by Bing West
Cpl Cameron Ferguson Cpl Juan Fernandez
LCpl Derek Fetterolf LCpl Mason Fisher
Mr John Flicker LCpl John Paul Flores
Maj Foay Sgt Jennifer Forman
CWO Stanley Foster SgtMaj Philip Freed
Lt Kevin Frost 1/Sgt Derek Fry
Sgt Terry Fullerton Sgt Timothy Funke
1/Lt David Funkhouser Capt Mike Gaines
LCpl Josh Galbreath SSgt Andrew Garcia
Capt Jer Garcia Capt Ken Gardner
LCpl Zac Garland Cpl Daniel Gattoni
Capt Robert George Sgt David Gettemeir
1/Lt Brian Gibbons Maj Greg Gillette
Maj Brian Gilman LCpl Brian Gilmore
LCpl Steven Gips 1/Lt Joshua Glover
LCpl Graham Golden LCpl Carlos Gomez
LCpl Aaron Gordon Capt Brad Gordon
Capt Kurt Gordon Mr Michael Gordon
Sgt Jonathan Graham Lt Jesse Grapes
LCpl Toby Gray Capt Greely
Sgt Michael Green Cpl Stuart Greenfield
SSgt Willie Gresham Lt Col Michael Groen
1/Lt Jon Gross 1/Sgt Gerardo Gueta
Sgt Jose Guillen LCpl Carl Gulevian
Sgt Carlos Gutierrez Maj Dave Habbrill
Gunny Matthew Hackett Capt Abu Hadi
MstSgt Daniel Hakala SSgt Clint Hale
Pfc Deryk Hallel 1/Sgt Hamid
Capt William Handricks LCpl Chris Hankins
Mr Youness Hansali SSgt Jeffrey Harper
Maj David Harrill Capt Dom Harris
CWO Richard Harris LtCol Scott Hartsell
Cpl James Harwin SSgt Hussein Hassan Lafta
LtCol Hatim Jassim LtCol Muhamed Hatim
LCpl Robert Haviland LCpl Chris Hawkins
LCpl Nathan Haynie Cpl Mandwell Hearn
Capt Brian G. Heatherman BG Dennis J. Hejuk
1/Lt John Helfinstine Cpl Brain Hemmelgarn
Capt William Hendricks Col Pat Henry
LCpl Richardo Hernandez 1/Lt John Hessner
LCpl Michael Hibbert Sgt Jack Hightower
Cpl Caleb Hocking Maj Ronald P. Holden
LCpl Lane Holmes Sgt Allen Holt
1/Lt Jake Hoo LtCol Hooks
SgtMaj David Howell LCpl George Hruby
LtCol Ken Hubbard HM3 Herman Huerta
Col Frank Hull Mr Hussein
Maj Hussey 1/Lt Joe Iams
Maj Muhamed Ibrahim 1/Lt Joel Imans
1/Lt Zachary Iscol Mr Jamal Jaafar
LtCol Jabar Maj Lance Jackola
SSgt Jonathan D. Jackson LtCol Richard Jackson
Cpl Samuel Jackson Mr. Gilbert Jacob
Lt John Jacobs Chief Muhammad Jaddan
Sgt Jason James 2/Lt Joshua Jamison
Capt Joseph Jasper CWO Winston Jaugan
Mr Nate Jensen Capt Timothy Jent
SSgt PJ Jerka 1/Lt Oscar Jimenez
Fhaer Al Joher Lt Robert L. Johnessee
Capt Shannon Johnson Cpl Joseph Johnston
GNY Daniel Jonas 2/Lt Gregory Jones
Mr Stuart Jones LCpl Ronald E. Jones Jr.
Sgt Jesse Jordon LCpl Jose Juarez
1/Lt Razied Zouad Kadem Capt Stephen Kahn
Maj Larry Kaifesh 1/Lt Stephen Karabin
1/Sgt Brad Kasal Capt Kasprzy
SSgt Christopher Kelly Capt John Kelly
BG John F. Kelly LtCol Paul Kennedy
LCpl Ryan Kennelly LCpl Jesse Kettner
LtCol Gyles Keyser Sgt Raphip Khadim
Capt Saleem Khan Mr John Kifner
1/Sgt Klecko CWO Kline
1/1/1/Lt Eric Knapp Cpl Richard Koci
SSgt Sean Kohlmeyer BG Richard S. Kramlich
LtCol James G. Kyser SFC Michael Lahoda
CSM Bryant C. Lambert Maj David Lane
LCpl Daniel Laskowski Col James Lasswell
LtGen Muhamed Latif Maj Byron Lawson
1/Lt Matthew Leclair 1/Lt Andrew Lee
1/Lt David Lee LtCol Michael J. Lee
Maj Leonard LtCol Clarke Lethin
LCpl Daniel Ligon 1/Lt James Lindler
HN Benjamin Liotta SSgt Jeremy Lirette
Sgt Deverson Lochard Maj Mark Lombardo
Sgt Manuel Lopez 1/Sgt Richard Lopez
Sgt Todd Luginbuhl LCpl Ricardo Lulves
Capt Tony Lumpkin Mr William Luti
MSgt Lynch Maj TJ MacDonald
Cpl Chris MacIntosh 1/Sgt Alphonso Mack
Sgt Jose Magana Sgt Lawrence Magnani
2/Lt Joseph Maher 1/Lt Majil
LtCol Pat Malay LCpl Nicholas Maldonado
Mr Dan Mandel Cpl Chris Mandia
Col Mike Manske LCpl Gabriel Manzo
Cpl David Marksberry SSgt Peter Marrufo
Col Nick Marshall 1/Lt Carl Martinez
HM2 Early Matthew MajGen James Mattis
LtCol John Mayer Mr Dobie McArthur
SSgt Dennis McCarthy Cpl Matt McCauley
LtCol Bryan P. McCoy CWO Randall McCrumb
CWO Paul McElearney Maj Brandon McGowan
1/Lt Douglas McGowan LCpl Jordan McGuire
Cpl Jared McKenzie SSgt Johnny McKnight
Cpl Sean McLane Mr. Doyle McManus
LtCol Colin McNiece Capt Andrew McNulty
LCpl James McQuoid Mr Ron Meese
Lt Robert Merrillo Sgt Abdul Merulik
Cpl Darrell Justin Mesa Sgt Cantu Miguel
Maj Andrew Milburn 1/Sgt Alan Miller
Maj Fred Miller Sgt Jeremy Miller
Mr Keith Mines LtCol Hector Mirabile
CWO Carl Mirarchi Cpl Stosh Modrow
Sgt Winston Molina LtCol Steve Moniz
SSgt Colin Moore Capt Jeff Moore
Capt Roy Moore Col Tracy Moore
Cpl Albert Morales SSgt Moreno
SSgt Samuel Mortimer Cpl Christopher Moss-Warrington
HM2 Victor Moyer Lt Michael Mroszczak
Col Jim Mulvenna Capt Brian Mulvihill
SSgt Pete Munefo Capt Mark Murphy
Mr Arthur Murphy LCpl Kenneth Myhre
LCpl Alexander Navarro Sgt John Neary
Capt Arturo Neely Maj Brian Neil
Cpl William Nelson LtCol John Neumann
LtCol Pete Newell LCol Randy Newman
LCpl Roland Newton LCpl Millton Nieto
1/Lt Nofan 1/Lt James Nolan
Maj Jasim Nooman Maj Kevin Norton
1/Lt Knox Nunally Sgt Shane Nylin
LtCol Dan O’Donohue SSgt John O’Keefe
Cpl Matthew O’Brien LtCol Gregg P. Olson
LCpl David Omalia PFC Garrett Opper
LCpl Darius Ortiz Sgt Hector Osorio
LtGen Jeffrey W. Oster Maj Soutsana Ounkham
Lt Jerry Parchman 1/Sgt Roger Parker
Sgt Thomas Parks LCpl Tacoma Parris
1/Lt Wes Pass CWO William Paulino
LCpl Michael Payne Mr Tony Perry
LtGen Dave Petraeus Maj Andrew Petrucci
1/Lt John Pettinelli Maj Robert Piddock
Maj John Piedmont Chaplin Stephen Pike
SSgt Richard Pillsbury MSgt Pinkham
LCpl Andrew Pizzutelli Cpl Ethan Place
Sgt Abelardo Planas SgtMaj Dave Plaster
LCpl Ben Poester MSgt Rashed Qawasimi
Cpl Shane Quarino LCpl Kevin Quihuis
1/Lt Erik Quist Capt Mou Racid
LtCol James Rainey Cpl Jose Ramirez
Gunny Eduardo Ramos LtCol Michael Ramos
Capt George Ramsey Maj Kelly Ramshur
Sgt Jeremiah Randle CWO Tracy Reddish
Ms Elizabeth Regan LtCol Austin E. Renforth
LCpl Nicholas Renkosik SSgt Joseph Reno
SSgt Joseph Repazzo SgtMaj Rudy Resto
LCpl Robert Reynolds Capt Brad Richardson
Maj Brian Richardson LCpl Robert Robinson
SSgt Larry Robles Sgt Randall Rockman
SSgt Damien Rodriguez SSgt George Rogers
Sgt Jesus Romero Capt Sam Rosales
Capt Kelly D. Royer Secy Donald R. Rumsfeld
LCpl Jon Rymes Col Saadd
1/Lt Sabah LCpl Jonathan Salisibarra
Sgt Roneil Sampson Sgt Alberto Sanchez
Capt Dennis Sanchez Capt Douglas Sanders
SSgt Daniel Santiago 1st Sgt Jose Santiago
Sgt Romeo Santiago LtGen John F. Sattler
LCpl Jeremy Saucier Capt Morgan Savage
Maj Thomas Savage Capt Walker Savage
1/Lt Sean Schickel Ssgt Blaine Schlagetoer
Dr James R. Schlesinger HM3 Brandon Schwartz
CWO Justin Scott 1/Lt Rob Scott
Lt Matthew Seekers SSgt Scott Sherman
Capt Don Shove Col Michael Shupp
1/Lt Brian Sitko Capt Mike Skaggs
1/Sgt William Skiles LtCol Phil Skuta
Cpl Garrett Slawatych LCpl John Sleight
MSgt Smallberg Capt David Smay
CWO Ben H. Smith Cpl Eric Smith
LCpl Ian Smith Capt Jason E. Smith
1/Lt Rob Smith Col Jefforey Smith
1/Lt Carter Smyth Capt Rich Snead
1/Lt Jason Snyder Capt Blair Sokol
MajGen Jasem Soleh Capt Terry Sommer
Dr Kenneth Son 1/Lt John Soto
Cpl Ted Stanton 1/Lt John Stephens
SSgt James Stevens 1/Lt Stiko
Capt Kyle Stoddard Pfc Sean Stokes
SSgt Michael Stout Mr Ian Strachan
Mr Chris Straub LtCdr Joseph Stricklin
HM2 John L. Strough LtCol Stuka
Maj Michael Styskal LtCol Suleiman
Capt Ed Sullivan Maj Anthony Swann
LtCol Rory E. Talkington 1/Sgt Harrison Tanksley
Fr Conrad Targonski Maj Michael Targos
SSgt Francisco Tataje Sgt Guy Tchoumba
Dr Ali Thamir Lt Steven Thomas
Mr Jim Thomas 1/Lt John Thomas
Maj Geoffrey Thome 1/Lt Steve Thompson
Cpl Samuel Topara Col John Toolan
Capt Wyath Towle Cpl Brandon Traub
Sgt Daniel Tremore LCpl Joe Trotter
Col Craig Tucker BG Turham
PFC Todd Tviede Maj Unkum
LCpl Aaron Ustin 1/Lt Vincent Valdes
LCpl Rafael Valencia Sgt Jose Vasquez
Capt William Vaughan Maj Jorge Velasquez
SSgt Marwin Vest Cpl Vesterman
1/Lt Bill Vesterman SSgt Anthony Villa
LCpl Robert Villalobos 2/Lt Ben P. Wagner
1/Lt Curtis Walker Cpt Jason Walker
Maj Timothy Walker HM Everett Watt
Mr Matt Waxman SSgt Travis Wease
Capt Rob Weiler Cpl Stanley Weingart
1/Lt Lucas Wells Maj Douglas Welt
LtCol Eric Wesley Capt Owen West
Capt Brad Weston LCpl Andrew White
CWO Stuart White SSgt Roy Whitener
LCpl Andrew Wike LCpl Charles Williams
Sgt Michael Williams Cpl Joseph Willis
LtCol Dan Wilson LCpl Daniel Wilson
Gunny David Wilson Gunny Robert Wilson
1/Sgt Curtis Winfree Maj Mark Winn
Dr Paul D. Wolfowitz SPC Annette Wood
CWO Mark J. Woodward Maj Michael Wyley
LCpl Kip Yeager Cpl Michael Yerena
1/Lt Robert Croft Young Mr Azad Yousef
Sgt Jarid Zabaldo Maj Michael Zacchea
Capt Douglas Zembiec Capt Auda Ziboun
CWO Jerry Zimmerman HM3 Michael Zobec
F. J. BING WEST is the author of the award-winning The March Up: Taking Baghdad with the United States Marine Corps (Bantam, 2003). The March Up was chosen by the U.S. Marine Corps Heritage Foundation for the General Greene Award for Nonfiction in 2004 and also won the Colby Award for Military History. West also wrote the Vietnam classic, The Village, about a Marine squad that lived in a village for 485 days. No True Glory is based on six extended trips to Iraq and hundreds of interviews. Universal Studios has purchased the film rights to the book. West and his son Owen, also a Marine, are writing the screenplay. His articles have appeared in Slate, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal.
A graduate of Georgetown and Princeton universities, West served in the Marine infantry in Vietnam and as Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs in the Reagan administration. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and St. Crispin’s Order of the Infantry. He appears regularly on The News Hour and Fox News. West lives in Newport, RI. Visit his Web site at
The Village
Naval Forces and Western Security: Sea Plan 2000 (Editor)
Small Unit Action in Vietnam
The Pepperdogs
The March Up: Taking Baghdad with the 1st Marine Division
A Bantam Book / October 2005
Published by
Bantam Dell
A Division of Random House, Inc.
New York, New York
All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2005 by Bing West
Satellite imagery copyright © Digital Globe.
Bantam Books is a registered trademark of Random House, Inc., and the colophon is a trademark of Random House, Inc.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data on file with the publisher.
eISBN: 0-553-90142-7
Table of Contents
Cover Page
Title Page
Major Characters
Prologue Lynching at the Brooklyn Bridge
PART I • COUNTERINSURGENCY, April 2003 to March 2004
1. “What kind of people loot dirt?”
2. A Broken Chain of Command
3. “You work with the Americans, you die.”
4. A Backwater Problem
5. Valentine’s Day Massacre
PART II • SIEGE, March to May 2004
6. “They can’t do that to Americans.”
7. Mutiny
8. The Tipping Point
9. Faint Echoes of Tet
10. Farmers or Shooters?
11. Avoiding the Perfect Storm
12. Many Die, They Are Gone
13. Easter with the Dark Side
14. “You wanna shoot at me? This ain’t no picnic!”
15. Fallujah: A Symptom of Success
16. Two-Faced Sheikhs and Imams
17. Lalafallujah
18. Strategic Confusion
19. The Jolan Graveyard
20. A Deal with the Devil
PART III • REVERSAL, May to October 2004
21. The Bomb Factory
22. “Keep the noise down.”
23. All of This for Nothing?
PART IV • ATTACK, November to December 2004
24. The Watchdogs
25. Merry-Go-Round at the Jolan
26. Phase Line Henry
27. The House from Hell
28. Five Corporals
Epilogue By Inches, Not Yards, January to May 2005
Conclusion No True Glory
Where Are They Now?
Order of Battle for Operation Phantom Fury
About the Author
Other Books by Bing West
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