo,” I said in a bored voice. “You won’t get any passion from me if you keep all my power locked away with this fucking dog collar.”

  “As I’ve already explained to you, that isn’t a collar but a torque. And this is but a temporary arrangement. I’ll remove it when you fully submit to me, when I’m sure you’re mine.”

  Which meant he planned to rape me. It was a fate even worse than being caged.

  A feeling of dread, colder and darker than anything I’d experienced before, slithered up my spine. But I wouldn’t let panic choke me. I couldn’t afford to lose my shit now. I balled my cold hands into fists under the table and pushed any fear down, and down, and down.

  Icy wind still roared in my ear, but my mind was mine again.

  “I bet Ares won’t be afraid of a little challenge,” I said. “As the masculine God of War, he’ll be man enough to face me and take off this wretched collar.”

  Dark anger flashed in Apollo’s eyes, shading the beautiful green, but it was gone in the next instant. “Provocation won’t work on me, little Cass. You have a lot to learn and eons to catch up. For your sake, I hope you learn fast. First, you need to realize that you’ll have to let go of your former, ill-suited, lovers. They don’t care about you. They only wanted to fuck you, use you, and then discard you. I knew all of them personally, long before you were ever born. They wouldn’t have spared you a glance if they didn’t believe they could turn you into a weapon.

  “They plucked you when you were but a bud waiting to blossom and denied you the chance to grow into your true splendor. They took advantage of a naïve young girl, yet they couldn’t see your true essence, your true power. I, God of Sun, Knowledge, Prophecy, and Heavens and Earth, know how incredibly valuable you are, and I’ll shape you into the goddess you were born to be. I’ve chosen you as my queen.”

  Apollo had just usurped Zeus’s title, not that I cared.

  By now I was sure that there would be war among the gods, and Apollo needed me as his weapon, just as my mates had once wanted me to be their assassin before they had fallen for me.

  I needed to get this crucial piece of information to my mates.

  A wave of sadness, longing, and worry slammed into me, catching me off guard. Where were they? My heart cried out for them. My soul wanted to crawl its way out of my shell to reach them.

  How I missed their touch, their heat, and their scent. Every one of them was smolderingly hot, intelligent, and deeply caring, yet they were all so different in many ways.

  When Pyrder lashed his wicked tongue over my nipple, when Reys kissed me hot and raw and made me burn for him, when Alaric thrust into me from behind, his massive, hard cock filling me, and when Lorcan sank his fangs into my throbbing, lust-filled veins….

  A gasp escaped me.

  Apollo’s eyes grew even more hooded. The ignorant fucker thought I was hot for him. And he would try again and again to brainwash me and badmouth my mates. One thing he couldn’t understand was the mating bond between my mates and me—destined, anciently blessed, and unbreakable. But I held no illusions. The sun god would stop at nothing to break our bond. He would tear my soul apart to do just that, if he knew how.

  All of a sudden, a sense of cold clarity claimed me.

  Apollo was trying a soft approach right now—romancing and seducing me. But when all else failed, he’d resort to violence, or something worse, to break me, until I became his plaything.

  I almost sneered. He was an idiot if he thought he could tame, bend, or break me. Not even the cage, where I’d been locked for over a decade, had broken me.

  I looked him straight in the eye. “You’re an ancient, powerful being as well. Obviously you’ve seen the flaws of their ways, so you’d better prove yourself a better male and not do the same, such as taking advantage of me.”

  “All I want is for you to realize your full potential and be who you’re meant to be.”

  It’s like I was talking to the wind.

  Apollo studied me, lust turning darker in his eyes. “You’re young, yet you’re a puzzle. And you’re immune to my power, which only makes me want you more, dear Cass. And I always get what I want.”

  I had to escape before he showed his complete psychopath face, before he could rape me and make me his fake “queen.” Despite being an immortal god, Apollo wasn’t exactly patient. He wouldn’t “court” me too long.

  It might be too late when my mates reached me, or too dangerous for them to get to me. I could no longer bide my time as I’d originally planned. Besides, I wasn’t some defenseless damsel, even without my magic at my disposal.

  I refused to be a victim.

  But I needed to hurry up, get my shit together, and figure out another new strategy. I needed to learn more about the gods’ weaknesses lodged in their politics and conflicts.

  “Scheming again, little Cass? Your tiny head never stops wheeling, does it?” Apollo asked. Instead of sipping the fine wine in front of him, he sniffed at me. Even with the torque binding my power, he could still scent my magic. It was like a drug to him.

  “Scheme?” I snorted. “You’re one to talk. You’re the master of scheming and kidnapping.”

  He frowned. “I thought you got over that already. But if you haven’t, you will soon. You’d better pick yourself up fast since Ares is coming. He’ll be here any minute now. After he inspects you and is satisfied with what he sees, you’ll marry us both in secret. We don’t have the luxury of time to host a majestic wedding, but I think you understand our urgency.”

  My heart began to pound in terror. For many seconds, I couldn’t breathe. It was as if shards of glass had stuck in my throat.

  The notorious God of the War… He was even worse than Apollo, one of the worst beings in all the worlds. I’d o
nce overcome his son, who could strike terror in the heart of any man, but I wouldn’t match up well against Ares, especially with the torque binding my power.

  His coming would be another nightmare and present a major obstacle, making it even more difficult for me to flee.

  I needed to try again to get rid of the torque if I expected to survive this.

  I finally found my voice and rose to my feet. “I should return to my room to get ready if Ares is coming.”

  “You look perfect, little Cass, so no, you won’t be excused. Besides, you haven’t finished your breakfast. I heard nothing could stop you from eating cakes.”

  But for the first time, I had no appetite for another slice of cake.



  “Your former barbarian lovers lack elegance,” Apollo started again. “I heard that you grew up in the wild, so I understand it’ll take time to shape you into a fine goddess and finer queen.”

  “Oh, I like their barbaric ways,” I taunted.

  “Your opinion will change, and I’ll make sure of it.”

  If I punched him in the face, I’d only hurt my own fist without my power backing me up, so I flipped him the bird.

  “With proper guidance and grooming, you’ll eventually be rid of your crudeness and immaturity.”

  “Of course. After you shove all your maturity up your godly ass.”

  Everyone—the sentinels and the servants—stared straight ahead, tense and nervous. None dared to look at our table, but the violin music suddenly changed its tune. A softer, romantic melody floated through the hall.

  “Let’s dance,” Apollo said hoarsely as he stood suddenly, stretching a hand out to me.

  Hadn’t he heard the barb I’d just thrown at him?

  “Thanks, but I’ll pass,” I said, folding my arms before my chest.

  “All of the goddesses are great at dancing. As a future queen, you’ll learn to live up to the standard, and your training starts now.”

  “I’ve decided to pass on the role, so there’ll be no training for me.”

  “Haven’t I told you to stop acting so immature?” he scolded. “You’re old enough to bear my offspring, behave as such.”

  “Fuck you! I’m not your fucking breeder.”

  “It wasn’t a request,” he said, his tone dangerous.

  I snickered.

  Apollo lashed out, grabbing me. I hugged the edge of the gold table and used it as my anchor as he pulled me toward him. I resisted, kicking him.

  He waved a hand, and the table vanished, but I remained.

  Before I fell to my face at the sudden absence of furniture, Apollo hauled me to the open dance floor, his arm wrapping around my waist in an iron grip.

  Then we were on the move.

  It wasn’t a dance. He was dragging me back and forth while I countered his every move as I stumbled along.

  And this sun god called my mates barbaric. My males had never forced anything on me. They’d always respected my will, no matter how ridiculous and stubborn it had been at times. They spoiled me to no end.

  I raised a foot to stomp on him, my high-heel aiming for his toe, but he lifted me, leaving my feet to dangle in the air. I managed to bend a knee, ready to drive it hard into his nuts.

  “I’d caution you not to do that,” he said, pressing my body roughly against his. He was unbelievably strong, and his power was like that of a flaming star from deep space. It shouldn’t have surprised me, but it dismayed me. “You can’t hurt me. I’m a god. You’ll only arouse me if you continue fighting. And I don’t think you’ll want that with everyone watching. Or do you?”

  No one was watching. No one dared to watch.

  I straightened my knee. “Put me down!”

  “Will you behave?”

  “If you let me off the fucking dance floor.”

  “You’ll leave the dance floor only when you can dance properly. If you don’t know how, you can follow my lead, as you should always do. If you want the hard way, so be it. I’ve tamed the wildest horse in the universe and made it my personal ride. You’re no different than the wild beast.”

  I swung my arm to punch his ear, hoping to make it ring, but he grabbed both my wrists, lightning fast. Before I could kick him again, his legs clamped around mine, trapping them completely.

  “You really want to make a scene, little doll? I’m not like your pathetic lovers. Don’t think for a moment I’ll put up with your every whim and tantrum. And I have no issue tearing your gown off, right here, right now. You’ll never rein me in, but I’ll rule you. It’s time for you to learn your place.”

  His large hand hurled my wrists over my head, his height of over seven feet playing to his favor. His free hand seizing my chin, he dipped his head to crush his lips toward me.

  The vicious determination in his dark green eyes indicated that even his kiss would be a battle. It was a declaration of war, conquering and bruising. Before his lips could meet mine, I drove my forehead against his with all the strength I possessed.

  Wrath ignited in his eyes, and he grabbed my hair, yanking my head backwards. His mouth slammed onto mine. I hissed and my jaw opened. Just before my fangs emerged, he bit my bottom lip, the scent of his arousal hitting my nostrils.

  “Well, well.” A masculine voice boomed beside us. “What do we have here?”

  Apollo jerked his head back, and my enraged eyes burned into a gorgeous god clad in black and white armor that hugged his powerful body like a second skin.

  A white vulture perched on his broad shoulder, its predatory eyes locked on me. Then the creature half-unfolded its wings and took off.

  “Ares,” Apollo hissed. “You should have announced yourself at the entrance. It’s a basic courtesy to me!”

  Ares laughed, his golden eyes that held heavenly fire fixed on me, wicked delight swirling in them.

  He was even taller and broader than Apollo. He didn’t carry a gold spear as the myth said. Despite his good-humored laughter, one could spot his nasty, hot temper lurking beneath it. Violence vibrated in his every fiber. Of course, the God of War was the incarnation of violence and carnage.

  The son of King Zeus and Queen Hera was one of the most powerful gods in existence. That was why Apollo aligned himself with Ares. Without the support of the war god, he could never rebel against Zeus.

  I wondered between these two punks who had recruited whom first. Alaric had once told me that Ares was an utter brute, vicious as hell, and Apollo was a sneaky, scheming pimp.

  “Then I’d have missed out on all the fun,” Ares said, his full attention on me. “I’ve never seen a partner dancing like that, dragging the other back and forth, scratching the floor. Is that the newest move in town while I was away?”

  While Apollo was distracted, I gathered my strength and wrenched my wrists in opposite directions, breaking his hold on me. At the same time, my fist struck out.

  Score! I punched the sun god in the face, hitting right on the corner of his lips.

  He threw his head backwards, a surprised look flitting across his face. He hadn’t expected my kind of strength. He should have. I was a goddess after all, but pain also exploded from my knuckles that had made contact with his teeth.

  Ares doubled over, roaring with laughter.

  Snarling, Apollo flung me across the floor before I could swing another punch toward his ear. At the same moment, Ares moved like a dark flash. Before I could lash out at him as well, his hands were at my throat.

  “What the fuck are you doing, Ares?” Apollo shouted. “She can’t be unleashed. She’s too difficult to manage! That’s why she had to have four lovers. Even the four barbarians could barely handle her.”

  My mates had never handled or controlled me. While they were overprotective, they also let me do my own shit.

  I rolled across the hard, golden floor, and rose in a crouch, snarling. My power surged in me, buzzing on my skin.

  Ares had torn the torque from my neck.

Where’s the fun in leashing such a wild thing?” Ares scoffed. “I like fierce felines. The more savage, the better. The reward and joy are always greater when they finally succumb to me.”

  The God of War was called the conqueror in the battlefield and in the bedroom. He even made the Goddess of Love his long-term lover, and she bore him three children.

  But tame me? The fuckers could try. I didn’t bend, and I would never break.

  “We’re lucky that she hasn’t come into her full power yet,” Apollo hissed, “but she’s still a hard nut to crack. Now the little bitch is your problem.”

  Ares spun the torque in his fingers. “A little challenge is healthy for the appetite. We must show the fiery little goddess we are her men, without binding her power. That’s the only way to make a bitch comply.”

  “I wish you the best of luck.” Apollo crossed his bulky arms over his chest and stood by to watch.

  Ares’s eyes roved over me inch by inch.

  “Done gawking, asshole?” I asked with my chin pointing at him.

  Apollo hooted.

  My target was the torque in Ares’s hand, but I couldn’t let him know my desperate intention. I held his golden gaze, as if he was the focus point of the universe.

  Apollo hissed, obviously jealous, since I’d never looked at him with such intensity.

  Ares smirked in predatory delight.

  But I was no one’s prey.

  “Cass, right?” Ares asked. “You’re the one who still gives my son nightmares.”

  “He actually enjoyed his time with me,” I said, acting casual as I secretly worked my muscles. My power was back, eager to lash out. “Did he ask you to say hi to me? I’ve missed the sweet kid.”

  “My son is an eon older than you.” Ares laughed. “I didn’t expect you to have such a sweetly cynical sense of humor at such a young age, but then, our kind usually reaches maturity at birth. But I heard you had a brief childhood.”

  My flames, a blend of black and blue that had burned through the poison of the Devil’s Love and ripped apart Hephaestus’s gold net, shot a stream toward the torque in Ares’s hand.


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