Out Of The Dark

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Out Of The Dark Page 2

by Arlene Gonzales

  “Lexie, I know you couldn’t stay there anymore. You are so much braver than anyone else I have ever known. Now don’t get all teary eyed on me or you’ll ruin your makeup and be late for work on your first day.”

  I give her one more hug, grab my purse, make sure my phone is in it, and open the door. But before I leave, I turn around. “Shannon, I love you all the way around the world and back again.”

  I walk out of my apartment building and there it is…the feel of the city. It’s not just any city. It feels like a whole other world in itself. It’s New York City. It’s so different from the central district in Seattle, from the taxi cabs blasting their horns to the people whistling for cabs, and the street entertainers with their loud music. The food trucks with their signs saying they have the best tacos. All the people walking to and from work or school or to meet up with someone. It all feels so different, so alive and busy. You can just feel the energy, the vibe all around you. Whether you want it to or not it makes you come alive, brings you a joy all on its own.

  Right now it is just what I need: something to give my heart a jolt. I need something to help bring me back to life, and hopefully this city can do just that. I pray for that now, for something to make me feel alive again. For anything to make my heart beat again, to give me the sensation so I can have a reason to go on. Shannon tries her best, I know that, but there is still such a big hole in my heart. It’s hard to explain, but something is missing. I know my family will never come back, and I have to come to grips with that. I can’t just cling on to Shannon for everything. She has to be able to live her own life as well; I don’t want to use her as my crutch forever. I hope with this new city, this new job, and this new life things will change.

  I look up at the sky. “Erik, help me find my way, stand by me, don’t let me fall, make something happen to bring me back to life again.”


  When I arrive at the entrance of the Kingston Towers, the strangest feeling comes over me. It’s like something is about to happen. I take a deep breath in and tell myself it’s nothing, Alexis, it’s just first day jitters. I make my way up to the twentieth floor, which for all intents and purposes will be my second home with as much time as I will be spending there. I know the hours will be long; they made sure to tell me that when I had applied. They must have said it three times, and they also said the two girls before me had ended up quitting for that reason. So during the interview they wanted to make sure there was no misunderstanding.

  I walk in and greet Kathy, the receptionist. She’s a kind, older gray-haired woman. I met her the day of my interview; she greets me with a smile. She told me that she had been with the company from day one, and that I looked like I would fit in here just fine.

  “Hello, Alexis, don’t you just look lovely today. How are you doing, dear?”

  “Good morning, Kathy, I’m fine. How are you?”

  “I’m doing good, dear, thank you for asking. Mr. Harlow is waiting for you in the main conference room. We have a very busy month, so you are coming on board at a great time. Let me show you to your desk so you can put your things away and get to the meeting. Mr. Harlow has a major client in there.” She winks at me. “A very important and may I add a very good-looking client.”

  We make our way to my desk, where I put away my purse. I pull my phone out, grab a pad and pen in case I will need to take notes, then follow her to the conference room. She opens the door and steps aside. “Thank you, Kathy.”

  I walk in, so focused that all I see is Mr. Harlow himself. I greet him with a handshake. “Good morning, Mr. Harlow. How are you today, sir?”

  “Good morning, Alexis. I’m well, thank you. I trust you are doing well this morning.”

  “Yes, sir, I am.”

  “I’m glad to hear that. We have a busy day ahead of us, but first I would like to introduce you to a very important client, who is also a good friend.” He turns me around. “Alexis Moore, this is Aiden Steffan.”

  In that very moment that same strange feeling that overcame me at the entrance of the building hits me again with such an undeniable force. An overwhelming push; a gush of air seems to surround me. If I didn’t know better I’d swear Erik was whispering in my ear. I love you all the way around the world and back again.

  I don’t realize how deep in thought I am until Mr. Harlow taps me on the arm. “Are you okay, Alexis?”

  Chapter 3

  My eyes fall upon the most magnificent face I have ever seen. His bone structure is breathtaking. A strong, chiseled jawline, with full lips that at first glance look soft to the touch and deep blue eyes that seem so intense. I feel myself tremble and my breathing gets faster. It’s as if the air has been knocked out of me. My stomach ties up in knots at the sight of the man standing in front of me. His hair is a dark brown—almost black—thick and wavy. His body as a whole is muscular and lean, and he has a mustache and some light scruff. A dimple on his right cheek. His biceps peek out from a navy blue T-shirt, which seems to bring out the blue in his eyes even more. He stands around six feet high. Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome—although handsome is too tame a word for him. The man is without a doubt the most perfect specimen I have ever laid my eyes on.

  My mouth goes dry. I remind myself that I need to say something before both men think I’m crazy. I hold my hand out and manage, “Good morning, Mr. Steffan.”

  He takes my hand. The spark is undeniable. I actually feel the earth move under me. I try not to shake or let him see how much he affects me, but I can tell he feels the charge between us as well. His eyes seem to burn right through me. His voice is husky, deep, and strong. “Good morning, Alexis.”

  This man makes me weak in the knees. He has a knowing grin on his face, but one that does not reach his eyes.

  Oh man, I am in trouble here! I quickly attempt to pull my hand away and try to regain my composure, which is not easy as he doesn’t let go right away. His grip tightens and I try not to look at his eyes, but God, the pull is so strong that I can’t help but glance up and see he is staring straight through me. Great, first day on the job and I can’t even meet the client without feeling like a groupie. Do I tell Mr. Harlow that of course I know who Aiden Steffan is? He’s only the most amazing male model in the world, the top-paid male model. He is in every magazine in the county, lots of television ads, and is always at the front in runway shows. He’s even in music videos.

  I tell myself I can do this. After all, we are a talent agency and I will no doubt meet a lot of famous people. The meeting seems to be going well. We outline the events coming up in the next few months. My throat is still dry. I want to speak—most likely scream—but I’m afraid to say something that won’t make sense. I want to yell at him to stop making me feel this way. He’s probably used to having people stare at him or drool over him, but I’m not and he has been gazing at me throughout the entire meeting. Each time I look from the corner of my eye I see him watching me. I feel like he is a hunter on the prowl and I am the prey.

  I try not to let the effect this man has on me show. I have to keep my thoughts from wandering. Is he thinking the same dirty thoughts as I am? Oh, how I would love to be underneath this man, digging my nails into him, having him kiss me, having him wrap his strong arms around me, making me forget everything else. Yet at the same time I tell myself, What are you doing, thinking like this, Alexis? These are the last thoughts that should be going through your head right now. I have to pull myself together and come back to the here and now.

  Before I know it, he’s speaking to Mr. Harlow. “Michael, I’m going to need a representative with me at the shoot next week in case there are any questions with the contract. I think Ms. Moore should accompany me.”

  My head whips up in his direction. I’m stunned, shocked. I want to say something but my mouth just opens and closes like a fish out of water.

  Mr. Harlow turns to me. “Alexis, looks like you are going on your first shoot the beginning of next week.”

  Aiden smiles his k
nowing grin, as if he has won the game and I am the trophy. Or like a cat that caught a mouse. Either way he seems very victorious. Meanwhile I think that I can’t let this happen. I would be too intimidated by him—hell, I already am and we just met. How can he expect to bark orders like that? And Mr. Harlow actually follows them as if he was the boss? I gather my composure and address Mr. Harlow in a lowered voice so Aiden does not hear. “Do you think I’m the best person for the job, since I just started here?”

  Mr. Harlow spins around to face Aiden. “I think it would be best if one of the other assistants would accompany you. I could send Robert. He’s worked on several of your contracts.”

  Aiden looks from me to Mr. Harlow. “No, as we have both said in our past meetings, the best way to get your feet wet is to hit the ground running.”

  “Okay, Aiden. You’re the client and if that is what you want, we’ll do what it takes to make you comfortable, and happy.”

  I sit there hearing the words, but still can’t believe it is happening. My heart is beating so fast I fear they will hear it. I look over at Aiden. He has a very satisfied smile on his face.

  We reach the end of the meeting. Before Mr. Harlow excuses himself, he says, “Alexis can walk you out. I have another meeting to attend to.”

  We’re alone. A shiver runs down my arms. I take a deep breath and tell myself I need to get out of the room fast. I’m in such a rush gathering the paperwork that one of the files falls to the floor. We both bend to pick it up and our hands touch. I can sense the gravity between us, the way he makes me tremble. I have never felt this before, not even with…No, I don’t dare go there.

  In a deep, soft voice, he says, “Here, let me help you, Alexis.”

  His touch is so warm and his eyes are so inviting, yet demanding. We both stand.

  “Mr. Steffan—”

  “Please, call me Aiden. After all, we’re going to be working very closely.”

  “Yes, well…Aiden. I will make all the arrangements necessary and be in touch with your assistant to give her the details.”

  “Why don’t you hand me your cell phone?”

  I don’t know why, but without even thinking I give it to him. He inputs his number and calls himself. I stand there wondering if that really just happened. Did Aiden Steffan really just give me his number, and more importantly, does he also have my number now? Then just like that, he answers my question.

  “Now you have my number. You can call me personally.”

  As he gives me my phone back, I say, “And now you also have my number. Or was that your intention all along?” I try not to sound accusing.

  He smiles. “Just call me and I will answer.”

  We walk to the elevators and I hit the down button. When the doors open, he takes a step, turns, takes my hand in his, and lightly brushes a soft kiss on my knuckles.

  “I look forward to hearing from you, Alexis.”

  He says my name in such a way that my mouth is dry again. The kiss he lightly planted told me that I was right about his lips being soft. I stand there feeling my legs shake for what seems like forever, but is only a second. “Yes, I will call you with the details.”

  Then he’s gone. I turn to walk back to my desk and see Kathy grinning. “He’s left quite an effect on you, Alexis.” It feels like my skin is on fire from his touch. Trying to seem calm, I tell her, “I’m sure he does that to all the women he meets.”

  “Yes, I’m sure of that as well, but my dear, I also saw the way he looked at you and I have not seen that before.”


  The rest of the day goes smoothly. I’m introduced to a few of the people who work in the office: Linda, one of the accountants; Robert, one of the lawyers for the firm; Lee in advertising; and a couple other clients.

  We wrap up our meeting with another model client. He is new to the business and is very eager to get work, so we have to walk him through each step, explaining that it takes time and a lot of marketing on our part to get him in front of the public. Since it’s almost six, I know this is our last meeting and I will be going home. I walk to my desk and find a beautiful bouquet of red camellias with a note.

  I ask Kathy, “Do you know who sent these?”

  “No, the delivery boy just said they were for you.”

  I open the envelope and as I read the note, I feel my whole body shiver and flush at the same time. They’re from Aiden.

  The note reads:

  I thought these were perfect. They represent what you have done to me. You have started a fire in me, one only you can put out.

  I don’t even know how I’m supposed to react. Is this a game to him? Does he do this to every woman he meets? Does he not know how he is affecting me? Am I even ready for all this to be happening? I pray that I make it through this, whatever this is. But right now my stomach is all tied up in knots, my chest feels tight, and my breathing becomes faster and harder. I close my hand tightly with the note in it. I have to hold on to the desk in order to steady myself.

  It is not going to be easy to resist him, and I don’t even know if I want to, but I’m still reeling from the loss of my family. Plus I don’t want my job to be put in jeopardy because of a relationship with a client. I gather my things to go home. Maybe the walk will help me think clearly.


  When I get home, Shannon is making her famous chicken casserole. It’s actually the only thing she knows how to make, but it’s very good.

  She takes one look at me and can tell something is on my mind. “Okay, Lexie, spill it.”

  I try to act as if there is nothing wrong and I don’t have anything on my mind. But I know the expression on my face tells a different story.

  “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

  She arches her eyebrows and gives me a smirk. “Alexis Moore, tell me what I know you’re dying to say.”

  If there is one person who can give me no-nonsense advice, it is Shannon. She is so much more adventurous then I am. She has done so much more in her life than anyone else I know. She grew up with money and traveled the world with her parents. She knows how to deal with people. With a smile that I can’t hide, I say, “I better get a couple of beers. This is big. I can tell you while we eat.”

  We sit down and I grab a fork. “Oh, this looks good, I’m starving.”

  She gives me a stern look; I can tell she is waiting impatiently. She crosses her arms over her chest. “Lexie, are you really going to make me suffer?”

  I have the biggest grin on my face. I can’t contain my excitement. I put the fork down, take a gulp of my beer, and start, “Okay, okay, so I get to work this morning and who is the first client I meet?” Now my voice has reached a higher pitch. “None other than the world’s biggest model himself, the one and only Aiden Steffan!” I throw both my hands over my mouth as if I’m trying to hold my screams in.

  “What!” she yells. “No way! Oh man, what I wouldn’t give to meet him. Is he as gorgeous in person as he is in all his pictures?”

  I tell her everything that happened, from the kiss he gave me on my hand to the way he made me feel when we touched, and how he gave me his personal cell number, plus the bouquet of flowers with the note, and what it said. She looks at me with her eyes bigger than I have ever seen them. The expression on her face is priceless.

  “Alexis Moore, he wants you. If there is one thing I know, it’s men. And by everything you’ve said, Aiden wants you. Are you going to call him?”

  “I don’t know. I’ll probably just make all the arrangements and call his assistant. I can’t call him. I need to be able to keep my job—remember, the job that I just started? Plus I have to find a way to get out of going on that shoot next week.”

  “Oh no you don’t, Lexie! Where is the shoot?”

  “That’s another thing Shannon, we just moved here. I mean, you came to stay with me till I could function on my own. I can’t just abandon you now for a whole week.”

  “What are you talking about? Where is the

  “It’s at Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas. It’s a weeklong shoot. I just started my first job, this man makes my stomach get all tied up in knots, and I’m supposed to go to this beautiful island with him for a whole week. I am going to mess it up, Shannon, I just know it. When I looked into his eyes, I went weak in the knees and my heart started pounding out of my chest. It was so loud I thought he was going to hear it. It took everything I had to get through the meeting.”

  “Oh, Alexis, you’ve had to deal with more than your share in life. This is just one more thing, and you will face it head on and come out a winner.”

  We finish dinner and I clean the kitchen. We’re about to settle on the couch to watch a movie when Shannon turns to me and says, “I have some news of my own that I think you’ll want to hear.”

  “Oh really, and you haven’t said anything?”

  “Well, I am now.”

  “Okay, tell me.”

  She gives me one of her big smiles, and I know I will like this news. “I’ve talked to my parents and made arrangements to have all my things moved here.”

  I yell, “What! Are you serious? You’re moving here with me for good!”

  “Yes, Lexie, for as long as you want me to. I’ll stay here with you.”

  I hug her and we both jump up and down. Shannon tells me, “This is going to be good for both of us.” Laughing, we dance around the couch.

  We start to chant, over and over again, “Crazy is as crazy does.” It’s a saying that we have had since junior high. One day at lunch, I said someone—I can’t even remember who—was crazy, and Shannon suddenly said “Crazy is…”

  Then I chimed in, saying, “As crazy does.”


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