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Out Of The Dark

Page 5

by Arlene Gonzales

  “Aiden, why me?”

  “Whatever do you mean, Alexis?”

  “You know what I’m trying to say. You can have any woman you want, so why are you here with me? I’m a nobody and I’ve seen some of the women you’ve been linked with. I don’t look like any of them, so why are you with me?”

  “I have told you before, you are so beautiful. And yes, you don’t look like any of the other women I’ve dated, that’s what makes you so special. Baby, you are in a league all your own. I want to be with you because from the moment that I laid eyes on you, I felt my heart beat faster. It’s a feeling I have never had before. You have an innocence about you, an honesty, you are like a breath of fresh air. Alexis, any man would be lucky to have you, and I want to be that man. You made me come alive again. You make me see things that I have never experienced before, and it scares the hell out of me.”

  I can’t help but smile because of what he makes me feel. When I’m done he steps out and grabs two towels, wraps one around his waist, and dries me off with the other. He goes to the back of the bathroom door and gets a robe, draping the plush fabric over me.

  “You have such long, beautiful hair,” he says, motioning for me to sit on the stool in front of the mirror. Then he starts to brush my hair, and he gets the blow dryer to dry it when he is done. Afterwards, clean and dry, we go back to bed. We fall asleep in each other’s arms later that night.


  Morning light filters through the window as I wake up. Aiden’s still asleep, so I take advantage of this time and study his features, his tanned skin, and his dark, unruly hair. A smattering of lighter-colored hair covers his chest. Broad shoulders and developed arms make him look so big and strong just like a chiseled statue. That oh-so-happy, happy trail leads down to what I can only call heaven.

  I try not to move too much, as I do not want to wake him, but I have to use the bathroom. I manage to slide out from under his arm with as little movement as possible. When I come back, he’s still asleep, so I decide to go into his closet. I didn’t think anybody could have more clothes then Shannon, but I was wrong. I run my hand across his suits, shirts, and jeans and smell them. Then I open his drawers. I know I shouldn’t be doing this, but I can’t help myself.

  I hear him stirring in bed, so I quickly climb back in before he realizes I even left it. He moans and blinks a few times. Once he opens his eyes, even just waking up, they’re as breathtaking as the night before, blue and piercing.

  He smiles and the dimple in his right cheek deepens. “Sei bellissima,” he says.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means, you’re beautiful.”

  My cheeks turn red.

  “Oh, I did not mean to embarrass you, but such beauty as you have needs to be worshipped, and I am just the man to do that.” He pulls me on top, and I straddle him with my legs. I run my hands up his chest, to his broad shoulders, down his arms. His body is so firm and muscular. With one hand on the nape of my neck, he pulls me down for a soft kiss.

  “Aiden, I haven’t washed my mouth yet, and as much as I want to kiss you I don’t want you to smell my bad breath.”

  He lets out a low laugh. “Let me worry about that.” He kisses me, then pretends to faint.

  I playfully slap his chest, and he opens his eyes and tells me, “I don’t care right now.” Then his lips begin to move along my jaw to my earlobe and down my neck. He positions his erection at my sex and lowers me onto him so I can take in his girth.

  “You feel so good, baby.”

  We begin to move together slowly at first, then I match his pace thrust for thrust.

  “Oh yes,” I moan, throwing my head back.

  “Look at me, Alexis. I want you looking into my eyes when you come.” A grunt comes from deep within his chest, and his grip on me tightens. His fingers dig into my ass. “Oh fuck.”

  And as one, we come fast and hard. I lie on his chest for a while. Then he rolls us over so we face each other. Ocean blue eyes look into emerald green, and we stay like this for what seems like an eternity.

  “We should eat before I take you home.” And just like that, the warmth in his eyes turns into a cold, dark blue. I knew at some point I would have to go home, but I didn’t know it would feel like someone just knocked the air out of me. It’s funny how his mood changes on a dime. Aiden gets up and holds out his hand for me.

  “Come, let’s get dressed.”

  We dress in silence, then head on out to the car without saying a word. Ever the gentleman, he opens the door for me, then makes his way around to the driver’s side to get into the car. We park and go into a Starbucks. I find us a table while Aiden waits in line to order. I see all the women stop and stare, putting on their best smiles. A couple of them ask if he can take a picture with them and some ask for an autograph. Aiden, charming as always and being the professional that he is, agrees. At this rate we won’t ever eat. He looks over at me and we lock eyes. It feels like he is somewhere else, and someone else. Then he gets our drinks and muffins and makes his way over to me.

  “I am sorry for the delay, Alexis.”

  “No, it’s fine, really. I understand. They want a picture to show their friends and family. You must be used to it.”

  We finish our muffins and drinks, then get to his car and drive off. The whole ride he is silent, and I can feel him pulling away. Did I really think I’d be different from the rest of the women he’s had in his bed?

  He parks in front of my apartment building, walks around to my side, and opens the door for me. I take his hand and we walk up to the entrance of the apartment.

  “I had a really good time, Alexis.”

  Really? As if we only went out to dinner and a movie? Oh yes, Aiden, did you forget the part where we made love in your bed, plus your shower, oh yeah, and again in your bed? Did you forget all that? But you have the nerve to say, “I had a good time.”

  I look right into his eyes and he seems nervous, almost scared. He shifts from one foot to the other. Glances back and forth from me to the car. I don’t want to make him feel pity for me, so I try to sound as casual as he just did. “Thank you, Aiden, for a lovely night. Goodbye.”

  I turn to walk in but he pulls me back to him. His hands rest on my back, and he kisses me with such need that when he releases me, I quiver.

  “My beautiful Alexis, I will call you. I don’t want this moment to end, so for now I will just say, until I see you again.”


  The rest of the weekend I pack and get ready for the trip to the Green Turtle Cay in the Bahamas. Sunday night, Shannon and I decide to go out for dinner. We go to a little café just around the corner.

  “What’s on your mind, Alexis?”

  “Aiden hasn’t called. I think he got what he wanted and now he’ll just see me as another girl he got into his bed.”

  “No, you can’t think like that. It’s only been one day.”

  “I just don’t see why he would want to be with me, Shannon. I mean, have you seen him?”

  She giggles. “Of course! Me and every other red-blooded woman have seen him, but I also see you and what I see is beautiful.”

  “He can have any woman he wants, whenever he wants. I don’t think he will be satisfied with just one.”

  “Give the man a chance, Lexie. If he’s smart, he’ll know what I have known since the first day I met you in middle school: you are a keeper.”

  We finish eating and go home. When we get to our door there is a large arrangement of red camellias. There isn’t a note, but I know who they’re from. I get the biggest smile on my face.

  Shannon bumps my shoulder. “See, I told you!”

  Monday morning at the office I get all the paperwork I will need for my upcoming trip.

  Michael walks through the doorway. “Got your bags with you?”

  “Yes, I have everything I need.”

  “What time is the flight? Is Aiden coming here first?”

  “No, he’s meeting me at t
he airport.”

  The flight is at noon. A car is coming to pick me up. I try to keep myself busy until it’s time to leave for the airport, but all I can think about is Aiden.

  Kathy comes into my office. “This letter came for you.”

  I look at it, turn it over, and wonder why there is no return address. Could it be from Aiden? Suddenly I’m frightened he might not want me to go on this trip, and can’t say it in person. Quickly, I tear the envelope open and read it.

  “Oh god no!”

  My world turns upside down. I can’t breathe. All of a sudden I feel dizzy. My whole body starts to shake. I need to sit down.

  “How is this happening again?” Will he ever be out of my life? I try my best to call Shannon, but I can’t stop trembling. Tears fill my eyes. How did he find me? After fumbling with the phone, I’m finally able to reach Shannon.

  “Are you at the airport already?” When I hear her voice I start to cry. “What’s wrong, Lexie? Is he being a jerk?”

  “No, Shannon, he found me.”

  “What? Who found you?”

  I can’t get the words out.

  “Answer me. Who found you?” She yells, “No! Oh my god! Frank? Please talk to me. Are you at the office or the airport? Do you need me to come there?”

  Finally I’m able to get some words out. “No. I have to call the police and let them know about the letter. I also have to get myself together. The car will be here for me soon. I’ll be fine. I don’t have a choice. I can’t let him control my life anymore.” I try to sound convincing. I need to make her believe me, or else she’ll insist on joining me and I can’t keep doing this to her, making her stop whatever she is doing just to babysit me.

  “Do you think you should still go on this trip? Maybe Michael can get someone else to go in your place.”

  “No, I can’t let Michael down. I just started this job. It’s important that I do well. I promise to call you when I get there, and that I won’t take chances. But I need to hang up now so I can call the police.”

  “Lexie, wait.”

  “What is it?”

  “I just wanted to tell you that I love you all the way around the world and back again.”

  I close my eyes for a second, then say it back to her. “I love you all the way around the world and back again, Shannon.”

  I hang up and call Detective Doyle in Seattle, Washington. He’s an older man with a medium-built body and light brown eyes that are kind. During the whole investigation and trial he was gentle and nice to me; he really took his time explaining everything. He always made sure I was aware of what was happening. If it hadn’t been for him and Shannon, I don’t know if I could have made it through the trial. We’d talked on the phone so much that when I called from my cell phone he knew it was me. Today is no different. He answers on the second ring.

  “Alexis, how are you?”

  Hearing his voice again after so long brings back way too many memories, ones I wish I could erase from my head forever. It’s a part of my life that I don’t want to relive, but it seems now that I don’t have a choice.

  I don’t even say hello. “He found me.”

  “Okay, calm down and tell me what happened.”

  Calm down? Is he really serious?

  “I got a letter from Frank with no return address, here at my new job in New York. I moved across the country to start over, but he found me anyway. Shannon moved with me so I wouldn’t be alone, I have a new job, a new apartment, and I am about to go on a business trip with a very important client to the Bahamas. The car that’s supposed to take me to the airport should be here any minute, but just now I got this letter that came here to my place of employment. I don’t know how he found me, how he knew where I work. I can’t let my boss find out or he may fire me, and I don’t want to lose my job. Yes, my boss is great and understanding, but I’m sure he has to think of the lives of the other people working here.”

  I know that I am just rambling now, saying the same things over and over, but I can’t seem to stop myself. I haven’t even given Detective Doyle a single chance to get one word in. I think he is just letting me have this time to vent my frustration, to let me air out all my feelings. Once, he said the best advice he could offer me was that when I wasn’t able to hold in all my anger, frustration, and anxiety anymore I should go to a quiet place by myself and scream my head off until I couldn’t anymore. I think that is what he’s letting me do now.

  After a few moments of silence I take a deep breath and say, “Are you there, Detective?”

  “Yes, Alexis, I’m here.” He sounds as calm as he always had before. He would always tell me one of us has to stay calm and be able to think on their feet. “I promised you that a long time ago and I never forget my promises.”

  “But he still found me!”

  Chapter 7

  “You moved to New York?” Now it’s he who sounds surprised, and hurt by the realization that I left without saying goodbye. “When?”

  “Yes, I couldn’t stay in Seattle anymore so I moved out here, as far away as I could.”

  “What does the letter say, Alexis? And it has no return address? Are you sure it’s from him?”

  “Yes, it’s from him.” I read the letter as calmly as I can so there will be no misunderstanding. “‘No matter how far you go, you can’t get away from me.’”

  “Take it to the police department there in New York. Ask for Detective Miller.”

  “I can’t right now. I’m about to leave town on a job assignment. I will be gone a week. As soon as I come back I will hand deliver it to him.”

  “Alexis, if it is from Frank it can’t wait. Give me the address to your job and I’ll have him pick it up. That way if it is from Frank we can get on this right away and see how he was able to deliver a letter to you.”

  I give Detective Doyle my address and Kathy’s information so Detective Miller can get it from her.

  “Okay, and put it in a plastic bag so nobody else can touch it. We’ll need to get fingerprints from it.”

  “But I touched it, and the receptionist Kathy touched it as well.”

  “That’s fine. We have your prints on file, so we can eliminate yours, but we’ll have to get hers as well.”

  I hang up, put the letter in a plastic cover, and tell Kathy that a detective with the NYPD will be picking up the package.

  “Is everything all right, Alexis?”

  “Yes…no…I don’t know. I’ll explain everything when I come back, but Kathy, the police are going to need to get your fingerprints. I can’t go into details right now as the car is here, but you have to trust me, please. You are not in any kind of trouble but you touched the envelope the letter came in.” The look she gives me is a strange one. “Please, Kathy, I’ll tell you everything when I come back. Now I have to go.”

  I get to the airport. I don’t see Aiden anywhere. Looking around, I make my way to the terminal. He’s still nowhere to be found.

  One of the clerks comes up to me. “Excuse me, are you Alexis Moore?”

  I am still shaken by the letter, so when the clerk touches my elbow, I jump.

  “Sorry, dear, I just need to let you know Mr. Steffan is on board already.”

  “Oh yes, thank you.”

  I find my seat and there he is in the very next one. “No one else is on board yet, except you. Why did they let me in already?”

  “Because they know you are with me.” He can tell I am nervous. “Are you all right? You’re shaking.”

  I try to calm myself down but fail miserably. Aiden gets up and helps me into my seat, then asks the stewardess to get me a glass of water.

  She smiles at him and bats her eyelashes. “Yes, sir, Mr. Steffan.”

  Oh please, her lashes are so fake. For a second I secretly thank her because by focusing on them I forgot about the letter and Frank, but just as fast I start to shiver again.

  “Alexis, tell me what is wrong.”

  I’m trembling and so fucking scared. “
How did he find me?”

  Aiden touches my hand and I jump. Tears fill my eyes but I don’t cry. I just sit there looking out the window, thinking I’m never going to get away from this man, this monster who ruined my life. I’m never going to be able to live a normal life. Frank will make sure that I am never happy.

  “Alexis, talk to me. Tell me what happened.”

  I turn and look into Aiden’s eyes. He’s genuinely worried, but I don’t know how to start. How do I tell him that because of me my parents and my only brother are dead? I try to hold back the sobs, but I start to choke. I can’t keep them in any longer. I cry and shake.

  Aiden wraps his arms around me. “My beautiful Alexis. I’m here. When you’re ready I’ll listen.”

  “I can’t talk about it right now. Just hold me, please. I’ll tell you everything when we get to the room.” He holds me and I cry myself to sleep in his arms.


  I can smell smoke. My brother yells for me to run, but my feet don’t move. It feels like they are encased in cement. I’m screaming for my mom, my dad, and Erik.

  “Where are you?”

  I hear the gun go off. I’m being pulled by my arm. No, no, no! Please, God, let them be alive. “No, let me go!”

  “Alexis, it’s okay. Wake up, Alexis, wake up.”

  I open my eyes. “Oh god, they’re dead!”

  “Who is dead? Alexis, we’re here. It’s okay.”

  “No, Aiden. It is not okay. It will never be okay, and that is something I will have to live with the rest of my life.”

  Aiden holds onto me and helps me up. We exit the plane and get into a stretch limousine that waits for us. The ride to the Green Turtle resort is silent. The whole time he just holds me, quietly telling me that he will always be with me, that he will not let anyone or anything hurt me. When we stop, Aiden gets out of the car first and puts his hand out for me to take. I accept it and he wraps his arm around my shoulder.

  We’re greeted by the concierge. “Good afternoon, Mr. Steffan. How are you today, sir?”


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