Double Score

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Double Score Page 2

by K. L. Grayson

  I don’t even want to know how much Ryan and Grant paid for this suite.

  “Emma,” Grant hollers. “Get over here.”

  Swallowing, I shove my glasses up my nose and square my shoulders, preparing to face my friends head-on as though last night didn’t happen. Except when I turn around, I nearly stumble over my feet at the sight of the two men sitting in front of a roaring fire in nothing but faded jeans.

  That’s right, ladies…sixteen chiseled abs taunting me, and there’s no way I can park my happy ass between them without melting into a big pile of goo or, worse yet, begging them to let me touch their washboard torsos.

  Hell, no.

  I am better than that, which is why I turn around and stride to the refrigerator to grab a beer.

  “You sure that’s a good idea?” Grant’s voice is as smooth as the tequila I drank last night, and when I shoot him a glare, he winks. “I mean, after last night—”

  “Ah!” I hold up a hand, stopping him, and both men grin. “Under no circumstances are we talking about last night.”

  But, he’s right. I put the beer back into the fridge and grab a bottle of water instead.


  “No!” I say, cutting Grant off. “You know as well as I do that I was drunk. Under normal circumstances, I absolutely would not have flashed you.”

  “Why the fuck not?” Ryan counters. “What’s wrong with showing us your tits?”

  I growl, causing both men to laugh. “We are not talking about my tits.”

  Ryan holds up his hands in surrender and then reaches for his bottle of water, taking a long swig without taking his eyes off mine. Those deep blue orbs travel the length of my body, and for a split second, I regret throwing on my pink panther pajama shorts.

  The men are sitting on opposite ends of the couch. I stare at the empty cushion between them, take a deep breath, and sit down on the loveseat instead. Grant reaches for my water, twists the cap, and hands it back to me.

  “I could’ve done that.”

  He just shrugs. “I like taking care of you.”

  Narrowing my eyes, I take a drink. I shouldn’t have left my room this morning. I think I could’ve lasted the entire day in there, except I eventually got hungry, and Grant and Ryan—stupid men—knew that the smell of bacon would lure me out into the open.

  Eat and run, that was the name of the game, but they were having no part of it. Now, here I am, sitting in front of a toasty fire, wondering if the bulge in Grant’s pants is really there or simply a product of my overactive imagination.

  Damn Daisy. This is all her fault.



  Grant shifts against the couch, not-so-discreetly readjusting his cock, and because I’m the luckiest girl in the entire world, I’m left with an even better view of his erection, which is definitely not a figment of my imagination. It’s way bigger than I thought it would be. And, yes, I have thought about how big Grant’s cock is. You would too if you saw the man.

  He is six-foot-one, and two hundred pounds of rugged, sexy male. Broad shoulders and carved abs from years of working construction with his dad. And enough charm in his pinky to drop the panties of women everywhere.

  Ryan has the exact same build, but everything else about him is different. Where Grant has enough scruff on his jaw to leave me wondering if a woman could truly get beard burn between the thighs, Ryan’s face is as smooth as a baby’s bottom. His hair is brown to Grant’s blond, he has a set of dimples that even the strongest woman can’t resist, and he looks oh so sexy in his firefighter gear.

  Grant clears his throat, and my eyes snap up, landing on anything and everything around the room except the two men staring at me.

  “You okay, Emma?” Ryan asks. “You look a little flushed.”

  I wave a hand in front of my face. “It’s hot in here. Who the hell turns on a damn fireplace this time of the year?”

  “It’s January, and cold as fuck outside.” Grant’s deep, husky voice travels straight to my toes, which are now curling into the cool, hardwood floor.

  “Yeah, well—”

  “We could play a game,” Ryan offers, kicking his feet up onto the coffee table. He crosses one ankle over the other, and good God…are bare feet supposed to be sexy?

  What the hell is wrong with me? I’ve seen his feet thousands of times, and not once have I given them a second glance. Maybe I’m dehydrated. I chug the entire bottle of water and set it on the table.

  I adamantly shake my head. “No. Absolutely not. No games.”

  “Come on,” Grant goads.

  “You know what? I’m tired. I think I’m going to take a nap.” I push up from my seat, and Grant reaches across the arm of the couch. His large, callused hand lands on my thigh, and goosebumps race across my skin.

  “You just got out of bed an hour ago. You’re not going anywhere, kicker,” he says, using the nickname they’d given me in elementary school.

  I used to kick everything: my mom when she made me mad, Daisy when she tried to steal a toy, and even Ryan and Grant a few times. On my tenth birthday, Ryan gifted me a soccer ball, and the rest is history.

  Very gently, I grab his hand and lift it from my leg.

  “You’re crazy if you think I’m going to play another round of truth or dare with the two of you. Not after last night.”

  The men share a look, and Ryan leans forward, propping his elbows on his knees. “We need to talk about last night.”

  “No, we don’t.”

  “He’s right, sweetheart. Last night shouldn’t have happened,” Grant adds.

  Talk about embarrassing. Not only did they freak out at the sight of my breasts, now they want to discuss it? Absolutely not. “I am not talking about this.”

  Ryan rubs his hands together. “We can either talk or play. It’s your choice.”

  “We’re too old to play silly games.”

  “Talk or the game. You’ve got thirty seconds to choose, or we choose for you.” Grant has never ordered me to do anything, and for a moment, I just look at him and try to decide if I want to slap him or throw myself at his feet.

  I go for option C. “What game?”

  “How about never have I ever?” Ryan offers me an easy smile. And sure as shit, those tiny craters in his cheeks wink at me, making it impossible to refuse.

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  “We each take turns making a statement that starts with ‘never have I ever.’ If you’ve done whatever the action is, you take a shot.”

  Grant jumps up from his seat. “I’ll get the alcohol.”

  This just spells trouble, and I refuse to make an ass out of myself twice in the same weekend. “No.”

  “What she really means is yes,” Grant says, walking back into the room with three shot glasses and a bottle of whiskey. He pours three shots, and I don’t even bother to argue because it’s pointless with these two. Plus, drinking sounds much better than talking about last night.

  Grant clears his throat. “I’ll go first. Never have I ever kissed a dude.”

  Rolling my eyes, I take a shot, and so does Ryan. Grant’s eyes widen, and Ryan shakes his head. “No fucking way. You’re not getting any details.” Grant’s deep laugh booms through the room, and Ryan refills our glasses then speaks. “Never have I ever gone skydiving.”

  Grant drinks.

  “Never have I ever had a threesome,” I say, knowing that I’ll be the only one not drinking.

  Ryan and Grant each take a shot, and instead of Grant continuing with the game, he turns a questioning look my way. “You’ve never had a threesome?”

  Is he serious? I’ve barely had sex. “Nope.”

  Ryan rubs his jaw and watches me. “Why not? You have no idea what you’re missing.”

  I shrug. “It’s never been offered.”

  Grant lifts a brow. “And if it were offered?”

  Elbows on his knees, Ryan watches me, and for a brief moment, I see the heat that Daisy was talking ab
out. His eyes aren’t just observing; they’re devouring me.

  Undressing me.

  Fucking me.

  “Depends on who the guys are.” My voice is a little too husky, and I have to work to swallow past the lump in my throat.

  Ryan and Grant share a look, and then Ryan looks at me. “What if the guys were…us?”

  Oh, fuck.

  My little heart can’t take this. As we speak, it’s slamming inside my chest so hard that I’m afraid I might die of a heart attack before I get any words out of my mouth. Wouldn’t that suck…keeling over before I got the chance to experience what these two have to offer? I swallow and blink and then blink again, hoping that my heart will slow down.

  A vision of me crushed between Grant and Ryan pops into my head, and a wave of heat rushes through my body, settling between my thighs.

  “Answer the question, Emma,” Grant softly demands. “What if it were us? What if we asked you to fuck both of us right here. Right now. Would you?”

  My eyes bounce between the two men. Two guys that I have known and trusted my entire life. They would never hurt me. Never make me feel uncomfortable—aside from last night, though I think I can give them a pass on that since tits seem to make men crazy. And there isn’t a doubt in my mind that, together, they would bring me an immense amount of pleasure.

  “What’s your answer, Emma?” Ryan asks.

  This might be my only opportunity.

  My last chance.

  No way in hell am I passing this up.




  Grant’s eyes widen. “Yes?”

  I nod, dragging my eyes to Ryan, who has the biggest shit-eating grin on his face. Both men look at each other, and I watch as they have some sort of silent conversation. I’m two seconds from telling them to stop when Ryan stands up. He reaches for my hand, pulling me out of the chair, and butterflies take flight in my stomach.

  It’s too late to turn back now.

  Not that I want to turn back. Hell, no. What woman in her right mind would turn down the opportunity to be with these two men?

  With my heart in my throat, I look up at Ryan. He cups my face in his hands as though it’s something he’s done a thousand times and pulls my mouth to his. His lips are soft and warm, everything I thought they would be, and I melt against him.

  He tastes like peppermint and whiskey as he kisses me long and slow. With each sweep of his tongue against mine, the intensity of the kiss grows.

  “Take off her shirt,” Grant says from his spot on the couch.

  Ryan rests his forehead against mine and then slowly pulls back. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth and watch as he grabs the hem of my shirt. The soft cotton tickles my stomach as he lifts it up. I’ve never had a man undress me before. It feels intimate and sexy, and even though I’m typically shy about my body, I find myself wanting them to see me.

  All of me.

  I lift my arms over my head, allowing him better access. He moves at an achingly slow pace, causing the material to brush against my hard nipples. I inhale sharply. He tosses my shirt to the side.

  Ryan’s eyes grow dark, his pupils dilated, and Grant pushes up from the couch. He steps behind me and presses his chest to my back. I’m sandwiched between the two, and I’ve never been as nervous and turned on as I am right now.

  There’s a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I’m breathless. My body feels all warm and loose yet tense and hyper-aware of every move they make.

  Grant unclasps my bra and tugs the flimsy material from my body, leaving Ryan with an up-close view of my breasts.

  I close my eyes, waiting for them to walk away as they had last night, but that isn’t what happens. Two large hands cup my heavy breasts, and my eyes fly open. I watch in amazement as Ryan tweaks and pinches my sensitive nipples into hard peaks.

  “Fucking gorgeous.” Ryan’s voice is so soft I barely hear the words.

  Grant hooks his thumbs in the sides of my shorts and slowly pushes them over my hips along with my panties before he tosses them aside. “Perfect,” he mumbles, his lips finding the curve of my neck while his hands explore my body. “Just like I knew you would be.”

  My mind desperately tries to make sense of their words, which is difficult because their hands and lips are everywhere. Kissing, teasing, stroking. “I—I didn’t think you found me attractive.”

  Grant lifts his lips from my body. “What on earth gave you that idea?”

  I shrug. “Last night, I dropped my top, and you both fled the hot tub. What was I supposed to think?”

  “Oh, sweet Emma.” Ryan lowers his head, capturing an aching nipple between his lips. He sucks hard. I arch my back, thrusting my chest forward, and then deflate when he releases it with a wet pop. “That’s what we wanted to talk to you about.”

  “I really don’t want to rehash last night—”

  Before I can finish, Grant cups my chin in his palm and turns my head. He kisses me from over my shoulder until I’m panting and breathless.

  He runs his lips from my cheek to my ear. “What we were trying to say earlier, is that last night shouldn’t have happened the way it did.”

  There are hands everywhere. On my breasts, my inner thighs, stroking my neck. So many hands, that I can barely breathe let alone think and form words. I’m not even sure I remember what we were talking about.

  “Grant and I have dreamed of having you for years. When we dared you to take off your top, we didn’t think for a second that you’d go through with it. It killed us to walk away, but we had to.”

  “Why?” I manage. “I was ready for you last night.”

  “We know you were, sweet girl, but we’ve been waiting a long time for this moment, and we want to remember every second of it, which means we needed to be sober.”

  “And we were wasted last night,” Grant adds.

  That makes sense I guess.

  Feeling brazen and sexy, I slide my hand down Ryan’s stomach and tightly grip his erection. “Next time, don’t run away from a topless woman like your ass is on fire. We don’t handle that sort of thing well.”

  Ryan looks down between our bodies where I’m stroking his denim-covered cock. “There won’t be a next time or another woman. Only you. And trust us, from here on out, every time you drop your top, we’ll consider it an open invitation for our mouths to feast on you.”

  Oh, shit. That’s hot.

  “Less talking. More stripping,” Grant says, kissing a path down the side of my neck.

  “I’m completely naked. It’s you two who need to undress.”

  Ryan removes a hand from my chest and pops the button of his jeans before quickly lowering the zipper. I reach for his pants, tugging them over his hips, only to find that he’s commando. He steps out of the denim, and his cock bobs heavily in front of me. But I don’t get much time to stare because Grant grips my arms and turns me around.

  “My turn.” His pants are already unbuttoned, and when I tug them down, his cock springs free, as well.

  “What is it with you two not wearing underwear?”

  Grant shrugs and kicks off his jeans. “We were hopeful.”

  “I’d say so,” I whisper, my eyes lingering on his throbbing cock, wondering how in the hell it would fit inside of me.

  I’ve been with a few men, but none quite as thick as Grant, and just when I think the situation couldn’t possibly get worse, Ryan steps around me, and my eyes shift to his naked body. In a moment of insecurity, I consider putting my clothes back on and walking out because it is not natural to have something that big shoved into your pussy. Let alone two somethings.

  It just isn’t.

  They’re going to break me.

  But, oh, what a wonderful way to be broken, by two beautifully savage men who have nothing but desire blazing in their eyes.

  Desire…for me.

  My insecurities might be running wild, but that doesn’t stop my pussy from clenching, aching to be filled—by t
hem both. I know that’s not a possibility right now, but I can’t wait for the day when both of these men can take me at once.

  Acceptance must register on my face because the next thing I know, I’m being swept up into Ryan’s strong arms, and we’re striding down the hall.

  Grant walks past us, opens the door to the bedroom I’d slept in last night, and Ryan gently sets me on the bed inside. “On all fours, pretty girl,” he directs.

  Holy shit. I can’t believe this is happening.



  Emma rolls to the side and pushes herself up onto her hands and knees, lifting her tight, round ass into the air.

  My mouth waters, cum leaks from the tip of my dick, and I catch sight of Grant’s hungry stare from the other side of the bed. Nothing has ever looked as good as Emma naked, and I can tell he’s just as turned on as I am.

  I’ve pictured this moment for years. Just the three of us, stripped bare and loving each other the way we were meant to do.

  With his cock fisted in his hand, Grant looks at me. “I need to taste her.”

  I motion Emma forward. She crawls across the bed, which is high enough that it puts her at eye-level with my cock. When I grip the base of my shaft, she licks her lips.

  “You want to suck my cock, Emma?”

  She nods, leaning forward, but I take a step back, causing her to frown. “So eager. I love it. But not yet, sweetheart. Grant needs to taste that sweet pussy first.”

  Grant slides onto his back and positions himself under her. Wrapping and arm around each of her thighs, he pulls her down until she’s seated on his face.

  Emma nearly flies off the bed with the first swipe of Grant’s tongue through her slit.

  Squeezing her eyes shut, she drops her head forward.

  “Tell me what he’s doing.” I continue to pump my cock, priming it for her mouth, and use the other hand to lift her face.


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